AN: Once again, haven't had much time to go through this chapter for mistakes. It was pointed out that I sometimes switch into first person. I don't mean to, but unfortunately the last story I wrote was in first person so I'm having quite a bit of difficulty transitioning. I think I remain in third person throughout this chapter hopefully. Also I've gone through the last two chapters looking for anywhere I might've also switched points of view. When I find them , I do of course fix them.

This chapter does introduce everyone's favorite gravity girl like I promised. Also I suppose the beginning of this chapter will start delving into the aspects of The Machine. The Author's Note at the end of this chapter will explain more about the Statistics Chart as well as other things people should take into account.

I do also refrain from showing anything related to Katsuki Bakugo this chapter. I'm saving him for later.

Once again, I do hope you enjoy this chapter!

Chapter 3 (Ochaco Uraraka)

[Request Update]

[Loading Statistics]

[Delta Operator]:

[Health… 500/500 (100%)]

[Shield (Inactive)… N/A]

[Combat (t-0): N/A]

[Soldier (t-0): N/A]

[Inventor (t-0): N/A]

[Hunter (t-0): N/A]

[Machine Status (t-1): Production in Progress]

Tadeo grunted as he pushed through the rusted steel door once more. At some point, he assumed G-1006 had come by and replaced it with a stronger set of hinges, because it did not simply break off and topple over onto the floor.

The room was much different from when he had first come across the warehouse. He had spent an entire week cleaning up the mounds of dust and dirt at first. In doing so, he had uncovered hidden treasures much like G-1006. There were at least four other robots, which G-1006 called [Workers]. Whatever they were, they were inactive due to a lack of power. G-1006 himself also explained that he was going to deactivate soon… permanently.

"This unit has su-su-sustained critical damage in combat. This [Redacted] will deactivate once power levels are no-no-no longer sufficient," it had stated to Tadeo. Taking this into account, Tadeo had proceeded to make the most of his guide while he lasted.

When G-1006 had forced the needle into Tadeo's head, he had streamlined the data collection of everything the previous Delta Operators had logged into their internal data base… which was located inside their brain… which was inserted through a needle as well. While he had access to them all, he also needed to make sense of them. With the help of G-1006, he did so.

The Machine was a factory, one that was conscious of the world and its surroundings. There were, supposedly, twenty six Machine's out there. Tadeo's was known as the Delta Machine. The more universal term, similar to what you called a species, was just The Machine. The capabilities of The Machine as a factory seemed a tad bit limited. It had four basic productions, all which had required an unlocking process which the previous Deltas had long since already done for Tadeo.

[Heat: 63.15/s (1562.02/4147)]

[Tanks: 1.18/h (289.1/858)]

[Kilns: 0.03/h (3.21/30)]

[Fluid: Idle]

[Heat] was, to The Machine, the basic unit of mass and matter. The Machine, when Tadeo connected to it, appeared to measure heat in numerical form. This confused him greatly. On top of that, it produced storage tanks, kilns, and a black sludge sort of fluid from this heat. Each one of these had a constant requirement of heat to produce. Tadeo was sure that this broke just about every scientific law concerning mass in existence. Yet The Machine could do it, and it did.

[Tanks] were not the mobile heavy armored vehicles some might think. Instead, these were storage units. For a set amount that increased each time, an upgrade was done. Tanks could be used to maximize the storage capacity of [Heat] or any other product. The only issue was that it required [Workers] to perform the construction which he was getting to later.

[Kilns] were what workers needed to operate. They ran off of heat, but The Machine was dramatically limited in its output of [Heat] despite being able to produce more than enough to power everything. They weren't really actual kilns where you cooked objects. One look at the first [Kiln] produced and Tadeo realized it was merely a small port where a [Worker] could connect. Unfortunately, the charging port of G-1006 had long since been destroyed.

[Fluid] was by far the most disturbing production of the four. The Machine could, from compressing basic heat, create a black fluid which when added to The Machine would increase the percent efficiency of automated production. The current automation rate was at 73.42%. Adding another batch of this [Fluid] would increase that to 76.89%. As interesting as it was, Tadeo did not think he would find a use for the time being.

The Machine was not just a large factory. There was something which G-1006 called The Armory, which Tadeo had at first assumed was a second self conscious and massive slab of metal. After a quick explanation, he was corrected. The Armory was smaller section which was originally hidden under a large mound of gravel. Once cleaned off, Tadeo finally found where [Workers] could be produced. A week of cleaning and another week of experimenting, he got the four [Workers] which he had retrieved intact and booted them up at The Machine to automate [Heat], [Kilns], and [Tanks] production as they were the most pressing.

By then, he was able to sustain at least a fourteen more [Workers]. Tadeo immediately went for their production, which took an hour to merely produce one. These machines were, of course, the exact same as G-1006. This time though, their metal was not rusted and they did not look like they belonged in a robotic parody of The Walking Dead. Their steel was a bright grey. The plating did not appear to be manufactured with bolts holding together parts. Instead the parts were complete metal portions. Their face gave off the appearance that they were just humans wearing a helmet, but Tadeo knew better. Those were their faces and the soft blue lights were their retinas. Their limbs were thin and smooth. Their torsos gave off the idea that they had the armor, but also the lightness to efficiently move. Being so new, they reflected light off of their plating. Each time he received a notice that a [Worker] had been produced, he would set them to a station at The Machine. He would focus on [Fluid] later as he was trying to rush a third aspect which had garnered his interest.

To be able to become "combat ready", as G-1006 had put it, there were a total of four different [Atomic Combat Skills]. These sounded ridiculously dangerous and advanced. Then again, if it was a factory that could turn heat into metal, then what else could it do? These abilities could be enabled and produced through The Armory at a cost. This cost was apparently called [Atomic Material] which also sounded impossibly hard to obtain.

The four types were listed as the following:

[Core Combat]

[Soldier Combat]

[Inventor Combat]

[Hunter Combat]

At the moment, Tadeo could only access [Core Combat] and [Soldier Combat]. You only had one option in each type you had to get before moving on to the next after it. As of right now, [Core Combat] was offering a [Viscous Attack]. The actual skill name, he wasn't sure what it would be called by. He just had those two words as a basic idea of what it would be like. [Soldier Combat] offered a [Significant Damage] which seemed much more appealing than the first, so Tadeo would put [Core Combat] as his second choice. That did not excuse the single problem of how to get the still needed [Atomic Material].

G-1006 had shown Tadeo what they looked like when he had asked. He was disappointed really. He had expected some highly reactive and dangerous substance that would explode if mishandled improperly. Instead he just got a light blue material with a soft glow. While still unusual compared to other elements, this did not appear all that special. There was although, seventeen chunks. Fifteen were needed for The Machine to properly produce the next [Soldier Combat]. Any time he desired, he could receive his first offensive attack. Basically a Quirk. He was practically receiving a Quirk. He just had to wait.

"[Atomic Ma-Ma-Material] generally is retrieved from deceased corpses of Ashen [Redacted]…" G-1006 stated. Tadeo frowned and let out a sigh. There it was again, the usual word that was starting to get on his nerve. "The Machine apologizes for its in-inability to provide sufficient d-d-data. Protocol dictates that certain info be dumped during the-the transition between Operators."

"And who the hell programmed that protocol in the first place?" Tadeo grumbled back to the twitching robot.

"Unknown. The Machine c-c-came into conscious alone and already set with se-several programmed directives for numerous situations."

"So you've just been… following what your coding dictates you to do?"


"Do you not wonder where you came from? Do you not wonder why there are twenty-six Machines out each with the same directives and a need to have an Operator?"

"We do, in fact The Machine continues to ga-ga-gather data regarding its origins. N-not enough data has been gathered to arrive a-a-at a reasonable conclusion.

The next that came up were [Atomic Alloys]. There were four variants which Tadeo had learnt of. Each of them had their own properties and benefits when combined with an Operator. Apparently, Tadeo had health points. How that could work with a human body where they had specific regions that could instantly kill them or damage distribution worked, he was not sure. All he knew was that [Red Alloy] could increase these hit points. [Purple Alloy] affected the shield regeneration rate, [Orange Alloy] affected the shield's reboot time after going down completely, and [Blue Alloy] could increase his shield's entire power.

His shield.

His mother fucking shield

Left behind by the deceased Delta before him, was just enough [Atomic Alloy] to get started. The material wasn't even an alloy. It was a sludge-like substance bottled in tiny vials which were to be inserted into The Machine for… augmentation. This [Atomic Alloy] could be produced through a rather large compression of [Heat] and a second substance which could be produced at the armory called [Fuel]. Tadeo was not sure what this was used to power for the time being. He was sure though, that he would later figure it out.

"You never did tell me what messed you up like that," Tadeo said, rubbing his fingers over one of the vials in his hand. G-1006 perked up, emphasizing Tadeo's point when he brought his half destroyed head into the light. "Assuming I fight whatever did that to you, don't you think it's reasonable that I should know what it is?"

"The Machine and th-th-this Unit agrees with your reason. Unfortunately, protocol will not a-allow us to reveal se-se-sensitive topics until you are cleared as Combat Ready," it simply replied. Tadeo rolled his eyes with a snort before straightening his posture and glancing towards The Machine.

What used to be a single machination surrounded by piles of gravel and dirt was now a flattened out area with at least a dozen different mechanical stations strewn about with large cables all spanning the distance between The Machine and themselves. [Workers] worked in a continuous systematic motion repeatedly where they were to support The Machine if production. Off in the far right corner of the warehouse was The Armory where half of another [Worker] was suspended by two large cables as another set of automated arms welded plating of metal to its torso.

"Then let's make me combat ready," Tadeo declared. G-1006 nodded and they both approached The Machine, stepping over large cables to reach the main center attraction. As if detecting what I wanted, a small part of the giant machine, pistons pumping and steam pouring out of several of the exhaust ports on top, extended out into a chair.

"Please sit, this will t-take a moment," G-1006 stated, plucking the vial out of Tadeo's hand and inserting it into a small slot next to the metal seat. Tadeo watched the fluids drain from the vial slowly through a tube and disappear into The Machine. Next, the robot placed all of the [Atomic Material] left over from the previous Delta into a small box. Slowly, the box closed over the contents and it was dragged into The Machine, replaced by a piston which slid over the vacant spot. "Are you r–r-ready, Operator?"

"Y-yes," Tadeo stuttered as he couldn't help but feel the least bit nervous. It was like when you were lying back in the reclining chair in a counselor's office, vulnerable and just waiting. Or maybe it could be compared to sitting that the doctor's office, waiting for your diagnosis.

"Your brother, Izuku Midoriya, has made re-remarkable progress," G-1006 suddenly stated. Tadeo turned his head to the machine who was fiddling with a small panel.


"This unit assumed that t-the current Operator was experiencing slight anxiety. To counteract this, The Machine calculated that a-a-an insight on your brother's progress would be helpful. He has b-been training hard and well…" G-1006 stated. Tadeo tried not to look at the horrid exposed wires from his side of the robot. Instead he contemplated the thoughtful sentiment.

"Yeah… it helps," Tadeo replied. G-1006 punched in the last numbers before turning towards him.

"Contrary to belief, The Machine does-does retain the ability to feel human emotion. This Unit, being connected di-directly to The Machine, also h-h-has insight on these feelings. We were greatly saddened when the previous Delta expired. We d-d-do wish you luck in your grand schemes, Delta Operator. The Machine cares greatly f-for you and because of this, your brother as well."

"Oh…" Tadeo said softly, not sure how else to respond. It wasn't everyday someone told him that they mattered to him so blatantly. Looking up towards the ceiling, The Machine at the top of his vision, he let out a soft breath of relief. "That means a lot to me… all of this does, you know?"

"Hello?" Tadeo asked again, returning his gaze from the ceiling to G-1006. The old and damaged [Worker] did not respond, standing silently and turned away from Tadeo. The soft blue light it once had in its last remaining eye was no longer lit and the constant twitching and the sound of gears whirling was no longer present. G-1006 only stood there silently, glistening in the light that came through the broken windows from above. It had finally come for the old and brittle servant to rest. Tadeo couldn't help but feel almost infinitely lonelier.

[Initiating Augmentation]

"Thank you…"


[Nine Months Later]

U.A High school's Hero Course, a training school for those whose goal is to acquire the necessary qualifications needed for pro heroes. Among the similar courses across the country, theirs is the most popular and competitive. Their acceptance rate is less than one in three hundred every year. Graduating from U.A is a requirement for becoming a great hero.

"It's like a battlefield!" someone in the front of the crowd baffled.

"They have more than one of these on the school ground?" another gawked.

Izuku did not pay attention to them. Instead he stood there in his cyan green jump suit with his arms at his side. His face was screwed up in a tight grimace as he willed himself not to piss his pants. Sweat matted his forehead before the real exam had even started. Just a few moments ago, one of the buffer and taller examinees had called him out for not being able to stand still.

Before them were the massive towering steel gates of the Battle Center B. Above the already thirty feet steel wall, the towering skyscrapers could be seen looming over as perfect replicas. There were already so many Battle Centers. The fact that each one was practically a cityscape said a lot about the resources U.A had. There must've been a dozen that Izuku had already passed by on their travel to their designated zones.

"Cheer up," Tadeo grunted, patting his brother on the back. Izuku nearly screamed when he felt the hand on him. Whirling around, he found his brother wearing his usual fedora over his head. This time, he wore a rather unusual but plain grey jacket over his torso and had a regular pair of jeans over his legs. Jeans… for this?! Izuku wasn't even sure if Tadeo was planning on even trying. "I'm sure this new power of yours is going to do great."

"W-well, I haven't exactly had t-t-time to try it out," Izuku stuttered, rubbing the back of his head nervously. In reality, he wasn't really supposed to talk much about his new Quirk besides the fact that he was to claim that he was a late bloomer. Tadeo somehow already seemed to give off the feeling that he knew exactly where Izuku had gotten in from.

All Might had a Quirk that could be passed down to an heir. An heir which he had decided would be Izuku.

"Then looks like it's a good day for a bit of… experimentation, eh?" Tadeo said with a devious grin. Izuku couldn't help but lighten up a little. Then he remembered something else.

"Well, what about your Quirk? You still haven't shown me it yet… this Quirk you also so happened to naturally gain " Both brothers held each other's gaze as they sent a message through their eyes.

I know your lying…

Both knew that they had gotten their new "Quirk" from somewhere. Izuku personally had gotten his directly from All Might, the number one hero. For ten months, he had trained under him. Most of it was heavy lifting, but even that wasn't a waste. By ten months, the day of the exam, Izuku was far more muscular and stronger than he was ever before. Physically, you could tell the boy was strong. From the way he came home, his clothing hugging his body with sweat dripping down his chin and his face still red, it was not hard to tell that he went out there and worked himself to the bone.

Tadeo also had a change. His usual lack of motivation and free-spirited self had at some point become much more serious. His usual joking always seemed to have a cautious hint behind the tone, even his stance looked like he was ready to throat punch someone who might jump him. Just like Izuku, he also had gained a bit more muscle. One of the major differences in the two was that Tadeo knew exactly what Izuku got up to, who trained him, and aspects behind his power. He knew that Izuku had pretty much just received his Quirk from All Might and had received practically no training with it. He had a mighty super machine and its wide global network connection to thanks for that. Izuku on the other hand had no idea what Tadeo got up to when he disappeared.

The brothers had a mutual understanding that at some point, they'd come clean with everything personally.

"You'll see soon enough," Tadeo replied, adjusting his fedora slightly with his only gloved hand. "You remember the briefing, right?"

"O-of course!" Izuku said with a furious nod. They would conduct a ten minute mock urban battle. There would be three different types of faux villains that were stationed in each battle center, and they would earn points based on their level of difficulty. Their goal was to use their Quirks to earn points by immobilizing these villains. Izuku remembered the rules perfectly and couldn't help but feel even more rattled by it. Looking around, even at his own brother, he couldn't help but feel amazed. "How can everyone be so confident? Isn't anyone here nervous? They even have equipment to go with their Quirks…"

Tadeo eyed a rather unusual looking boy with slick blonde hair and a belt around his stomach… or was that his crotch?

Dick laser…

Finally Tadeo noticed another individual standing near the front of the waiting crowd. A petite slender teenage girl with fair skin, big round brown eyes, and shoulder-length brown hair which sported two long locks beside her face and a short bob at the back to be exact. She was facing forwards so she did not really notice them, or more specifically Izuku. Instead she had this uncanny look of determination and focus. Tadeo could just barely remember the girl and her Quirk. If he had his mind on straight, then he could recall that Izuku had tripped over and was denied his faceplant due to the girl's control over the gravitational pull of objects.

"Hey Izuku, don't you know her?" Izuku followed Tadeo's gaze and spotted the girl.

"I should really thank her for earlier…" Izuku muttered to himself thoughtfully. Tadeo grinned once more and nudged his brother towards her direction. "U-ugh, hey!"

"I see what you're up to," accused a deep authoritative voice. "You're planning to measure that girl's power of concentration."

Tadeo examined the tall muscular boy as he approached them both. He had black flat hair and wore rectangular half-rim glasses. He wore a rather tight suit with several colored stripes running a lot the edges in certain areas. One thing you could see in his eyes was the slight disgust. Disgust of them? He clamped a large vein bulging hand onto Izuku's shoulder and stated loudly "Who exactly are you, my friend? You didn't come here to interfere with everyone else?"

Izuku saw something flash in Tadeo's eyes as his hand disappeared into the inside of his coat. It was like he was drawing a weapon. Izuku could've sworn he saw the grey steel of a handgun slipping out from under his coat. A quick glare and a silent plea halted Tadeo, despite the taller brother's desire to pop some heads. Where Tadeo had even gotten a firearm, much less kept it a secret from Izuku and their mother, eluded the green haired boy's mind. All he knew was that drawing a gun here was a really terrible idea.

The new tall boy in glasses noticed Tadeo's sleight of hand and tensed at the familiar motion of a fire-arm being drawn. Removing his hand from Izuku, he turned to Tadeo instead.

"Perhaps we got off the wrong foot," Tadeo took the initiative, realizing that it was likely better to diffuse to the situation. "Tadeo Midoriya, it is a pleasure to meet you, Mr…"

This boy, this… tall man-child stared down at Tadeo for several fleeting moments until finally replying.

"Tenya Iida…"

"Ah, well this here is my brother Izuku Midoriya!" Tadeo suddenly chuckled cheerfully while also dragging the currently shrinking boy back into the spotlight. Letting out a slight squeak, Izuku let out a strangled smile and awkwardly waved. "As you can see, we're just two brothers hoping to participate in the exam."

"Okay, start!" hollered the announcer suddenly.

"Eh?" Tadeo grunted, looking up at the center building where the speaker stood.

"What's wrong? There are no countdowns in a real fight! Run! Run!" he kept yelling. "The die has been cast, you know!"

Izuku and Tadeo both gawked at the man before noticing one simple fact about their surroundings. Off in the distance, the crowd of examinees was already bee-lining into the combat center, leaving the two boys behind in the dust and at a disadvantage. Tadeo had to agree with the way this exam was set up. They really were taking into account some of the more major aspects required to work on the streets. Despite his current admiration for the thought behind the exam, there was still one solid issue.

"Ugh…" Tadeo finally said before Izuku grabbed his brother roughly by the sleeve and dragged him forwards.

"Come on!"


Inko Midoriya worried for her two boys everyday they weren't in her sight. When they left for school, came back late, or went off on their own during breaks she would always have that nagging sensation of impending doom. Ever since Officer Fumihiro had come by, she always had the need to look over her shoulder. Her trips out of the house to the grocery store had become less frequent, prompting her to stock up for over a month's worth of supplies when she rarely did exit the house.

Other than that, life did not really change for her. She didn't think it was necessary at the moment. No one had come to bother her and her boys had never mentioned anything unusual going on. Life had gone on as it had before Officer Fumihiro had appeared so maybe, just maybe the theory that Tadeo's past was involved was indeed, nothing but a theory.

She knew both her boys were attempting the Hero Exam at the moment, and she couldn't feel they were safer. If the government were involved somehow, then they'd have to get through the Hero Organization first before getting to her sons. Ms. Midoriya could remember several times Heroes and government officials clashed over opposing ideas. Sure all things seemed swell and many heroes were paid directly by the state, but that didn't mean that everyone was in line.

She could only hope both boys could pull off enough combative prowess to be accepted. There they could train harder, learn to fight, and defend themselves against those who might come after them.

Officer Fumihiro had not contacted her ever again these last ten months. For a while, she assumed that he was keeping his distance as a precaution… but then she saw the news report. Her jaw dropped and her stomach churned as she felt the urge to vomit.

"Approximately forty-eight hours ago, a body was identified alone in an alleyway near the Parkinson Parkway. The body was severely mutilated and deformed from burns but blood samples were able to confirm the body to be of Officer Fumihiro. The autopsy report has not been completed and an investigation is currently underway," the soft spoken lady on the screen said. "Reports also point that Officer Fumihiro had been, according to the Missing Person's List, off the radar for around four years, around the same time two other officers made their disappearance…"

Inko pushed herself away from the TV and rushed into the kitchen to close the blinds. The sunlight shining through was cut off instantly as they were blocked. The next few minutes were spent going through the house and checking that the windows all had their shutters closed. Once she was sure, she went to a small cupboard to the left of the oven. Pushing aside several cans and a small basket, she pulled out a small handgun.

She had bought it soon after receiving her warning from Officer Fumihiro. She wasn't a very good shot, and the mere thought of even putting a bullet into someone made her tremble. She had taken a lesson or two from a trainer already so she was familiar enough with the fire-arm to know how to at least reload and make sure the gun could fire once the trigger was pulled.

Slowly, she slid into her couch, gun at her side and phone in the other as she waited…

She could only hope her boys would be safe coming home. She had kept what Fumihiro had told her from them because she worried that they wouldn't be able to go a day without feeling like someone was about to kill them. Was it really true? Were they in danger? Was someone actually going to come after her family? It was all so surreal and almost impossible to believe. Why her family? Of all people it had to be Tadeo and Izuku who would be oblivious to the possible dangers that lied behind closed doors. Maybe it she was worried over nothing, or maybe there really was a danger lurking out there. Just maybe there was something larger than all of them going on that no one really understood.


"Six minutes, two seconds left!"

"This is bad," Tadeo grunted, his clothing covered in grim and dirt. Izuku, whose clothing didn't appear to fare much better, nodded in agreement.

"Very bad," Izuku added as they ran around the corner. This entire time, neither boy had gotten a single chance to take down one of the machines that were marked as villains. It was actually more that Izuku couldn't get a chance. Tadeo refused to even attempt to gain points until after Izuku was on the scoreboard. The biggest issue was that Izuku literally wasn't even sure how to use his new Quirk. He'd eaten a small collection of All Might's hair which he assumed was for the DNA. He hadn't felt very different after that, nor did he as of now.

"Forty-five points!" Tadeo heard someone grunt followed by a crash as one of the many giant machines scattered throughout the mock city slammed into a nearby building. Iida Tenya, the boy who Tadeo had nearly engaged in a fight, appeared over the wreckage with his eyes already scanning for another target. When he did, he took one step before he rocketed through the air from the sheer force of his legs.

In the distance, Tadeo watched as a floating pair of machines crashed into the concrete. The mock villains erupted in a spark of explosions from the internal damage. Breathing heavily and bouncing on her toes was that same girl whom Izuku had met at the gates.

"Phew, twenty-eight points…" she huffed, looking back at the wreckage.

"Thirty-two!" someone behind them yelled and another machine was thrashed into the ground. The number of villains was dropping by the second, as well as the brother's chances of getting a point.

"Shit!" Tadeo hissed.

"They never told us how many villains or where they placed them!" Izuku gasped, just barely hiding the anxiety behind his voice. Tadeo grabbed his brother by the collar and pulled him behind an overturned car as a large machine smashed into the ground nearby. The debris showered them upon impact, rendering much of their vision out of order for a moment.

"Now would be a good time to use that Quirk of yours!" Tadeo yelled.

"I don't know how!"

"What do you mean you don't know how?!" Tadeo knew that Izuku had very little training with his Quirk, but the fact that he didn't even know how to use it? This was going to be tougher than he'd thought. Balling his hands into a tight fist, he let out a short roar of frustration. "Well we're not going to get you into that god forsaken school in this ditch! Let's move!"

Izuku nodded and they both rose out from under the dust and debris covered mounds.

The ability to grasp the situation quickly and efficiently, the mobility that allows quick adaptation to any given setting, the levelheaded mind to remain calm in a fight, and sheer combat capability. Those were the main basic attributes needed to keep the peace on the streets. Many people had these far under their belt, some more than others. There was although one final test, one that really made you stand out from the crowd. One that made you a true Hero to yourself and the world.


[Large Heat Signature Detected]

Tadeo's eyes widened as several buildings went up in a giant plume of dust. The rumbling that occurred reminded him of that one time there had been an earthquake villain on the loose a few years back. The examinees around the two brothers stopped, hell even the mock villains halted in their tracks as if enamored by the new entrance on the playing field. From the dust rose a giant machine, one of great steel plating colored green. The robot towered above the nearby buildings on the street. Its head was a blocky rectangular prism with red orbs operating on the flat plate as its eyes.

Izuku and Tadeo both remembered that small detail that had been slipped into the briefing.

An obstacle that would go crazy in narrow spaces…

The machine glanced down at the small collection of examinees in one area, rock and concrete still falling from the crevices of its hinges. It was absolutely huge.

With a quick viscous strike, one of its massive blocky hands slammed into the ground. Immediately, a wave of dust enveloped the entire area like a dust storm. Tadeo and Izuku both steadied themselves and held their arms before their face as the blackened crushed concrete and other such materials bombarded them. Yet it was too much and their proximity to the strike blew them onto their back as pebbles pelted them. When the sheer force of the air settled, everyone could finally gather their thoughts. Everyone had thing in mind. Their true nature…

"Less than two minutes left!" the announcer yelled, his voice somehow carrying over the noise of metal hinges turning within the giant steel monster.

"Ack!" Tadeo gasped. A small cloud of dust flew out of his mouth as he sucked in fresh air.

"Two minutes!" Izuku somehow managed to cry out. It would be wasted, everything All Might gave to Izuku. He remembered the training, ten grueling months the number one hero had put into him. He remembered the effort that would go to waste if he didn't move his ass and do something now.

All around them, the examinees fled the scene. Tadeo could even pick out glasses boy as he passed them. They were all fleeing to avoid the mega opponent, just like the announcer had suggested they should if they ever came across it. All of them likely had already a sum of points in their collection. They didn't need this to get anywhere further.

"Come on Izuku!" Tadeo growled while rising from the ground. "We stay here and we're actually going to die!"

Izuku didn't respond. Tadeo grabbed him by the collar and heaved him halfway up. "Look at me! We're dead in a few minutes if we don't move!"

Yet Izuku was an internal panicking mess. He wasn't ready for this type of fight. He wasn't ready to the possible dangers that would come with a mere exam. Tadeo, always the one with the cooler head, would need to take charge. Izuku had the heart of a hero, a true hero. Tadeo knew that no one else but Izuku would ever be as pure as he was, but Izuku just wasn't a fighter right now. He was just a kid. They were just kids. Tadeo grabbed Izuku and began pulling him up and away from the machine. Tadeo had made it his goal to get Izuku through the exam, but his brother's safety would always come before his ambitions.


"Are you mad?!"

"Stop!" Izuku yelled, this time with more force as he rung himself from Tadeo's grip. The taller boy whirled around, wondering what could've possibly gotten into the small boy's mind until he saw it. The giant metal being had struck the street and thrown up large amounts of debris as well as topped several buildings. It wasn't a surprise that someone was caught in the wreck.

It was that girl once again, the one who kept Izuku from tripping. Her gravity Quirk didn't seem to be working on the large cinderblock lying over her leg. She had been caught right in the strike, just barely remaining outside the massive crater caved into the street. Izuku, his mind having stopped the moment he saw the machine, was able to remember one single statement.

"I just think it'd have been a bad omen if you tripped, you know?" she had told Izuku at the gates when he'd tripped over his own legs. At the time, he'd thought that she was a really nice girl. Tadeo even thought he had a small crush.

He watched her claw at the first with her bare hands, her trembling arms just barely able to prop herself up slightly. She would not be able to free herself in time, not unless she used her Quirk yet she didn't and that damn machine was looking right at her. Slowly, it drew its right arm back and positioned itself slightly over the girl. The massive shadow befell them all.

Tadeo watched in amazement as the outlines of pure red volatile energy outlined Izuku's veins all across his body. His amazement soon turned into the form of a proud grin. Pushing past Izuku, he gave him a quick pat on the back and yelled back. "About time!"

Izuku himself barely registered as Tadeo shot forwards with impossible speed for a regular human being. The machine struck, the giant fist launching forwards like a massive piston. The girl trapped under the concrete debris screamed and curled up into a fetal position. Yet there was no massive explosion of impact, just the small cackle of electricity.

[Shield: (-56/s) 2378/4000]

[Warning: Shield Stability Compromised]

Above her stood Tadeo, his feet planted into the ground and both hands raised with the blue aura of energy wrapped around his body like a cocoon, this cocoon of blue which withheld the massive strike. The giant metal fist pressed against the barrier, pressuring Tadeo to his knees as he slowly collapsed under the heavy weight of over one hundred tons of metal and steel. Whatever this boy's shield was, it could only withstand so much.

"IZUKU!" he roared under the pressure and in an instant, there was a flash of light through the sky. Like a graceful bullet, Izuku launched into through air. The crater he left from his leap formed a spider web of damage into the street and his flight formed the core of a sonic boom around him. His clothing ripped all around his limbs as the red energy surrounded his arms and legs.

Clench your asshole tight and scream from the bottom of your heart…

"SMASH!" Izuku roared back, his small fist surrounded by red smashed across the machine's head, blowing back the entire metal plating. Gears and plating shattered as the machine's head caved in. The red eyes flickered out instantly and the shockwave of Izuku's attack could be felt all across the city. The fist that pressed down onto Tadeo was torn back as the machine fell backwards onto the street, parts flinging off as it went all the way down. The girl they would later learn to be Ochaco Uraraka watched in amazement.

The Midoriya brothers have arrived, and not even hell or heaven above could stop them now.

[Request Update]

[Loading Statistics]

[Delta Operator]:

[Health… 736/800 (92%)]

[Shield: (+7/s) 2378/4000 (59.45%)]

[Combat (t-1): Stun]

[Soldier (t-3): Blast, Grenade, Handgun]

[Inventor (t-0): N/A]

[Hunter (t-0): N/A]

[Machine Status (t-6): Production in Progress]

AN: The basics of understanding the Statistics is simple.

Health is basically his HP put into numerical perspective. As you can see, he took damage from his endeavors within the Exam, but not from direct attacks. If he were then to keep taking small scratches to the point that it would drain his HP to 0, then logically he should die, correct? That is where the issue of damage distribution is introduced. Every story with even a slight concept similar to this, which is normally referred to as "The Gamer", normally doesn't delve into this. There are a few which do a swell job though. As for me, this is actually brought into attention in a future chapter as part of the story.

Shield is basically an aura of blue energy in the shape of a cocoon. As introduced in this chapter, it can take very heavy strikes and still be active. In the actual game Armory and Machine, you only get 50+ shield points per upgrade. Even 1,000 points was hard to get. I did decided to give Tadeo 4,000 not in hopes of making him this OP god of war but because his

In Armory and Machine, the mobile game had four pathways to unlock combat skills. For each pathway, you had to unlock the current skill offered to proceed to the next one with increasingly growing cost of something called Material which is represented by the Atomic Material The current attacks listened under Combat and Soldier in the last Statistics Update are indeed real offensive attacks within the game. I did not however give him the attacks such as Bite which precedes Stun. I don't think I could really incorporate a scene where Tadeo would ever need to bite someone so I just didn't add it.

Most aspects of The Machine which were explained early in the chapter are in direct correlation to the mechanics of the game. There are indeed four productions The Machine is capable of within the game, and you can produce machines known as Workers at The Armory. There is never a given description of what these Workers appear as, so I had to visualize them myself.

Also, yes Officer Fumihiro is dead.

Concerning the last scene, I always did find the "clench your arse" statement a bit... ass clenching worthy? It's a weird statement that the real story included, but I do suppose it fits the all around feeling.

As always, I hope to see you all next chapter.