Author's note: I ship Stabler and Benson. When Stabler left SVU, he left Benson. I stopped watching the show, but I fell upon some episodes and some hints that Stabler was coming back, but he has not. I must admit that I love Barba and I love Barba and Benson together. I now ship them also.
Not Everything Done In The Dark Is Shameful
Olivia Benson took a deep breath and put her pen down, Her paperwork was done. It was after midnight Saturday. Her mind was spinning ever since she saw Barba outside the courthouse. She got up from her desk, took another deep breath, gabbed her car keys and within moments was out the door.
Rafael Barba just finished his paperwork. He had no idea how he was going to wind down to sleep. It was after 1AM and he was wide awake. He was sitting on his couch in his apartment for no more than 5 minutes when he heard a soft knock on the door. Quickly he opened it and found a brown-eyed beauty he had gotten to know well. It had begun to rain moments earlier and her dark hair was damp.
"Lieutenant come in please" He said stepping aside, giving her space to enter.
"I'm sorry it's so late. I'm sorry I didn't call. I thought you would be up and I saw your light on." She was speaking quickly. Barba shut and locked the door. He then turned to face her. He waved a hand in front of her to signal he wanted to get a word in.
"No need to apologize. You're right, I just finished working and I'm wide awake.
"How many cups of coffee have you had counselor."
"3 cups of Cuban coffee".
"Strong stuff."
"You bet. I had a lot of work to do. Can I get you anything?" He smiled he was truly happy she was here.
"No. I'm fine thank-you." Barba strode back to the couch, sat down, and motioned for her to sit next to him."
"Sit, smile, let me know if you need anything at anytime." She sat down, his words made her smile and she put her head down, to hide it.
"I don't know what I'm doing here." I can't get something you said out of my mind.
"What's that?" he asked surprise in his voice. She turned her head to face him, and her brown eyes met his green ones.
"Not everything done in the dark is shameful" She answered softly. She jumped up from the couch as through she was afraid. You know what I should go. I'm going."
"Liv it's still raining. He said quickly. He stood up and walked toward her.
"A little rain can't hurt me". She turned and touched the doorknob. "Thank-you Counselor. See you Monday."