This was requested for me to do! I hope you all enjoy. Also if you'd all like, I'd be happy to do a chapter two (Just full smut following that night), If wanted ;)

Disclaimer: I don't own Pitch Perfect or any characters.

Prompt: "I think our friends are catching on that were dating. Let's mess with them."

"Oh come on Beca! Unlike you apparently, I'm interested in winning the ICCA'S this time. You need to get rid of that obvious toner for Chloe." Aubrey said with a frustrated groan. All the Bella's let out a giggle which just made the captain even more irritated.

"What?" Beca said confused.

"A toner, a musical boner." Aubrey informed.

"Okay, that's not a thing, and you're not the boss of me so…" Beca shot back.

Unknown (or not officially) known to the Bella's, Beca and Chloe have been dating for a few months now. Ever since Chloe barged into her shower, their connection and need for each other never went away. I mean Beca joined the Barden Bella's just for that redhead.

"Lesbihonest Bec" Fat Amy muttered under her breath.

"I'm sorry what?" Chloe said, trying her best not to sound concerned.

"Okay enough! From the top again Bella's." Aubrey sighed.

After a long rehearsal, the Bella's were finally able to go. Chloe ran up to Beca the second rehearsals were done.

"Hey Becs!" Chloe said while kissing the brunettes cheek. A blush instantly appeared on the younger girl. Chloe giggled at this while continuing, "So, I was thinking. The girls want to all have a movie night at Stacie's parents' house. Her parents are out of town so we have it all to ourselves. Stacie and I are going to grab dinner while you and the rest go set up." Chloe said, not even trying to calm herself from the excitement. Beca just nodded, already knowing there was no way to get out of this if it was Chloe asking.

Chloe and Stacie were waiting in the line to their favorite pizzeria. Stacie had been awfully quiet the whole outing. Usually she would be making sexual jokes about everyone, but she hasn't made one.

"Hey Stace, everything alright?" Chloe said concerned.

"Oh yeah yeah. I'm just trying to figure something out." Stacie mumbled. "Oh?" Chloe said while narrowing her eyes.

"It's just- the whole time Beca was dating Jesse, he couldn't even convince her of a movie night. Somehow though with you, she doesn't even argu-OH MY GOD!" Stacie squealed. Chloe shot her a worried face, not sure about what the girl was squealing about in a pizza line.

"You're TOTALLY doing smalls!" Stacie said, letting out another scream. Chloe's eyes instantly shot open wide. "I am totes not Stace! Why would you even think that?" Chloe said, really defending the idea.

"Oh hush Chlo, I should've known this whole time. I always see the way you guys check each other out. You basically have eye sex in front of all of us. I don't mind though." Stacie said with a wink. Rolling her eyes, Chloe stepped forward and picked up their pizza ready to finally go back home. To Beca.

"Dude, this place is like totally chill!" Beca said once she saw the two girls enter the house. The house was a three story, brick building. Inside, the girls had everything set up. Their hangout consisted of booze (lots of it), popcorn, pizza, and Clueless. Once Chloe saw the younger girl, she ran up to her and jumped into her arms. "Hey Becs!" Chloe squealed, leaning down to kiss Beca's cheek.

"I was totally right." Stacie said while walking away to take a seat with the rest of the Bella's. Beca put Chloe down and rolled her eyes at the older girl. "Chlo, I think our friends know were dating." Chloe just giggled. The two Bella's started walking towards the couch when they saw no seats left.

"Oh yeah, we thought you guys could sit in the recliner together since we took up the whole couch. My sexy fat ass needs the extra room. Besides, I figured you two wouldn't mind being a little closer..." Fat Amy said while trailing off the sentence. Beca sighed and stomped off to the recliner in the corner of the room, a little further behind the couch. "Wait up Becs! Why don't I sit down first since you're smaller then me? You can just sit on my lap since clearly this recliner leaves no room." Chloe said with a wink. The Bella's all let out wolf whistles. "Jeez Chloe, are you trying to put on a show for them or something?" Beca said. "Maybe..." Chloe giggled.

Chloe sat down on the recliner and held out her arms for Beca to climb on top. It wasn't hard to tell Beca was trying to hide a smile from showing. Thank god she was only facing Chloe, she thought.

Once the movie ended, Beca yawned. Chloe had been holding her tight the entire time, occasionally stroking her hair.

"Bella's! Its only 9:00 pm. What do you say we hit the club?" Fat Amy suggested. The girls let out some Woo's and Okays. "Fat Amy, I'm a little tired." Beca said, snuggling back into Chloe's chest.

"Oh no no smalls. Were definitely not letting you go to bed. Come on! Everyone loves drunk Beca. You always get saucy with someone in the club when you're drunk. Since you're totally not dating Chloe, let's go find you someone!" Fat Amy said laughing. Not wanting to cause suspicion, Beca just nodded her head and stood up. "Hey girls, I totally still have tons of my outfits here. Why don't we just get ready here instead of having to go back to the dorms?" Stacie suggested. All of the Bella's seemed to agree on it. Fat Amy grabbed Beca's hand and ran to Stacie's closet after she told them where it was. "Hell yes! I'm going to get you ready Beca. You're totally going to find someone tonight! You know, that's if Bhloe is still not into full course action-"Fat Amy almost got out until Beca interrupted, "Okay! Just do whatever dude." Beca said embarrassed.

After about an hour, everyone was finally ready. "Okay Fat Amy! That's enough lipstick. Everyone's waiting in the living room now. Let's just go. "Putting her hands up in surrender, the Australian let her go. Beca had to admit, she looked hot. She never wore dresses, especially one as revealing as this one, but god did it compliment her body. Walking down the hallway into the living room, all the Bella's turned their heads. Holy shit was all Chloe could think. Despite the vodka in her hand, her mouth was very dry. "Alright girls! Let's go!" Cynthia Rose said. Once all the girls were walking towards the cabs, Chloe wrapped her arm around Beca's. "You know…You should really wear dresses a lot more often." Chloe whispered.

Once the Bella's got to the club, everyone went their separate ways, but stayed in small pairs. To no one's surprise, Beca and Chloe decided to pair together. Beca was already on her fourth whiskey & Coke (the total drink of a badass may she add). Chloe decided to drink a bit slower than Beca, wanting to be able to keep an eye on the brunette. Beca came stumbling back to the dance floor and wrapped Chloe in a heavy hug. "Chloeeeee! Do you know how much I missed you?" Beca said while still clinging to her.

"Oh I bet Becs. But you know, if you don't let go, then the girls are really going to think somethings up." Chloe giggled.

"Well, why-why, don't we give them a show?" Beca expressed with a big drunk smile and a sloppy wink. Oh my god was Chloe in love with this girl. Raising her eyebrow in surprise, Chloe pulled Beca away and accepted the challenge. "Oh, Oh wait though! I'll be right back." Beca said while stumbling away. "Becs, be careful!" Chloe yelled. Soon after, Beca returned back to the dancefloor. "What were you doing?" Chloe asked curiously. "I was requesting a song. I think it's one you'll like baby." Beca said with the same sloppy wink. A few seconds later, titanium began ringing through the speakers of the club. Chloe raised her eyebrows and giggled.

Beca grabbed Chloe's waist and pulled her close. Chloe ran her hands up and down Beca's torso, skimming just below her shirt. The music was blasting through the speakers, the alcohol was now really hitting the young girl, the lights were bright, and the floor was packed. All of this was overwhelming but at the same time, so exciting. Not wanting to waste time, Chloe turned around and guided Beca's hands to grab her waist from behind. Chloe then started to grind down the brunette, making sure to back into Beca's crotch, knowing the girl craved friction at this point.

"BHLOE IS IN ACTION, I REPEAT, BHLOE!" Fat Amy screamed while gathering the Bella's. All the girls let out a gasp when they saw the girls on the dance floor.

At this point, Chloe had turned back around. Chloe's thigh was in between Beca's legs, letting her grind down every once and awhile. Once the song ended, Beca looked into Chloe's eyes. Not caring what the girls thought at this point, Beca grabbed her girlfriends face and kissed her deeply, not taking long to put her tongue across the redheads bottom lip. Chloe's face was furrowed but instantly relaxed as she whimpered into the kiss. As soon as Beca heard the whimper, she pulled away. Before Chloe had time to question it, Beca grabbed Chloe's hand and ran right across the bella's, right to the door.

"I told you guys, drunk Beca always goes home with someone. "Fat Amy said giggling.

"Maybe we should go check on them. They're both super drunk." Cynthia rose suggested.

The rest of the Bella's made it back to the college dorms and stopped in front of Chloe's room. Fat Amy was about to grab the door knob when they suddenly heard noises from inside.

"Beca! Right ther-Oh my god!" Chloe moaned through the door.

"I KNEW she was doing smalls!" Stacie squealed as the Bella's walked away.