AN: I got excited about this chapter because of a scene I thought of and I really wanted to share it so I started working on this as soon as I uploaded six. Welp. I'm not complaining! I finished it yesterday, but here it is today! Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I own nothing!
Chapter 7
Just as Asher thought she would as soon as she got to Oldale Town she visited the boutique and bought a new shirt trashing her old one. Ralts actually helped her pick something out. They both agreed on a silky blue button up that matched her the tie in her bag as well as the black jacket she brought along. People commented on how adorable they were together and how well behaved Ralts was in public. Both trainer and partner were happy they could do this together as a pair that could be called as such.
Ralts often caught Asher looking down at his PokeBall just admiring it. She probably couldn't believe it and he felt such warmth feeling her heart swell at the idea and thought of being with him. As they continued on toward her home he could feel her excitement grow. Underneath that excitement was something dark he didn't want to know why, but for her sake he wanted too.
It was early afternoon when they arrived at the start of LittleRoot Town. Ralts observed the small quiet town where everyone said hello as they walked as Asher made her way down to the neighborhoods. He watched a little boy playing with his Zigzagoon as they chased one another down the street. He became curious about Asher's home life and her time she spent as a trainer. She was a trainer for a couple years and she mentioned she had other Pokemon. Did she leave them at home or did were they abandoned? Despite her beginning hatred for them Asher didn't seem like the type to abandon her Pokemon. At least not on the side of the road, released into the wild.
Ralts noticed his trainer stopped moving and looked to see a medium two story house in front of him. He could sense her nervousness and guessed that this must be her home.
This was it. She was here. In front of her was the life she left behind. Now she was combining the two and it was either going to very well or very bad. She hoped for the best as she took a relaxing breath and knocked on the door.
Asher sucked back in a breath hearing her mother's voice on the other side. The door open and her mother's smiling face turned dumbfounded. She blinked a couple times.
"Hi Mom." Asher said smiling at her mother.
Marion put a hand over her mouth seeing her little girl at her door. She couldn't believe she was here. She refused to visit and if she did she always had to put away the Pokemon. The last she saw her was about a year and a half ago.
"Asher!" Marion cried as she enveloped her in a hug and kissed her head. "You should have told me you were coming so I could put up…Asher? Is that a Pokemon?"
Asher wiped her face of tears she didn't know she shed and nodded with a smile. She reached up and rubbed Ralts's head.
"Yeah. A lot has happened Mom."
"Well come in!" She said coming out from her shock as she then ushered her inside.
Asher stood at the doorway and looked upon her home. It hadn't changed in the five years she'd been gone. Everything was just as she remembered. Nothing had been moved out of place. The furniture all the same and pictures that littered the walls showing their family, but mainly of them and her Pokemon.
"Is he at least still here?" Asher said biting the bullet. She remembered the phone call that she admittedly broke her heart. She wanted to go back and look, but she couldn't. It still hurt and that meant accepting what had happened as much she couldn't at the time.
"He's always been here. He's always been so loyal to you. I admit he helps not be so lonely. He misses you so much. He sleeps on your bed and sometimes I hear him howl. I think he'll be happy to know you can touch each again."
Asher smiled as she then let out an ear piercing whistled that echoed through the house. In response a thud was heard from upstairs and scrambling sounds. Thunder paws were heard down the steps and in the landing stood an intense stare from a dark type. Asher's smile grew as she looked at the first Pokemon she had ever caught. He hadn't changed one bit since catching him eight years ago. Maybe a little older, but he still had that puppy charm she adored.
"Come here Poochyena." Asher said kneeling and opening her arms up.
Poochyena stared at her wide eyes. He couldn't believe it. Was this Asher, his trainer? It couldn't be. Last he remembered was her pushing him away in fear. He smelled that fear on her and stayed away in his own fear of hurting her even more. Each time Marion mentioned her coming Poochyena hoped he wouldn't have to be put in his ball and that she'd like him again. She never came apparently. The dark type shook his head. This had to be a dream.
"I can't!" Eighteen year old Asher Darnell screamed as Poochyena cowered behind the couch with his friend. This wasn't the first time their trainer had screamed like this when one of them tried getting close to her again. More Poochyena than anyone. He just wanted her to hold him and cuddle like they used too. Maybe seeing that despite what had happened he still loved her would help ease the pain. Apparently it only made her pain worse.
He attempted to hold the other Pokemon back from hurting their trainer and making everything worse. They both were hard headed and this wasn't the time to go at this problem head on. Someone would just end up getting hurt and then nothing would be salvageable.
"Asher please." Marion soothed. She tried therapy and nothing seemed to work. She just wished there was something that could help get her daughter back.
"I can't Mom. I can't look at them without thinking about it! What if it happens again because of me! Because I failed!"
"No. I'm leaving."
"I'm leaving. I don't want to be a trainer anymore."
That was the last Poochyena saw of is trainer. A year later he was gone too. He sat in an empty, dusty room with reminders of the one person who wished would come back. He howled into the window hoping she would hear his cries.
"Poo?" he asked tilting his head.
"It's okay. I'm here now." Asher said patting her legs with a smile and a few tears. She wanted to hold him and touch his warm fur that reminded her of when they would nap together. A comfort she didn't know she missed so dearly. "Come here Pooch."
Poochyena barked happily as he raced and tackled her. Asher fell back on her back as the dark type licked her face and nuzzled into it. He yipped as his tail wagged feverishly. He then stopped and looked at her face. This was his trainer. They could be partners again. He told the other one he just needed to wait and it would all be okay, but he was hard-headed. Poochyena's eyes then caught a flash of green and white.
"Poo…" he growled as his fangs sparked.
"No!" Asher said grabbing him. "It's okay. He's with us now."
The growling didn't stop but Poochyena made himself at home in Asher's arms as he wagged his tail teasing the other Pokemon. Ralts responded and teleported up on her shoulder and stuck his tongue out at him. Poochyena's growl deepened and he was silenced by Asher's squeeze that felt more like a tight hug.
"So, I have to ask dear. What brings you home?" Marion asked.
"It's a long story." Asher said.
"Well we have plenty of time."
Asher went on and explained all that happened after she left. Her mother already knew she went to the university in Mauville City and got a degree in journalism on scholarships and some aid that luckily she didn't have to repay. She told her about the warehouse where she found Ralts and other Pokemon that apparently were being experimented on. That she accidently freed Ralts who snuck his way into her bag to going back and wanting to help them. Also that her apartment was unsafe as they probably knew that one of the Pokemon escaped.
"I'm sorry Mom, but this really isn't a social call." Asher admitted.
"I figured." Marion said. "What are you here for?"
"More like who."
Poochyena lifted his head and word of who. He looked up at his trainer and his tail wagged brushing up against her.
"Raof!" he barked.
Asher let out a small laugh as she petted him.
"Yeah. I came back for him. I need Poochyena. As you know Poochyena have a strong sense of smell and I was thinking maybe I could use that to my advantage." Asher explained.
"Aw! You're like a detective sniffing out clues!"
"Sorry dear I couldn't help it! I can't stop you from taking him. He is yours."
"But you said you'd get lonely." Asher said.
"No I won't. Illy!"
From the open window in the living room came an Illumise flying in. She danced around the area gracefully before landing on the table in front of her trainer, Marion. She bowed and Poochyena yipped in praise at the show.
"Mom. That's a Pokemon? When did you catch a Pokemon?"
"A while ago actually. The last time I visited you in Mauville at your graduation I actually brought Poochyena along with me. He wanted to see you so much, so when you were asleep or out I'd let him out. Anyway, you were at rehearsal or something and we went out on Route 117 and ran into Illy! Poochyena helped me catch her so I could have a Pokemon of my own! I always wanted one, but I never could! I didn't tell you because I knew you'd be angry or get upset with me. Sorry dear."
"No it's fine. I'm happy for you. Nice to meet you Illumise." Asher said.
"Ill!" She greeted.
"She's great around the house and helping with my plants and garden!"
"I bet. Mom? He hasn't shown up back yet has he?" Asher asked as she petted Poochyena's fur. The Bite Pokemon growled pleased his trainer had returned and wasn't scared of him anymore. He could finally enjoy her touch once again and was over the moon that it sounded like they would be together again.
Her mother sighed. "No dear. It's been almost four years. Honey, I think he's gone."
"I know. Wishful thinking."
Ralts looked at Asher confused. Who was she talking about? He looked at Poochyena who only growled at him. Ralts snorted. What was this Pokemon's problem?
Both Pokemon began screaming at one another causing Asher to get up from her chair and step away from them as the two glared at one another. Poochyena continued to bark at Ralts who only looked at him with frustration which transformed into understanding, but still annoyed. Poochyena barked before running out the backdoor through the pokey door to the backyard. Ralts teleported an instant later.
"What are they fighting about?" Asher asked as they both rushed outside to see what they were doing. She had hoped they would get along and become friends. They were going to be working together and she really didn't want to travel with tension among them all.
"They both seem to love you so much they can't put aside the fact one was there before the other or what you've each been through. Poochyena might think you've replaced them."
"I would never do that! Guys please!" Asher cried out to them reaching the open area where her two Pokemon were having a stare down growling at one another.
Asher sighed. They weren't going to listen to her and were going to fight about it in her backyard. She admitted it would be okay so they could test each other and get out any frustrations. The only aspect she was worried about was that Ralts didn't have much battle experience while Poochyena did.
"However, this battle might be a little one-sided." Marion said.
"Why?" Asher asked confused.
"Poochyena didn't just lay around and wait for you. Sometimes during the evening or night he'd leave and be back in the morning before I left to get let back in. That's why I got the pokey door so he could come and go as he pleased. He had a couple scrapes and such so I believe he's been training. I am kind of surprised he hasn't evolved."
"So he doesn't know the same moves I left him with."
"No, he really only kept one. He also probably wants to show you how much stronger he's gotten."
Poochyena growled before a purple ball of energy soared out toward his opponent. A snarling sound whistled as the attack went at Ralts head on. Ralts responded and used Disarming Voice to counter. The two attacks collided cancelling out.
"That was Snarl!" Asher said. That wasn't a move he knew before. From what her mother implied the only one he still knew from before was Thunder Fang seeing how his fangs sparked earlier. That was a move they had worked on together to learn.
Poochyena charged Ralts with glowing teeth that seemed to enlarge. His jaw opened wide and he roared. Asher looked closely and it almost looked like Bite, but that wasn't how he used Bite that she remembered.
"You can see he's upgraded from Bite to Crunch." Marion said. "He's been a good guard dog. Keeps the Wurmple out of my garden."
"Wow." Asher said in disbelief.
Asher then shook her head and wondered if leaving Poochyena with her mother was a good idea. Sure he was much stronger than before, but from the looks of it, she spoiled him. Well, she spoiled all of them which Asher admitted was the reason it took her a year after receiving her starter before actually leaving the area to travel. She was scared for herself and her mom. It had just been the two of them. She caught Poochyena six months after then when she found him sneaking in said garden for a snack. He was actually rather ferocious from this gentler Pokemon. Well at least not when he wasn't in battle.
"That's not all."
Ralts used Teleport to escape the attack and kept moving to avoid the attacks. Getting far enough he attempted to use Confusion. When his opponent didn't stop he was confused which allowed Poochyena to land a hit with the not very-effective move. Ralts shook off the feeling as Poochyena grinned.
"Psychic types have no effect on dark types!" Asher yelled to Ralts.
Ralts nodded in understanding silently thanking his trainer for the information. During his time with his mother she had just started to teach him to defend himself when he was taken. All he knew was what he could defeat and she said the Mightyena in area stayed clear of them.
"Ral!" Ralts used Disarming Voice again and smiled as he watched Poochyena grunted as he took damage. Despite the super-effective damage the dark type seemed to barely flinch.
"Ra." Poochyena barked attacking with another Snarl attack. He jumped forward following the attack.
Ralts teleported out of the way and his plan was to get behind him and attack. His last attack seemed to work so he was going to keep going with that. After this he couldn't wait to start training with Asher to get stronger so he would be able to help. As Ralts reappeared, Poochyena's nose twitched and he turned. His fangs elongated again and this time glowed a purple aura color. He took a bite right where he smelled Ralts appear. Grabbing onto him he flung him into the grass and growled.
Ralts looked up very weak from the super-effective Poison Fang attack. He felt pain before with his captors but this was new. He wasn't sure if he could get up. He needed to so he could help Asher and all those other Pokemon that were in danger.
"Stop." Both Pokemon looked to see their trainer stepping out onto their battle field. Asher walked over to Ralts and kneeled down. "This battle is over. Poochy, come here."
Poochyena rushed over to where Asher was sitting with Ralts who she had moved into her lap. She grabbed his face and scratched under it before kissing him on the nose. He shook his head and sneezed before yipping happily.
"You're gotten so much stronger and I am so proud to call you one of my partners. You and Ralts are on the same team now. No one is going anywhere. I won't let anything happen." Asher said.
Poochyena looked over at Ralts before giving the fairy and psychic type an affectionate lick on the head before also attempting to climb into her lap. Asher laughed. Her mother turned Poochyena into a lap Pokemon. She didn't know if she wanted to break him of the habit or not. This was her team for right now.
Marion smiled as she washed dishes that next morning after the team head out. She was happy that Asher had finally accepted Pokemon back into her life. It made her so much more happier. Despite the mission she was on was dangerous, but she couldn't stop her. When her daughter's mind was made up that was the end of the story. As she placed a dish in the strainer she heard an aggressive banging at the door.
"Oh my, who could that be?"
Drying her hands on a towel she walked to the door to see no one out the peephole. She frowned. She wasn't expecting any packages and the delivery man always said hello. Slowly opening the door she gasped in surprise. This was the last visitor she expected.
"Why hello there. I knew you never really left the area. You must have heard huh? Well, she asked about you and misses you about as much as you miss her. She took Poochyena and they were heading toward Rustboro City if you want to catch up. South of where you met." Marion explained. The visitor nodded and was about to run off. "Oh wait!"
The visitor stopped and slowly crept inside the doorway of his home. This place was always his home.
The night he left Marion told him that he was welcomed anytime. He didn't leave to spite her. He left to find her. She was the only person he wanted. He looked up at her and saw she had a ball in his hands. His ball. He was still considered a caught Pokemon after all.
AN: The part was her meeting Poochyena again! Asher and her team have finally set off to uncover the truth! As for ages of Pokemon I assume they live about as long as people do if you think about it. Some trainers have a Pokemon as a child and have it well into their adult years. Thus Poochyena is roughly 7-8 years old while Ralts is barely even a year if that. Yes, the Pokemon that is mentioned reappeared and no I'm not telling what it is and it won't be uncovered until another couple more chapters, but you can guess if you want! Anyway, hope you liked the chapter! Please Review, Favorite, and Follow in the meantime! See you next chapter!
Poochyena's Moves: Thunder Fang/ Poison Fang/ Snarl/ Crunch
*If you're out independent training and with his age he should stronger than basic moves.
No vocab this chapter!