So I got some pm and review saying with the way the Dursleys are treating Iris she could pop at any given moment through the punches she receives on a daily basis.
Sorry but you are WRONG
In the previous chapter I mentioned that Dumbles made an artificial body through the use of alchemy (virtual cookie for the ones that got the reference to FMA B)
Now the concept of her body is simple. Her gem lies beneath her skin at the same place where it normally would for her. The gem acts as her magical core and soul.
She still has the scar from the night that Voldemort tried to kill her but it is not stuck to her gem. IT IS STUCK TO THE BODY THAT IS AROUND HER GEM. So when her body minus the gem is destroyed she can still live, and she can reform like any other gem.
still don't own Steven universe nor harry potter
Chapter 3
'Another morning, another day in Durscatraz.' Iris thought as her aunt rapped on her door, demanding she make breakfast. She would never admit it to them but she loathed the Dursleys with a passion.
While she put on a new set of hand-me-downs from her cousin. She could her cupboard shaking thanks to her cousin bounding of the stairs, probably so he could longer watch his favorite morning cartoon.
"Make some breakfast girl and don't you even dare screw up Dudders special day." Her aunt spat with more venom than could be humanly possible.
She walked in the kitchen and she directly noticed the large pile of presents that were set around the table. She went to the stove and put the frying pan on. When she was almost done her cousin led by her aunt came in to see all the presents.
"How many are there?" He demanded to know from his father.
"35 son. I've counted them myself this morning." Vernon said proudly. Iris however remembering last year could feel the temper tantrum coming from a mile away.
"WHAT! THAT IS …" he counted on his fat fingers. "TO LESS THEN LAST YEAR!" he screamed with a pudgy red face.
"Well Duddykins, some of the presents this year are bigger than the presents from last year." Her aunt tried to say before uncle Vernon said.
"The boy wants his money worth, atta boy son. We'll just get three more presents when we're on the road."
Breakfast was spent unwrapping his presents, but halfway through the 25th present the phone went off.
"I'll get it." Petunia said as everyone continued to eat breakfast. "Oh, yes. Oh well get well soon Ms. Figg." She hung up the phone.
"Who was that?" Vernon asked looking up from his newspaper.
"That was Ms. Figg she has broken her leg thanks to one of those cats of hers. Now she can't watch her." Petunia while gesturing to Iris.
"What about your friend, ehm, Yvonne?"
"On vacation to Mallorca."
"Marge maybe."
"Are you daft, she hates the runt."
"We could leave her here."
"NO, I just had her clean the furniture. If we leave her here she'll turn this house into a pigsty. We can take her with us and leave in the car."
"NO, that's a brand new car, if we leave her in there she'll just dirty the seats with her freakishness."
Dudley looked up from unwrapping his presents and looked at his parents then at Iris.
"NO, I don't want HER to go with us. She'll RUIN EVERTHING." He said while clutching his mother pretending to cry while sending a grin aimed at Iris who couldn't care less.
"Oh shush, Duddy. She won't ruin your day won't she." Petunia said while glaring at Iris.
"No, she won't." Vernon threatened while also glaring at Iris who was just biting in to a small slice of toast.
Iris gulped. This was not going to be an easy ride for her.
Iris sat sandwiched in between her cousin and Pierce Polkins, one of Dudley best friends. He had a ratty posture and he would hold the kids Dudley would beat up, this ended up being Iris very often.
Now they were on their way to the zoo for Dudley's birthday outing. She wanted to go and watch the lions first but Pierce and Dudley wanted to go to the house of reptiles to see some cool snakes. Or other reptilian creatures. They sought out the biggest snake they could find. A Brazilian boa constrictor. Alas it was vast asleep.
"Make it move!" Dudley ordered not taking his piggish nose of that separated the creature, that could wrap itself several times around Vernon's new car.
"Come on. Do something." Vernon muttered whilst knocking against the glass.
It did nothing.
"Well that blows. Let's go check if there are any cobras D." Pierce said aiming the last part at Dudley.
Iris looked at the snake that was still curled up.
"Sorry about that." The snake moved its head as if it had heard her.
"You, you can hear me? Wait you can understand me?" Iris asked astonished.
The snake nodded its head.
Iris looked at the sign that described the snake, it said that the species was native to the continent of South-America, Brazil if you wanted to be precise.
"So what is the Amazon like this time of year?" she asked trying keep a conversation going.
The snake lifted its head, then pointed with his tail to the text beneath its description. It read: 'Born in captivity.'
"Oh, sorry about that." The snake waved her of as if to say: 'No biggie.'
"MISTER AND MISSES DURSLEY LOOK AT WHAT IRIS IS DOING!" A voice yelled from the other side of the room.
Iris was shoved out of the way by her whale of a cousin, who together with Pierce pressed their noses against the exhibit.
'You MORONS! Can't you just,' "Leave him ALONE!" Iris screamed the last part. She was angry she was furious.
At that moment the glass that separated everyone from the snake disappeared, and Pierce and Dudley fell into the lake of the habitat. The visitors screamed in panic as the snake slithered its way out of the habitat.
"Tanksssss Amiga." The snake said?
"Your welcome?" she said.
And with that the looming shadow of uncle Vernon appeared behind her. His eyes where almost begging to spring out of their sockets and his skin was almost blue. He obviously could not speak without screaming his lungs out so, instead Petunia ordered her to go to the car.
During the whole car ride no words were exchanged. When they got back home after dropping Pierce of at his house, Vernon rounded on Iris.
"YOU INCOLENT BRAT. WE GIVE YOU A ROOF TO LIVE UNDER AND WE GIVE YOU FOOD. AND THIS, THIS IS HOW YOU TEPAY US!" he socked her right in the jaw. She spit out some blood.
"DON'T YOU DARE DIRTY MY CARPET WITH YOUR FREAK BLOOD!" Petunia screeched, which earned her another punch. Vernon's knuckles were now covered with her blood. After the third punch everything went black.
Darkness. Everything was black and cold. Iris opened her eyes. She was not at privet drive number four. Nor was she inside. She looked at her surroundings. She could not recognize the landscapes, it was all a blur. The Dursley had dumped her in some random place, probably far away.
She stumbled a bit. The ground underneath her feat turned from grassy to solid. There was a bright flash of white and the sound of screeching tires filled her ears. The car came to a halt. Just as it touched her hip. The doors of the cars opened.
"Oh dear. Dan you almost ran over that little." The woman said, the only thing Iris could make out was that her hair restrained in a knot.
"Are you alright? What's your name? Where do you live? What is the phone number of your guardian?" the questions that were asked by the man who knelt in front of her went all over her, because the lack of nutrition caught up to her, and she fell unconscious in the arms that first were on her shoulders holding her upright.
"Emma, call an ambulance, I think she is unconscious." He said after pressing two fingers at her wrist.
"Already on it. Damn, no service. What are we going to do now Dan." The woman said as she stood next to her husband.
"Were too far away from any hospital. I think it is best we let her rest at our home and we'll see there." The couple went to pick the young girl up, but as soon as they tried to lift her Emma felt something that alarm bells of in her head.
"She is far to light."
t-t-t-t-t-thanks for reading folks (I don't own this phrase either)
feel free to point out any plot holes