Everything afterward was a huge blur. It was hard to tell where to begin.
They would have to start with her, making a mess of the hall, ghoul blood covering her face and gloves. She was perfect, or at least would be, once she drank the blood.
He could see it; red eyes that struck the darkness and made anyone caught in their gaze piss themselves, retreating with their tails between their legs. Oh, she was glorious from the start.
He took one second more. He'd have to. That would change everything.
"It tastes good, doesn't it?"
Seras licked her lips in satisfied pleasure, purring at the sudden power she felt within her. She turned to her Master, a wicked thrill evident in her expression as she nodded.
His chuckle was strange to her ears; she was unsure if it was excitement or delight. Either way, she did the right thing, didn't she? Probably, but she was still new to all this, so what did she really know?
She tilted her head to the side as he stiffened and yelped at the sudden hand that shot out towards her. "M-Master?" Then she noticed; in his hand was a blade, a bayonet, that he stopped mere inches from her face.
The elder vampire hissed, letting the weapon fall from his hand. "A blessed blade?" he murmured, looking over his shoulder for the source.
His ears caught footsteps thudding on the floorboards, and the closer they sounded, the more he recognized the presence. The power of his adversary would be great, but he knew that Seras would have some trouble with that kind of strength. "Police Girl," -She flinched at the call- "you need to go. Run. Hide."
Around them, papers fluttered and were forced onto the walls, ruins glowing golden as they landed.
Taking a few steps back, Seras hesitated at the order, wondering what he was planning. The bayonet must have come from someone. Was he going to fight them? She knew he would, but there was some unease to the thought.
With a whimper, she sprang into action, scrambling away from Alucard. She could hear his grunts, most likely from pain as foreign laughter echoed through the hall.
She turned the corner, grabbing her rifle from the floor as she went, and stopped, feeling a searing pain on her shoulder. The wall she rested it on seemed to shudder and shine, and she gulped. Where would she hide? The doors to the different rooms were likely affected by this strange force, and there was nowhere else to go. She frantically searched the new hall, but couldn't help peering back towards the nearby battle.
Alucard growled at the new presence. This priest would be a nuisance, he realized, pulling the blade out of his shoulder. Before he could react, two more dug into his back. He turned to meet his opponent, his shadows yanking the newest blades out of him.
"I see the Vatican has spared little expense in trying to get rid of me. The Iscariot Organization, I assume?" he purred, grinning at the sight of the large, looming priest before him.
"Aye, you bloody animal. I am the blade that will cut through all you vile monsters, sent forth by our God. I hope you're better than the vampire that made those ghouls you put to slaughter, Alucard." The priest placed a heavy emphasis on the name, a similarly mad smile on his face as he continued his slow, well-paced march.
"Interesting. You intend to kill me, despite knowing what I am?" Aiming his gun at the man, he added, "I'm not sure if you're either brave or foolish, but I admire the effort. What's your name, priest?"
"Alexander Anderson, the one who will finally defeat the Hellsing Organization's lap dog bloodsucker. Has a bit of a ring to it, don't you think?"
Soon, the two were caught in a hail of bullets and bayonets, knocking, twisting, and beating each other up. Neither gave up, continuously healing and getting back up before the other could make the killing blow.
However, Anderson had found the upper hand. He'd pierced dozens of blessed blades into the vampire, ensuring that he was pinned to the wall behind him. As Alexander prepared two more to slice the monster's head off and kill him once and for all, he cackled, thrill coursing through his body.
Alucard growled and bared his fangs, completely ignoring the pain of the bayonets. He barely had a moment to comment on his defeat before Alexander was knocked away from him.
A blur of blonde became the familiar form of Seras, standing in between the two and panting. In her hands was her rifle, and she was wielding it like a bat instead of how it was intended. She took a step backward and towards her Master, keeping a cautious eye on the insane Father.
"Idiot. What are you-" He was cut off once more, this time by Seras shooting Anderson.
Immediately, she turned and focused her efforts on pulling some of the bayonets off Alucard.
"I told you to run," he hissed.
"I know, but I didn't have anywhere to go, sir. Besides, you were in danger and I wasn't going to leave you behind." She flinched back as shadows easily removed the blades without her assistance, but stood unwavering as Alucard glared at her.
"You're a fool for disobeying, Police Girl."
"Well, you're more of a fool for forcing me away, sir. I can help. I'm not weak. I'm going to fight, whether you like it or not."
Her assertions intrigued him. Yes, she'd enjoyed a bit of blood and seemed willing to follow him into the darkness. This girl was a stubborn fighter, but was that enough to ensure her survival?
He sighed, resigned to letting her stay and fight. They both quickly turned their attention towards the Catholic priest twitching on the floor.
Anderson shot up from the ground, on his feet in moments and charging towards them.
Seras dodged, moving away from her Master and allowing the strange, regenerating monster hunter to come between them. She was wary of the fact that his sights were set on her, and from what she could tell, so was Alucard.
"You should've run off when you had the chance, lass. Now you'll be dust soon enough, along with your Master." He trained his bayonets in her direction, wanting to be rid of the easy kill of a pest.
"I wouldn't be so focused on the Police Girl. If I were you, I'd pay attention to the more powerful enemy right behind you." Alucard fired a few bullets into the priest's skull, just enough for Seras to get out of range and pull their enemy's focus onto him.
As his wounds healed, Alexander pivoted towards Alucard and made wild, forceful swipes at him, fully intent on slicing him up and beheading him.
With the men distracted, Seras frantically considered her next move. Of course, Alucard could handle the job, but this seemed to be a threat they weren't entirely equipped to handle yet, from what she could tell.
She could always fire at Anderson again, but that would only bring his attention back to her, and she certainly couldn't deal with the bullish man directly like her Master. She needed something unexpected, that could stun him long enough for her Master to take a decent shot.
Her eyes landed on one of the dozens of holy blades littering the floor. That could work.
Alucard forced another hail of bullets through the priest's body, taking each cut and jab as if being annoyingly poked and prodded by a child. As fun as the fight had begun, things were starting to lose their charm and he was growing tired of this.
They were at this ridiculous standoff, relentlessly attacking each other despite knowing neither would fall and die from any of this. Neither of them would gain an edge anymore, even if he tried.
Without warning, a bayonet lodged itself into Anderson's shoulder, Seras screaming as she pushed it deeper in. The handle was burning through her gloves, the holy ruins searing her vampiric flesh.
The priest was definitely thrown off, just long enough that Alucard aimed at the heart and fired deep and directly.
Seras stumbled back, staring at her hands and whimpering before she looked to Alucard expectantly.
Well, that was certainly the edge he hadn't expected. The Police Girl was shaping up to be better than his expectations, it seemed.
There wasn't time to dawdle on that fact, though. The Judas priest would be up any moment and with the mission apparently complete, there was no need for the vampires to stick around.
He stepped over Father Anderson's still body, noting the start of the healing process before pushing Seras away. In little time, he was practically carrying his fledgling out of the building.
He could sense it; the presence of his Master coming ever closer. Had she heard about the Vatican's involvement and decided to come see the results?
"Um, Master, you can put me down. I'm perfectly capable of walking." Seras kicked her legs until she was free to walk again, finding the soft thud of her boots against the ground and grass soothing, in a way.
In fact, other subtle sensations overtook her. The full moon's glow made her skin tingle with a foreign strength. The blood she'd previously enjoyed, as well as some of the regenerating priest's left on her gloves, filled her with a thrill to hunt. Her eyes found the darkness of night no longer held an issue for her; she could practically see through the shadows. Vague scents of ghoul blood still lingered on her uniform.
Then there was the sound of a helicopter coming closer. She looked up at the sky, finding one hovering above them. The familiar face of her Master's master, Sir Integra, appeared from the side. Seras waved, grinning as a rope ladder dropped from the copter.
When the two vampires settled into the copter seats, Integra was quick to question Alucard, starting with the obvious. Alucard gave simple replies, though emphasizing a few details of importance. All throughout this report, his gaze flickered over to the Police Girl, who remained silent unless spoken to, and otherwise enjoyed the view of England as they made their way back home.
"How was Seras this time around?" Integra finally asked him, curious about his behavior.
There came that maniac grin, the only answer she needed and could translate to "perfect". She was somewhat concerned, and it apparently showed.
"She finally drank some blood, didn't you, Police Girl?" He nudged the girl's side, and she giggled and playfully snapped her teeth at him before reaffirming his words.
"Interesting. Well, I'll make sure to order a few extra blood packs now that there's another bloodsucker I have to feed."
Another bloodsucker? Seras frowned at the woman's wording. A voice in the back of her mind, much quieter than it used to be, whispered about how she shouldn't have taken the blood. She shouldn't become the monster she was turned into, lose her humanity to her thirst, and eagerly throw herself into every battle Sir Integra ordered them to.
But she honestly didn't mind. Integra had good intentions and her Master was obligated to follow her command. As long as she knew those facts, was drinking blood and being a bloodsucker really an issue?
She did choose this life, after all. What better way to handle it than to embrace it as much as she wanted?