It was soon the summer and where Atticus and Patch were getting ready for their stay with Popeye and his family, and where Deliliah would be coming with them, but unfortunately, they didn't have enough tickets to Sweet Haven for them all. Patch looked out the window as he waited anxiously for who was coming with them, and where it would be Mo and Cherry.

"So hot..." Cherry fanned herself.

"Couldn't have said it better myself." Mo agreed.

"Is everyone ready?" Deliliah asked.

"Hang on..." Cherry said as she walked over to the air conditioner to cool herself off.

"Cherry's been in the sun for a while," Atticus told his aunt. "She needs to cool off for a little bit before she can do anything else or else she'll be less productive than usual."

"It's true." Mo said.

"Reminds me of Sally on a sunny day..." Delilah sighed before laughing a little. "Oh, I've missed her so much."

"She's missed you too." Atticus smiled to his aunt.

After a while, they were now on their way to their destination.

"It's a shame the others couldn't join us..." Delilah sighed. "Oh, well, hopefully next time."

"I gotta say, ma'am, you're a lot more cheerful than your daughter..." Cherry spoke up, referring to when they had first met Thorn in Oakhaven along with the other Hex Girls.

"Oh, Sally's a good girl," Delilah insisted. "Just don't bother her or her friends, those three have been close since the beginning."

"We kind of guessed that." Mo said.

"So, we're going out to sea, are we?" Cherry muttered since they were going to meet a sailor and his family and she had expected it. "Good thing I remembered to pack my medication."

"Indeed we are." Delilah smiled.

"Cool!" Patch smiled back.

"Have ya met any sea dogs with the Pound Puppies?" Delilah asked Patch in a playful pirate voice.

"I did meet one once." Patch smiled.

"You did?" Mo asked.

"Yeah, his name was Salty," Patch explained. "He was owned by Captain Pete... Do you think Mr. Popeye knows him, Aunt Delilah?"

"Perhaps." Delilah wasn't sure, but gave a smile.

"Great." Patch smiled back.

"Are we there yet?" Mo asked. "I'm so hungry I could eat a whole zebra."

"Don't worry, dear, we'll be there soon." Deliliah said, and where she was right.

"Didn't you have any breakfast?" Atticus asked Mo.

"Just a quick granola bar..." Mo shrugged. "My mother keeps trying to lose weight, she thinks she's fat."

"No way." Atticus said.

"Women..." Cherry sighed.

"All right, here we are." Delilah told the others to show they were where they needed to stop at.

"Wow, that didn't take long." Patch smiled.

"I took you the easy way." Delilah giggled as she came aboard. "Ahoy there!"

"Ah, Delilah..." The captain smiled. "Visiting Popeye and Olive, eh?"

"Yes, and I brought my nephew and his friends." Delilah smiled back.

"Ahoy there, Captain!" Atticus called out.

"Ah, welcome, welcome..." The captain laughed with a smile.

Atticus came aboard and shook the captain's hand.

"Quite a grip ya got there." The captain noted.

"Thank you, sir, I exercise a lot." Atticus smiled before hearing one of the captain's men having trouble with the cannons.

"What are ya boys doing back there?!" The captain snarled as he heard the trouble his shipmates were having.

"Trying to put this cannon in place, Captain, but it's heavier than it looks." One of the shipmates groaned.

"I wouldn't mind helping them with it, Captain." Atticus said.

"Hmm..." The Captain smiled to Atticus.

"Go ahead, dear." Delilah told her nephew.

"I don't know, it's rather heavy." The shipmate grunted.

"Trust me, I can handle it." Atticus said before rolling up his sleeves.

"HA!" The shipmate laughed. "A mere child! I'd like to see that."

"Don't ya be sassing kin of Del's!" The captain scolded.

"Sorry, Captain." The shipmate frowned.

"Next time, yer walkin'!" The captain threatened.

Atticus then came over to the cannon to help. "This doesn't look too heavy."

"Seriously?" The Shipmate asked. "It weighs like 50 pounds."

"I'll handle it." Atticus smirked in determination.

"Go ahead and try then, lad." The shipmate said, stepping out of the way.

Atticus nodded and went to the cannon.

"Does anyone have a glass of water?" Patch asked as he saw Cherry take out her medication.

"It's okay, I got it." Cherry said as she popped the pill in her mouth and drowned it with her ice cold water bottle.

Atticus soon cracked his knuckles and fingers before lifting up the cannon with ease. The shipmate looked surprised and jealous all at once.

"So, where do you want this cannon, Captain?" Atticus asked while hold the cannon with one arm.

"Is there a problem with it?" The captain asked the shipmate who was trying to move it.

"Um, n-no, Captain, the lad is just wanting to know where to put it." The shipmate said.

The captain glanced to him.

"Uh, just put it at that deck there, boy-o." The shipmate pointed to one way.

"Yes, sir." Atticus saluted before going to place the cannon on the spot.

"What's wrong...?" The captain glanced at the shipmate suspicously.

"That lad there is stronger then he seems captain." The shipmate whispered to his captain.

"Aye, Del's been tellin' me that he's very strong for his age..." The captain sounded admirable.

"So, need anymore help with anything around the ship, Captain?" Atticus asked.

"That should be all, come aboard, landlubbers!" The captain laughed.

The rest of the group soon came on the ship. Cherry tried to keep her balance and hiccuped slightly.

"You alright, lass?" The shipmate asked.

"I get a little seasick sometimes, it's weird being on a boat..." Cherry explained.

"Oh, my..." The shipmate said.

Cherry leaned against one part and looked out to the sea.

"Cast-Off?" The captain asked Delilah if they were ready to go.

"Cast-Off." Deliliah smiled after seeing that everyone was on board.

"CAST-OFF!" The captain called loudly.

Soon enough, the anchor was lifted and the sails were lowered.

"All hands on deck!" The captain called. "Right on time, hot diggety!"

Soon, they casted off to sea and by the way the wind was blowing, they would make it to Sunny Haven in no time. They were now venturing out on the sea.

"Sailing for adventure!" One shipmate called with a laugh.

During the boat ride to Sunny Haven, Atticus was doing push-ups with just one hand.

Patch panted as he let the wind flow through his flopping ears. "This is better than putting my head out of Patrick's window when he takes us out for a drive!"

The captain could only chuckle out of amusement and where he seemed interested in Atticus as he was doing his exercises while using cannon balls as his weights. "Workin' hard or hardly workin', bucko?"

"My nephew never wastes a day of exercise." Deliliah smiled.

"You got that right..." Mo smiled with a soft sigh to Atticus's handiwork.