OM Chuck, 1400+ of you lovely people have looked at my ShadowHunters fanfics this month. I feel so welcome in a fandom that I stumbled into two months ago. Thank you. xoxo
A/N1: After re re re re watching Parabatai Lost a zillion times, an idea popped into my head and I posted a little something on my shiny new Malec/SH blog over at tumblr.
A/N2 aka For those that don't have tumblr: Magnus kissed Alec because he couldn't think of anything else, to bring him back from the brink of death. In the show, it was all about Jace and their bond, BUT suppose Magnus' kiss DID work, to a certain extent.
A/N3: Now that idea is a full fledge fanfic. Enjoy. :)
Magnus looks at Alec's sweat drenched face. He has tried everything to bring Alec back but nothing is working. What good is being the High Warlock of Brooklyn, if one can't heal the man that you have fallen in love with.
Magnus then thinks of something so ridiculous that he could laugh, but he is a desperate man, willing to try anything.
Magnus leans over and gently kisses Alec's lips.
He rolls his eyes and curses himself for being a fool who has seen way too many Disney movies.
Magnus is startled when the right side of Alec's neck starts to burn. He isn't sure what to do, then he realizes that the 'burn' is actually a rune, which turns black seconds after its completion.
It's about half the size of Alec's deflect/block rune but more elaborate.
Magnus doesn't recognize it. He traces it with a finger.
He hears his name whispered and is surprised to see Alec looking at him.
Magnus smiles and gently kisses him.
But when Magnus leans away from Alec, he sees that Alec is still unconscious.
Magnus blinks back tears and glances at Alec's neck. The rune is there.
Magnus gently touches the rune and tries to figure out what is going on.
His thoughts are interrupted by banging on the door.
Magnus runs to the door, hoping that it's good news.
He opens the door and is relieved to see Jace, Isabelle and Clary.
Magnus hands Jace the adamas stone and wordlessly begs him to bring Alec back (to him).
Jace takes it with both hands and just as wordlessly assures Magnus that he will try his best. He walks to the bed and sits beside Alec.
Magnus, with Clary holding his right hand and Izzy holding his left arm, stands by the bed and hopes that Jace can perform a miracle.
Jace starts reciting their parabatai oath as he holds Alec. The stone slips from their hands and falls to the floor. Jace continues the oath, in between begging Alec to open his eyes.
Magnus lets the tears fall and holds on to Clary and Izzy for strength. He and Alec finally are together. He isn't ready to lose Alec.
Jace sobs as he comes to the end of the oath. Alec is limp in his arms.
The loft is deadly quiet for a few minutes until the oath is softly completed by Alec.
Magnus squeezes Clary's hand and smiles weakly at Izzy.
But the celebration is short lived as Aldertree, with a security team, portals into the loft. Aldertree pushes past Magnus, Clary, and Izzy, as his guards grab Jace. Aldertree nods at Izzy, as they go back through the portal and leave the loft.
Izzy looks at Clary, "I'm sorry."
Clary hugs her, "We'll figure something out."
Magnus stands there, he wants to go to Alec, but is hesitant, with Isabelle and Clary standing between him and the bed.
Alec tries to get up, asking for an explanation. Izzy runs to his side and gently pushes him back. She sits on the bed and quietly brings him up to date. Clary sits on the other side of the bed and holds his hand.
Magnus wipes his eyes. He gathers a few jars from a nearby table and walks into his office. He sets the jars on the desk and wraps his arms around himself.
He wonders if he should offer to make a portal for Izzy to take her brother back to the Institute.
He hears his name and slowly turns around.
Izzy is standing there, "We're leaving."
Magnus can only nod, because if he spoke, it would be to beg Izzy to let Alec stay in the loft.
He walks her to the door and is startled to see only Clary waiting there.
Izzy says gently, "Alec is exhausted and even a portal would be too much for him. That's what I will tell anybody that asks."
Magnus swallows, "Thank you."
Izzy smiles, "No Magnus, thank you. You're good for Alec."
Magnus smiles, "He's good for me, too."
Izzy nods, "It's been a long day. Good night Magnus."
"Good night, Izzy, Clary"
They leave, Magnus locks the door, and with a flick of his hand, the lights in the loft turn off.
He walks into his bedroom. Alec is sleeping. He's on his back, his head turned to the left.
The rune is there.
Magnus wonders why Jace, who was holding Alec, never mentioned it. How could he NOT see it. If he saw a strange rune on his parabatai's neck, one would think he would question it being there.
Isabelle was sitting at his side, surely she would also question a strange rune on her brother's neck.
Magnus is unsure what to do.
He wants to be close to Alec because he still can't believe that Alec is okay.
But he doesn't want to make Alec uncomfortable when he wakes up.
Magnus takes a deep breath and lays down next to Alec.
He traces the rune.
He would like to know what it means but that is hard to do when nobody else can see it.
Magnus lays there on his side, facing Alec, occasionally tracing the rune.
Alec sleepily opens his eyes, looks around the room and when he sees Magnus, smiles. He rests his head against Magnus' chest and with a soft sigh, goes back to sleep, holding Magnus.
Magnus puts his arms around Alec and kisses the top of his head. All unsure thoughts gone from his head, Alec wants him close, and close he will be.
Magnus hopes that Alec will be able to see the rune, but for right now, Magnus is happy to have Alec in his arms, safe and alive.
Magnus finally falls asleep.
Magnus wakes up and smiles. The sun is shining and his arms are full of a sleeping Alexander Lightwood, what more could a person want?
This is something Magnus could get used to.
He kisses the top of Alec's head and lies there.
A few minutes later, Alec slowly wakes up and smiles at Magnus, "Good morning."
"Good morning, Alexander."
As Alec looks around the room, Magnus can see the mystery rune is still on his neck. "Izzy and Clary aren't here?"
Magnus laughs, "Why would they be here, when they have beds of their own to sleep in?"
"Izzy left you here and they went back to the Institute."
Alec looks at Magnus and smiles, "You didn't have another bed to sleep in?"
Magnus smiles, "Oh I was only going to stay until I knew you were sleeping, but you wanted something to hold."
Alec laughs and rests his head on Magnus' chest.
Magnus clears his throat, "Alec, is it possible for a rune to appear on its own?"
Alec looks up at Magnus confused, "On its own, you mean without using a stele?"
Magnus nods.
Alec sits up, "No, runes don't just appear."
Magnus glances at the mystery rune on Alec's neck, "Yes, one did."
"Who has this rune?"
Alec's eyes open wide, "Me? When? Where?"
Magnus takes a deep breath, "Yes you. It happened last night while you were fighting for your life, and it's on your neck."
Alec shakes his head as he gets out of the bed and runs to the bathroom.
Magnus swallows and follows him.
Alec puts the light on and looks in the mirror, "I don't see it."
Magnus glances in the mirror, the rune isn't visible. He looks at Alec's neck and sees it, "It's there."
Alec looks at Magnus, "Then why can't I see it?"
Magnus shrugs, "I don't know but it is there."
Alec checks his pockets and finds his stele. As it lights up, he looks at Magnus, "Show me where it is."
Magnus takes a deep breath and walks over to Alec. He puts his hand over Alec's and passes the stele over the rune. He keeps an eye on the mirror and watches as the rune slowly appears on Alec's neck.
Alec's eyes open wide, "By the angel."
Magnus lets go of Alec's hand and backs away from him. He is happy that finally somebody can see the mystery rune, but Alec is looking at it speechless, and Magnus is scared of what that means.
Alec continues to look in the mirror at the rune, "Tell me how it appeared."
Magnus whispers, "Nothing I did worked, so I kissed you..."
Alec glances at Magnus, "Why would you kiss me?"
"Prince Charming kissed Sleeping Beauty and she woke up."
Alec looks at him confused, "Whatever, and?"
"And I kissed you. And you...didn't wake up, but that rune showed up."
"And nothing. Jace, Clary, Izzy, they didn't see it. YOU didn't see it until you went over it with the stele."
Alec stares at the rune in the mirror.
Magnus glances from Alec to Alec's reflection in the mirror, wondering if this new rune will make Alec leave him for good.
Magnus takes a deep breath, "Alexander..."
Alec cuts him off, "And you say, this rune showed up after you kissed me while I was unconscious?"
Magnus, blinking back tears fearing the worst, whispers, "Yes."
Alec turns towards Magnus and looks at him. Magnus knows that look. That is the look that made his heart soar. That is the look Alec gave Magnus as he walked towards him, told his mother "Enough" and kissed him for the first time.
As Alec walks towards Magnus in the bathroom, Magnus' fears fly away.
Alec pulls Magnus to him and kisses him. Magnus grabs Alec's shirt with both hands.
Alec pulls away, but leans his forehead against Magnus'.
Magnus laughs, "Oh, so it's the "Kiss Magnus Bane until he can't breathe" rune."
Alec laughs, "No...Well yes...Maybe."
Magnus kisses Alec gently, "So what IS it?"
Alec pulls away from Magnus, but Magnus' two handed grip on his shirt prevents him from moving too far away.
He sighs, "It's the Love rune."
Magnus lets go of Alec's shirt, "The Love rune?"
Alec takes a step away from Magnus and nods, "Yeah."
Magnus smiles, "So it's the "Property of Magnus Bane" rune."
Alec shrugs.
"I was powerless to save you, so I did something that was wild and that caused a rune to just appear?"
"I guess."
"Good, then nobody will think they can take you from me."
Alec shrugs, "Why would they"
Magnus laughs, "Why would they what?"
"Take me from you. Nobody wanted me until you, so why would you think somebody would want me after you?"
Magnus grabs Alec's shirt and pulls him close, "Alexander, you are a catch. But you are MY catch and that rune proves it."
Magnus gently kisses his favorite ShadowHunter.
Magnus smiles at Alec, "Okay?"
Alec smiles back, "Yes."
"Good, breakfast?"
"I should find out of Jace."
Magnus nods, "You're right."
Alec reaches for his stele. Magnus grabs his hand, "NO!"
At Alec's shocked face, Magnus whispers, "I'm sorry."
Alec kisses Magnus, "I figured you wouldn't want questions on how it got there."
Magnus smiles, "I'm okay with questions, if you're okay with having 'my' rune on your neck."
Alec smiles, "I like being your catch."
Magnus laughs and kisses Alec.
Alec smiles, "I do need to go."
Magnus nods, "Okay."
Alec smiles, "Can I come by later?"
Magnus laughs, "You better."
Alec smiles. They walk to the door.
Magnus pulls Alec close for a good bye kiss and Alec leaves.
Magnus leans against the door with a smile on his face.
A/N4: I changed the scene of Jace and crew because it seemed stupid for him to make this grand entrance when he, Clary, and Izzy ALL ARRIVED AT THE LOFT TOGETHER. What did he do, go to the bathroom while Izzy and Clary went to Alec's side?
A/N5: The rune in question is the one in the avatar.
A/N6: Officially it's Agape Love: Selfless altruistic love. It is a love that is totally selfless where a person gives love to another person even if this act does not benefit him/her in any way. Whether the love given is returned or not, the person continues to love.
A/N7: That describes Magnus' love from day one, at least to me.
A/N8: Let me know if you lovelies would be interested in what happens when Alec gets to the Institute, aka my version of Day of Wrath.