(With that being said, hello everyone. I'm new to this and decided to post the story I began a while back. This story will have adult content in the further chapter so please keep that in mind)

Lesson One: Deal with it.

It had been 7 years since the day Konoha changed, the day Uchiha Sasuke had left. Naruto and Sakura were still the best of friends, close to brother and sister, and almost always together when the other wasn't busy. They would occasionally train with Kakashi every chance they got with him, but things were soon going to change. At this exact moment the two had just gotten done sparring one another in efforts to train.

"Sakura... Do you ever think he'll return?" Naruto had started his usual questioning, but this time he was not his usual cheery self. It was also so very clear who he had been talking about at this very moment.

"I'm not sure anymore Naruto, I'd like to hope he would..." The pink haired girl replied as she drifted off into thought about their old teammate. she would usually try to imagine just how he looked. Wonder whether he still had the same hair as he got older, if his skin still had that ice cold pale coloring to it. She would catch herself thinking about just how handsome he had most likely become over the years of not seeing him. However, she'd also catch herself still feeling the same love, but a newly found hate towards him. Oh, how she couldn't help but hate him, she hated him only for his actions.

She just couldn't help herself though she really tried, he had after all betrayed the village and left to seek power all those years ago. She was so lost in thought that she hadn't realized Naruto had been trying to get her attention for the past ten minutes and waving his hand now in front of her dazed face.

"Earth to Sakuraaaa, helloooo" she finally heard him saying.

"Oh! Sorry Naruto, I must've spaced out for a minute." She replied with a smile on her heart shaped face.

"Hah! A minute Sakura I've been trying to talk to you for like ten minutes now!" The blonde said while laughing and holding his belly.

"Oh, whatever Naruto, it wasn't that long!" Sakura pouted as Naruto kept laughing and eventually he fell over. This had finally gotten the pink haired girl to laugh herself.

"Well... I wanted to see... If you wanted to go get ramen with me." He asked between fits of laughter and then became serious at the word ramen.

"Hmm, I'd love to but I have to be at work for my hospital shift in half an hour." She spoke and watched as his face became that of a sad child being told no to their favorite candy.

"Oh boo! Sakura, you always have to work." He continued to pout as she let out a small laugh at his child like tactics.

"Well I am a responsible adult, so yeah." She grumbled realizing he was actually right for once. Ever since she had turned eighteen and the second-best medic nin in the village she was constantly either working or doing missions.

"Boring! I guess I'll just have to see if Hinata-chan will join me." With that he had gotten up and started to walk towards the village gates.

"Well bye!" Sakura yelled out sarcastically at how he hadn't said a goodbye.

"See ya later!" He yelled out as he turned and gave a sheepish grin to his friend.

A few minutes after she watched him disappear she got up and made her way to her apartment for a quick shower and a change of clothes before work. As soon as she finished getting ready she walked out her door and locked it, making her way to the hospital. When she walked in it seemed it was going to be a peaceful day, well as peaceful a day being a doctor could be at least. There seemed to be only a handful of patients for the day and for Sakura that was a nice day. She had spent the first two hours caring for patients who had a few mild cuts and scratches as well as a few who just had mild colds. As she was going into her third hour of work she was called to the Hokage's office for urgent reasons. She quickly grabbed a few small things from her office before she made her way

Upon arriving she greeted the guards outside of Tsunade's office and knocked on her door waiting for a reply.

"Come in!" The loud booming voice called out and made Sakura step back.

"This must be really urgent." She sighed to herself before she opened the door and called out.

"Hello Shishyou, you called for me?" Sakura asked as she made her way to the two chairs in front of Tsunade's desk

"Ah Sakura, yes please have a seat. We have some very important matters to discuss." The blonde woman in front of her replied looking up at her student.

Sakura sat down across from her teacher and waited for her to continue without saying a word. She knew very well that with the woman in front of her that she didn't appreciate any interruptions whatsoever. After what seemed to be hours Tsunade finally spoke, but her voice was laced with what may have been concern, and Sakura instantly became worried.

"Sakura, I have a mission for you. One I'm afraid only you can complete." The older woman said quietly while looking at how the younger one's expressions changed to that of fear.

"What is it exactly shishyou? Did something bad happen, is someone in danger?" Her green eyes looking curiously into the color amber.

"I'm afraid you will be sent onto another seduction mission, I know how you feel about them, but I currently have no one else I can send for this." Tsunade replied waiting to hear an outburst from the girl across from her.

"No one else? These missions are my least favorite, why do I have to do it?!" She replied now with anger building up inside of her towards her teacher.

"You are one of the few women trained for this specific kind of mission when the time comes, that is why!"

"hmph!" Fine give me the details." Sakura mumbled the last part mad that it had to be her.

"You will be going to the Land of the Mist in search of... Uchiha Sasuke..." Sending Sakura out for this mission was probably not the best idea. Tsunade knew if anyone was going to bring him home, it would be Sakura.

"Sasuke..." Sakura was in total disbelief, she had been chosen to bring him home again, but this time using seduction. The last time she had tried to bring him home she had been with Naruto three years ago. The mission had failed terribly, since Sasuke had tried to kill Naruto and hurt Sakura. Though she had healed herself she still had mental and physical scars from that day. She looked out the window thinking about him once again, but this time she wouldn't have to fantasize much longer.

She looked at Tsunade and smiled, she didn't like the idea of this mission, but she knew she had no other choice. Tsunade smiled back at the young pink haired shinobi, but felt slightly bad knowing that this mission was probably hurting her. She watched as the girl in front of her walked to the door and left, part of her was worried for the girl. No, it wasn't because she didn't think the girl couldn't handle herself, she knew out of everyone in this village Sakura was more than capable. She was simply worried for the girl emotionally, she knew Sakura's feelings towards the boy. She knew how willing the girl was to do anything for him, but, she worried that was the problem.

Sakura left the hokage's office and headed towards her apartment to eat dinner and gather her things for the mission. She would be leaving out early and had to get plenty of sleep, she was definitely not a morning person. When she arrived at her home she unlocked the door and took her shoes off at the door, then she headed for the kitchen. As she walked in her stomach growled, had she even eaten today? She couldn't remember, but vaguely remembered turning Naruto down for ramen. Damn now she regretted it, she walked to the refrigerator and searched the contents. She didn't have a whole lot and that was enough of a hint that when she got back from her mission she needed to go shopping. While looking in the cabinets she settled on a bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice. When she finished she packed her bags for her trip, since it was so far away she couldn't carry a lot, but instead just the essentials. She was planning to be away for at least a week and a half, so she would need just enough for the time.

As soon as she was done she was tired, but had decided to take a nice hot bubble bath to relax and process everything that would be happening soon. Her scroll made the plan a lot easier for her; however, this was Uchiha Sasuke we were talking about. How was she supposed to seduce a man who didn't even like human interaction unless it involved killing? When she was done she wrapped a towel around her hair and body and grabbed the mission scroll, she really needed to read over the entire thing. She was to travel to the Land of Mist where Sasuke was last sighted and question the villagers of his presence. Once she found him she was (A) to disguise herself by hiding her obvious hair and eyes and confront him. Then seduce him and drug him so she could safely and quietly get him back to Konoha. Or (B) Choose not to disguise herself, confront him while he alone and seduce him in hopes that he is sexually frustrated and goes back to a room with her. It was obvious this mission made Sakura very nervous, yes, she had been trained for these kind of missions, but she had only done a handful of them and they never went any further than drugging the victim. What if this one did? Was she ready for it to happen? These questions usually weren't so hard for anyone else, but this beautiful twenty-year-old flower had never been deflowered.

Yes, Haruno Sakura was in fact still a virgin. She had had relationships before, but none lasted very long for some reason or another. She had always dreamed she would save herself for him though, but why? She stuffed the mission scroll in her bag along with everything else she had packed and got up to dress herself for bed. It was a bit past ten and time she finally went to sleep, since she had to be awake before the sun. As she drifted to sleep the last thought to go through her head was that of a certain dark-haired man.

Well everyone there you have it, the very first chapter of my story Lessons of Seduction. I hope you enjoyed it, and please be kind this was my first time writing any type of fanfiction.

(Again thank you for taking your time to read my story)