Wanted, Needed, Loved

By: Cas

He wasn't surprised when his bedroom door opened and the sound of footsteps approached. Bruce Wayne felt a tug and flicked his eyes towards his ward. Richard John Grayson. "Hi."

"Can I open the window?" Dick's eyes were their normal eerie shade of blue. Soul piercing. His stuffed elephant was under his arm, signaling he was here for the night.

Bruce had expected it, they'd come across a rather horrific crime scene. "Do what you gotta do, chum."

The Romani did just that. He tugged the shade up and unlatched the locks, opening the window. It was raining, it was pouring, the old man was snoring. The sound and smell were comforting. Just like always Dick made a situation better. Nine years old and pure sunshine wherever he went.

"You ok?" Bruce offered as he felt his mattress shift from the added weight.

"Fine." Dick hooked a finger across the bridge of his nose and popped his thumb into his mouth.

Bruce reached out to the offending hand and pulled it free. "No, no, Dick." Every time the thumb sucking was initiated Bruce ended up feeling like shit. He was positive Mary and John Grayson had broke their child from the bad habit, but becoming Robin equaled stress. Stress equaled self comfort, and for Dick that had meant reverting to his thumb. "Talk it out, don't suck your thumb."

Momentarily upset the boy pulled his hand to his chest. "Wasn't sucking my thumb," he lied. The tiny scar on his right thumb, as well as the obvious dent growing out of his fingernail said otherwise. Thumb sucking could be a semi-dangerous act if done unconsciously.

"That's great."

The two stared at each other for a few seconds before Dick spoke. "I can't stop my thoughts."

Yeah, Bruce knew what that was like. He offered a sad smile and jerked his head, motioning a nod against the pillow. "I used to have that problem. Wanna know what helps?" The billionaire pushed up, supporting his weight on an elbow. "Alfred taught me."

"Taught you what?"

"You repeat a phrase to yourself. You say: 'I am wanted, I am needed, and I am loved.' And you focus on that. Really focus."

Dick considered and suddenly had a sharp intake of air, panicking. "Mom and dad loved me. They loved me more than anything."

"I know, chum. My mom and dad loved me too. It sucks, huh?"

"Sucks," was the agreement. "Why do bad things happen to people? Like tonight, that was bad. That was evil, and it happened and it's probably happening somewhere else. Some other kid is getting … they're getting -…"

"Raped." Bruce brutally finished. "Yeah, kiddo, it happens. It's not fair. But you're right, it happens and it's wrong, and that's why we do what we do."

Dick tugged the sheets up to his nose, half hiding. "I am wanted, I am needed, and I am loved."

"Damn straight." Bruce affirmed as he settled back into the mattress. He startled as a tiny arm latched across his chest and an equally small body tugged closer. How strange was life? One year you're alone and the next you find your best friend in some random kid. Tonight had been horrific, absolutely horrific. Discovering rape, in any form, was bad enough, but to discover the victim was a child… "You shouldn't have been there tonight."

Dick's breath puffed against his arm. The nine year old repositioned so his head rested on Bruce's chest. "Probably not. But nobody should have been. It shouldn't've happened at all."

This kid was fucking perfect. Bruce tossed an arm out and allowed the boy to snuggle closer. He wasn't sure what they were yet. Not father and son, not brothers, but both at the same time.


1. Thanks. As always, write what you know;)

2. Signs Bruce Wayne is mentally ill. Don't take your kids crime fighting, people.