
What kind of father am I? I always wanted to have offsprings, and then I found out I have a daugther. The worst part is that I didin't know she existed. If her mother would tell me that she is pregnant, everything would be different. Or did she hated me so much that she wanted to erase me from her and chicks life?

When I came into the healers hollow, the look my own daughter gave me, maked my hearth cry. She was sitting in the corner, I came closer to her, than she looked at me. Eyes tearfull, face full of sadness and she was saw me as a stranger not a father. It was enough to make me cowardly fly away.

I didn't even ask her name! The only question is: Am I ready to become father? I have to, she ... lost her mother, what will happen if she would lose me aswell? If I won't take care of her, she will live her whole life with healers. I can't do that to her.

"Hey Rob, are you okay?" Fellow patrol asked. Roberto shook off his thoughts."Yep, just thinking." Robeto looked out from patrol tree. Sun was slowly coming out from behind trees.

"I can't wait to finally come home. I promised my son I'll take him for a little fly around jungle. Could you report this patrolling to eduardo? I swear next time I'll do it myself!"

Roberto noded.

"Thanks Rob! I owe you one patrol report!" Other patrol yelled back as he was flying away.

Some minutes later

"D-Dead? But we didn't saw nor hear anything!" Roberto looked at Eduardo with disbelief.

"Scarlets didn't witness anything aswell." Eduardo sighed. " Another macaw is dead. As if I don't have enough problems, now I have to solve why are macaws dying randomly?!" Eduardo yelled and looked out from his hollow. He saw Tiago playing soccer with group of scarelt macaws.

"Should we annouce dangerous situation to tribe?" Roberto asked.

"No, not now." Eduardo replied back.

In brazil nut grove

"Wait, Wait and now!" Dex dropped nut from heigh branch. Bia was hovering under him, one meter above ground. She tried to catch fast falling nut, but missed.

"Why are we doing this?" Bia asked and looked up at Dex.

"It's always a good thing to have fast reactions, isn't it?" Dex flied down.

"Well yes, but how catching a falling nut will help me to have fast reactions?"

"Audun was teaching me just like this. He dropped a nut from heigh branch, and I had to catch it." Dex smiled. "But sometimes he dropped a stone, it really did hurt a lot."

"Another question, why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?"

"For a last few days you are teaching me how to fish, new flying techniques, how to hide yourself and now catching falling brazil nuts for "fast reactions". It almost looks like you are preparing me for something, just why?" Bia asked.

"Well, I never had someone to be with in my free time. Orion hates me, Don is lazy and dumbest bird I know and Audun ... have more important things to do, or when he finally agree to do something with me it's always training, training and training." Dex shrugged. Then Tiago came flying from trees, he tiredly hovered between Dex and Bia.

"Sup buddy, I'm sorry for breaking your conversation with my sister, but this is important." Then Tiago turned to Bia. "Carla, mum and dad are already waiting in grandpa's hollow. I hope you didn't forget we promised to have lunch with him."

Bia smiled at Dex before flying after Tiago.

"Bye Dex. So tomorrow, same place, same time."

Dex sat down on branch and opened brazil nut. He swallowed first piece, and then he heard someone loudly swearing on branch under him. It was the oldest bird in tribe, Lorenzo.

He was trying to open brazil nut, but his beak was cracking everytime he bit the though nut shell.

Dex flew down next to Lorenzo.

"Excuse me sir, do you need help?"

Lorenzo smiled without taking his eyes from brazil nut. "Young boy that wants to help this old bird? First time I hear something like this. Actually, I would welcome some help with this ...stupid...thing."

Then Lorenzo looked up and saw Dex.

"No, no, no, anyone but you! I don't need help. Now go, shoo!" Dex came closer to Lorenzo and cracked open brazil nut. Lorenzo glared at Dex "I'm not hungry anymore!" Just leave me alone already."

"What wrong did I this time?" Dex anoyingly sighed.

"No one knows the trouble I've seen. No one knows my sorrow." Lorenzo turned and opened his wings, he slowly walked to the edge of the branch, but instead of flying he fell down. Few seconds later he finally flew away with swearing on everything in the whole world.

Dex opened his wings and slowly took off. He was quitly flying through jungle, around big tree trunks that probably rememberd his ancestors.

After long flight, Dex finally came to the clay banks. Hundreds of macaws and smaller parrots were attached to the clay "wall". Spix, Scarlet, Green-winged, lear, hyacints, millitary and lots of others were here. Dex found empty place and slowly landed on the clay "wall".

Few minutes later, he heard shrieks of spix macaws. Any macaw, at any time could came here and be here as long as he wants, but they could form a little flock for travelling from tribe village to the clay banks. It was safer to fly in flocks. At least 80 of spix macaws took off, and flied to the direction of their tribe village in V formation.

Dex, seeing this dropped his grip on clay wall and flew after spix flock, flying at the end of V formation. He still got angry screech from male macaw next to him.

When flock came to their destination, birds started to separate from flock, flying into their nests. Dex separated from flock before Eduardo's hollow. Bia and Carla were standing in hollow opening, leaning with their backs on tree trunk and talking. Dex waved at the two, before flying to the old scarlet and spix macaws border inside his "home" cave.

It's 2 am in my country, I'm really starting to feel tired and I have 2 big exams tomorrow ... so ... yeah... I hope that I will have some free time to write new chapter as soon as I can!