One year later, a Halloween party is thrown at 221B, but who's ghost is visiting on Samhain?

"Ow!" Sherlock yelped when Molly plucked a hair from his head. "What was that for?"

"My love potion, don't you know," she smirked.

"My darling, you already have me," he told her. "You look gorgeous." It was All Hallow's Eve and Molly was dressed in a purple and black witch's dress with black fishnet leggings and a matching hat. Her hair had been crimped and left down with her eyes lined in black. "Happy birthday, sweetheart."

"Thank you, love. Samhain is the only time of year I can be open about who I really am," Molly explained. "It's freeing, though I haven't had to account for a pregnancy before." Sherlock caressed the small swell of her belly through the fabric of her dress. She was only three months along but possessed that maternal glow about her.

"You're carrying our daughter beautifully, Molly Holmes," he smiled, pressing his lips to hers.

"Mm, as much as I'd like to continue, John and Mary will be here with little Rosie soon," Molly told him. They were having a small gathering for Halloween and Molly had gone all out decorating 221B. She had managed to get a real skeleton propped up beside the window where purple and orange fairy lights lined them. The kitchen table had a cauldron filled with dry ice, giving the flat an eerie fog. The coffee table had spiderweb candy bowls and Molly's grimoire set about. There were fake cobwebs (and some real ones.) The flat smelled like sweet cinnamon and warm cloves.

"I shall return to you momentarily," Sherlock told her before going off into the bedroom to change into his costume.

"Come in," Molly called out when a knock sounded at the door and John and Mary stepped inside. "Why isn't John in costume?"

"I am," he argued.

"Dressing up as your own profession doesn't count," Mary scolded. With a snap of her fingers, his nose shifted into that of a pig's.

"Cut that out," he complained.

"Whiny doctor," Mary laughed.

"More like swine doctor," Molly joined in. Sherlock's chuckle was heard by all of them as he exited the bedroom in a pirate costume.

"Don't be such a spoilsport, John," he berated his friend. "They're both restless witches who are carrying our children…I think they deserve to have a little bit of fun." John knew he was right. Toby mewed, circling Molly's feet. "And besides, it's also Molly's birthday."

"It is? Well, happy birthday!" John exclaimed. Suddenly, the lights went out and a slight breeze blew past them. "Wha—what's happening?"

"I don't know," Mary and Molly said simultaneously. They began chanting together. "Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum."

"What does that mean?" John whispered to his friend.

"It translates to, 'save yourselves from danger, save yourselves from evil,'" Sherlock answered. The lights came back to life and that's when Molly noticed the small spider atop of the skull that adorned the fireplace.

"Spiders on Samhain means that a dearly departed loved one is near," Molly explained to them. "Who are you?" Sherlock's pirate hat was knocked off of his head and onto the floor. "Someone get a voice recorder up on their phone." Mary did so quickly.

"Listen to us—use our energy and talk to us," Mary instructed. "Please tell us your name." They waited a moment and played the recording back.

"Redbeard," the disembodied voice spoke.

"Victor," Sherlock's voice broke, placing his hat back on his head. An apparition began to appear and a child appeared. He was here, making himself known.

"It's okay, Yellowbeard," Victor told him, attempting to grasp Sherlock's hand. "I'm okay." Sherlock nodded in understanding. His childhood friend wanted him to stop being hard on himself and give him the knowledge that he was alright. The apparition disappeared having fulfilled his goal.

"Sherlock?" Molly asked as her husband made his way into their bedroom. To John and Mary, "Excuse me a moment." She followed and sat on the bed beside him. "Are you okay, darling?"

"I am," he spoke quietly. "Just processing." Molly laid her head on his shoulder whilst threading her arm through his, holding onto him. There was a moment of silence that seemed to stretch on for hours, but then she felt his lips on hers. They rejoined John and Mary, celebrating the rest of the night.

When their friends left, Sherlock took to playing the song he had composed for Molly once he changed into his pajamas and dressing gown. Molly sat at the desk, writing out their name choices: Willow Holmes, Charlotte Holmes, and Victoria Holmes. The vision couldn't predict what their baby's gender was, which is why there was a mixed amount of male and female names, but now they knew it was a girl.

"How about Victoria Willow Holmes?" Molly asked. He suddenly stopped playing. "You know, named after both you and Victor."

"Molly, that sounds perfect," Sherlock told her. He took her left hand, the moonstone glittering in the moonlight streaming through the windows, and helped her up from the chair, holding her close. He lifted her hand to his lips, kissing her fingertips. "I love you so much," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. They danced together slowly in their sitting room, reveling in the moment. Molly pressed soft kisses to his neck as they swayed to the sound of their own hearts beating. This was the type of bliss they had both always sought after and now they had it. They had been enchanted by one another at first meeting, falling hard and fast in love. And so, the witch and the werewolf found happiness together, awaiting their newest member of the family, living happily ever after (but not without a few spooks along the way.)

Author's Note: thank y'all so much for going on this AU journey with me! I had SO much fun with this!