My story of Diabolik Lovers. I thank my helpers UnknownWriterHasRose of DeviantArt and WeirdBlackCat. I don't own the rights to Firestarter.

Kazashi's temper lately had grown quite short, especially with Laito and his inappropriate behavior towards her. She had literally grown fed up with the flirtatious vampire and simply wanted to be able to walk around freely without being mauled by him, not literally. Kazashi could hold her temper for only so long until she finally snaps, which no doubt was going to happen any minute by the way things were currently looking.

"Kazashi~" Laito's voice cooed in her ear, causing her eye to twitch with annoyance, he had been doing this for the past five minutes without a break, could he not take a hint?!

"Come on, babe~ Stop ignoring-"

"Go away already!" Kazashi's foot began to furiously tap on the ground, adding to he annoyed expression. She didn't even look at Laito, continuing to stare down at her textbook, doing homework for when school starts again after the weekend.

"Aww, don't be such a-"

"GET OUT!" Kazashi's voice boomed, echoing in her room... But she noticed something, her hands were on fire, they burned, but didn't seem to be taking any physical damage. For some reason, fear washed over her, she looks up to see a wide-eyed Laito, he seemed to be just as surprised as she is.

"Kazashi-" Laito reaches out for her.

"Don't touch me, leave me alone!" With that, she yanked away from him and ran out of the mansion, staring at her flaming hands, she could hear her name being called but didn't dare look back. She ran far from the mansion, past the garden which still held beautiful flowers which seemed to be immortal to the chilly weather approaching, and stopped right in front of the pond.

Kazashi fell to her knees, her legs burning from running so fast without a break, she dunked her head into the pond along with her once flaming hands to ease the burning sensation and to stop the flames from arising again. She stayed like this until she felt her lungs begging, burning for much-needed oxygen.

"Huh-" Kazashi gasped sharply, her breath hitching as she whipped her head back, causing her soaked hair to flip back, but eventually cover her wet face. She trembled and shiverd at the cold water, breathing heavily to catch her breath. She nearly missed the pair of shoes that stand to her right, she looked out of the corner of her eyes, trailing up the figure, slowly recognizing Subaru.

Subaru's eyes stare into her own before observing her shining wet hair that reflects the rays of the moon, his eyes trail over her, watching her every moment before returning to her eyes. No matter how hard the silver-haired boy tried to look away, he couldn't, simply staring at the soaked girl in front of him. He couldn't help but feel a sense of worry and concern over what just happened, though, immediately got angry at himself for caring.

Kazashi was the first to look away, staring back at the rippling water that shook from her throwing her head back. The water was clean and nearly see-through, able to look down into it, it was like a portal to another dimension.

"Are you just going to stand there and stare?" Subaru sat down next to Kazashi voluntarily, deciding to figure out what just happened to cause the usually calm and composed girl to snap.

"Why did you do that?"

"I don't-"

"Let me rephrase what I just said... Tell me why you did that and what happened, not a question." He said, looking at the water as well, trying to not make it obvious that he wanted to look at her more.

Kazashi took a deep breath, composing herself before slowly explaining the events that took place not too long ago. She told him everything. How Laito had been bothering her, how she just couldn't keep her cool any longer, how her voice seemed to grow louder and intimidating before her hands became engulfed in flames and even caught on Laito a bit, how she ran out and far away to get away from it. Subaru watched her explain, taking in every word she said and believing her.

"You know... You don't have to stay here, it's obvious it isn't having a fully positive effect on you, you could leave at any time." Subaru leaned back against his hand, looking up at the starry night sky.

"I can't... I have nowhere to go, if I were to leave after coming so far, what would be the point? For now, I need to go through every obstacle of living here and overcome every one of them to move on, like levels in a video game..." She paused, turning to face him, looking into his ruby eyes, "What about you, you clearly don't think fondly of your brothers, why don't you leave?"

"I'm trapped here, no matter how many times I might leave... My father will bring me back, I have nowhere to go, either... I don't have friends or family aside from my brothers here..." His voice trails off, becoming inaudible.

"Well, we have that in common... But... I didn't hear the last thing you said." Subaru's face noticeably grew red, he stared into her eyes before looking away quickly.

"I didn't say anything..." He lied, but she didn't know that.

'I wouldn't be able to leave knowing you would be here alone with monsters...' Is what he truly wanted to tell her, but his cold facade said no, containing his screaming feelings that cried to be let out.

Subaru stands up, holding out his hand for her to take it, "Come on, if you stay out here soaked like this you will catch a cold... I don't wanna deal with you coughing."

"Who said you'd have to deal with me?"

"No one else will..." His voice was low, averting his gaze to the floor to hide the fact he was blushing.

Kazashi's lips curl into a faint smile, completely countering how she felt just a few moments ago, she gladly took his hand and let him hoist her up to her feet.

"Thanks, Subaru." Was all she said, not yet letting go of his hand which felt cold physically but made her feel warm mentally.

"Whatever." Kazashi could only think about how Subaru, how he knew when to act a certain way, how he can tell a joke from the real thing, and when to act soft.

Like he did just now.

'One day, we should run away together...' Is what Kazashi would have said.

Kazashi had been on the edge ever since the event, Subaru promised not to tell anyone and even threatened Laito to keep his trap shut as well. Kazashi didn't mind if the others found out but as of right now, she preferred for the topic to stay hush. She had tried to stay calm and not get angry ever since, coming to the conclusion that anger activates her hidden power. She was more than curious as to what this ability was and where it came from, but she couldn't exactly ask anyone since no one, as far as she knew, had information on the subject.

Though during school, Kazashi remembered passing by the book club reading a book called "Firestarter", she didn't know the author as of yet, but found it quite interesting after hearing them read out the summary on the back of the book. She didn't think the brothers would wait for her or even take her to the nearest bookshop, so she went on her own.

The nearest bookstore was located in town, far from the brothers' mansion, though, she had each of their numbers if anything were to happen. She had Subaru's on speed dial, she trusted him the most out of all the brothers.

As she entered the bookstore, a bell rung which caught the cashiers attention, the cashier gave Kazashi a warm welcome, letting her know if she needed anything that she will be of assistance to Kazashi.

"Do you have a copy of Firestarter?" Kazashi asked, looking around the bookstore, her eyes scanning the signs above each aisle of shelves that said the section of genres.

"By Stephen King? Of course, I will grab you a copy right now!" The woman behind the desk flashed a smile before heading off down the 'Science Fiction' aisle. The woman came back not a moment later holding a dark colored book, fire was the first thing Kazashi noticed on the cover a silhouette of a girl within the fire.

'Stephen King: FireStarter' Kazashi read the cover in her head, recognizing the book. She didn't know why just yet, but felt an attraction to the book as if it might ease her stress. The cashier rang up the book, exchanging the book for the money Kazashi handed out.

"Thank you for shopping, please do come again!"

The sound of pages being flipped was all that could be heard within Kazashi's room, her eyes glued to every word on each page she read. The book, just like she thought, gave her a sense of ease and released the stress that seemed to be weighing her down all day.

Just as the back of the book said, Firestarter was about a young girl who had pyrokinetic powers, meaning, she could manipulate fire in many different ways. Kazashi didn't know as much about her power as the girl in the novel did, but Kazashi believed that if she tried to learn, she could be able to control or even learn to properly use her new found ability.