Atticus, Patch, and Mo waited atop of the hill where they usually had Equestrian portals open up for them to send them into the magical world of Equestria.
Cherry gasped and panted as she climbed up the hill and flopped on the ground as she finally made it, though she clearly just got out of bed despite claims of not sleeping in earlier that morning. "Sorry I'm late..." she panted to the others while trying to catch her breath.
"It's okay," Atticus said. "You're actually on time."
"Anyone else joining us?" Mo asked.
"Cherry, didn't your parents promise to come too?" Atticus asked the perky goth.
"They said... That Grandma... Would take them there..." Cherry panted. "They're... Excited... To become horses... Like the ones they grew up with..."
"That's good, and my parents are coming too along with Darla." Atticus smiled.
"Such an exciting time," Mo beamed. "Also, Cherry, Drell promised to be nicer to you today!"
"I'll believe that when I see it." Cherry murmured.
"So, shall we get going?" Patch asked.
The four soon stood up together, activated their medallions, and came through the portal, becoming their Equestrian forms.
"Oh, Bud, I'm so excited," Michelle smiled as she was a purple pegasus with a golden mane and round glasses, having a dollar sign cutie mark which resembled her talents in selling things to people. "Our little girl is allowing us to go to Equestria and we're going to meet the princesses!"
"I'm so proud of her." Bud smiled back, he was a dark blue earth stallion with his hat and short graying black mane and had a construction cutie mark for his talent in handiwork for his friends and family.
"Are you excited, Wendy?" Michelle asked.
"Uh-huh," Wendy smiled as she was a red unicorn filly with a spell book cutie mark. "Thanks for letting me come too, Auntie Michelle and Uncle Bud."
"No problem," Bud smiled before smirking. "And I think Casper might be coming too."
"Oh, um, that'll be fun..." Wendy blushed at the mention of the former friendly ghost boy.
Spike was rushing over with plans in his arms. "'Scuse me! Dragon on the move! Important princess documents comin' through!"
"That must be Sprite." Bud guessed.
"Spike, dear..." Michelle narrowed her eyes with a smirk.
"I know my words!" Bud replied which just made his wife laugh.
They soon saw the Fudo family and a certain imaginary friend in their pony forms.
"Wow, Michelle, you look wonderful as a pegasus." Emily smiled.
"Aw, thanks, Emily," Michelle smiled back as she perched her wings. "I've always loved the idea of flying."
"You look great as a stallion, Bud." Patrick greeted.
"Aw, well, thanks," Bud smiled. "It's great for us to bond like this, especially with Cherry and Atticus's friendship. So, when do we meet Midnight?"
"Twilight." Michelle whispered.
"Uh, yes, her..." Bud replied.
"She'll probably come out of her castle once the kids come here." Emily suggested.
"Or they'll meet her inside." Patrick said.
"You look nice today, Casper." Wendy blushed.
"Oh, uh, thanks, Wendy," Casper blushed back as he was a light blue colt. "I love you-Your mane! Your mane... I love your mane."
The adults chuckled as they decided to let the kids alone.
"I don't wanna do it, I'll mess up!" Cherry's voice cried out.
"Just try it, you never know unless you try!" Atticus's voice encouraged.
Cherry soon flew in out of a portal, trying to do a spin only to lose control as Drell and Hilda came in into their Equestrian forms as they walked in to join the party before she crashed into them and they were all on the floor, but luckily, her wings hadn't broke.
"Ow." Cherry winced.
"CHERRY!" Drell glared. "You clumsy, insensitive, little-"
Cherry winced and pouted.
Drell was about to go on, but then forced himself to smile. "I mean... You cute little flyer... You almost had it!"
"Huh?" Cherry asked.
Hilda helped Cherry up to her hooves. "You okay, Cherry?"
"I'm not sure anymore..." Cherry said nervously as she backed up to hide behind her.
Atticus, Mo, and Patch soon came out. Drell soon gave a hug to Cherry.
"Get off of me!" Cherry yelped and zipped off before crashing into the bounce house. "Oof... Oh, good thing I'm not a unicorn."
Atticus bit on Cherry's tail and pulled her off of the bounce house and let go. "Clumsy, huh?"
"I am not clumsy!" Cherry glared.
"Anyway, we need to get to the castle." Mo said.
"Whoa!" An earth mare beamed. "Everypony from Manehattan to Saddle Arabia is here!"
"I know, filly!" Apple Cobbler replied. "We almost couldn't book a stable!"
"Princess Twilight must have her hooves full with this giant Festival!" Clear Skies commented as she flew with her friend.
"Are you kidding?!" A fellow pegasus mare replied. "She's smart and organized and cool under pressure! There's nothing she can't handle!"
Twilight was soon seen in the hall that had stain glass windows, trying to stay calm as she was meditating. Atticus overheard Twilight and came to see her as the others followed behind.
"Ommmmm... Ohhhhhhh, mmmmy goodness, I can't handle this!" Twilight quickly panicked as her wings were spiraling out of control. "Ooh! Nothing is working! I just have to get it together! Just go in there! And ask! This is your Friendship Festival! Everypony's happiness rests in your hooves."
'Whoa, she seems nervous.' Mo thought to herself before Spike came in with the scrolls.
"Okay, Twilight," Spike told the lavender alicorn. "Got all your charts and graphs," He then looked to the others. "Oh, hey, guys. Glad to see that you could make it."
"No problem, Spike, but it looks like Twilight could use a han-hoof." Cherry replied.
"Yeah, because she looks stressed out." Patch agreed.
"Oh, thank goodness you're all here!" Twilight told the others. "I'm just so nervous about this meeting!"
"Whatchoo talkin' 'bout?" Spike replied.
"Yeah, why are you so nervous?" Atticus added.
"I'm about to ask the three most royal princesses of Equestria a huge favor," Twilight sighed. "What if they reject me?"
"You'll do fine, just remember the one most important thing." Atticus assured.
"Smile?!" Twilight asked with a huge disturbing grin which reminded Cherry, Atticus, Mo, and Patch that of Lesson Zero, only less terrifying looking from stress and panic.
"Uh... No," Spike replied. "I think Atticus means that you're a princess too."
"That's right." Atticus nodded.
Twilight sighed. "Atticus... Could you come with me?" she then asked. "You're like another big brother to me, and I would feel so much better if you could come with me."
"Sure thing, Twilight," Atticus smiled in confidence. "I'd be more than happy to."
"Thanks." Twilight smiled back.
Atticus soon opened the doors to the throne room with his magic and where they saw that not only were the princesses there, but so was Zeus in his own pony form. "Zeus?!"
"Hello there, Atticus." The god smiled to the young Wiccan.
"I didn't know you were coming here too." Atticus smiled back at the king of gods which was now an alicorn.
"Well, you know, Celestia and I go way back." Zeus nodded.
"That's true." Atticus replied.
"Good morning, Princesses, and welcome to Equestria, Zeus," Twilight bowed. "Thank you all for seeing me. I have an idea that I think will make our Friendship Festival the most wonderful celebration Equestria has ever seen!"
"Yes, and we're excited too." Zeus replied.
"Oh, yes!" Princess Celestia agreed. "Very excited!"
"Ponies have been arriving from all over all morning." Princess Cadence informed.
"I'd like to think it's to see us, but Songbird Serenade might be the bigger attraction." Princess Luna suggested.
"Well, no doubt she could be the 'mane event'." Zeus joked before laughing at his own joke like when his son Hercules had been born and he joked with Hades.
"Nice one." Atticus laughed.
"Oh, Zeus, you always were good for a laugh." Princess Celestia giggled behind her hoof.
"And to make it extra special, I could use your help," Twilight soon continued. "Spike?"
Spike hummed a fanfare as he wheeled in a white board to show the other alicorn princesses and the King of all Gods from Mount Olympus.
"This should be interesting." Zeus said.
"Songbird Serenade's performance is not scheduled to start until after you begin the sunset," Twilight informed the other princesses of what she wanted for the festival. "And based on my precise calculation, to get the very best lighting for the stage, Princess Celestia, I was hoping you could make sure the sun stays about 28.1º to the south, and, Princess Luna, if you could raise the moon 62º to the north at the same time, it would reflect the sunlight on the other side and really frame the entire stage perfectly!"
"I-" Princess Luna was about to ask until she was then suddenly interrupted.
"But wait, there's more!" Twilight replied.
"Oh, dear." Zeus muttered slightly.
"Cadence, if you could use your crystal magic to create an aurora above the stage, the sun and the moon will shine through it and create a truly amazing light show!" Twilight continued.
Spike soon went to the top of the white board from the back. "Presenting Songbird Serenade!" The baby dragon cheered before cheering and fell off of the white board. "Ta-da..."
Twilight smiled nervously and covered Spike with her wing.
"So, you want us to move and the sun and the moon at the same time?" Princess Luna asked Twilight out of confusion.
"Well, I'd do it myself, except I don't have your magic." Twilight replied with a snort.
"Twilight, each of princesses use their power to serve Equestria in their own way such as myself and the other gods and goddesses back in Olympus," Zeus told the young alicorn. "You are the Princess of Friendship. You already have all the magic you need."
"I couldn't have said it any better." Princess Celestia smiled.
"So, that would be a no?" Atticus asked.
"YES!" Rainbow Dash's voice yelled out.
Patch looked out the window as Rainbow Dash was zipping through the clouds.
"Skies cleared and ready for the festival!" Rainbow Dash smiled as she hovered in the air.
Pinkie was soon seen taking a deep breath before blowing into a balloon. Bud and Michelle came to check on her and saw that she made a balloon animal of Discord only for it to deflate.
"Uh, I'll be right with ya, folks," Pinkie smiled nervously before she got blown back by the balloon's air. "WHOA!"
"That must be Pinkie Pie." Michelle giggled.
"Ooh, you know who I am?" Pinkie smiled.
"Yeah!" Michelle smiled back. "The best party pony in Equestria!"
"Aw, come on now..." Pinkie blushed and shuffled her hoof. "Say, you sound a lot like my friend, Cherry."
"She's our daughter." Bud informed.
"Cool." Pinkie smiled before her head joined her body as her neck as stretched out to them.
Bud and Michelle paused a moment before laughing in slight amusement. Boots sat with her adoptive mother as she sang to the birds and she appeared to be different in appearance, she had a slightly bigger stomach than the last time everypony saw her. The birds were suddenly startled by the sudden flying balloon and pink earth pony.
"Whoa! Heads up, Fluttershy!" Pinkie called out as she chased after the balloon. "Out of control balloooooon!"
"I don't think it's the balloon that's out of control, Pinkie Pie." Fluttershy giggled as she took one bird and comforted it.
"Free apple cider!" Applejack announced as she brought in a wagon of a barrel of Apple cider while holding a mug of Apple Cider and even ducked, having to know Pinkie was flying by.
"Ah!" Rainbow Dash beamed before zipping bye to take a mug. "Thank you! Loved it!"
"I'd like to try some." Bud smiled to the country earth mare.
Applejack soon poured some apple cider into a mug and gave it to Bud before seeing Rarity doing her part on the stage as she arranged a diamond onto a ribbon. Bud accepted the cup of cider and had a very serene look on his face as he enjoyed it very much. Rarity hummed to herself as she was perfectly aligning the gemstone.
"Uh, that's a really great job you're doing there, Rarity." Emily said.
"Oh, thank you, Emily." Rarity replied.
"'Course it might not get done 'til after the concert." Applejack told the unicorn fashionista.
"Applejack, darling, anypony can do 'fine'," Rarity sighed. "Twilight asked me, so clearly, she's going for fabulous, and fabulous takes time."
"Fabulous takes forever." Casper said.
"You said it, kid," Rainbow Dash agreed. "But awesome-" She then began before decorating the whole stage with the ribbons and diamonds instantly.
"Whoa!" Fluttershy yelped as she was tied in a ribbon with a diamond in her mouth.
"Can get done in four seconds flat!" Rainbow Dash concluded with a smirk. "Faster if I do my Sonic Rainboom!"
"No!" Emily panicked at how the ribbons and gems looked.
"It looks wretched enough already." Rarity added.
"Oh, come on, it's fine!" Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.
"Were you raised in a barn?" Michelle asked Rainbow Dash before looking to Applejack. "No offense."
"None taken," Applejack replied as she got more cider only for Rainbow Dash and Bud to take a lot of the samples. "Especially since Ah wasn't raised in a barn. My family just happens to have a barn. Where Ah was born. And... Spent most of my formative years..."
"So, yes, you were raised in a barn." Michelle concluded.
Bud pouted and whimpered at that as he wanted it.