One hour and a tiny bit of Grace later, Gabriel had himself a home. The place was abandoned and dusty and spookfree- he had checked.

It was an apartment above a shop, both lifeless. He had only really been aiming for the apartment, but he'd miscalculated the amount of Grace needed to convince the seller and ended up being given all the keys for the downstairs shop, too.

He'd see what to do with that later. Right now he needed some rest. He felt drained, the transferring of previously non-existent money having taken more out of him than he thought it would.

He wrangled with finding the right key for the upstairs door, and almost gave in and simply unlocked the door, but decided against it at the last moment. Better not to exhaust his Grace even more right now.

He was rewarded a few seconds later when one of the keys finally fit and Gabriel pushed the door open. He stumbled a bit with the movement and realized that he'd grossly underestimated his Grace exhaustion.

The place was uncleaned and old, but it was furnished, and had a good open atmosphere. The windows were big and plenty of light fell through them, illuminating the dust particles in the air from where Gabriel had stirred them up.

He basically fell into the bedroom and onto the big bed already there, not bothering with the sheets or the dust on the bed. It was a bed, and that was enough.

Not a moment later, he sunk into the embrace of sleep, or at least the angel equivalent.

Amenadiel was contemplating the appearance of the new player on the field.

The other Angel had told him Amenadiel hadn't fallen. That he wasn't disgraced, and he'd said it right after realizing that Luci and he didn't... something.

Was it about the not-sensing-ghosts thing? Amenadiel had met the annoying spirits and would prefer not to sense them, ever. But if it was about that, why would Gabriel have grinned so shark-like? No, this was something more, he decided.

"So, did you come here to talk or just to admire the side of the couch?" Dr. Martin's dry voice cut through his thoughts and he looked up from the couch he was sitting on.

He sighed and wondered if the multiverse thing would go over well. Probably not. Best avoid that.

"There's a new guy in town," He answered simply, "and he says he's our brother."

He paused for just a moment, thinking, before continuing to the heart of the problem. "Somehow, he knows something we don't, and that makes him dangerous."

"And is it true?" Dr Martin said, looking him in the eyes, grounding him. "That he's your brother?"

Amenadiel shrugged, not particularly caught up about that. "Probably. He can fly well enough."

Linda sat back, slightly dazed, mouthing the word 'fly' to herself as if reminding herself what the hell was going on before pulling her attention back to the problem at hand.

"So, your brother. Is he acting aggressively towards you or Lucifer?"

"Well..." Amenadiel hesitated. "No? But his appearance cannot be a coincidence. He's planning something."

"Maybe, for once, that's exactly what it is," Linda argued gently. "A coincidence."

"Yeah," Amenadiel said doubtfully.

Elsewhere in Los Angeles, Lucifer walked into the station frowning. Chloe, who had been sorting out some of the endless papers on her desk, looked up at him as he came to a stop before her.

"No new leads," she sighed, cutting straight to the point. "Not a trace of Gabriel Novak, nor have any records of him turned up."

Lucifer grimaced slightly, but didn't comment on it, which was slightly strange for him. Chloe let a few moments of silence fall.

"Okay, spill the beans." Chloe finally commanded, curiosity overwhelming her as she abandoned the papers. "You look like your breaking your head over something and you're not even sure what it is." Chloe commented. "What's up?"

Lucifer looked surprised and then thoughtfully at the other. "Detective, how would you go about getting answers out of someone when bargaining or seduction is not an option?"

She paused a moment, blinking, before she spoke again. "Seduction not an option for you? Wow, that's a new one."

Lucifer gestured for her to get to the point impatiently, and Chloe finally awnsered. "There's something called 'asking', you know? Why don't you just ask them?"

Lucifer opens his mouth to protest that that obviously wouldn't- but stopped himself short. He tilted his head slightly. That could... actually work.

Before he could respond to that, the phone on Chloe's desk rang. They both turned sharply towards it, surprised, and Chloe reached to pick it up.

"Hello, Detective Chloe Decker, LAPD. Who is this?"

Lucifer watched with interest as the Detective's face became more and more alarmed with every word said by whoever was on the other side.

"Yes, I understand. I'll be there soon. Are you sure you're the only person there?"

The question was pressing, although Chloe kept her voice composed. She relaxed a bit with the answer she got.

"Good. Don't leave the house."

Chloe hung up and immediately set a off with a firm pace towards the exit, motioning with her head for her partner to follow.

"That was our victim's wife, Mary Verst." She explained as they walked to Chloe's car, maintaining a brisk pace. "She just found their household cook with a cross through his heart."

"Oh, how symbolic!" Lucifer grinned widely. This was beginning to get better. "Now Detective, who do you think would want revenge for Klaren Verst's death?"

A/N I should probably have mentioned this, but no time like the present I guess.

This story is set somewhere after Dr Martin finds out about and accepts Lucifer, but before the end of season 2 of the show. So Luci still has his Devil face and all.