Hello my lovelies. I would like to thank Lynn (Guest), Bkworm4life4, Scififan33, Lynmurph3 (Guest), Amy (Guest), Guest, crossyuuki69, wonderworldofmine, Guest, Amy Jones (Guest), Anx (Guest), JackSam, Guest, PirateGinge, fanncis, Petunia3116, Lic. Lu and Guest for amazing reviews. I would also like to thank those of you who have followed and favoured since my last update.

So sorry for the long wait for this chapter. I have been trying to get through my stories, finishing off as many as I can as I had too many on the go at once. I have finally gotten round to continuing this one. As such I hope you like this new chapter.

Disclaimer: I don't own NCIS: LA.

It was Saturday afternoon and Sarah and Marty were driving to the barbeque they had been invited to. Sarah had yet to mention to her father whose barbeque it actually was and she knew now was her last chance to tell him everything. Therefore taking a deep breath she prepared herself to revel all she had been keeping from her dad.

"So, this barbeque, its Sam's. As in Callen's friend Sam." she said in a voice that sounded a lot less confident than she wished it did.

"What? Why are we invited to his barbeque?" Deeks asked taking his eyes from the road as he looked at his daughter in confusion. Though then it hit him. Was this some convoluted idea she had to get him and Callen together? He was tempted to pull over or turn around at that idea, but no. First he'd let his daughter give her defence, then he would cast his judgement.

"Because Hetty asked him to invite us." Sarah replied quickly, wanting to make sure he didn't think this was her doing. Of course her words caused Deeks to pull over as soon as he could. Because the name Hetty coming out of his daughter's mouth was not what he expected, not in a million years. And in truth it was a name he would prefer she didn't speak, like ever.

"Who is Hetty?" He asked carefully, wanting to find out what Sarah knew, and make sure she was taking about the same woman he knew was the head of a secretive arm of NCIS.

"Okay, here's the thing. The morning you went surfing with Callen I saw Sam break into his house. I called the police, but they never came. Later I got a call from a Henrietta Lange who told me that Sam was Callen's friend. I didn't trust her, but then later Callen came round and explained it. Hetty, Henrietta Lange, well she's like a mom to him. Raised him from the age of 15. So she knew Sam was his friend. I don't know why she wanted us invited to this barbeque, but we have to go, right? I mean, this is Callen's family, right?" Sarah rushed to explain, hoping her dad didn't just turn around. Because she really wanted to go. Wanted to find out more about Callen from Sam and Hetty. She needed to know so she could set him up even better with her dad.

Deeks on the other hand found his head spinning with the information his daughter had just imparted. He didn't believe in consequences, and the idea that both he and Sarah had talked to Hetty for completely separate reasons didn't sit well in his mind. It really didn't take much time for him to connect the dots. Hetty and Callen were interconnected. Callen's obvious lack of wanting to talk about his job. The familiarity he found when reading through the undercover reports, as if he knew the writer and could determine what he meant by the way he wrote. It seemed Hetty and Callen were connected in more ways that him being raised by her. Callen was an agent, no he wasn't just an agent, Deeks would put money on the fact that he was agent A from the files he had been reading. At a guess he would say Sam was agent B.

Deeks wasn't sure what to do with that information. And that wasn't even touching on the fact that it was obvious that Hetty wanted to meet his daughter. He didn't want Sarah anywhere near that kind of life. But he wasn't stupid. It was obvious Hetty wanted to meet Sarah, and he knew if he turned around now she would find another way. Surely if he was there he could protect her, right? And he was sure Callen would as well. Even if the man had lied to him. The whole identity he had living next door to them was a lie, but he didn't think the man had lied about who he truly was. And he really didn't think that man, the Callen he knew, would ever want to put his daughter in harm's way.

So what was he going to do now? Looking across at Sarah he saw her biting her lip. Her mom used to do that when she was worried, usually when anything connected to her family came up. Seeing his daughter do it to made Deeks' heart melt. "Okay, we'll go to the barbeque. But when I say we leave, we leave. Okay? No arguments." He said giving in to his daughter.

"Deal." Sarah responded with a bright smile splitting her face. She couldn't wait to find out more about Callen, and her dad had just agreed to let her. Oh she knew he hadn't really, but he wouldn't be able to stop her from asking questions, and well she was sure that she could slip away from him to talk to the others that would be there. I mean surely Callen would keep her dad distracted, right?

"Okay, then." Deeks sighed back. He could see that twinkle in her eyes that she got whenever she was plotting, and he dreaded to think what she was planning to do. But there was nothing he could do about it now he had agreed to go. And well, in truth he wanted to go to. He wanted answers to the questions he now had tumbling around in his head, and he now knew just who to ask to get them. Oh yes, Callen would be telling him the truth that day. Therefore with that pleasant thought Deeks pulled away from the curb and carried on driving. He had no idea what would happen when they got to the barbeque, he only hoped he'd made the right decision.

Callen was stood next to Sam who was at the grill. He had a beer in his hand as he bantered with his partner, throwing the occasional jibe at Nate and Kensi who were with them. It was how the team worked, ribbing each other to show they cared. He was happy here, in Sam's back garden knowing that all his family were safe. And if he felt a slight twinge that maybe someone was missing, he didn't look too deeply into it. But still he could not stop his mind from thinking about how much he would enjoy watching Marty talking to his friends, to his team. He could imagine him running rings around Nate just as he himself did. Or if Marty didn't, Sarah definitely would. As for Kensi, he reckoned Marty and her would get along. Not to mention that it would be good for Sarah to have a female role model now her mom was gone. He knew that was something Kensi would enjoy being, a friend and confidant to the teenage girl.

Callen was pulled from these thoughts that he wasn't thinking by the sound of a car pulling up out the front of Sam's house. That caused him to go on alert, as he knew they weren't expecting anyone else to show. So who was it? Watching the gate he couldn't help but show his shock for a second when he saw who walked through into the back yard. It seemed that just by thinking of them he had somehow conjured them up.

"Sam, what are my neighbour and his daughter doing here?" He asked in a deceptively mild tone of voice, his eyes never leaving the pair as they made their way inside.

"Hetty asked me to invite them." Sam responded quickly. He knew that tone of voice and he for one did not want to get on the bad side of G. Leave Hetty to deal with his pissed off partner, he was just following her orders after all.

"Of course she did." Callen muttered, before moving quickly away from the grill, grabbing a soda and two beers as he went to greet the new arrivals.

"Marty, Sarah. This is a surprise." Callen said as he got close to them, reaching them before Michelle could who was making her way towards the newcomers.

"You're telling me." Deeks agreed with a causal smile, though his eyes took in everyone there with a glance. There was Nate, the psychologist he had spoken to who worked for Hetty. It confirmed even more in his head the idea that Callen worked for her as well.

"Beer?" Callen asked holding out one of the bottles, before turning to the woman who was hovering behind him. "Let me introduce you to Michelle, Sam's much better half. Michelle these Marty and Sarah Deeks, my neighbours."

"Pleasure to meet you both. Sam mentioned he had invited you." Michelle responded with a calm smile on her lips as she assessed the people in front of her. She had hear Sam's option of the man he was convinced his partner had a crush on, and how the girl had caught her husband breaking into G's house. So she was curious to find out more about the pair.

"Pleasure's all mine. I would have brought something, but Sarah failed to mention where we were going until the drive here." Deeks replied with his sunny smile firmly in place at the shrewd look the woman in front of him gave them. She was definitely someone you didn't want to get on the wrong side of he decided.

"Dad." Sarah groaned at that. Did he really have to mention that fact? I mean really? Okay sure, she should have probably mentioned it all before today, but she knew if she had he wouldn't have come. And she needed them to be here. Because she needed to find out more about Callen, needed to find out so she could better set him up with her dad. I mean what was wrong with that?

"I believe that would be because of me, Mr Deeks." Another voice joined them causing Sarah and Deeks to turn towards her, both recognising the voice. So this was Hetty? Wow, she was so not what Sarah had been expecting, but still she smiled brightly at the shorter woman. If she wanted more information out of her about Callen she needed to make a good first impression. Or was it second impression?

"No doubt it was, Ms Lange." Deeks responded in a dry tone. He didn't think for a minute that this wasn't some master plan of hers. She was a spy master after all, even if he couldn't see what she was getting out of it. He would work it out eventually, he was sure. And well if he didn't, he would bug Callen until he figured it out.

"You two know each other?" Callen asked with a frown wondering how his neighbour knew his boss. I mean they didn't exactly run in the same circles. Marty was a public defender, really not the kind of guy who ended up within Hetty's sights that was for sure.

"Mr Deeks is consulting on one of our cases." Hetty responded simply, as if that explained everything. And well it did. It made things click into place in Callen's mind. He had known the DA had acquired a consultant for the Deveron case, and he knew Nate had been impressed by the man. He just hadn't realised that that man was Marty.

"You're the consultant the DA brought in on the Deveron case?" he asked impressed himself from what he had heard from the others. And it didn't cross his mind for a second at how that sentence would ruin his undercover persona that he had given Marty when they met. In fact it didn't cross his mind at all that Marty didn't already know exactly what he did for a living. Maybe it was because Hetty knew him, or maybe it was because he was standing in his partners back garden with his team around him, he did know. But something caused him to relax and forget the fundamental aspect of undercover work.

"And you are agent A." Deeks replied with a smirk on his lips as he watched at how his words caused Callen's eyes to widen as realisation stuck at what he had just revealed without meaning to. Really the guy should have been better than that, but he would let him off. No doubt he hadn't thought about how he would have to maintain his cover when over at his friends home, surrounded by his people.

Sarah had been following the conversation closely from her position at her dad's side, but she had remained remarkably quite. She had been glad that Callen had asked how her dad had known Hetty, as it was something she had wanted to know. But with her dads response to Callen's question she could not keep quiet any longer. "Wait, what? You're a spy? See I told you, dad. Didn't I say he was a spy?" She screaked in joy at having one of her wild fantasies actually being right. Damn this was better than any of the plot lines from the cop's shows she watched, and this was real. She couldn't believe it. It was amazing. Oh she had sooo many questions. So much she wanted to know. Oh oh she didn't know where to start.

"You are never going to let this go are you?" Deeks responded calmly as he saw the look in his daughter's eyes. He almost felt sorry for Callen, as he knew Sarah would interrogate him to within an inch of his life to get all the answers she desired. Though considering he was, as Sarah had aptly put it, a spy, he was sure he could cope against one teenage girl. And if not, well he really should train better.

"Nope. I was so right." Sarah crowed in reply to her dad before turning towards her neighbour, her mouth already opening to ask one of the million questions that were bursting out of her. But before they could pass her lips Michelle spoke.

"Sarah, why don't you come and meet my son, Aiden. He is your age and this is his barbeque before he goes back to school." She said, in a pleasant but firm voice that clearly stated that she would not be allowed to quiz Callen here and now. But she was okay with that. I mean she knew where the guy lived after all. And hey, with her going off to meet this Aiden guy, she was leaving her dad with Callen. And there was no way he would desert him. It was a win win in her mind.

Therefore with a smirk on her lips and twinkly in her eyes she responded, "Okay. Have fun, dad." accenting her words by waggling her eyebrows in a very unstable way, causing Deeks to just shake his head at her. What was his daughter like? Oh yes, her mother, that was it.

"And I think I will go and make sure Mr Hanna is preparing the food properly." Hetty added, seeing the girls plan and feeling it was a perfectly acceptable one. She would give her boy time to talk to his handsome friend, and maybe, just maybe now everything was out in the open they would become more than friends. It seemed Miss Deeks was keen on that plan, and well Hetty wasn't going to say no it. The young lady obviously had everything under control on that score.

"He is going to love that." Callen responded sarcastically. He could just imagine how his partner was going to respond to Hetty sticking her nose into his grilling. It was going to be fun to watch that was for sure.

"Of course he will, Mr Callen." Hetty replied serenely before moving purposefully across the yard towards the rest of the team who had been avidly watching the newcomers and how Callen had greeted them.

"Mr Callen? I thought your name was Callen?" Deeks asked with a frown. Had he been calling the other man by his last name the whole time he had known him? That was a bit weird. I mean sure he knew cops did it all the time, but still…

"Special agent G. Callen, NCIS." Callen replied giving his full name and title to his neighbour for the first time.

"What does the G stand for?" Marty asked still frowning at why the other man had only given him the first letter of his name. Though it did explain why Sam had called him G the morning they had gone surfing.

"What do you want it to stand for?" Callen responded flirtatiously. He wasn't sure where that had come from, whether it was due to the obvious intent behind Sarah's words, or just that he was happy that he could finally be himself with the other man. But it seemed that Marty was not so keen on his reply considering all he did was look at him with an eyebrow raised in an unimpressed way. As such Callen shrugged as he gave the truthful answer. "It's just G."

Deeks stared at him a moment longer at those words, wondering if he was telling him the truth, but looking into the other guy's eyes he realised that he was. He didn't know why the guy only had a letter for a name, but now wasn't the time to delve into that. Therefore with a nod he replied, "Okay, G."

"So you really didn't know you were coming here?" Callen asked changing the conversation away from his name and back to something that he was actually interested in finding out the answer to.

"No. I also didn't know my daughter had called the police on Sam. I am almost sorry I missed that." Deeks replied finally taking a swig of the beer that Callen had given him when they had arrived.

"Yeah, Hetty was not impressed." Callen chuckled in answer. Oh he was never letting his partner live that one down. A 15 year old girl had caught him breaking and entering. Yep that was a story he would be telling everyone for a very, very long time.

"I can imagine." Deeks replied with a laugh of his own. No he couldn't imagine the spy master being pleased that one her people got made by his daughter. Though to give Sam some credit, she was kinda stalking Callen, so it wasn't all his fault she had seen him.

"So, want to come meet my team?" Callen asked as silence settled between them. Though it was a comfortable one, one that spoke of a closeness between them that seemed to have formed without either of them truly being aware.

"Yeah, I would." Deeks agreed. He wanted to meet the people in Callen's life. Wanted to meet the people who knew him. Wanted to see how this Callen, the real Callen, matched up to the man he had been getting to know.

And so Deeks and Callen went to meet the rest of Callen's team, and if they stood a faction too close when they got there, no one said anything. They all noticed of course, but not one of them said a word. They were too happy to meet the man who it was obvious Callen liked to rib him about his blossoming romance in front of Deeks. Of course they would all make sure they made up for their silence come Monday morning, but that was a whole two days away, who knew what would happen in that time?