Author's Notes: This story is an alternate universe (AU) version of events in Aliyah, Truth or Consequences, and beyond. Some events are as depicted in canon. Some are altered slightly to suit and work with the alternate storyline.

In the interest of full disclosure, this story is not Vance or Ziva friendly. If you are fans of those characters and prefer not to see them depicted in a negative light, you should give this story a pass.

Spoilers for, and references from season 6, season 2-3 episodes, and possibly others sprinkled throughout.

Written for the 2017 NCIS Big Bang

PS: For those readers wondering what happened to my in-progress work "Chapter and Verse", rest assured I have not given up on that story. I plan to take it up again in the near future :)

~Israel, Mossad Headquarters, May~

Gibbs watched the large monitor showing the video feed from the adjacent room as Eli David fired his questions and barbs at DiNozzo. The corner of his mouth lifted in a smirk; Tony was doing him proud; employing his chosen strategy of annoying the arrogant prick with sarcasm and inappropriate humor. He turned in his chair slightly to hide his amusement from Vance, the arrogant prick in this room. Vance was becoming increasingly angry as DiNozzo continued to goad Ziva's father. Vance's end game might have been diplomacy, but that sure as hell wasn't part of DiNozzo's plan.

Ziva joined them a moment later, crossed her arms and watched the exchange wordlessly. Her face was a cold mask but her dark eyes betrayed barely controlled anger. Gibbs' attention snapped back to the room when David rose and walked toward Tony's end of the table as if he were a predator stalking prey.

Tony seemed briefly thrown off his game by David describing the confrontation with Rivkin and the accusation that Tony provoked the rogue agent. His own temper flared as he watched David lean in close and essentially accuse Tony of killing Rivkin out of jealousy. He glanced at Ziva to gauge her reaction; she had to have been the one that planted that idea in Eli's head. She'd as much as told him the same thing. Ziva was understandably upset and grieving, but her attitude toward Tony was irrational and the assertions of jealousy were ludicrous. Ziva needed to open her eyes about Rivkin's motivations for being in the U.S and how her own actions looked in this situation. She watched, almost mesmerized as her father put Tony through the wringer.

Come on Tony; you can do this, he thought. Don't let him get the upper hand on you.

Tony stared straight ahead and defended himself with his own summary of the confrontation; "It was kill or be killed," he finished decisively.

Gibbs tensed as he watched David circle behind Tony.

David placed his hands on the agent's shoulders and squeezed brutally as he spoke, "If that were true, my friend, you would be dead."

Tony grimaced and winced, clearly in pain from having bruises and the broken arm jostled, but he continued to speak. Even exhausted and in pain, he taunted the elder David until the man's control finally broke. Gibbs stiffened as he grabbed Tony by the throat and squeezed; the action putting a fleeting smile of satisfaction on Ziva's face before she managed to hide it. Vance's eyes narrowed at the move and then his expression shifted into something near to admiration as DiNozzo neatly manipulated David into an admission of guilt, all while David had a threatening hand on his neck.

Surprise and a grudging respect colored Vance's voice as he watched DiNozzo turn and gaze meaningfully into the surveillance camera lens. "Well I'll be damned."

Ziva was clearly shocked and outraged at her father's confirmation that Rivkin was in the States acting on his orders. Her face flushed with anger, she turned and stalked out of the room.

As soon as she was out of earshot Gibbs rose and turned on Vance. "What the hell, Leon!" he hissed. "You just stood there and watched David manhandle your agent! How far were you willing to let him go?"

"He can handle it. Isn't that what you told me?" Vance asked smugly.

"Whose side are you on, anyway?"

"Diplomacy, Gibbs," Vance reminded, unrepentant at having put DiNozzo in that position. "Your boy did alright for himself."

"He did, but that doesn't make what you allowed to happen in there okay," Gibbs asserted. Throwing Vance's own words back at him; Gibbs went on, "He's done enough of taking one for the team. If anyone else here lays a hand on DiNozzo in the name of diplomacy, you'll all be answering to SecDef, the State Department, and me…" He sure as hell didn't trust SecNav after their recent conversation in his basement and his revelations about Vance and his supposedly faked service jacket records. Davenport had an agenda and it obviously involved plans to make use of Vance and his questionable contacts. It made Davenport suspect. He'd likely either cover for Vance, or completely distance himself from any negative press.

Gibbs paused, letting that sink in. His voice was low and threatening when he spoke again, and he didn't give a damn how Vance felt about it. "You should probably be more worried about me." With that thinly veiled threat, Gibbs turned on his heel and left, hoping to find some much needed coffee. He also needed to track Ziva down and find out where her head was at. She was furious and her tendency toward aggression and acting out in anger made her unpredictable.


Vance had been walking the halls of Mossad headquarters for a while, searching for some sign of Gibbs and DiNozzo. He knew Gibbs would make good on his earlier threat and no sooner than he'd decided to keep closer tabs on his people than the troublesome agents had both disappeared. He'd been getting some curious glances and expected to be challenged at any time, knowing that being a personal guest of Director David would only go so far. His suspicions were proven correct as he saw Officer Hadar approach.

"Is there something I can help you find, Director Vance?" he queried politely.

"Officer Hadar," Vance greeted with a nod. "I'm looking for Agents Gibbs and DiNozzo. Our transport back is leaving earlier than expected; I wanted to let them know."

Hadar looked conflicted for a moment, and then seemed to come to a decision. "I believe I can be of assistance. Please follow me, Director Vance."

Vance followed, a bit confused by the confident officer's suddenly uncertain demeanor. He looked around and recognized the hall as the same one he'd been escorted through earlier. "We're going to the Director's office? DiNozzo is there?" he asked in trepidation.

"Not exactly Director Vance, but there is something there you need to see."

"And that is?"

Hadar rubbed his neck where Ziva had put him in a choke hold earlier, and carefully considered his words. "Ziva intends to return with you. Director David wishes for his daughter to stay here. Until she regains a measure of objectivity and control and comes to terms with Michael's culpability in his own death, I believe that is for the best," Hadar explained. "Perhaps what you are about to see will compel you to support him."

Not for the first time, Vance cursed the inability of these people to speak plainly when the situation called for it. It came with the territory, he supposed. Mystified, he followed Hadar into Eli's outer office.

Earlier, Hadar had been in the surveillance room tracking the movements of the Americans via the many cameras throughout the building and on the grounds. He watched as Agent DiNozzo sought Ziva out to talk; watched as the confrontation turned heated, then in a blur of movement Ziva attacked and took the injured agent down to the concrete hard. He held his breath as Ziva drew her weapon and shoved it first in DiNozzo's chest and then his thigh, finger on the trigger the whole time. Then as quickly as it had begun, the confrontation was over. He released the breath he'd been holding as Ziva stood and stalked away, fury evident in every line of her body.

He shook his head. Ziva's behavior made her as much of a liability as Michael had been. Mossad would have an international incident to deal with if another American agent was murdered at their hands. Director David had his own reasons for wanting her to remain, but clearly it would be inadvisable for her to return. She would not be able to serve Mossad's interests, or anyone else's for that matter, with her control fractured like this. It also didn't bode well for DiNozzo's safety considering the level of anger and resentment she currently held toward him.

He was further disconcerted when Director David requested a copy of that portion of the surveillance video to view in private for his own amusement. He'd also watched the live feed from the surveillance room and seen how DiNozzo neatly maneuvered the Director into admitting Rivkin had been acting on his orders.

The director had vastly underestimated the American agent; judged him by Rivkin and Ziva's less than objective reports. 'Agent Meatball' as they derisively referred to him, proved to be far more cunning than the director expected. Obviously, Ziva wasn't alone in her bitter resentment toward DiNozzo. Perhaps if Vance saw this video, it would alter his intention to allow Ziva to return to the U.S. with them.

Now, in David's outer office, he held his finger to his lips indicating Vance should remain silent. When he got a quick nod in return, he stepped aside and pointed to the inner office door, which was ajar.

Vance stepped forward and peered carefully inside. He saw Eli in profile, absorbed in the large video monitor on the wall near his desk. He barely suppressed a gasp as he watched a shocking assault on DiNozzo play out onscreen, by none other than his partner. Oh Hell, he thought. Eli watched in grim satisfaction as the onscreen Ziva stood and stormed out of view, then hit replay.

Eli was so absorbed in the drama unfolding on the screen he didn't detect their approach. Hadar's mouth tightened at the lapse in situational awareness that could be deadly for someone in the director's position. More proof for the argument that the situation around Rivkin, and both the Davids' loss of objectivity was a significant distraction. He felt vindicated in his decision to make Vance aware of the altercation between Ziva and Agent DiNozzo.

Vance turned back to Hadar and nodded again. Hadar pushed the door open and allowed him to enter first. Eli jumped as he pasted on a smile and spoke.

"When Officer Hadar was kind enough to escort me back here Eli, I didn't realize there was going to be entertainment," he said drily.

Eli paused the video, and then turned toward them with a smug expression. "Yes well, Ziva gets that fiery temper from her mother." Eli gave Hadar a pointed look. Hadar nodded and returned and to the outer office to wait, giving the two men privacy.

And no small amount of it from her father as well, Vance thought to himself. His mind whirled with the implications of this video, and the possibility of using it to his advantage. If he played his cards right, it could solve all manner of problems, and maybe even help serve to get him out from under his debt to Eli.

It had been a mutually beneficial alliance for the most part, but Eli occasionally would push the boundaries and ask for intelligence Vance had no business providing to a foreign government. When he balked, Eli could always be counted on to bring up that damn op in Amsterdam and the fact that Eli saved his life, just as he'd done in their earlier conversation.

His plan to even the playing field between them hinged on whether or not Gibbs knew about this. He also needed to pretend he was in agreement with Eli, when in reality he was appalled both at the altercation and Eli's enjoyment of the recording. Eli's reaction to being out-maneuvered by DiNozzo of all people, and in his own 'house' had been pretty well hidden until now. Time to cover his ass and employ some of the political savvy he was so well-schooled in.

"It's a good thing Gibbs isn't aware of this" he hedged, peering closer at the paused video and allowing an amused expression to steal over his features.

"Why are you so certain he isn't, the way he's been skulking about my building as if he owns it?" Eli returned in an irritated voice.

"He'd have confronted me about it already," Vance assured. "Gibbs is furious about you manhandling his protégé. This?" he shook his head dramatically. "It will only escalate the situation further and may prompt Gibbs to initiate actions that will be, let's say...inconvenient. For both of us."

"Who runs your agency anyway, Leon…you or Gibbs?"

"Oh, believe me, there's no doubt of that now. After all, Gibbs protested vehemently, but I brought DiNozzo here as a favor to you when you asked. I didn't intervene during your interview. I'm on your side here Eli, but the rules are different for us and Gibbs will make use of those rules if it suits him."

"Hmm," Eli replied with a non-committal nod. "Yes, my friend. I am again reminded we come from different worlds indeed. You have a solution?"

Vance paused as if in thought. "Give me a copy of the video." he requested.

Eli's eyes narrowed slightly in suspicion. "Why should I do you this favor?"

"Let's be frank. This isn't a favor. It's damage control that benefits us both," Vance said pointedly. "You realize Ziva intends to return with us, don't you?" Vance asked, and watched the anticipated displeasure appear on Eli's features. Yes, that was a hot button alright.

"You want Ziva to remain here, away from Gibbs and the others' influence. You want her to come back to Mossad and put an end to her divided loyalties. We both want people to assume Rivkin was rogue, and not carrying out your orders on our soil. In light of recent events, SecNav is on the fence about continuing the liaison position. He can be convinced either way depending on what I tell him when we return."

Vance paused then played his cards. "This video evidence will convince SecNav to go along with eliminating the liaison position, and certainly he'll not support bringing Ziva back in any capacity. More importantly," Vance emphasized, "it will sway Gibbs and the others to let her go without a fight." In light of Gibbs' threat to go to State and SecNav if DiNozzo received further rough handling here, Vance had no intention of allowing him to see this video. In fact, no one would see this video unless it benefited him, but Eli didn't need to know that.

Vance kept a neutral expression as Eli met his eyes with a dark, penetrating gaze, and scrutinized him for a long moment. Apparently satisfied with his sincerity, Eli pulled a flash drive from the USB port of the monitor and handed it to him without comment. He nodded his acceptance of their unspoken agreement, suppressing the feeling of triumph. He had his bargaining chip.