Chapter 13

Fun and Games

"AAAAAHHHHHHH morning my Rock star listeners. It's KRBV 98.8 with your metal hard rock tunes bringing in the-" the radio segment began.

"What the fu- what was that?" Inuyasha yelled and threw his pillow at the vile noise. He raked his fingers through his hair trying to wake up.

Kagome scrunched her face and looked around trying to remember where she was. She slowly sat up and looked down at her state of dress. She was naked and her boss was very much naked as well.

A scream was trying to creep out of her throat and she just laid back down and covered her head with a pillow.

Inuyasha was sure that she would have freaked out. He felt what they shared was magical and different from other times he had sex with other women.

He sat up and moved the pillow from her face and moved her hair away from her eyes.

"So do you want to talk?" Inuyasha asked.

Kagome shook her head no and felt her cheeks turning red. She was remembering what he had did to her body. Her body tingled with want for him to revisit inside of her. She pushed those thoughts away so she could focus on today's events.

They had to go shopping for gifts and get something matching to show that they were a team.

She gently pushed him so he could lay down and she laid her head on his chest. She circled his right nipple and kissed it.

"I really enjoyed myself last night and yes I want to do everything just not right now. I mean we can do it again but not at my parents' house. I hope I don't sound corny," Kagome whispered and refused to look at him.

Inuyasha kissed the top of her head and rubbed her right arm.

"So we are officially engaged then and no more of thinking that this is pretend," Inuyasha asked and lifted her chin with his finger.

"No more pretending," Kagome said and Inuyasha immediately kissed her.

He started to move so he would be on top of her and redo what they did last night.

"No,no ,no. Not now maybe tonight but we have a lot to do. Up and not your other head either," Kagome quickly said and got out of bed.

She retrieved her gown she started out in before her time with Inuyasha.

Inuyasha laid on his side waiting for Kagome to get dressed.

"So what is it that we are actually doing?" Inuyasha asked and laid on his back.

"It's my family's annual game night and dinner just know that it will be epic. I will tell you the rest when I get out of the squatted down in front of her suitcase and got out a new pair of black denim jeans, a ¾ quarter length mustard shirt, black lace bra and panty set and her toothbrush.

"I still think it's creepy that he remembers my bra size," Kagome whispered to herself.

"It's not," Inuyasha said loudly so she would know that he heard her.

Kagome turned around and flicked him off. She quickly got her cellphone and ear buds then left the room when Inuyasha threw a pillow at her and she closed the door.

She giggled to herself and walked inside the bathroom. She immediately met a naked chest that belonged to her ex-boyfriend, Bankotsu.

"Hey, uhm, why are you up so early?" Bankotsu quickly asked and shut the door with the water still running.

"Because I have a lot to get done. Why did you leave the water on?" Kagome asked trying to get passed him.

"Water? What water?" Bankotsu dumbly replied.

Kagome looked at him and rolled her eyes. She pushed him and the door opened at the same time. A very naked and wet Yura was walking out with a small towel barely keeping her covered.

"Bankotsu when are you going to ...oh Kagome. It's not what you think?" Yura confessed quickly.

"Uh huh. Please move so I can get my day started," Kagome said and Yura moved out of the way.

Kagome shut the door and locked it immediately behind her.

"Well. I guess she knows now. Damn and I wanted to ruin her morning," Yura said and continued back to her room that she was sharing with Bankotsu.

Bankotsu knocked on the door for Kagome to let him inside so they could talk.

Knock Knock Knock Knock

"Please go away," Kagome said from the other side of the door and then began the water.

"Kagome we need to talk. You never gave me your answer. You still have time," Bankotsu said loud enough for her to hear him.

Kagome got in the tub after she cleaned it. She rolled her eyes and sat in the water and closed them.

"Kagome come on unlock the door. Nothing is going on between me and your cousin. She's just messing with you. Hoping to ruin our relationship. Are you even listening to me?" Bankotsu asked through the door.

"Go away I'm trying to relax and get clean," Kagome called out and placed her headphones in her ears so she could drown out Bankotsu's knocks on the bathroom door.

"Is there some kind of problem with you and my fiancee that I can help you with?" Inuyasha asked.

"Fiancee? I didn't know you was engaged. I'm having a conversation with mine. So you can leave us alone," Bankotsu said and continued to knock and now jiggle the doorknob.

"Baby open the door Sweetheart," Bankotsu continued to coax Kagome to open the door.

Inuyasha tapped Bankotsu on the shoulder and opened the door with a key Mrs. Higurashi gave to him moments ago.

Minutes earlier

Knock Knock Knock

Inuyasha laid back down but decided to join Kagome in her bath. He quickly put his black lounging pants and a white muscle shirt back on then gathered his clothes he was going to wear for the day. He opened the door and witnessed Yura walking out of the bathroom with a very skimpy towel covering her body. Inuyasha was shocked but pleased as the events were unfolding. He felt a tap on his shoulder and looked behind him.

"Morning son-in-law I hope you slept well. Oh I forgot to give this to you. Here you go you might need this," Himari said and waved off.

Inuyasha looked down in his hand and saw it was a key. He waited a few more moments seeing what lies Bankotsu was going to use to get him out of the mess he made himself.

Present time

Inuyasha used the key and walked in. He immediately closed the door and locked it. He placed the key on the counter and saw Kagome singing to a song and some tears falling down her chin.

He got undressed and stooped down next to her. He moved one earbud from her ear and she opened her eyes. She was about to ask him a question but he kissed her instead. She sat up and Inuyasha got in the bathtub sitting right behind her. She laid on his chest and just exhaled.

Knock Knock Knock

"Kagome open the door," Bankotsu said repeatedly. The longer he said it the louder the knocks got.

"Are you going to pay for other door? You know what time it is? Get dressed before my wife sees you in your current dress, damn," Mr. Higurashi said and closed his bedroom door back.

"Yes sir," Bankotsu said and left.

Hours Later

Kagome was tying a red bandana on Inuyasha's arm while Bankotsu was staring at them from across the living room drinking one of her mother's secret drinks. It always got you stupid drunk that's what made these "games" entertaining and bearable.

"Alright everyone ready? It seems that everyone is present and accounted for. Koga, Kohaku its good seeing you two. Ash dear, did Kagome explain what was going to happen?" Himari asked as she was about to place a whistle to her mouth.

The family moved to an underground room that was full of mud. Inuyasha looked around and really wished he paid attention.

"Uhm a little," Inuyasha said unsure as to why Kagome's mother had a referee shirt on and on the same wavelength of questions why were they in a man made wrestling with mud inside.

He was kicking himself for not paying attention to what Kagome was saying and not paying attention to what her ass was doing in her pants.

Inuyasha shook his head to get focused and serious. He looked over and saw his fiancée facing off with Yura her cousin. Yura just like Bankotsu had on purple bandannas and a purple shirt with black shorts on that could be mistaken for boyshort underwear. Kagome had on a similar outfit but her shirt was red and not purple.

"Okay let's get the red team captains and the purple team captain. You are to find as many plastic balls in the mud in three minutes. No grabbing of the hair and stealing from each other's basket are the only rules. If you begin fighting twenty seconds will be deducted from the timer giving you twenty seconds to fight. When it's over you begin looking for the balls. Once time is up you both put your hands up in the air. If either one touch each or won't stop once the ref blows the whistle an additional 30 points will be deducted for unsportsmanlike conduct. No nut shots and first sight of blood will stop the match and all balls collected will be forfeited. Does each team understand the rules," Himari explained to everyone.

Everyone shouted and got ready to rumble in the pit.

"Alright first team to reach 50 balls in total will win this round," Himari announced.

Kagome stretched her arms and touched her toes. She didn't wear any socks and shoes because she wanted to have control of her movements and shoes just slowed her down. Yura decided to wear her beach shoes because she refused to get mud on her feet. Kagome placed her head gear on and placed a mouth guard in her mouth as Yura did as well.

"Alright ladies shake hands and let's get muddy!" Himari said the two women refused.

The two women went to their respective sides and waited until the whistle sounded.

In a loud voice Himari counted down and blew the whistle. Kagome reaction time was faster and began searching for the balls so her team would win. On her side was Inuyasha, Sango, Soto, and their cousin Sam. On Yura's side was Bankotsu, Koga , Sango's husband, and Kohaku, Sango's younger brother.

"Hurry Kagome! You have twenty balls! You're ahead of Yura! Hurry!" Sango yelled at her captain.

Kagome was searching and digging through the mud quickly. All of a sudden she felt a hard slap of a glob of mud hit her on her cheek.

"She just threw some mud at my fiancée's face," Inuyasha said angrily.

"It's okay Ash. Yura will get what's coming to her. Kagome and Yura have been at it for years. This is nothing new," Sango said and continued cheering on Kagome.

Kagome wiped the mud off of her cheek and started to laugh. She looked at the timer and saw that there was a minute and thirty second left before she would have to tag out.

Kagome kept her cool and continued to look for balls quickly. Yura was not going to get her off of her game.

"Twenty seconds left," Himari yelled and continued to watch the women scurry to get the rest of the balls.

Kagome found three balls by her foot. She was having a hard time staying on her feet. It was really slippery and she almost ate mud a couple of times. Yura wasn't fairing any better and was hoping to provoke Kagome into a mud fight.

Kagome looked and saw that she had ten seconds and decided to get revenge. She got the bucket of mud that she was gathering the entire time and walked towards Yura while she was on her hands and knees.

"Hey Tramp," Kagome yelled so Yura could hear her. She jumped a little because she didn't pay attention to Kagome being so close to her.

Kagome saw she had four seconds.

"Pay back bitch," Kagome said and tossed the contents of mud in Yura's face and the timer went off.

"See, Kagome was being patient," Sango said and high fived Kagome when she left the ring.

"I tried to ignore it but I couldn't let her think she was under my skin," Kagome said and grabbed a towel to wipe her body down. The mud made her skin itch when left on too long.

Inuyasha kissed her on the lips and congratulated her.

"Alright red team has 27 and the purple team has 28! Let me get Ash and Koga up," Himari said and Bankotsu stopped Koga.

"Hey Mom! Is it alright if I go in Koga's stead," Bankotsu asked.

"Ask your team captain," Himari asked.

Yura was still trying to get the mud out of her hair and eyes.

"I do not oppose," Yura said and continued cleaning herself off.

"Kagome," Himari asked.

Kagome looked at Inuyasha and saw that he was determined to kick Bankotsu's ass. It was like a fire was lit in his eyes.

"I do not oppose," Kagome said and saw Inuyasha start to stretch his arms and legs.

"Ash you know that you are not fighting but getting the balls right," Soto said when saw Inuyasha prepping for his turn.

"Soto right. It comes a time in a man's life when getting the proverbial balls mean that you have to kick some ass in the process as well. That all prepared for the inevitable," Inuyasha said and walked towards the entrance to the ring.

Himari checked each participant fingers and made sure that they had a cup and mouth guard before she allowed them in her ring.

"Kagome, why do I feel like this is some kind of UFC fight that we are about to witness?" Soto asked and cheered for Inuyasha.

"I don't know. I get the feeling as well. But Momma is strong. This isn't her first rodeo. Remember that time when Koga had to fight for Sango's hand against Renguku,"Kagome said and saw Sango wave to her husband.

"That was a bloody fight though but Momma was tough. This one seems like to the death. Kagome can Ash fight? I mean I've seen Bankotsu fight and he's a dirty fighter," Soto said and got his phone out to record the epic ness that was going to commence.

"Actually he can fight and gets into bar fights a lot. But professionally he has experience in wrestling and in boxing," Kagome said thinking off the top of her head.

She said a quiet prayer for Inuyasha to win and not die.

"Alright fellas. I want a clean scavenger hunt for all understand that you have three minutes to get the rest of the balls your team needs. Team Purple you have 28 balls and need 42. Team Red you have 27 balls and need 43. If a fight does break off time will be deducted from the timer. No nut shots and first sight of blood will stop the match and all balls collected will be forfeited. Alright gentleman go to your respective sides and I will blow the whistle to begin," Himari said and the two shook their heads and left to their side of the ring.

"You think they are going to fight?" Sango asked with bated breath.

"I'm not sure. I think they will wait until the sumo wrestling to do it. But I'm honestly not sure," Kagome said with her eyes glued to the ring.

"Alright let's get muddy," Himari yelled and blew her whistle.

Inuyasha quickly started to dig through the mud and found five balls in seconds. He placed it in the basket that was housed outside of the ring. Inuyasha kept it up and also kept one eye out to make sure Bankotsu didn't sneak up on him.

Bankotsu wasn't really focusing and was moving the mud around. He was planning on how to get Inuyasha good without losing time on the clock. He reached down and found two balls and placed them in the basket. He found another ball and threw it at Inuyasha's head really hard. He pretended that he didn't know what happened and was looking through the mud for more balls.

"Look here you stupid idiot! Why are you giving him balls! Hurry up Bankotsu! Beat the bastard and win!" Yura yelled from the sidelines.

Bankotsu shook his head to get his head back in the game. This was his game and he was letting an amateur get the best of him. He found ten balls in ten seconds and heard Himari call out the time that they had one more minute left.

Bankotsu kicked it into gear.

The small crowd counted down as the time got near to zero.

"I'm kind of disappointed that they didn't fight,"Soto whispered.

"I'm not. Whew it's almost over,"Kagome said and counted along with the other on lookers.

"Alright time!" Himari said and blew the whistle. The teams waited until the balls were counted by Kagome's dad and granddad.

"I'm proud of you," Kagome said and hugged Inuyasha mud and all.

"Yeah. I was waiting on him to throw the first punch,"Inuyasha said and grabbed the water bottle and towel from Sango.

"Alright the balls were counted," Himari said.

"We have a tie. Both teams were able to get the 50 balls. So we will have sudden death," Himari yelled and growled a bit.

"Sudden death?" Inuyasha asked curiously.

"Mud wrestling," Kagome said and shook her head.

"Well basically very member on the team gets a turn in the ring. First team to get to three wins. But the thing is the other team does not know our order and we dont know there's. We can't switch out either," Sango said and looked at her team and the other team.

"Okay I suggest that we have Soto go first, Kagome, Ash, then myself," Sango suggested.

"I think they will have Bankotsu go last. I should take him," Inuyasha said.

"That's the point. If its mismatched then the rules change slightly. The woman just has to make it in the ring for the time limit kinda like flag football. Just got to get the flag from the various spots they put them on their body. No two flags can be in the same area. We are at a slight advantage because we have two women but Sango usually just wrestles. Because she usually gets Koga and he lets her win," Kagome said and high fived her second in command.

"It may not be easy this year. We were wrestling and Kohaku saw us play fighting and made the comment that Koga always let me win. So I have a feeling he's going to prove his point that he wears the pants in the relationship," Sango said and rolled her eyes.

"So what if I get Yura then and she puts it you know places that are inappropriate," Inuyasha said and looked over to the other team looking at them.

"Well snatch it off and hopefully her fake boobs fall off too," Kagome said and huffed.

Sango and Soto laughed and shook their head.

"Okay Soto, Ash, Kagome, and me then," Sango suggested.

"Alright time is up y'all. Hand in your list," Himari said.

Kagome looked it over one more time and changed spots with Inuyasha.

Soto Kagome Ash Sango

Team Purple

Kohaku Bankotsu Yura Koga

"This should be fun," Himari said to her husband and father in law. The old men grunted and took their spots around the ring.

"First up Kohaku and Soto," Himari shouted and the two came to the ring.

"Flags or pins?" Himari asked.

"Pin," the two said and shook hands.

Kagome and Yura helped their team mate put on their belt that the other would hold on to grab their opponent to pin them.

"Alright gentlemen let's keep it clean,"Himari said and the two shook hands.

A/N My oh my! It has been a crazy 7 months but I couldn't let this story just pause as long as it did. Yes your eyes are not deceiving you we are getting some family time in. These are not like regular games that you may play during the winter break. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and come back for more! Thank you each and everyone for supporting me and my stories! I really appreciate it! Just remember I will finish! I'm working on the next chapter and will have it out soon!

Until next time