So it seems that when I tried to upload this last time there were some issues. Hopefully everything is okay now

Disclaimer: I'm not Veronica Roth


I carry Eli on my hip over to Four's room. Thank God I have no luggage, or it would be impossible. Eli gets heavier every day.

When I arrive at Apartment 46, he is already waiting for me, leaning on his door. I think for a second how sexy he looks, that dark brooding look on his handsome features, his muscles bulging out of his black t-shirt, before I snap back into reality.

He hates you, Tris!

'You can have the bed,' he tells me. 'I'll take the sofa.'

I nod, shifting Eli slightly. His eyes snap to her, some emotion clouding his dark blue eyes, before they harden once more.

'I'll let you settle in,' he says. 'Bye, Tris.'

He leaves me alone in more ways than one. I settle on the floor, pulling Eli towards me. She is learning to walk now, and I watch proudly as she takes a couple of shaky steps, clutching my hand. I wish Tobias would be here to see this.

'Dada,' she says, looking at me with with imploring eyes.

It is one of only a couple of words she knows, other than 'Mama', 'Natty' for Mom, 'Andy' for Dad, and 'Abby' - Abnegation. However, I know better than to think she somehow recognises Tobias as her father. Back home in Abnegation, she referred to Caleb as her dad and me as her mom. It breaks my heart that she'll likely never see my brother again.

'Daddy is in Erudite, Eli,' I say slowly.

She starts to cry, and my heart splinters again. 'Dada! Dada!'

I hug her to my chest, praying that my own tears don't come as I think of her dad: my Tobias.



He is not mine anymore.


'Bye, Tris,' I say, leaving her be with her child. Part of me feels weird that she is in my apartment now -the place I'd hoped we could live together in as a couple- but I know that she needs my help with Eli, even if she is some other dude's kid.

I reach into my pocket for my apartment key as I near the shop where I can get a copy. Empty. Dammit.

I turn around and jog back to my home. When I arrive, I can hear Tris talking.

'Well done, Eli!'

'Dada,' she replies, and my blood boils.

'Daddy is in Erudite, Eli,' Tris says; that tips me over the edge.

I consider punching the wall, but instead I head away from my apartment. I know which faction that bastard is in.

And now I can find him.

How dare he take Tris away from me so soon? How dare he?

'I am going to kill you,' I say under my breath as I storm out of the compound.

By the time I reach the trains, however, my anger has mostly gone. I collapse at the side of the tracks. I have no right to control Tris. She made her own choice. Surely I should just let her live with that. Sighing, I head back to the Dauntless compound, breaking into a jog.

What am I doing? Tris needs me to be a friend right now. So I will be.


Four returns after about half an hour. Eli is all tucked up in bed and asleep, sucking her thumb adorably. He looks at her for a moment, his face softening.

'I was thinking about childcare,' he says suddenly.


'You'll be in training every day for several hours. Eli will need someone to look after her.'

I nod. 'Who do you have in mind?'

'Maybe Shauna.'

I remember how she offered to help with Eli as soon as I had joined Dauntless, at the Hub. She seems nice enough. 'Okay.'

Four smiles briefly, his eyes watching me with a whirlwind of emotion in their blue pools. 'And Tris?'


'I'll always be here for you. As a friend.'

If he has moved on, a friend is all I can hope for. And it's better than hating one another.

'Thank you,' I say with a warm smile.