Hey guys I am back temporarily. There's been a series of suspension so I figured why not post two new chapters. Now it's time for a story that will be done along side Tale Of Dragon. May I present Miraculous:The Moon and Stars. Now Kendall will still have Ryu God of the Moon and Juleka will have the Phoenix Kwami a.k.a Selene The Goddess of the Stars. Both representing the Control of Elements and Order. If you haven't guess the pairing yet it will be Kendall x Juleka. Let's do this

Chapter 1:The Move and A Beginning Romance

Kendall Taylor Jackson was racing through the dark streets of L.A. getting one last look of the place he had known if as home. Now his family is moving to Paris.

(The Next Day)

"Kendall wake up honey"His mom Katherine commanded

Kendall woke up opening his Silver Eyes and going a hand through his blonde hair once he set up. He looked around as he saw that his things was packed up as he Looks down.

"I still can't believe we're moving to Paris"Kendall said in disbelief and excitement

"I know it's gonna be a big change but hey think of it as a new adventure and with your career it will feel like your here"Katherine said as Kendall smile

"Yeah maybe your right"Kendall said as he smiled

"And we also got a house near someone important to you"Katherine said as Kendall tilted his head to the side

"Who?"Kendall asked as Katherine giggled

"You'll find out. Now get dress or we're gonna be late for our flight"Katherine said as Kendall stood up and went to the bathroom.

Kendall came out of his room wearing a Black Jacket with a Silver Shirt with a Black Dragon Head. He also wore Black Jeans with Black and Silver Sneakers. He went down as he puts on his Silver Headphones. He went down as he saw that his parents were already in the car as he got in

"Ready to go?"His dad Thomas asked as Kendall nodded.

He raised his hoodie covering his blonde hair. He inherited his Blonde hair from his dad who had Blue eyes and Blonde hair. He got his Silver Eyes from his mom who had Black Hair and Silver Eyes. They left as Kendall as he played Sad Song by We The Kings

He looked at his bracelet as he opened it showing a mirror as he looked at the bottom of the cover showing a Kendall with a girl resting her head on his shoulder as he had his arm around her. He remembered how she looked when he last saw her

She stands at a medium height with copper eyes and long black hair, with violet tips on the ends of her hair and her bangs covering her left eye.

On her face, she has pale lavender lipstick. She wears a black shirt with a swan-necked collar and sea green lined collar and side pockets, a black lace short sleeves On her hands, she has black fingerless lace gloves that have a diamond pattern design and end halfway up the forearm. She also wears purple pants with holes above the knees and black high top sneakers with white soles. Her fingernails are painted grey with black nail art of intricate patterns on each one, with different designs on each hand.

"Juleka I hope I can see you again maybe one day cause I love you but I know you will never feel the same"Kendall whispered as he closed the bracelet and looked outside


Kendall looked around as he stretch his arms as he smiled under his hoodie. He saw that a couple of people were running to him and were asking for his Autograph and Picture which he happily complied

They got into a can as they headed to a two story house he saw it had two balconies. He smiled as he looked at his parents

"I call dibs on the room with the balcony on the left"Kendall said as his parents chuckled

"All right it's your room. We're just gonna go to the neighbor's house"Thomas said as Kendall nodded as he grabs his bags and his guitar as he enters the room

He looked around as he saw it had light Gray walls with a walk in closet and a bathroom. He went over to the desk that the movers had placed in his room as he placed his computer on it.

He saw that his flat screen tv was placed on the wall as he began to set up his PS4 and Xbox 360. He placed his guitar on the stand as he laid on his bed. The movers placed his Bookshelf as he puts his books on it. After he was done he laid down on his Bed with Black Covers

"I can get use to this. It already feels like home"Kendall said as he fell asleep.

(With His Parents)

Katherine and Thomas knocked at the neighbor's house as it opened revealing Juleka who looked at them in shock

"Hi Juleka how are you?"Thomas asked

"I'm fine but why are you here?"Juleka asked

"Oh we just moved here"Katherine said as Juleka realized something

"Wait is Kendall here?"Juleka asked as she thought about the Blonde Musician she had fallen in love with ever since she was 13

"Oh he's in his room why don't you wake him up"Thomas said with a smile as Juleka went to their house and after a while once she saw Kendall's room as she peeked inside and saw Kendall asleep as she approached him.

Juleka ran a hand through Kendall's hair as he moved slightly as she felt tears in her eyes

"You are here. You really are here I'm not dreaming"Juleka said as she wiped her eyes

(Few minutes later)

"Kendall wake up Kendall wake up"a voice said as Kendall opened his eyes as he saw copper eyes and black hair with Purple tips

"Five more minutes"Kendall mumbled as he turned over as he was pushed

"Okay I'll get up"Kendall said as he stood up and fixed his clothes as he look to the person who woke him up as he saw it was Juleka

"J-Juleka"Kendall said in shock

"Hi Kendall how are you?"Juleka asked before she squeaked as Kendall picked her up and hugged her since he was taller by a couple of inches.

"I miss you Jule it's been a long time"Kendall said in excitement

"I miss you too Ken now can you put me down"Juleka mumbled with a blush as Kendall realized what he was doing as he let her down gently as he blushed

"S-sorry Jule"Kendall apologized as Jule looked at him as she stared into his Silver eyes

"I-it's okay Ken"Juleka apologized as they had a single thought.

'Should I tell him/her but what if he/she doesn't feel the same way'Both thought before Katherine came in as she looked at the two teens

"Alright Kendall,Juleka dinners ready downstairs"Katherine said

"Alright mom we'll be down in a minute"Kendall said as Katherine left as Kendall and Juleka looked at each other before Juleka grabbed his arm as she smiled at him

"Let's go Ken"Juleka said as Kendall nodded as they left downstairs.

After dinner and dessert. Juleka left to her house but not before giving Kendall a kiss on the cheek. Kendall walked into the room as he laid down on his bed

(The two days later)

Kendall woke up the next day as he saw that the weekend has ended. His motorbike arrived yesterday and he took Juleka on a joy ride as he saw Juleka was happy. He then felt something poking him

"Kendall do you have any cookies?"A voice said

"Juleka I never knew you liked cookies"Kendall said as he looked and saw it was a Black and Silver Chinese Dragon.

"Hello I'm Ryu your kwami"Ryu introduced himself before Kendall screamed before Ryu used his tail to close his mouth

"Geez for a guy you scream like a girl"Ryu said before Kendall looked at him

"What's a Kwami?"Kendall asked

"A Kwami is a partner that can grant the person he is bonded to superpowers"Ryu said

"Wait I'm gonna be a hero"Kendall said in shock as Ryu nodded

"Yes now put on this amulet"Ryu said as Kendall puts on the silver amulet

"Now what?"Kendall asked as Ryu floated near him

"Just say RYU DRAGON FLIGHT"Ryu said as Kendall nodded

"RYU DRAGON FLIGHT"Kendall shouted as he transformed into a Silver and Black armor (It's the same armor in Tale Of Dragon. It's Kaman Rider Onyx armor except the black along with the facemask is silver and the yellow is black) He began to look at his armor

"Now this is awesome"Kendall said

"KENDALL JULEKA HERE TO SHOW YOU WHERE SCHOOL IS"Thomas said as Kendall powered down

"Alright we gotta go Ryu"Kendall said as he finished getting dressed as he placed Ryu inside his Jacket in one of the pockets.

"Are you sure I won't be seen?"Ryu asked

"Yeah I'm sure now let's go"Kendall said as he went downstairs with his bag as he saw Juleka waiting for him

"Ready to go?"Juleka asked as Kendall nodded

"Yeah let's go"Kendall said as they hopped on his Motorbike as they left

(Collège François Duport)

Kendall and Juleka arrived as they went to the classroom as they saw that they were early. Kendall noticed that a blonde girl was walking towards them

"Hello there you must be new I'm Chloé Bourgouis and this is Sabrina"Chloe introduced her and Sabrina

"I'm Kendall Taylor Jackson nice to meet you"Kendall said as Chloé looked shock

"Wait the Kendall Taylor Jackson the famous Singer,Songwriter and Dancer?"Chloé asked

"Yeah that's me"Kendall said with a small smile

"Why are you hanging out with these freak you should be hanging out with moí"Chloé said

"Yeah no I like hanging out with Juleka she's kind and well...beautiful"Kendall said with a small blush as Juleka blushed

'He thinks I'm Beautiful does he like me?'Juleka thought

"Let's go Kendall"Juleka said as they went to the back as Juleka sat beside Kendall

(After school)

Kendall was waiting for Juleka since it was raining hard. He saw that Juleka friend Marinette was at the gate. He went over to her but stopped when Adrien approached her.

After he saw that Adrien was leaving he approached him with a smirk

"Hey Adrien"Kendall greeted him

"Hey Kendall what's up?"Adrien asked

"Just wanna say good luck with Marinette man"Kendall said with a smirk as he saw Juleka waiting for him "see ya man"

Kendall left a blushing Adrien who was shouting at him that it wasn't like that as he smiled at Juleka. Juleka saw him as she hugged him then she saw Adrien

"What was that about?"Juleka asked

"Oh nothing much just teasing Adrien. Ready to go?"Kendall asked as Juleka nodded as he handed her a helmet as she puts it on as Kendall puts on his helmet as they left

And chapter 1 is done. So guys leave a comment and post a like for this story. I'll be doing it along with Tale Of Dragon this break so until next time Dragonic Signing out