Chapter 1
A/N- What am i doing here, posting a new story when my final final exams are literally next week? I don't know. I just couldn't keep this away. This story is about the cast as teenagers- except Miss Grant. It started because I wanted to write about Kara adjusting to earth and Alex realising she's gay but I can't write them without their soulmates. If you have any prompts you would like to see please feel free to add them in your review or message me on here or on instagram Supercrys.x. I have already written the next three chapters.
Disclaimer- I do not own Supergirl.
Kara smiled as she climbed off of the school bus. She wasn't usually a fan of attending school but it happened to be Taco-Tuesday and strangely her school's cafeteria seemed to make the best tacos that Kara had ever eaten. Alex was jealous of the amount of food that Kara was able to consume without putting on weight but had soon realised that food was Kara's biggest weakness. Kryptonian food just did not taste as good as earth food. Kara knew that it was probably all the harmful substances in the food that made it taste like that but she didn't care, she was certain her alien body could withstand the damage if the humans could. Alex had become a professional at bribing Kara to stay quiet about the trouble she got herself into away from home buy buying the Kryptonian potstickers.
As Kara entered the school building she noticed an entirely different atmosphere than the one she was used to. There was still the same level of noise that she had grown used to but everyone seemed to be in the same horrible mood. It was almost anger. Instead of laughter and yelling everyone seemed to be gossiping in a more serious manner. Kara was confused. She had never seen her high school in this way before. Everyone seemed to have the same emotion.
Kara knew better than to ask questions. She had learnt that some things were obvious to humans and not understanding or asking what humans considered to be 'stupid questions' caused Kara to be called a freak. Kara ducked her head and walked toward her locker. When Kara wasn't being called a freak she also happened to be very good at being invisible.
"What's crack-a-laking?" A familiar voice asked after Kara had reached her locker. She closed the locker door halfway to see her closest friend, Winn leaning against the lockers with a smug smile plastered onto his face.
"Good Morning Winn!" Kara greeted.
"What's up with everyone today? They all seem so... dead."
Winn shrugged. "They're all sulking because Lex Luthor's little sister just got transfered to Midvale High. They'll be over it by tomorrow."
"Who is Lex Lu-"
Before Kara could finish asking her question, Winn's facial expression changed to a terrified one. He started walking away. "Gotta go, Kara, I'll see you in English."
Kara raised an eyebrow then turned to see Miss Grant in the hallway, walking at a fast pace as she stared daggers into Winn's back. Kara laughed. Miss Grant was her favourite teacher and her role model. She was the most powerful woman she'd ever seen and she did not even have powers like Kara did. Kara always felt so much stronger- emotionally after her science classes with Miss Grant. On the other hand, Winn was every teachers pet except for Miss Grant. It didn't matter what he tried to do to fix it, he would always end up doing or saying the wrong thing which would land him a powerful lecture or another detention from Miss Grant."
Kara focused back on her locker, collected the books she needed for the first three periods, then headed for the library. Unfortunately Kara lacked in the friends department so the library was where she would go to avoid humans and read to find information about them to help her understand their customs. Winn was the only person who really understood her. There were other people whom she'd be comfortable talking to and who she thought liked her enough not to call her a freak, the people she and Winn would sit with during lunch but Kara knew that they were only being polite. Alex was the only other true friend that Kara had but Kara hated her freinds and she knew better than to hang out with her Senior sister and embarrass her.
While Kara was lost in her thoughts as she walked toward the library she failed to notice the brunette who was looking down at the paper in her hands and before either of them could look up they walked into each other. Kara winced as the other girl went flying backward and onto the floor, her books scatering around her.
Kara imediately dropped to her knees. "I am so sorry, i didn't see you there. Are you hurt?"
The girl smiled at Kara. "I'm afraid you're not entirely at fault. I am alright."
Kara let out a sigh of relief. She had no idea the amount of damage she could cause someone who accidentally walked into her. It was quite like walking into a brick wall Alex had once confessed after trying to shove Kara out of her way to get to the kitchen first.
Kara quickly started gathering the scattered books. She stacked them neatly and handed them back to the brunette once they had stood up.
"Thank you so much, uhm..."
Kara held out her hand. "I'm Kara Danvers."
"It's nice to meet you, Kara..."
Kara raised an eyebrow, she was used to another person introducing themself after she did. "And you are?"
"Lena, Lena Luthor... Excuse my rudeness, i just guessed everyone already knew who I was as everyone seems to be avoiding me. I guess you are talking to me which means you don't know who I am. You do now."
Kara couldn't help but smile at the rambling girl. When Lena noticed she stopped talking and got back into her confident posture.
"I know your name, I don't know who you are."
"Oh, well, I'm the little Luthor, heir to a multi-million dollar company because my brother went insane and Superman killed him. I just moved here from Ireland because I was expelled from my boarding school. Father thought it would teach me a lesson to put me in public school with a bunch of Luthor-hating American teenagers."
Kara's eyes widened as she shook Lena's hand. This is why the whole school was sulking? Lena was beautiful and she looked so kind. She looked so innocent. Who could hate her?.
"Uhm.. Th-thats a very colourful background... I-I promise that I don't hate you."
Lena laughed nervously, "Was that too much?"
Kara shook her head and adjusted her glasses. "Well now I know more about the pretty girl wandering around the hallways."
Lena blushed.
"I am little Danvers, I just moved here two years ago, I know what it's like to be the new girl."
Lena shook Kara's hand again and finally they let go.
"So," Kara said. "What are your classes? Are you a Junior too?"
Lena handed Kara her timetable. Kara looked it over, then smiled.
"This is awesome. You have English and Science with Winn and I."
Lena smiled. "I am glad, I will be able to get to know you a little better. Who is Winn?"
Kara blushed slightly. "Winn is my best friend. I think you'll like him. He is very friendly."
"Well I like you already so I am sure I'll like him."
"Do you mind if I show you where all of your classes are?" Kara asked.
"That would be a huge help, thank you Kara!"
For the next forty minutes Kara and Lena walked side by side around the school, ignoring the dirty looks they recieved from almost everyone, laughing and joking around with one another.
Lena had not expected anyone to so much as talk to her but here she was, being escorted around the school by a beautiful blonde girl who seemed to know nothing about her family and didn't seem to care. She was bubbling with joy until an older girl with long dark hair marched toward them. Lena stood tall, expecting the worst.
"Kara, what are you doing hanging out with a Luthor? You're the last person I expected to see with her, especially after what her bother did to Clark."
"Alex, Lena is nice. What the hell?" Kara asked.
Alex sighed and ignored the brunette standing uncomfortably beside her sister. "Look, Kara. I know you haven't been around here long, but the Luthors are bad people. Lena's parents destroy people's lives to benefit their own, to grow their bank accounts and Lena's brother plotted to kill Superman and rid the world of all aliens. They are all evil."
Kara shrugged. "And what did Lena do?"
"Excuse me?"
Kara awkwardly adjusted her glasses. "I asked what Lena did that makes her evil. I mean, if she's so evil there must be something to prove it."
"I have given you enough proof, Kara! Her whole family is corupt. You need to stop believing in people who don't deserve it. All Lena did was smile at you and you think she's the kindest person on earth. She's not. She's a Luthor. You will stay away from her!"
Kara pouted. "That's unfair!"
"You will!"
"Fine," Kara huffed.
"Good, come with me," Alex demanded and grabbed Kara's wrist. Before she pulled her sister away she stood as close to Lena as she possibly could, to make herself seem more intimidating and said, "Stay away from my sister, freak!"
Kara was too confused to fight against Alex. She passed an apologetic look to Lena who was standing helplessly in the middle of the hallway. She was still new to earth and new to having a sister. She always wanted to make her family happy and if that meant following Alex's orders she would. She understood that Alex only wanted the best for her. Alex was the only one who would always be there for her.