An; okay I have thought whether to do this quite cute story. I know it is not my typical romance cute fuzzy stuff but oh well. It is actually not even romance related!

Background: Bonding with Minerva and Hermione, after the war. Hermione and Ron are not together anymore, Ron divorced Hermione after little Hugo was born. Ron is a disappointment to the kids, and Molly and Arthur criticize his recent choices. Hugo has a speech impediment, so his lines are not exactly the clearest.

"Ronald! He is your only son! Come on now. He was looking to spend some time with his Dad." Hermione said, very disappointed Hugo then pulled on her jeans. "Can I talk to him, mummy?" He asked innocently, he is only five after all. Hermione handed over the muggle device, and Hugo put it up to his ear. "Daddy? Are we going out today like you pomised?" Hugo asked and his father could be somewhat heard on the other end, then Hugo did something that broke Hermione.

"Daddy, why do you like to make evyone laugh but me?" Hugo said, in his small voice, tears on the verge of falling. Hermione grabbed the phone quickly. "Ronald! If you do not spend some time with your son, I will come over there right now and hex you into next year! I do not care if you are busy with work, I always make time for them and I'm the Minister of Magic!" She said fury in her eyes, and Ron could tell she was not a force to be reckoned with now. "That's what I thought," Hermione said hanging up the phone, ending the conversation.

She bent down to meet small Hugo and wiped the tears from his eyes. "Is daddy comin?" Hugo said, tears streaming down his face. "Yes, dear your father is coming. You get to spend the night with your fathers. How exciting is that?" She said, with fake happiness in her voice. "YAY!" He cheered loudly jumping up and down. "That-a-boy, now go get ready," she said patting his head. "Rose? Are you ready to go?" Hermione added. "Yup. All ready to go over Grans and Pops." Rose replied, motioning over to her readied backpack. "Good, once your father picks up Hugo, we can apparate over to Mom and Dads." She said, lovingly.

A few minutes later, Hugo was coming down the stairs and there was a ring of the doorbell. "I gots it!" Hugo said running down the steps. "Daddy!" Hugo said opening the door and Ron threw his arms around him. "Hey, buddy. Hey, sugar." He said, pulling away, looking at his daughter. Let us just say Rose had not entirely forgiven her dad. "Hi." She said bleakly, with no emotion. "You ready to go champ?" Ron said and smiled, Hermione smiling as well.

After leaving the two girls appeared in the burrow. Hermione knocked on the door, and Molly answered tiredly. "Hello, my sunshine!" She said pulling Rose close and Rose responded with laughter. "Thanks for letting me stay tonight Mom." She said as she waved good-bye, and Hermione inwardly smiled as the door closed.

Hermione, knowing her little girl was making memories, apparated to Hogwarts, or as close as she could get. She soon located the new Herbology teacher as fast as she could. "Neville! Where is she? I know she doesn't want company right now but I don't give a damn." Hermione said, spinning Neville around to meet her. "Ah! Hermione, don't scare me like that! I don't know where Minerva is, trust me, I would tell you if I knew." He said, jumping when his friend scared him. "Who does? I heard things got much worse after the war." Hermione said calming herself.

An; Thanks for reading the first chapter! I will definitely be uploading tomorrow, and I hope you enjoyed.