Welcome already to the last chapter of this fic!
It takes place during Jade Gets Crushed, thanks to alicheriee and Rose-Aki. I see it more as tagged on than anything else, because I don't think it fits with the first chapter of this fic. This would've happened before that scene and if it did, Andre would've reacted differently to Beck saying he's jealous, I think. Buuuut this chapter still goes along great with the theme of the story, so I loved to write it and love to now upload it.
I hope that you guys will enjoy it!
Thank you, alicheriee, Rishini, mnj2327 and Rose-Aki for the reviews to my last chapter! Also thanks to the guest for your lovely review and I can tell you: Yes, a sequel story to Their son is still in planning. But that'll take a lot more time, especially as I don't want to only update that story once ever two months or alike (I do have the first chapter finished and could upload it but then you really would have to wait a long time for the next one). Thanks for asking!
Also, thank you so much to everyone for reading this story, following it, putting it in your favorites and reviewing it of course! I'm always happy if people enjoy what I write. :)

Andre's weird sometimes. He always has been. That's probably why Beck likes to be friends with him. He's bored by his own life and needs some craziness. Andre's one of the people to provide.

But over the last few days, he has been weirder than ever before. At least around him, Beck, and Jade too. Beck has been able to watch him in one class where they sat far apart and Andre was absolutely like usual with Robbie there. The same was true for Cat and Tori during one break, where Beck saw him. But whenever he or Jade talk to Andre, something is off. What's wrong?

Andre's different ever since he and Jade worked on that music project. For a moment, Beck considers if Andre did something there. Like... hurt Jade or insulted her or alike. He could behave weird around Jade because he's afraid of her revenge – and around Beck because he must know that Beck also doesn't appreciate anyone seriously hurting Jade physically or emotionally.

But that's nonsense. Jade would've told him. He would've noticed, especially as Jade directly came over afterwards and slept over in the RV. Jade would also behave differently around Andre if anything happened. But she behaves just the same and also doesn't know what's going on with Beck's best friend.

Beck isn't thinking too much about it. He gathers that Andre'll talk to him about it eventually. He also notices that Tori's around him much more these day and probably she's taking care of it. It will be fine, whatever's going on.

Beck realizes that nothing's fine when Andre sings his self-written song 365 days in front of the whole school. Or rather: He realizes it afterwards. He's still having a good time during it, enjoying the music with Jade.

They go congratulate him to the song and his great performance afterwards and it's only after that... suddenly, Beck thinks about the way, Andre hugged Jade. A little too close.

Well... Beck considers every hug Jade's given as too close if it isn't by him. He loves holding her afterwards himself. She's supposed to remember his touch, not someone else's.

It's always especially difficult with Cat and Andre. Cat just is so up in Jade's business sometimes and the thing is... Jade lets her every now and then. Beck always enjoys Jade being close to their friends but... yes, there are times where Cat hangs on to Jade's arm with her permission that he watches them a little too closely and makes sure to also grab Jade's arm like that later that day, just so Jade never goes to sleep feeling someone else's touch. Yes, he's totally over-possessive. More so than she is. But she lets him be and he knows how to behave in front of other people and to not force Jade into anything.

Andre's almost as tough to endure next to Jade sometimes as Cat. He doesn't touch her as often but still more than Robbie and Tori do. Jade also feels more at ease around him than the other two. And he almost always laughs at her jokes, he obviously enjoys being around her. That's what makes it harder somehow, when he touches her at all, when he hugs her.

But this has been different. This was more. Beck hears the song inside of his head again and Andre saying before that it was written for someone – and Tori cutting in with a ridiculous claim for whom it was.

No. Has Andre... Has Andre actually... Has he fallen in love with Jade? He can't have. Not with Beck's Jade.

He feels the anger pulse through him. He knows it's true. Andre was alone with Jade and fell in love with her there. And he has written a song for her and has performed it in front of the whole school just now. Is he for real?

Beck knows that Andre also finds Jade physically attractive. Heck, everybody does, right? But Andre has always been put off by Jade's attitude. Beck doesn't think that Andre himself ever realized how much he enjoyed being around Jade, how much he loves her comments and her way of seeing life.

Has he now seen how beautiful she also is on the inside, how perfect?

Well, Beck can't blame him. He does wonder why it took Andre so long, but naturally he would fall for Jade sooner or later. He's a good friend though. He won't act upon those awakening feelings. Will he?

He did sing that song just now. Who the hell sings a song for his best friend's girl? How dare Andre do that?

And Jade liked the song. Beck knows it will be on her lips every now and then over the next few days because she enjoys Andre's music. A song, another guy wrote for her, will be on her lips.

What was Andre thinking?

Beck feels like he's out of his body as rage now fills him up. Rage about his supposed friend who wrote a damn love song about his, Beck's, girlfriend. A song where he says he will go after her, no matter what.

He barely hears Jade telling him she wants something to drink. He has enough sense to answer though: "Get me one too. I'll get the next."

Jade doesn't protest and leaves him. He knows that their friends sometimes assume that Jade never does stuff like this for him. That he's always the one running around making sure she has everything she needs. But she just doesn't make a big deal out of it.

Beck looks after her for a moment, after his girlfriend that his oh so best friend sang a song for a few minutes ago.

He looks around and finds Andre with his eyes. He has danced with some random girl, but just now is on his own way to get himself and possibly the girl a drink too.

Beck quickly walks up to him and stops him.

"I need advice," Beck say coldly. Andre looks slightly confused at Beck for stopping him and talking to him in this tone of voice.

Beck doesn't care. "What would you do if you'd have a girlfriend and another guy would write and then even sing a song for her?"

Andre's eyes widen and he takes a step back. "I... I'm..."

So, he's definitely right. Not that Beck has doubted it. As soon as the thought of Andre having a crush on Jade hit him, he knew it was true. And now, Andre stands in front of him like the bumbling idiot he is.

"Yes, I finally figured it out," Beck cuts through.

Andre shakes his head. "Beck, I didn't..."

Beck doesn't even care what he's about to say. He interrupts him again, sharply: "You did. You sang a song for her."

"I'm sorry," Andre hurries to say. "I... When we worked on that song together... I kinda realized..."

He shrugs but Beck knows what he realized: "That she's perfect. I get it, you know. Just back off."

There's nothing more, Beck can do. He can only tell Andre that. What else could he do? He might feel like hurting Andre but it would be of no use. It would even get worse because Jade would find out about this crush.

Beck's sure she doesn't know about it yet. If Beck starts fighting with Andre, she'll figure it out. And no, Beck doesn't think she would consider Andre as a partner in any sense if she would know he would be open to it. But she would have trouble staying friends with him. Every time he would help her with something or laugh at one of her jokes, she would question herself if he only does it because he still likes her. She wouldn't feel free to hug him anymore. And while this possessive feeling inside of Beck might like the idea of Jade not touching anyone but him, he himself knows that that would be awful. Jade needs friends and Andre's a good friend. Jade can't start doubting his friendship, just because he's an idiot.

All that goes through Beck's head as Andre says: "That's what I sang that song for. It's out of my system now."

"It better be," Beck says, though he can't imagine that being true. Yes, Andre's that kind of person who needs to express his feelings to work through them. But it's not so easy to get Jade out of your system.

But what else can Beck ask for? He can't tell Andre to vanish until he truly lost these feelings. Beck can't only think about himself. He needs to think about Jade.

"And you'll behave like normal around Jade again." So, she'll never find out. "And never tell her about this."

Andre nods. "I know she loves you. And you love her. I would never touch that."

Still, he found it necessary to sing a love song to her in front of the whole school.

Beck takes a deep breath before a threat easily comes over his lips: "If you do, you will regret it."

He knows, despite Andre never having experienced him this way, the other boy knows Beck's serious about this. He nods again, now solemnly.

Beck thinks if he should repeat his threat a little more concrete, refer to his own scripts that Andre knows partly, refers to what some of his characters do to others like Jade likes to do when she threatens someone.

But before he can decide, there's Jade. "So you ask me to get you something to drink and then you vanish. I'm really close to throwing this in your face."

She holds out a drink for him, holding one for herself in her other hand.

He glances back to Andre one more time, before he takes the drink and easily says: "Sorry, babe." The next second, he has pulled her to him with his other hand and kisses her hard.

She returns it like always, not really angry at him for vanishing despite her words.

Though, when they break apart, she claims: "You have to do better than that for me to stop being angry with you."

He knows Andre's watching and listening as they are bare feet away from him. He should see and hear this. To really get it. To really get that Jade belongs to Beck. To really understand to never touch her.

He answers, easily loud enough for Andre to hear: "I'll do better the whole night through."

She smirks, always enjoying any kind of dirty talk, always enjoying when he talks like this, even out in the open.

They kiss once more and Beck makes sure Andre's getting a good show. Andre has to see that this truly isn't enything he should even try touching. That Jade's fully Beck's.