Chapter 5 - I think I love you...

(Squall smiled)

Rinoa: There you go.

(Rinoa took her left hand and grabbed his hand then took her right hand and grabbed his other. She pulled her fingers into his hand locking the hands together. Rinoa moved closer to him then put her cheek against his)

Rinoa: I feel like I've known you for a long time


Rinoa: Squall!!! Oh god- help me please. Squall!! Oh, oh, Squall help.

(She took a look at her arm all covered in blood. A man came out from the dark part of the forest)

(End of flashback)

Rinoa: (She moved herself away from Squall, letting him go. She seriously said) ......We have to go...

Squall: We still didn't find the man yet

Rinoa: We have to go now

(Rinoa took his hand and pulled him to where she though was the way out of the forest. She couldn't see anything from all the trees and bushes but made her way through)

Squall: Hey slow down! Your gonna break my arm off.

(Rinoa hurried faster. She was starting to get scared. Then Squall's hand slipped out of hers and she didn't notice for a while but when she did she yelled out for Squall)

Rinoa: Squall? Squall! Perfect I lost you... Squall?! Where are you?!

(Rinoa decided to go back to the open space where there were not trees or anything)

Rinoa: Squall?!! Where are you? (Hears something in the bushes)

Rinoa: (Turns around) Hello? ...Is somebody there?

(A wolf comes out approaching her ready to attack)

Rinoa: Gasp! (Turns back around and runs away as the wolf follows) Help!! Help!!! (The wolf runs faster and Rinoa tries to escape) Squall!! Squall Help!!!

(The wolf pounces on her just like her dream. She's was terrified! The wolf's teeth gleaming like he was going to bite her head off. Rinoa laid there too scared to make a move. The wolf took a bite of Rinoa's arm and ran away. She screamed in agony. Her arm and then slowly stopped. She cried and screamed yelling)

Rinoa: Squall!!! Oh god- help me please. Squall!! Squall help me!

(She took a look at her arm. Covered in blood. A man came out from the dark part of the forest. She was not able to see his face as he started to approach her. Rinoa didn't know what to do but escape some how. She moved her legs to push herself away from him. She started to cry her words)

Rinoa: Oh no. No, no, no. Squall!! Squall, help me please!! Where are you?

(Where Squall is he holds his gunblade fierce in the air walking backwards looking around so he doesn't get attacked on any side)

Squall: Where are you damn it?!

(A wolf comes out of the bushes to the right of him. The wolf rages toward him and then was about to pounce on him. Until Squall slashed it in half. It falls on the ground and Squall approaches it. He sees a black string dangling the wolf's mouth)

Squall: Rinoa?! (He picked up the string and put it in his pocket)

(Squall ran to where he saw the wolf come from and cut him self a way through to an open space where there were not trees or anything. He saw Rinoa lying on the floor crying out for help and a man was going after her. He rushed to him and pulled out his gunblade while running. But the man took out a wooden sword and stunned him in the stomach)

Rinoa: Squall!

(Squall had fell on his knees and tried to get up from the floor. Then the man came out of the shadows and Rinoa looked at him. It was the man from the Inn Bar.

Rinoa: Oh my god! (Breathes in deeply to not let out any tears) That's you, the, the man that killed the drunken guy!

(He grinned at Rinoa and started to laugh to himself. He dropped the wooden sword and pulled out a very sharp sword from behind him which made a shick sound when pulled out. Rinoa was still crying and trying to get up)

Squall: Rinoa! Hurry go! (He got himself to his feet) Rinoa hurry!

(The man still slowly walked toward Rinoa with the sword raised up high. Squall ran to him, when the guy turned around blocking his attack with his sword then kicked him in the stomach and Squall once again fell to the ground. Rinoa watched)

Rinoa: Squall! No leave Squall alone!

(The man raised his sword and he fell to the ground. An arrow shot him. Rinoa and Squall managed to look over where it came from. It was Quistis. She and Zell ran up to them)

Quistis: Oh my god! Seifer give me a piece of your jacket!

(Seifer ripped off a long strand and used it to tie around Rinoa's arm. Zell pulled Squall up to his feet. He was a little dizzy but still walked over to Rinoa)

Squall: Rinoa are you ok? (He picked her up into his arms. She was still in pain.)

Rinoa: It hurts! It hurts so badly Squall!! Make it stop... (Sniffs) make it stop, please...

(Squall carried Rinoa in his arms and they went to the ship. Squall had no idea what to do. He wasn't a doctor and there wasn't anything for anybody else to do. Just bring her to Dr. Kadowaki. Everyone entered inside and Squall laid her down. He sat on the edge of the seat to give her all the room and let her hand go so she can rest)

Rinoa: Squall no! Hold my hand... please...!

(She was in so much pain. She cried and when she talked she would cough. Everyone couldn't bare to listen. Squall took her hand and held it tight)

Rinoa: Squall! Squall... It hurts...

(Squall moved over more and ran his finger down her face)

Squall: It'll be alright

(Rinoa smiled and her face trembled but after a while she fell asleep from his touch. This made everyone glad. Squall sat there and fiddled with her hair)

Zell: Yo she'll be alright? Right?

Quistis: If she doesn't lose much blood she'll be alright

(Seifer was looking out the window. He couldn't watch anything that was going on)

Zell: You like her?

Squall: No

Quistis: No?

Squall: No, I love her.

Seifer: Ugh! My god you just met her!

Squall: I... feel... I feel like I've known her forever.

Quistis: I'm glad you're opening up.

Squall: Whatever

(Squall kept his eyes on her. Her beauty was like nothing he had ever seen. He ran his finger down her face. The way her face was shaped and the tone of her skin was beautiful. He touched her lips. Her lips and cheeks were like cotton candy pink. He ran his finger through her hair. Her hair was ever so smooth. Not once after that did he notice there was anybody else there. Squall gave Rinoa a kiss on the lips. Seifer looked then turned away back to the window. Quistis kept eye on her Squall treated her and this love stuff made Zell tear)

Quistis: Are you crying Zell?

Zell: (Sniff) No

Seifer: Hey, were home.

(Squall picked up Rinoa gently so she wouldn't wake up. Squall hurried into the Infirmary)

Squall: Dr. Kadowaki?

(Dr. Kadowaki came out of the infirmary and took Rinoa from him not needing an explanation)

Dr. Kadowaki: Wait here Squall.

(Squall was going to refuse but when Quistis put her hand on her shoulder and titled him back he decided not to)

Seifer: Well I'm going!

Quistis: Seifer!! How you not care? You're so cruel!

Seifer: No I'm not. I hate seeing girls in pain and anyway I need to inform Cid.

(Seifer walked away slowly. Quistis and Zell sat on a bench. As for Squall he waited right by the door. He had his hand clenched on the door. Squall wanted to burst inside and hold on to Rinoa but he didn't. He slid his hands into his pockets and put his back against the door, leaning. He felt something in his pocket and took it out. It was Rinoa's black string. He held on it and then Dr. Kadowaki opened the door making him fall down)

Dr. Kadowaki: Whoops! Sorry I didn't know you were there. Oh you can go in and see Rinoa. I just needed to bandage her and check out if anything else was wrong.

(Squall walked inside and the Doctor left him alone. Rinoa was lying in the bed there. She was awake. Rinoa tried to smile when she saw him but couldn't get herself to. Squall sat beside her and Rinoa looked at him as if he was going to save her)

Squall: Hey

(Rinoa nodded)

Squall: I guess you shouldn't talk. Umm... you forgot something. (He showed the string and tied it on her other arm that wasn't injured) You really got me scared.... I should of never brought you with me. You know why it took me a while to give you an answer about going out? (Rinoa gave him a curious look) It's because I was trying to figure if it was safe. Partially because I had this dream that happened just like today. I don't think it was just a dream though. Maybe it was something like a future warning. Whatever.... wow... I don't talk this much. (Rinoa silently laughed) You smiled.

(Rinoa pointed out her finger and signed him to come closer. He did. She leaned in and kissed him on the lips)

Rinoa: (Whispers) I think I love you.

Squall: Yeah... me too... I mean love you, not me... you know

(Rinoa giggled then hummed a sweet tune. It was Juila's tune. Squall listened and played with her fingers. From that day on they were inseparable. Well accept for when Squall wanted to be alone to think)

The End- You can sit on a porch with the one you love and never say a word and walk away feeling it was the best conversation you've ever had.