A/n: I had this idea last night while trying to fall asleep. A lot of people have stories like this one but no one as far as I know has taken the route I'm taking. This story takes place over the course of 2 weeks. I can't promise consistent uploads due to school and work but I'm writing free stories of the internet I think I deserve some else to say, I own nothing!
"Uraraka! Look out!"
Before the heroine in training had time to think, she was roughly pushed out of the way by Izuku. Izuku let a cry of agony rip out as the beam the villain had intended for her hit him instead.
"Deku!" She cried out in horror.
Izuku felt as though his body was on fire with growing intensity. He had a high pain tolerance but at one point the pain become too much and he passed out.
Uraraka called out her friends nickname while running over to where he used to stand, now deduced to seemingly just a pile of clothes.
"Don't worry! For I am here now!" Called out a voice from up above. Both hero and villain looked up to see the number one hero hovering above them before landing on ground in front of his student.
"All-Might!" Uraraka exclaimed, a sense of hope filling her voice.
"Damn! Not you!" The villain cursed.
Before anyone had time to blink All-Might sped forward and grabbed the villain by the front of his costume.
"TEXAS SMASH!" He yelled out before punching the villain, effectively knocking him out.
After calling the police, informing them of his capture, All-Might turned his attention to Uraraka who was kneeling in front of a familiar looking pile of clothes.
"Young Uraraka, what happen?"
Uraraka looked up at him and that's when the number one hero noticed the tears in her eyes threatening to spill over.
"Deku, Iida and I were planning on going to see a movie together. While we were waiting for Iida to get here a villain attacked. We tried to evacuate civilians when he shot out a beam of light meant for me. Deku took the hit for me and now he's...now's he's-"
Uraraka was cut off when she and All-might heard a strange noise. Did Izuku's pile of clothes just whimper?
Uraraka with shaking hands, lifted the All-Might T-shirt that laid on top revealing a small infant with green hair and matching green eyes that held both fear and confusion.
"D-Deku-kun!" Uraraka exclaimed.
As if on cue the baby let out a loud wail, letting his tears finally fall.
"So that's everything that happened?" Recovery Girl asked as she examined the baby in front of her.
Uraraka nodded from where she sat next to her teacher, All-Might who was currently holding the now sleeping infant in his arms.
"It seems he may have gotten hit with an age-regression quirk."
"Age regression! So is he going to have to grow back up?" Uraraka asked.
"Not necessarily. These type of quirk usually only last the number of days the one hit is. Midoriya is 14 so in two weeks he should be back to normal.
Uraraka let out a sigh of relief.
"So what should we do in the meantime?" All-might asked.
"I would say bring him home. Have his mother look after him in the allotted 2 weeks. She must be worried sick," Recovery girl responded.
"Actually," Uraraka responded nervous. All attention was on her, "Deku-kun said that his mother would be gone for a couple days and his father…." She trailed off not wanted to finish that sentence. Luckily she didn't have to. The two adults in the room got the message.
There was a moment of silence before it was broken by the number 1 hero.
"Well then it looks like I'll have to look after him."
Uraraka looked at her teacher with a shocked expression, "All-Might, are you sure?"
Izuku, who had just woken up, blearily looked up at All-Might, making cooing noises and raising a chubby little hand up. All-Might brought his free hand towards the baby causing him to grab at one of his fingers and squeeze.
"Don't worry young Uraraka. It's the least I can do, he is my student after all and someone's gotta do it."
Uraraka nodded. At least she could sleep easy knowing her friend was in good hands while he recovered.
Before leaving Recovery Girl gave All-Might some essentials she had found lying around her room. A shirt to put on Izuku (Although it was still rather big on him), diapers, baby wipes, and baby powder. Anything else he would need he would be on his own.
When All-Might got back home he carefully placed the baby on the couch before detransforming. Izuku, who had been staring at him the whole times, starting to cry at seeing the big person leave him with this skinny stranger.
Toshinori sat on the couch and picked up Izuku, bringing him close to his chest and slowly began to rock him.
"It's okay Izuku my boy. Everything will be okay, because I am here."
After a couple of minutes Izuku stopped crying, now reduced to a couple of sniffles.
"There. That's better," Toshinori cooed before lightly poking Izuku's stomach, causing the baby to giggle.
Suddenly Izuku stopped giggling and looked up at Toshinori with sad eyes. Toshinori froze fearing the worst.
'Did Izuku just….no, if I remember correctly that means he's just hungry.'
"Alright, let's see what I can give you in the kitchen," Toshinori said as he walked into his kitchen, Izuku nestles in the crook of one of his arms and feeling slightly relieved that the problem wasn't what he thought it was.
"If I remember correctly Recovery Girl said judging by your appearance and growth your about 6 months old so you can eat solids, they just have to be soft."
Toshinori pulled out a can of mash potatoes intending on feeding Izuku it when he remembered one crucial detail. He didn't have a can opener…well looks like it was off to the store.
Toshinori felt a little awkward. Shuffling around a grocery store with a baby clad in nothing but a diaper and a oversized t-shirt felt a little weird to him. What was even weirder was all the attention he got while walking with little Izuku despite being in his true, less than attractive form.
A suddenly wetness snapped him out of his thoughts. He looked down to see Izuku had grabbed onto one of his fingers and was now biting it.
'Well I have to admit. He is really cute,' Toshinori thought with a smile as he pulled his finger away, ignoring the slight sting.
After walking over to the baby isle, deciding to buy the boy a pacifier, the blonde headed over to check out. He placed his good on the conveyor belt and shifted Izuku to his other arm so he could grab his wallet from his pocket.
"Here's your bag sir and might I just say your son is so cute," The cashier said.
Toshinori nodded as he mumbled a 'thank you' and tried to hide the blush that started to appear on his face for being mistaken as his students father.
When he got home he sat Midoriya down on the kitchen table. Grabbing a spoon he opened the jar of baby food he had and scooped some out holding it in front of the baby. Instead of opening his mouth Izuku just used his hand to bat the spoon away causing it to clatter on the ground.
"Izuku," Toshinori sighed, picking up the spoon and putting it in the sink as his student giggled.
Grabbing another spoon he tried a different approach. Getting another scoopful he smiled in a goofy fashion and said, "Here comes the airplane."
That seemed to do the trick as Midoriya opened his mouth, allowing Toshinori to get the food inside, only for him to spit it back out in the blondes face. Toshinori used a nearby napkin to wipe off his face and sighed.
'How am I going to do this? Maybe I'm in over my head on this one,' He thought placing a hand over his face.
Izuku stared at the man in front of him. He looked sad. He didn't mean to make this nice person sad. Izuku sniffled as he got ready to start crying again. The man Izuku was looking at looked over towards him and gently wiped one of his falling tears away.
"It's okay little Izuku, I know you didn't mean to upset me."
Toshinori decided to try one more time. He got another scoop of food and thankfully this time the baby ate the scoop, and the next one, and the next one. This pattern continued until there was no more food left. Throwing the empty jar away and gently lifting the infant up the hero lightly tapped the baby's back earn him a satisfying burp.
The man smiled. This wasn't so bad. He could do this. That's when he smelt it. Oh right. He forgot about that part.
"Midoriya my boy, would you just hold still," Toshinori grumbled as he attempted the change the squirming, naked baby.
Izuku let out a small whine as he continued to to squirm. The bareness of having his diaper removed making him feel uncomfortable. Toshinori frowned. Getting the diaper off and wiping him had been disgusting, but easy. It was getting another diaper on that was the hard part.
When he finally managed to get the darn thing on Toshinori was exhausted. Getting the pacifier he bought he wrapped Izuku in the softest blanket he could find and stuck the pacifier in his mouth and laid down on his bed, placing the infant next to him.
The hero watched with a fond smile as the pacifier lulled the infant to sleep. This wasn't so bad. Only 13 more days to go. Feeling the lull and sleep tug as his eyeslids and well the blonde whispered a 'Good Night' To the infant beside him before flicking off the light switch.
'Hopefully tomorrow will be easier.'
A/n: Cute! Like I said I haven't seen many fic like this that take the dad-Might route. I haven't been around many babies lately so if some of my research is off please forgive me, I looked a lot of stuff up online. Similar to All-Mights last thought hopefully the next chapter will be easier to write for. Bye!