"Hey a Polaroid camera! Pretty cool Liu!" Carisi stepped into Olivia's office prepared to tell her he had finished calling the witnesses in their latest case when the straight out of the 70's camera caught his eye.

"Yeah one of the other families Lucy works for was having a yard sale. She saw it and thought Noah would get a kick out of it. And he,' She pauses to open up a drawer and proceeds to drop a stack of photos down 'has finished three rolls in four days. I'm trying to find some place that sells the film hence me bringing it in." Carisi chuckles stepping in closer.

"May I?" He questions his hand hovering above the stack.

"Sure. There really not exciting. His favorite subject his red chair."

"Awww. Not his mommy?"

"Oh I'm in there trust me. Actually Carisi he's taken so many some I haven't even looked at." Olivia gives a semi guilty smile. She loved Noah with all her heart but one could only oh and ah so many times before focus was lost.

"Oh that's cute. My nephew loves that book. There you are an…" Carisi stops mid word looks at the current image with a perplexed expression even with twenty years on the force Olivia found herself unable to read it.

"What is it? My hair a mess? In my night clothes?" She laughs trying to get something from him.

"No. Lieutenant I had no idea." A smirk now starts to form has he examines the photograph again.

"Give it here.' She demands hand out stretched. What embarrassing thing had her son managed to capture? She takes the picture from him. Yeah her on the couch, the shirt she wore on Thursday, which was when…'Oh no." She mumbles even before her eye catches it but soon it does. Barba behind her by the bookshelf shirtless. Olivia scrambles to explain this. Immediately at least thirty lies pop in. Perhaps a few could be believed? She looks at Carisi and sighs. He wasn't an idiot.

"Noah had a bad dream and to let him calm down I allowed him to play in the living area. And since his new obsession is that camera he obviously caught the remnants of my…uh date."

"I think its great! And it looks like things were going good judging by Barba." Carisi gives a playful wink. Olivia blushes.

"You can't tell anyone."

"I won't."

"Eventually I will. I'm obligated to. Just its complicated."

"I know. For now you two seem happy. And I'm happy for you. Now let's see what other goodies the little guy caught!"