"Yes, Sherlock."
"Why did you say that?"
"That you would love me forever?"
"Because I will, babe. Now go to sleep."
"Yes, Sherlock."
"You won't be able to love me forever because we'll die and that will be that. Poof. No more us."
"But John..."
"We will have a pleasant existence in the afterlife in our own cozy little version of 221B. Mrs. Hudson will even 'live' down stairs."
"But John, the afterlife is impossible."
"So is love, you once told me so yourself."
"Yes, Sherlock."
"Tell me all about our afterlife. I don't want it to be boring."
"You'll play the violin for me and compose the most glorious pieces whilst I watch and listen to you in all your wonder. You'll still solve murders because, of course, there will be uncounted dead people who don't know how they died or who killed them. The science of the afterlife will be so different that you will be able to perform experiments forever and not get bored. And... best of all... we'll shag like bunnies every day."
"Shag like bunnies?"
"Yes, Sherlock."
"I like the sound of that, an afterlife with you."
"Good. Now go to sleep."
"Why not?"
"I feel like a very energetic bunny."