*Starbound. Quite an interesting game. At first I thought it was a Terraria clone but as I got to playing it...I felt like I got slapped in the face hard for calling it a Terraria clone. This game has character customization(It's not the typical change the look of a generic character. You can pick your own race that has some interesting lore and appearances so kudos for creativity.), a interesting story, lovely enviroment from the planets and of course...my favorite...SPAAAAAAACCCEEEEE! Yes! Space! I love shooting down space pirates and raiding their bases with my friends to take their loot. It is an awesome experience and I love it! So why not make a story of the game? So here it is...my first story of Starbound(note: I just got into the game so I'm somewhat new to this after playing a couple of hours of it. Don't flame please. If I make a mistake, point it out and I'll fix it. I'm supporting this community as much as I can so it can get more attention.)

Warning: This story contains lemons(which there will no doubt be plenty of it.), strong violence, strong nudity, strong language, possible dark scenes with blood and gore that is not suitable for readers under 18 or older or readers who are not comfortable in mature scenes. This is my first and only warning I'm giving you. You have been warned.

Inspired by the story The girls of my life by Tiberious Silverfang. Check it out. You won't regret it.*

Chapter 1

(Dante's pov)

Starbound...a game of exploration and adventure...think of it as Terraria on steroids. I remembered playing this all night with my friends and we wouldn't stop playing it until maybe 2 AM in the morning...so why am I doing this story...? Quite simple...me and my friends were in the game...how you may ask? Well...allow me to explain as you sit back...and enjoy the show...

It was September 31 2017. 14:20 PM

Me and my friends were playing Starbound(Kind of wish ProJared played this game cause he loves Stardew Village and Starbound is made by the same company.) talking through Skype as I was eating a slice of pizza to keep my hunger satiated when this happened...I received a notification about an update that was released for Starbound...my friends noticed that too and couldn't help but be suspicious about it.

"An update? Huh...that's something..."

That's me. Dante Vera. 24 year old college student who is a hardcore gamer on my free time. My occupation? Culinary chef...who hasn't been hired in a job yet...

"Wasn't there an update note from the developers about the update?"

That's Giovanni Moretti. My childhood friend. 21 year old Musician and is good with technology.

"Hold on...okay so I looked at the update notes and there is nothing on anything about a update. Either Finn is keeping secrets to keep us in suspense or he just updated the game and forgot to tell us about it. "

And that's Roman Volkov. 23 year old Russian who takes no shit from assholes who piss him off. He's also my childhood friend and trained in military combat as a child...yeah...I don't mess with him for a reason. Said he wanted to be a soldier when he grows up, not sure what army he plans to join though.

"Well...best not keep us in suspense. Let's update the game." I sighed.

So yeah...we updated the game and things got...strange...first off...there was this message that popped up into my screen saying "Your new journey begins, protector." for a second I thought it was Finn's creative mind again...but then I ask myself this...when does Finn ever did something like this? That waved so many red flags that something suspicious was going on. Second...the brightness from my computer monitor got brighter...brighter...and brighter until the light covered my entire room. And finally...the cherry on top...the light for some reason felt...warm...comforting...that it somehow made me pass out...I'm getting to the good part so hold your horses. When I wake up, I find myself waking up in a Japanese feudal era room...but guess who is sitting next to me? ...if you guessed a Hylotl, then you win a cookie...a young (around her early 20s) female Hylotl(who looks like a shark.) in a kimono is on her knees (that's how Asian people sit in case you don't know.) giving me a heart warming smile...if that was not weird enough...she said this...

"Glad you are awake, Dante. I was so worried you wouldn't wake up from that incident at earth."

Yeah...she knew my name...that kind of surprised me...now...what did I do?

"Wait...where's Roman...Volant...? Are they safe...?" I groaned.

I acted so I didn't sound like a mad man wondering why I am in another universe(cause let's face it. No one is going to believe you and will most likely lock you away in a cell like someone from an asylum.). In case you are wondering who I was referring to...Roman is Roman's human character (he couldn't think of a name at the time so he decided to add himself into the game which I did the same thing with my human character.) and Volant is Giovanni's Avian character. Hope that cleared that up.

"They escaped safely...where they are is something I do not know yet..." She said as her smile starts to fade.

"I hope they alright..." I sighed.

"As do I." She nods slightly.

"...What's your name again?"

She looked at me in shocked when I said that...so I had to act quick.

"Sorry...I was hit in the head on the floor when I managed to escape from that tentacle when I saved you and I think it knocked some of my IQ out of my brain." I joked a bit as I rubbed my forehead where my bandage is.

She giggled a little...

"It's Miyu, you big dummy." She hits me in the shoulder.

"Ow." I winced in pain.

"Oh! Sorry! I am forgot you are still in pain." She gasped.

"It's nothing serious. Nothing but a couple bruises. At least I didn't end up breaking any bones thankfully..." I said as I slowly and cautiously got off the Fùton.

"That still doesn't mean I can't watch you so that nothing happens to you." She said with seriousness.

"I never said that. In fact, I'm glad you are helping me." I chuckled.

Before she could say a word, my stomach started rumbling...

"How long was I sleep?"

"6 hours and a half." She said.

6 hours and a half?! Wow I slept so long!


"Yeah...come. I'll make some Ramen noodles to fill you up."

"With some veggies?"

"Of course." She giggled.

"Good...I'm gonna need some for my energy." I nod with a smile.

And here's what she did next...she kissed me...on the cheek...I'm gonna make a safe assumption that she is my girlfriend in this universe (That I had no fucking clue about.). ...Well...might as well go with the flow and not rise suspicion...that and I think the Hylotl are an awesome race and having a girlfriend who is one is a total win in my book.

"I'm so glad I didn't lose you." I smiled as I kissed her back.

"Me too." She said as she held me close to her.

Yeah...I can get used to this...I wonder where Roman and Giovanni are? Are they safe? I sure hope so...cause I don't want to lose my friends too soon...