Chapter 3: Aaron

November 1, 2015

The sight of the sea from this area was a sight to behold and Earwyn loves to watch the sea around this time in the morning. Usually, seeing the sea in the morning usually relieves the weight he feels in his Megaheart every time he wakes up in the morning. He already ate his breakfast of some fish he caught at that time and it tastes great, though he can't be picky as he always eat the same meal for the day. He wished to eat the food that are made from some kind of octopus Pokémon, like takoyaki, those were his favorite snack and can't get enough of them. He stayed there for a few minutes before heading back.

He begins to walk down the path that is a fifteen minute walk from the small base where they stayed with their trainer. That base is made from a tree that was open to reveal a large area. The base was as big as an apartment's room and there are six Pokémon living there right now. They were Earwyn himself, Grace, Blaze, Isaac, Leafbreeze, and Sky. They had to live in there because that is the only place they can call home after the trainer who trained them for a year mysteriously disappeared.

Earwyn walks down the path as he wonders about the others he left back at the base. Now that he think about it, the last time he checked is when he left after breakfast to go watch the sea. Everyone were doing their usual business. Grace is reading one of the novels that their trainer used read, Blaze is currently studying with the journal that Earwyn told him to read, Isaac may be goofing off and is out of the base, Leafbreeze is as silent as ever and is training with the practice dummy outside the base, and Sky is studying Mathematics…Sky is poor in that subject so Earwyn wonders what is he doing now. Sky is pretty much above average in the other subjects but he is poor in Mathematics. What Earwyn told him is that he'll be giving Sky a test later in Mathematics when he gets back and if he fails, no cookies for a month. Sky loves cookies and he cannot live without them.

Earwyn's movement slowed down and soon came to a stop. This thing that happened now is part of his daily routine right from two years ago and now.

From a distance, a foot stomps the ground with cloud dust forming around the area.

That shoe belongs to a young boy. The boy wears a blue baseball cap, a yellow t-shirt, blue shorts, white socks, and blue shoes. Based on his looks, the boy appears to be only nine years old and his face are full of bruised marks from hard work. Around his belt, he has two small ball-shaped capsule with the upper half red and lower half white. There is a black line the separates both halves and there is a button on them.

The boy pants hard before pointing a finger at Earwyn.

"You!" The boy said. "The Swamp Puppy…no, that's not right…Um, Mudpuppy…No, Oversized Mudkip…What is it?"

"Swamp Swampert." Earwyn said. What he really meant was "not again" but since the boy is not a Pokémon, he really doesn't understand what Earwyn was saying so he only heard those.

"Oh right thank you." The boy said while rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment and chuckling before pointing his finger back at Earwyn. "You, Swampert! Today is the day. Today, I will finally capture you and become part of my Pokémon team. This time I won't fail because I trained body and soul to finally capture you." With that he took one of the balls and pressed the button, the capsule enlarged. "Now, prepare to face the wrath of Zigzagoon!"

Earwyn didn't listen. For the past years, he always hear the boy say the same thing over and over again that Earwyn knew what he said and is stuck in his head and he is sick of it. Also, that boy said that to face the wrath of Zigzagoon. Zigzagoon is the name and species of his Pokémon that he used to battle Earwyn with. That Pokémon can evolve but for some reason, the boy didn't let his partner evolve.

"Go Zigzagoon!" The boy exclaimed, throwing the ball into the sky.

The ball opened and a bright stream of light appears out of the open part. The stream of light reaches the ground and there appears a Pokémon. The Pokémon has a furry body and a thick bushy tail. The body has brown and light brown zigzag stripes all over its body and black fur line that connects the eyes that it looks like a thief's mask. It has short legs and stands on all fours.

"Alright Zigzagoon, you know that Swampert and I know you will defeat him today." The boy said.

"Zigzagoon!" Zigzagoon cried.

"Alright, use Tackle!"

Upon hearing the command, Zigzagoon leaps into the air and tackles Earwyn at the chest…

…That attack just knocked out Zigzagoon as the blunt force from Earwyn's chest was enough to hit the poor Pokémon's brain and knocked him unconscious by his own attack. Earwyn slowly removes Zigzagoon on his chest and sees that the Pokémon's eyes are swirly lines. He just threw the Pokémon back at the boy. The boy puts out the same ball out.

"Return!" He said, the ball emitting a red ray that hit the unconscious Zigzagoon. The light absorbs him that he disappears into the light and returns back inside the ball. Putting the ball back to his belt, he then puts out the other ball. "That's it, time to go from offense to defense. Go Cascoon!"

Throwing the ball, the same thing happened but the light materializes a different Pokémon. The Pokémon is an oval shaped cocoon with a purple shading and sharp red eyes. Around its body, pointy spikes appear from all parts. This Pokémon is called a "Cascoon" and the boy is standing arrogantly.

"How do you like me now?" The boy asked, his hands at his hips before laughing. "Ahahahahaha. Ahahaha…eh?"

The boy stopped laughing when he is enveloped by a large shadow. Opening his eyes, he sees Earwyn towering over him with an unconscious Cascoon gripped on his hand. His eyes turned to dots and his mouth turning into a line that his face looks like a hand puppet's head. Looking at Earwyn's face, he sees that he is glaring at him.

The words were choked down his throat and he cannot let them out as sweat went down his body. Right now, he staring directly into Earwyn's eyes and he feels a strange sensation and something that anyone doesn't want to feel in their lives. Those orange eyes are as if they are staring directly at the boy's soul. Doing wicked things that defied description and anyone doesn't know what atrocities that stare that gave to the boy.

Then during that stare, Earwyn hears something that sounds like dripping water. Earwyn looks down and sees that the boy's shorts are wet. Wet with urine and they continued on until the reach the feet and drenched the ground with urine.

Earwyn stares at it with disgust before staring back at the boy again. This time, however, the glare grew more intense that the colors from the boy's body disappeared, having the colors gone that he looks like an uncolored palette.

"CHANGE. YOUR. SHORTS. AND. UNDERWEAR." Earwyn said in a creepy monotonous voice.

For some reason, the boy understands what he so he reaches up, takes Cascoon, and made a dash for it. Meanwhile, Earwyn is just staring at the puff of clouds that outlines the boy's body.

"MOMMY!" The boy cried as he runs down the path that leads to his house and Earwyn is now alone once again.

"…Good, he's gone." Earwyn said before heading his way back to the base.

November 1, 2015
Aaron's Base

Upon reaching the base, Earwyn sees Blaze outside the base doing some warmups. Upon seeing Earwyn, Blaze stopped what he was doing, waved his hand, and rushed to Earwyn.

"Oh, Ear, welcome back." Blaze said. "How are you?"

"Fine as usual." Earwyn said. "The boy again tried to catch me again but his Pokémon are weak and I have to deal with his immature rumblings."

"Well, that was really a handful but I would love to fight stronger foes." Blaze said. "Oh, speaking of which, do you remember Old Dragon?"

Earwyn nodded. The Old Dragon is someone named "Christopher Dragonblaze" and despite being called an "Old Dragon," he is still 25 years old today. It may be because he is ten to eleven years older than him and Blaze.

"Yes, I remember him." Earwyn said. "He is said to be the head leader of an organization called 'HOPE'. We met him just two days ago right after we were attacked by a being called 'Sheds'."

Saying that, Blaze's face grew a smile.

"Yeah, that's right." Blaze said. "Don't you see Earwyn, Old Dragon said that that HOPE is an organization of Pokémon just like us. So what do you think Earwyn, should we join that organization? I was thinking about it so how about we join them? There are strong members that I can spar with and also, Isaac would love to join because of cute girls in HOPE."

Earwyn looks away from Blaze as he wore a face of uncertainty.

"I don't know Blaze. I'm not sure if I want to join. The thing I know about why they want from us is that not only do we possess the organ they have but we possess something that would help them fight these Sheds. It is Aaron's journal."

"Right, our trainer's journal really shows detailed stuff about those Sheds." Blaze said. "And just right after that battle, another page appeared that details everything we know about that Shed. The name of that Shed is 'Dreamer' and is a Type: Sloth Shed. They don't battle but they summon familiars to fight for them as they fall asleep."

"Yeah, we would have been a goner if it weren't for Christopher's help. He is said to be a veteran so he can handle it alone."

"Well, if I were you I would be gladly joining HOPE. I'm sure it would be fun."

"I don't know what you meant by 'fun'. The last time I heard you were having fun is when we had our hearts amputated. We were alive today because Aaron came just in time to replace our hearts with Megastones that then became our hearts."

Earwyn closes his eyes before opening them to look at the sky.

"I still remembered how he saved us."

June 20, 2010

Earwyn and his friends were lying on the ground with a gaping wound on their chest and heart missing and are replaced by a device that temporarily act as their heart. This is shown in Earwyn's point of view. As he lies on the ground with some of his blood spilling to the ground, Earwyn watches his enemies that stood over him gawking at his and his friends' defeat. Earwyn can see this but his vision is quite blurry as the only thing that is keeping him awake is his sheer will to stay alive. His companions are all unconscious and he is the only one conscious and can see what is happening.

His enemies are humans and there are twenty of them. They wore a black shirt with a red R at the front of their uniforms, white gloves, a black cap, and white boots. They are varying in gender with them wearing different styles of uniform. The men wore black pants and the women wore shirts that crop on their waist and short shorts. They stood threateningly at the group as the woman at the front chuckles. The woman wore a different uniform from the rest and by her looks, she must be the leader of these people.

"Hehehe, looks like we found more test subjects." She said as she looks at the man driving a truck at the back. "Hey, you grunt. Bring me the Megastones."

"Megastones?" The grunt said. "I-I'm sorry madam Sharla but I didn't bring any Megastones."

The woman named Sharla grits her teeth in annoyance.

"Argh, you may be a rookie but why are you so forgetful?" She said. "You have one job and that job is to bring the Megastones we have. The Swampertite, Blazikenite, Sceptilelite, Gardevoirite, Aggronite, and Salamencite. Can't you bring that in your stupid brain of yours? When we get back to headquarters, you're going to have another session."

Upon saying this, the young man's eyes widened in fear.

"N-no, please, anything but that." He said, grabbing his arms together that hid terrible scars underneath the sleeves.

The woman shook her head before looking at Earwyn's group. "Argh, what a complete waste of test subjects. Everyone, let's head back."

Everyone nodded at their leader before turning to the man driving the truck. For some reason, he stopped crying and is now sitting motionless. Everyone were looking at him with a questioning look on their faces.

"Hey, earth to stupid grunt." Sharla said. "I didn't command you to sleep so wake up before I can slap your stupid ass."

Saying that, the man stirred a bit.

"Good, now I would add more to your-"

She was cut off when the man's cap fell off his head. When his cap fell, they saw the look on his eyes. His eyes are dull and lifeless and if one takes a closer look, his stomach was impaled by something made out of water. Sharla looks around the area.

"Who-who's there?" She called out. "Show yourself!"

Upon saying that, the truck exploded. The grunts were thrown off their feet and landed on the ground hard by the explosion. Everyone scrambled to their feet and look at the burning truck that used to be their mode of transport but now acts as the source of light for everyone. As they scramble to their feet, they see a silhouette of someone emerging out of the flames. Soon, the owner of the silhouette showed himself and the owner is a young man.

The man is wearing what they say as a standard attire of Pokémon trainers. He wears a white hoodie with the hood covering his face. The hoodie he wears is unzipped from the chest and underneath the hoodie is a blue t-shirt. He wears a pair of blue pants and blue shoes with black sock underneath. Around his neck, he wears a pendant with the shape of a small droplet. He is walking casually to the group with his hands inside the pocket of his hoodie.

"Greetings lady and gentlemen." The man said. "How are you and what do you think you're doing? Also, I apologize for killing the man from earlier."

Seeing the man, Sharla's composure returned and flips her hair with an arrogant smirk.

"So, just a single man dares to battle all of us?" She said. "My, my, how bold of you? Let me get this straight young man. You dare confront Team Rocket alone and what Pokémon do you have?"

"Pokémon?" The man said. "What are those?"

Sharla laughed wickedly. "Oh you poor fool, you don't know what Pokémon is? My, my, then let this be your first lesson about Pokémon, and let this be your last."

Reaching for the ball capsules on her belt, she took one of them and pressed the button to enlarge it.

"Look boy, this thing I am holding is what you call a Poké ball." Sharla said. "This thing carries what we call a Pokémon. Let me demonstrate, go Houndoom!"

Throwing the Poké ball, the capsule opens and lets out a stream of white light. The light made its way to the ground and there materializes a Pokémon.

The Pokémon has the appearance of a dog, it has a pair of long horns on the head, black fur around the body and red fur at the belly and nuzzle. Around the neck, it has a collar around it with a skull emblem at the center. On its back, it has three metallic straps on it and two sets of bracers on the legs. The tail looks similar to a demon's tail.

"Let me introduce to you the Dark Pokémon, Houndoom." Sharla said. "As you know, this Pokémon is commanded by me because I am the owner of its Poké ball. It will follow my every command with no question and do you want a demonstration? Houndoom, use Bite."

Saying that, Houndoom reels back and lounges at the man. The man looks up at the Pokémon with its teeth bared and prepared to bite the man.

Blood sprayed into the air, everyone has a surprised look on their faces as the blood flies into the air. Earwyn would have gasped in surprise too, but he is using his strength to remain conscious so he cannot make a face of surprise.

The blood…belonged to Houndoom. Houndoom has its eye widened and hallow with its muzzle wide open with blood going out. Houndoom has its stomach impaled by a spike made out of water that sprouted from the ground. The spike penetrated the stomach and erupted from the back of Houndoom with the blood flying out and saturating the spike and the man's clothes. Houndoom was instantly killed by the attack as it went limp on the spike with its blood dripping from the spike.

The man sighs, letting the spike splatter to droplets and have the body fall to the ground. Everyone were stunned and unable to move as they watch what is happening before them. The man just stare at the body before looking at the group's direction.

"Really Sharla, did you let me kill it?" He asked.

"W-what are you?" Sharla asked.

"Me? Well, just so you know, I am a traveler and I don't have any knowledge about Pokémon and I think you need to teach me please Teacher Sharla?"

Sharla grits her teeth as she looks at her grunts and puts out the remaining five Poké balls. "KILL HIM!"

By that command, everyone took their Poké balls out of their belts and threw them into the air. The Poké balls open and white streams of light went out of them and form Pokémon out of them. They surround the man from every corner and there is no means of escape for the man. Still, he kept the calm and collected attitude, as if this is dealt in a daily basis.

"Heh, so there are a hundred and forty of you against one of me, so this is what you call a fair battle." The man said with a bit sarcasm, his left hand was pulled out of the pockets and moved to the side with the palm wide open. With that palm open, something materializing around his left hand.

The one that materializes is a scythe made out of water. The blade and handle are made out of water with the handle longer than his body and the blade shaped like a half of a crescent and it is dangerously thick and long with a crest at the back of it and some imprints of an ancient writing on its surface. This type of weapon is very dangerous to wield because of its design and blade. This man must be a skilled wielder to be able to wield this dangerous weapon.

Once the weapon is fully materialized, the man puts out the right hand and uses both hands to spin the scythe around his body with great speed and precision. Spinning it a few times, the man lifts it and embeds the blade on the ground. The group stare at him with fear in their eyes.

"What? Never seen a scythe before?" He asked. "This is the Azrael's Might, a sacred scythe used to eliminate the enemies of those who need help. I see that you made an inhuman act of abusing the powers of a particular race for your selfish desires. Therefore, you are the enemies."

Sharla snarled by this man as she commands. "Kill him now."

Nodding, everyone command their Pokémon to attack.

The man stood in place and waits for everyone to reach him. Once he did, he made a squat, held Azrael's Might with both hands and leaped at them. His way was blocked by several ranged attack that he swings the scythe around in a crescent fashion and dissipate the attacks with one swing. Once he did, more Pokémon surround him in all direction. Underneath his hood, there is a disgusted snarl formed with his mouth as he swings the scythe around him and bisected several Pokémon with a single swing.

"I really like killing." He said, it was full of sarcasm since the tone of his voice is filled with disgust. "You made me do this."

Saying that, he swings Azrael's Might around his body and jumps into the air before swinging it around in a loop and kills the surrounding Pokémon. He swinged Azrael's Might around him and dashed with great speed while slicing everyone in his way that their blood saturated his clothes. He continued dashing, slicing and dicing everyone around him until he killed nearly half of the Pokémon that were sent to kill him.

Kneeling down, the man hears a gunshot and blocks the bullet with the blade of his weapon. The gunshot was fired by a grunt who has a frightened look on his face. He is trembling with the gun he is holding shaking within his grasp. The man merely stares at him before dashing to his direction.

"No, no, stay away!" He said, firing more shots at the man. The man just deflects the bullets with his scythe with great precision while slicing anything blocking his flight. After a few shots, the gun lost its bullets and it only made a clicking sound while the grunt pulls the trigger. Before he can get more bullets to reload the gun, the man thrusts Azrael's Might that its blade is around the man's neck.

"I apologize in advance." He said before releasing Azrael's Might from his right hand and place the blade around the man's neck. "Farewell."

He then pulls the scythe and beheads the grunt with the scythe's blade. Blood sprays around the scythe as the man hears another gunshot. He used Azrael's Might to block the bullet coming at him. Looking behind him, he sees that every grunt have guns pointing at him and are wearing fearful faces as the man faces them.

Truth be told, this man hated to kill, they've brought this to themselves and they should have leave but they stubbornly threaten to kill him, not knowing the strength this man has. Spinning Azrael's Might again, he squats down and dashes at the grunts with an insane speed that everyone started screaming, firing openly, and commanding their Pokémon to attack the man.

Sharla trembles as she watches this. All of her grunts, grunts that are professionals sans the first grunt killed, and Pokémon that are very strong that they can be a challenged to skilled trainers are being killed by one single young man. She watches at the man slaughters everyone with his weapon and never taking any damage from the attack he received. He is slaughtering them like no business.

Finally, everyone are killed and the man stood at the center. Even with the work he done, he wasn't breaking a sweat and is just standing there with his clothes and weapons covered with blood of the grunts and Pokémon he killed. Putting his head up, he stares at Sharla.

Sharla didn't have any Pokémon left as her Pokémon were one of the Pokémon the man killed so she only has her gun left. Putting out her gun, she screamed with fury and fires the man. He effortlessly blocks the bullets until the gun started to click as there are no more bullets in the holster. Realizing this, Sharla reaches for her belt before realizing her greatest mistake. She was confident that her Pokémon can do the job for her that she didn't rely on her gun as a second means of defense so she only brought one set of bullets. Throwing the gun, Sharla screams and runs to the man.

"Damn you!" Sharla exclaimed as she attempts to slap the man.


She wasn't able to. Her eyes are wide with fear and they tremble as she turns them to her right. What was there as blood bursting out and a dismembered arm flying into the air as an earsplitting scream erupted around the area. Earwyn sees the disembodied spiraling on the moon.

Sharla falls to the ground, using her left hand to cover the open wound around her right shoulder while blood erupts from it like a geyser. It was painful, painful that even a smug and arrogant high ranked member of Team Rocket cannot hold back tears. She was crying, crying from the pain and humiliation she received from the man. Her lips tremble as the shadow covers her. Looking up, Sharla sees the man standing in front of her and was grabbed by the throat.

"Your name? Sharla was it." The man said, this time rage is present in his tongue. "What you really did is unforgivable. How dare you use the power of the Keepers for this project. You also used several lives for this project to achieve what? For money? Power? Fortune? Fame? How despicable! You never give concern to the lives you made to die in vain just for this stupid project and look at you now. Without your grunts, you are nothing but a cowardly and despicable woman. How could you kill so many lives just for this?"

Sharla suddenly stares at the man with fear and no longer having the animosity and rage for the man. She was scared.

"P-please, don't kill me." She said, tears falling down her eyes.

"Like I care?" He said. "I always heard that cliché lines and I grew sick of it. People like you don't deserve pity as you sold your soul to the Sheds to gain stupid things in return."

Saying that, spikes made out of water forms around the man. One-by-one, the spikes thrust forward and hit Sharla in every direction. Sharla screamed like she never screamed before in her entire life as the spikes repeatedly stab her in all direction. This continued on for a few seconds until the screaming died and Sharla became limp. The man threw the body away and looked at the horrors he committed.

A minute ago, he was in front of a group of powerful opponents and, a minute later, he is standing over their corpses and stained with their blood. He just look at his blood stained weapon before turning to the group of Pokémon who have their hearts amputated and are kept alive with a device that temporarily act as their hearts and would soon malfunction after a minute has passed. Earwyn knew what will happen after this.

June 21, 2010


Earwyn wakes up and sees that he is lying on a hospital bed. Looking around, he sees that his other companions are asleep and, like him, they no longer have the gaping wound on their chests and looks as if their hearts are already replaced with another heart. Looking around, he sees that his small body is attached to several wires and the monitor beside him is making a beeping sound with the line making a zigzag fashion with each beep. On his front leg, he sees that there is an IV attached to his leg and some dextrose entering his blood stream. Looking at the leg, it is attached with a wire that gives him blood and the blood is the same blood type as his so it would be alright.

He lay there for a few seconds until he hears the door of the room opening to reveal a woman. The woman is wearing a pink attire of a nurse with an apron on top of it. She wore a gentle smile and has a soothing aura that made Earwyn at ease that everything will be fine. Walking around, the nurse made a happy face when she sees Earwyn awake.

"Oh, you're awake." She said, petting Earwyn with a tender hand. "You'll make a full recovery at the next hour. Welcome to the Pokémon Center and please know you are a safe hands because Nurse Joy is here to take care of you.

June 21, 2010
Pokémon Center

From this time, Nurse Joy returned back to the room and detached the equipment from Earwyn and discharged him from the room. The others were still asleep and Earwyn is the only one awake. Placing Earwyn down, Nurse Joy notices Earwyn looking at her and she knew why.

"You must be wondering how you got here right?" She asked, earning a nod from Earwyn. "Well, a man arrived carrying you all unconscious and he said that he saved you all. He was waiting for you to wake up in the hallway and was there two hours ago."

That man, Earwyn's eyes widened with fear and shock from what he heard. Is this man who saved from Sharla and her grunts? Nurse Joy looks at him before wearing a gentle smile.

"I know, he isn't your trainer and this reaction is typical for wild Pokémon knowing of being saved by humans." She said. "Don't worry, he may look creepy but he is a gentle fellow…Though he has a sarcastic sense of humor."

No, that's not what he is afraid about. He is afraid because this man was able to kill a hundred and forty opponents by himself under a minute. The strength of his power and how he killed everyone without remorse or pity but acted calm before killing the woman where he expressed anger and disgust.

He began describing what happened but Nurse Joy can only understand was "Mudkip, Mudkip, kip, kip." She only took a sign that he wants to see the man so she lifted him to her arms and took him outside. Earwyn feels nervous. How can this woman say that the man isn't sociopathic and creepy with blood covering his clothes? He might be hearing things since this is so untrue.

Once they are outside, Earwyn sees the man sitting on one of the rows of seats that are stationed on the hallway. He sits there with his body leaning on his thighs and his face concealed by the hood of his hoodie. There is something mission from the man and that surprised Earwyn.

The blood that stained the man's clothes is gone and his clothes are the same but they are clean, free of stains and no blood marks around his white hoodie. Rubbing his eyes and checking if he was hallucinating because he cannot what he is seeing, he looks at the man and finds him the same, clean and spotless as before.

Upon seeing Earwyn, the man got up.

"Oh, you're awake." He said before looking at Nurse Joy. "Thank you very much."

"You're welcome Mr. Hayami." Nurse Joy said before giving Earwyn to the man. "I'll leave you two alone for now. I have to take care of the others."

With a nod, Nurse Joy turned her back and entered the room. The door sliding to close behind her. With her gone, the only people in the hallway are the man and Earwyn, who is being carried by the man. The man turned to Earwyn which gave him quite a scare since he looking at the man with a hallow face since the hood was concealing his face. The man notices the fear Earwyn wore on his face that he chuckles.

"Oh how child-friendly am I." He said sarcastically. "I apologize for my appearance."

Saying that the man puts Earwyn down gently and squats down gently. Once Earwyn is down, the man puts one hand over his hood and pulls it to uncover his face and his appearance shocked Earwyn.

The man was a handsome young man with wavy blue hair, green small eyes, and a fair complexion. He also wears a pair of black thick framed glasses over his eyes.

"Now do you like my ugly face?" He asked with sarcasm. "I'm pretty ugly am I?"

Earwyn shook his head, he wasn't scared of his appearance but he is scared of what he did.

"I'm not scared with your handsome face." Earwyn said. "I am scared because you are able to kill tons of people alone and I don't know why you did that but what are you?"

The man wore a frown and Earwyn can see the sadness his eyes reflect.

"Yes, I know it is unforgivable of how I singlehandedly killed an entire group of people." He said. "I realized that I let you see the horrors of me butchering those people so that I can save you. In truth, I disliked what I did but it is the only way I can save you. After all, I killed them is an act of mercy. They'll soon become monsters and will destroy everything in their path."

Saying this, Earwyn's mouth opened wide.

"You can understand me?" Earwyn said.

"Yes, I do." The man said. "My name's Aaron Hayami and I am your trainer."

"Even though Aaron is not the most pleasant person to be with. He is our trainer and he was the reason why we are still alive today."

Blaze stare at Earwyn before nodding.

"By the looks of it, we all owe it to Aaron for doing this." Blaze said. "Though I wonder why he needed to abandon us. LB was bitter about his abandonment but you always looked up to Aaron since he was the reason why we became strong and have us evolved into our final forms in just one year. We lived in our first forms for several years and we've evolved in just a span of a year and I love it." Blaze puts out a battle stance. "Come on, how about a spar between me and you?"

Saying that, Blaze performs a kick but Earwyn dodges it pins Blaze to the ground. Earwyn lets go of Blaze and lets him lie there sprawled on the ground. Blaze huffed in disappointment from being defeated again.

"You lost again." Earwyn said. "You have strength as your strength surpasses mine but you lack the skill and defense I have."

Blaze laughed a bit as Earwyn reaches a hand to him. He took it and Earwyn pulled him off the ground. Blaze was always so reckless and he had a problem when he was born and become his best friend. Often, he got themselves to trouble because of his recklessness that annoys Earwyn a lot. However, at the end of the day, Earwyn saves him from the trouble. Well, this is how Blaze really is, always reckless and loves fighting that he never really see how dangerous fighting can be. He knows why Blaze wants to join HOPE, he wants to join them since he'll be able to meet more people and join in epic battles. While he knows that his best friend will like it, he is not sure if he wants to join this HOPE.

"I know why you want to join HOPE Blaze." Earwyn said. "But are you sure you want to join this organization? It will be dangerous."

"Oh come on dad, where is your sense of adventure?" Blaze said.

"I am worried because you might be put in danger. Do you know how dangerous our previous fight went?"

"I know, but don't you forget that the one who trained us is a skilled fighter himself. You don't have to worry, we'll be fine. Also, if we join HOPE, we would be able to find more pages of Aaron's journal and find him. Think about it Ear, it is a win-win decision. The thrill we'll experience in joining HOPE and we'll be able to find our trainer."

Earwyn became silent and went to a deep thought of what will he do. True, they'll be able to find Aaron by joining HOPE but he isn't sure if it will be the right decision. He cannot risk the safety of his friends as they are now his only family but joining HOPE means they'll be able to meet more Pokémon that are the same as them, Pokémon with Megahearts. He also didn't want Sky to be around them and he should meet others since he didn't want Sky to know little people, he wanted him to be sociable since he is too innocent. So maybe joining HOPE isn't a bad idea.

"I'll think about it." Earwyn said.

The two then enter the base and sees that only two Pokémon are inside the base. Grace was reading a book titled "Loveless" and Sky studying Mathematics. Based on his appearance, Sky is having a hard time since his head is slumped on the table with his eyes completely white and a stream of tears is flowing down the eyes.

Earwyn taps his foot before walking to the table where Sky is. Upon seeing Earwyn, Sky sits up straight and looks at Earwyn at the eye with his face showing nervousness in them.

"B-Big bro!" Sky exclaimed. "Y-you're here."

"Yes, do you know what today is?" Earwyn asked. "Today is the day where you'll be having a test about Polynomials. We studied it all day yesterday so I hope you understand it."

Sky gulps as Earwyn takes the books and notebooks away and replaced them with a test paper. The test has fifty items on them and Sky looks at it with fear. Looking at Earwyn, Sky gulps down saliva as he stares at the test paper as Earwyn puts a ball pen and a correction fluid in front of him.


Sky looks at Earwyn with a nervous look on his face before taking the pen with his tail and starts answering the test. Earwyn stands straight and walks to Grace. She was busy reading the novel that she didn't notice Earwyn motioning to her side and sitting beside her. Blaze seems to have mixed thoughts when he sees this action.

"So, how is the book?" Earwyn asked, making Grace to stop reading and look at Earwyn at the eye.

"It is good and the poetic way of how the story is told is pretty nice." Grace said before looking at the book. "Aaron did say that this book is a popular that this has been adapted as plays and named a street for this book. The story is about an epic quest of three men to find the fabled gift of the goddess. The story is good but there is a problem with this one. There is no ending in it."

Earwyn stares at the book and feels rather disappointed with it.

"I always loved endings of stories." Earwyn said, his arms crossed. "That is indeed a problem though I think stories with open endings is nice. Since when the story ends, you can interpret how it ends by your point of view. Though I like endings that are written by the author themselves but making endings is tricky to pull off."

"I know right." Grace said. "Though, I wonder what ending we'll have when we find Aaron."

"Yeah, I hope it will be a happy ending since I always hated tragedy."

Grace nodded before staring at Earwyn. From the table, Sky is having a hard time answering the test since he is just on the first item of the test. The item states: " ". Sky is scratching his head with his foreleg as he writes down the answer. Blaze is standing by the shelf reading a pamphlet that talks about HOPE.

Earwyn sees that Blaze must be eager to join HOPE and by the side, Earwyn sees a phone laying at the shelf. This phone is an advance type of phone since the phone only has one screen with a single circular rectangle button at the bottom center, a lock button at the side, and two buttons at the other side that adjusts the device's volume. This phone was given by Christopher and this is supposed to be used so that they can join HOPE.

Unknown to Earwyn, Grace was staring at him as he stares at the phone, thinking of what he'll do to call HOPE or not. Slowly, Grace extends a hand to hold Earwyn's hand lovingly. However, when she was just a centimeter away from his hand, Earwyn stood up and Grace sighed in disappointment.

Earwyn went to the shelf and took the phone with one hand. Pressing the lock button, the phone's screen lit up and he swipes the screen to open it and go to the menu. Once in the menu, he pressed "Contacts" and saw that the phone only has one number. The number there is named "Hexcalibur Pendragon". Based on the info Christopher sent them, this Hexcalibur person is a Pokémon called an Aegislash. This Aegislash is said to be extremely talkative and is a short-tempered person. He is a very cranky scientist because, on what Christopher said, he only sleeps for eight hours per week and is always awake in front of the computer every day.

Checking the calendar beside the shelf, the date today is "November 1, 2015" and this day is,

"Hexcalibur's birthday." Earwyn said, looking at the contact saying that it is the mentioned scientist today. He did not know why he is doing this, however, Blaze told him that they'll be able to find Aaron by joining this HOPE. He wants to know why Aaron abandoned them and maybe HOPE can help them. Just he was able to call the number, the door opens.

"Oh, good morning to ya mates and Sheila." Isaac arrived back home and saw Earwyn holding the phone. "Oi, Earwyn. Had you made a decision?"

"Not really but…What happened to you?"

Why Earwyn said this is because Isaac look worse for wear. His entire body looks beaten up and his metallic parts are covered with dust, scratched, and dented. On his right eye, his eye is swollen with a visible black eye. It looks as if he got into a fight. Isaac scratches the back of his head.

"Well, some not-so-bonza trainers appear out of nowhere 'n' attempted to catch me." Isaac said. "I had to fight my bloody way to evade them but I got attacked by strong Pokémon. Fortunately, I am different from other Aggrons. I am not bloody slow as I am bonza fast. This is because of my power to be able to generate electricity to increase my speed."

True, Isaac is different from other Aggrons. Like what he said, his electrical powers help him build up speed, strengthen his attacks, and add addition effect in his attacks. This is a great addition to his powers since it helps him a lot. Aaron thought him how to use this technique and he loves this technique to this day.

"Whatever and please don't goof off again." Earwyn scolded. "You know how dangerous it is, you know how trainers are eager to capture us because of our skills. Isaac please, for your own sake, don't do that again."

Isaac sighs before looking at Earwyn.

"Fine dad."

"Don't call me that because you are older than me."

Isaac shrugs before leaving Earwyn. However, just he can leave, Earwyn grabs his tail.

"Isaac, did you smoke again?" Earwyn asked with a sinister voice, not turning his face at Isaac. "I smell the smell of tobacco from your mouth."

Isaac felt a shiver down his spine. He knew what will happen next. He cannot lie as the effect will worsen.

"Y-yes." Isaac said.

"Seriously, don't you know how bad it affects your health?" Earwyn said, his head turning creepily at Isaac. "Eat some gum to get rid of the stench."

Earwyn lets go of Isaac's and Isaac run to the other part of the base.

Once Isaac is gone, Earwyn stares at the phone before him. Like regular phones, this phone needed to be charged for it to function properly. To do that, he needs to burrow Isaac's powers to charge it since the only source of power for their electronics is Isaac. He wonders why Isaac can project powerful electricity. Even though he has known Isaac for seven years, he doesn't know how he was able to get that kind of power. True, Isaac's species are able to learn lightning-based moves but Isaac is proficient in using those as if he is part Electric-type.

Now that he thinks about it, joining HOPE is a good idea. Since the headquarters is located at an isolated area from other regions and, based on what Christopher said, the only humans that can gain contact on them are the regions' champions. With that, Sky can interact with other Pokémon, he can keep an eye on Isaac from goofing off, Blaze will be able to seek joy and excitement, and they'll be able to find more pages to see Aaron again. He doesn't know how this will benefit Grace and Leafbreeze but this will benefit the half of them.

Looking at the contact number, Earwyn slides the tab and starts to call Hexcalibur. The phone rings for a couple of times before it clicks to signify that someone answered it.

"Hello, this is Earwyn Galan speaking." He said. "I-"


Okay that is too much to take. Earwyn massages his head as he tries to understand what Hexcalibur told him. This guy talks too fast and his words are too detailed that Earwyn didn't understand what he said. To the words he was able to register, Hexcalibur stated that he is the scientist of HOPE and is responsible for the transportation of HOPE via some kind of magic. Also, he expected some gifts so Earwyn asks Hexcalibur what he likes.

"I want dog poison tasty bread." Hexcalibur said, Earwyn seems to think that what Hexcalibur wants is chocolate cake.

And so, Earwyn went to the kitchen while Hexcalibur talks on the phone with an insane speed about numerous topics that Earwyn doesn't understand since Hexcalibur was talking staff about Science, Biology, Chemistry, and Organic Chemistry. Earwyn was mixing some cake mixings while Hexcalibur teaches the basics of Organic Chemistry by discussing of how to name compounds by looking at the number of Carbons in a compound and the way how he discusses it is nearly accurate as to why chocolate is poisonous to dogs.

Earwyn puts the mixing in the oven and with the help of Isaac, he turns it on and the electrical oven heats it up. Earwyn then went back to the table where Sky is and checked all of the answers he made on the test. The total score he got is sixty-percent of the test, meaning he passed. Saying to Sky that he passed the test, Earwyn puts out a sack full of cookies from the kitchen and gave them to Sky and in an instant, Sky jumps from the table an into the sack of cookies. Earwyn looks a bemused at this that his eyes became half dots with a line connecting them. He then hears Sky singing an ode to show how much he loves cookies. Sky was always a sweet tooth and it is one of his defining qualities and the other being his sensitivity over his height.

Leaving the Salamence to eat the cookies and going to the other seat, Grace is there reading Loveless as she continues to read and understand the meaning of the story's unfinished plot. She notices Earwyn sitting beside her and it gave her a bit of a shock seeing him beside her. Right now, Earwyn was sitting with one leg over the other and up straight. Grace feels her cheeks rising when she saw Earwyn sitting next to her. She covers her face with the book to hide how flustered she is beside Earwyn. Earwyn just sits there and not noticing Grace being flustered as he listens to Hexcalibur's rumblings that is almost has no end into it. He finished the previous topics and is now talking about the different types of dog Pokémon and their skills and abilities. He never really understands what Hexcalibur was talking about because his intelligence surpasses his.

Finally, half an hour later, there was a click from the kitchen that Earwyn got up from where he was sitting and went to the kitchen. Unknown to him, Grace teleported from where she was sitting, leaving Loveless behind on the table. Where is she now? She is outside chopping down trees to cool down her overflowing desires of love towards Earwyn.

Earwyn opens the oven, wearing a pair of baking gloves, and takes the cake out of the oven. Putting the tray over the counter, Earwyn then starts icing the cake with chocolate frosting and chips. Once he is done, he looks at the phone.

"Okay, Mr. Hexcalibur." Earwyn said. "I've finished the cake and I want to finally made a decision."

"Hey don't interrupt me when I am speaking!" Hexcalibur said, his voice angry. "Hrgh, what is it then?"

"We'll…join HOPE."

Saying this, Sky looked up from the floor full of cookie crumbles, Isaac stares at Earwyn with surprise, and Blaze smiled with his face full of excitement. Earwyn bit his lip out of nervousness and he began wondering if this was the right decision.


Then there is a click. Judging from the tone of voice Hexcalibur talked, he sounds pretty angry since Earwyn cut him off when he was somewhere at the middle…beginning…end…whatever…of something he was going to explain but Earwyn didn't listen to it and he wonders what will happen next. He then felt a pat from Blaze.

"Great job Ear." Blaze said. "Finally, we'll be able to join HOPE. Also, hey Isaac, there are pretty girls in HOPE."

"R-really?" Isaac said, his eyes turned to hearts and mouth drooling, Sky cringed when this happened.

"Of course."

Just when Earwyn finished packing the cake, Grace suddenly appears inside via teleporting in front of Earwyn. Earwyn was a bit shocked at this.

"Grace?" Earwyn exclaimed. "Could you please go to me by not surprising me?"

"Sorry, but there is something I want to tell you." Grace said. "There is a portal outside and a snake appeared out of it."

"Oh, they must be here." Earwyn said. "That snake must be the one Hexcalibur sent to get us. Everyone to prepare to pack since we'll be leaving. And Grace, tell Leafbreeze about this alright."

Grace nodded and teleported to tell Leafbreeze.

November 1, 2015
Aaron's Base

Everyone have finished packing their things as they meet up the snake in front. To their eyes, this snake was beautiful to their eyes, even more beautiful than Grace. Isaac was enamored by her beauty that he kneels on one knee and held the snake with both claws. Sky has a vein bulge into a cross.

"Wow, aren't ya beautiful like a flower." Isaac said. "Are ya free fo-"

"I already have a boyfriend." She said, her voice sounds regal and strict. "I have to thank you for your comment."

That reply caused Isaac's entire body lost all its color. His bottom jaw fell to the ground like a piece of pulled rubber band while Sky flies next to him. He then pulls Isaac's ear to drag him back to the group.

The snake slithers to Earwyn before taking a bow.

"You must be the one Pendragon was talking about." She said, she has a vine stretched for Earwyn to shake. "My name is Sylvia Highfield, I am the leader of the Fifth Unit of HOPE. I have come to fetch you by the command of Pendragon. It is a pleasure to meet all of you."

"Thanks, my name is Earwyn Galan." Earwyn said, taking the vine to give her a handshake. "The Blaziken here is my best friend Blaze Pyrohart, the Sceptile is Leafbreeze Calmwind, the Gardevoir is Grace Dalila, that Aggron a while ago is Isaac Stonearc, and the Salamence is my adopted little brother Sky Galan."

"Greetings to all of you."

"Also, why didn't Hexcalibur do this instead of you?"

"He is pretty mad at you and didn't wish to talk to you for the rest of the day. He also said in a vulgar word that 'You are a complete-' pardon my language '-shit.' He didn't want to be cut midsentence so that's why he is mad. I deeply apologize for his behavior."

Earwyn cringed. How will they be able to tolerate this kind person now that they'll be members of HOPE?

"Right, anyways, I welcome you to HOPE and I look forward to fighting alongside all of you."

Taking a bow, Sylvia motions them to the portal. However, she groans slightly when Isaac runs inside the portal, dragging the heavy appliances with him, with Sky following behind. Then Blaze enters the portal, leaving Earwyn, Grace, and Leafbreeze alone. Sylvia has a bemused expression on her face.

"Sorry for those guys' immaturity." Earwyn said, slightly embarrassed. "I don't know where did the saying of ladies first went."

Earwyn motions Grace to enter. She curtsies and enters the portal. Just before Earwyn can enter, Leafbreeze blocks his way.

"Leafbreeze?" Earwyn said.

"Just remember Earwyn, you have to blame yourself if anything happens to any of us." Leafbreeze said. "This is your decision after all."

Saying that, Leafbreeze enters the portal, leaving Earwyn alone with Sylvia. Noticing the uneasiness Earwyn felt, Sylvia went to him and comforted it.

"Don't worry." Sylvia said. "We'll help you through everything so that you'll stay safe when we have missions. We'll teach you everything you need to learn so you don't have to worry about it."

Earwyn looks up and gives Sylvia a nod. Just before he enters the portal, he looks back to look at the base. Right now, the base no longer has anything inside it. They are bringing everything with them and are now leaving the place they once called home. The place where they lived with their trainer and are now about to live in a new home. Looking at the base one more time, Earwyn enters the portal with Sylvia. With no one there, the portal shrinks and disappears.

June 21, 2019
HOPE Headquarters

Earwyn's eyes opened to see that he is inside the room of the Third Unit. Getting up to a sitting position, he sees that everyone are not inside the room and he is the only one inside. He must've overslept and the time is when everyone are already busy doing something. This must be a bad habit of his, he tends to sleep and wake up later than the rest. He also skipped breakfast so it is time to have brunch again. Getting to his feet, Earwyn walks to the table to continue reading Aaron's journal.

Opening it, he begins to read the thing about the Shed they fought last night. Gullia Gluttony.

Gullia Gluttony is a powerful Shed and is one of the Seven Cardinals, the largest of the seven. It takes form of a giant worm with numerous membranes and sharp teeth that can cut through anything. Unlike Type: Gluttony Shed, Gullia is more of the offense than defense as it uses the ground to deliver sneak attacks. It eats anything to get stronger like Aragami and its favorite food are Elementals. It is an Earth and Lightning Elemental. It has a second form called "Beelzebub" and if you were to encounter its second form, get away from it from much as possible.

This journal helped them a lot as it details about Sheds they fought and records them to help them in the future. This is the first time they fought against this type of Shed and this Shed is a Cardinal. The battle they had last night, while some of them enjoyed it, is the hardest fight they've fought and it needed all the strength of three units to defeat it. Normally, their mission tend to be only by one member or unit depending on the difficulty of the mission. This battle was not like those as this is the first time when HOPE sent three units to stop the Shed.

As he reads the journal, the door opens.

"Oh, you're awake Earwyn."

Looking behind him, Earwyn sees Grace standing near the door with her arms folded on her chest.

"Oh Grace, good morning." Earwyn said. "What are you doing?"

"I don't have something to do today so I took Dragonblaze's request to get you." Grace answered. "He told me to check up on you if you woke up already and, if you are, he wished to speak with you."

"Okay, then where are the others?"

"Blaze and Leafbreeze took on a mission about case the disappearing supplies of a town from Kalos that I forgot and Isaac and Sky are at the garden taking a day off. It seems pretty odd that Blaze was able to convince someone like Leafbreeze to take on a mission together."

"Well if you're talking about Blaze, he won't rest until he gets a person to go with him. Well I have to thank Blaze for pestering me to join HOPE. Because of this, we are able to find more pages of Aaron's journal and Sky gets to meet more people than just the six of us. Although, I sometimes miss the days when me and Blaze used to talk with each other."

True, Earwyn knew Blaze the longest because Blaze was the other person that Earwyn is attached to. After joining HOPE, Blaze is starting to distance himself from Earwyn because he is meeting more members of HOPE and befriending them. That's why most members know Blaze more than Earwyn. They only knew Earwyn because he is infamous from the death glare he gives to others when he is angered.

"Man, I never get to talk to Blaze this days." Earwyn said. "By the way, what does Dragonblaze want to talk about?"

"He wanted to speak with you about the findings we have about the latest Shed we fought." Grace said. "This is the first time when three units were sent to apprehend a Shed so he is a bit worried if we were to encounter the same Shed again, he fears that some of us would die if that were to come."

"Yeah, you might be right." Earwyn said, looking at the bunk bed from his right. "Isaac and Sky would have died in that battle if it weren't for you to save them. Sometimes, I want to smack Isaac for being too reckless in combat…He was picked to be the leader of our unit so he needs to know that when there is a fight, he must be serious about it."

True, while Earwyn was the one who should the unit, Christopher chose Isaac to be the leader of the unit. The reason why he was chosen to be the leader is because he is the eldest of the six and he has some kind of charisma. While Earwyn is a good leader, he lacks the charisma Isaac has and he can be bit rough on others that he can be a bit inconsiderate.

"Earwyn, may I ask you something?" Grace asked.

"Yes, what is it?" Earwyn replied.

"Can you please sleep and wake up earlier? You may be diligent but don't you think it is a bit unhealthy? Your record say that some parts of your body isn't functioning well and you're having constant insomnia for the past days. Don't you think you that need some rest?"

Earwyn stares at Grace before closing them.

"Grace, I can't stop now." Earwyn said. "I'm already close in finding Aaron and I don't like you keep on bothering me about this."

"But…this is for your own good." Grace said.

Earwyn looks irritated at this before staring at Grace's eyes.

"Grace, don't you know that I am older than you?" Earwyn said. "It feels weird since you act like a mom to me that's like a mother who is younger than her son. I think your concern about me is a bit too much. I can deal with the stress I have and you don't need to be concern too much about me."

"Your recordings for these years tell me a different story. You started to act like this when Aaron abandoned us after four years. Don't you think it is a bit unhealthy?"

"I-I know Grace…but, there is still hope to see him again."

Grace held her heart with her hands as Earwyn closed the journal. She slowly closed her eyes and tightens her grip. Earwyn was working too much and this thing worried her. She wanted him to feel better and take care of his own health. The other part of this is because of the vision she keeps on dreaming.

It was raining and cold in this world. Raindrops fall on the ground as the ground is filled with blood. Some distance away, a dead dragon can be seen, lying lifeless as the rain drench his body. From that distance, Grace can be seen kneeling on both knees, beside her is a bow that forms an X with the bow having orbs of different colors embedded on the yellowish bow's brim. Grace's hair is longer than her hair now and it is now reaching down her kneecap. She is covered with blood, blood of the person cradling with her arms.

That person, however, is already dead and his blood is splattered on the ground and Grace's body. His body is broken and there is a large wound on the chest. On the right hand, a broken chain is seen attached to it and a few distance away is a broken sword shattered to pieces. This person's eyes are wide open, hallow and lifeless.

This person is no other than…Earwyn.

"Earwyn, please this is not funny." Grace said. "Come on move, you are stronger than this Earwyn please! Don't leave me…"

There was no answer. The only thing Grace can do is sob bitterly before screaming a skyward scream.

Grace held her hear with both hands and looked away from Earwyn. Thinking about that brought tears to her eyes. She doesn't want him to die. Earwyn bit his lip, he hates it when his inconsiderate-self kicks in and unintentionally hurts others.

"Earwyn." Grace said. "The way I treat you is the way how you treated me when I was still a Ralts. You treated me like a daughter and you are always there to look out for me. I'm only returning the favor, I want to take care of you like what you did for me for the past years of our lives. I...want to take care of the person who save my life and gave my life meaning."

Earwyn senses the distress Grace has in her tongue as he silently curses himself. He hates it when he has his friends worry too much about him. Looking at Grace, he places a hand over her shoulder.

"It is alright, I promise I won't do this again." Earwyn said. "I'll be fine and, this time, I won't break my promise so don't worry too much about me okay?"


"Yeah, cross my heart."

Grace looked at him while drying her tears. He wore a smile and Grace registers how handsome he is with that smile.

Oh my Arceus, that smile is so dreamy, look how beautiful is it that it is enough to melt a girl's heart. Grace thought. How I love to see that smile he has on that handsome face. That smile alone is enough to brighten my day and oh how I love to see that smile right now…How long it is until I can kiss that handsome face? Realizing what she thought, Grace's face redden like a tomato. W-wait what am I thinking?

Grace swings back her arm and slaps Earwyn at the right cheek and a smack can be heard. Earwyn grits his teeth and his head turned to the right. The part where she slapped him is where the gills are and the gills of a Swampert are the most sensitive part. Even though Grace is low in terms of physical strength, that hit still hurts.

"OW!" Earwyn said as he gently rubs the part Grace slapped him. "That hurts."

Realizing what she did, Grace's face became more reddish than it was before as she stood up straight with her arms at her side and bowing down.

"S-sorry." Grace stuttered.

Earwyn just watched her apologize with some struggle while rubbing the part she slapped. However, he soon laughed it off.

"Wow that was great." Earwyn said. "You seem to be improving your physical strength."

Grace stares at him before laughing too. This is what she wanted, she wanted him to be happy. Happy like how he made her happy and have her feel love for the first time of her life.

June 21, 2019
HOPE Headquarters, Garden

The headquarters' garden is one thing that anyone wants to have for their houses. The garden is located at the center of the headquarters so the garden's surrounding are covered by the headquarters and having a large area that it takes half of the headquarters' landscape. However, that didn't obscure the garden's plant from the sunlight since there are open areas in the headquarters that let the sunlight go inside the building and give sunlight to the garden's plants anywhere at the time of the day. About the plants, they are what that adds to the garden's beauty. They are a vast variety of plants in the garden with flowers of different colors and fragrance, grass that dance with the wind, tress with greenish leaves that dance with the wind and some bear fruits and berries for every kind, and different ornaments that gives a different feeling to the visitors.

In the part of the garden where most of the trees are, Sky can be seen walking backwards. There is a sense of fear in each of his steps and he wears a fearful look on his face. He was shivering from all the fear he is feeling right now and gulping the saliva forming in his mouth. He continued walking back until he is backed to a tree. He is now trapped as he stares in fear at his assailant, whose shadow covering him.

The assailant is an anthropomorphic brown rabbit. The rabbit has a wide waist, brown eyes with white sclera and long tuffs of cream-colored fur on top of it, a pair of long ears that reaches the knees of her body, her wrists and lower legs have fluffy fur like the tuffs at her eyes, and a tiny brown circular tail. She appears to be taller than Sky and she is wearing a diamond necklace. On her face, her lips curled into a smile and her hands are behind her.

Sky breathes in and out at an alarmed rate as she draws near. He feels his bladder getting full.

"Please, don't do this and I have to go to the bathroom." Sky said as the bunny goes near. "No, no, NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO!"

Loveless is a piece of poetry from Crisis Core. I tend to be annoyed when Genesis keeps on saying too much about Loveless.

Hexcalibur…to you the truth, Hexcalibur is the hardest character to write. He talks too fast, talkative as Carla, and his character is pretty complex. While he is one of my favorites, he can be annoying at times when he talks.

Phew, I'll be putting this on hold and I'll be working on Quadrigis Elemental for now. I have to prioritize Quadrigis Elemental over this since Megahearts is a story based on Quadrigis Elemental. Aaron is a bit of a walking spoiler.

Final Fantasy © Square Enix

Pokémon © Nintendo/Game Freak