"Come on, it's the Casko pickup summon!"

Gudako ran down the halls of Chaldea, clutching a pile of Saint Quartz in her arms, while Mashu struggled to keep up with her senpai's incredible speed.

"Senpai, wait up!"

Gudako wove through the Servants in the hallways and made a sharp turn into the Summoning Room, where she saw Emiya already standing inside.

"Good day, Master. I trust that you didn't spend too much money this time?" Emiya asked.

Gudako put her pile of Quartz down before pulling out two iTunes gift cards from her pocket.

"I didn't spend too much money on Quartz this time, are you proud of me?"

"Yes, and I'm sure Mashu's budget management certainly helped with that. We can't have you blowing all of your cash every time there's a pickup summon, after all."

Mashu giggled quietly as she set up her shield in the middle of the summoning circle.

Gudako placed a pile of 30 Quartz on the shield for a 10x summon and rubbed her hands together in anticipation.

At the same time, Nero walked in the room to see the summoning.

"Praetor! Are you going to try and summon Tamamo?"

"Yep, that's right! She's an Arts supporter so she'll fit perfectly together with you and Emiya. Why, did you guys know each other already or something?"

Nero and Emiya just gave each other a knowing look and grinned.

"The three of us had...many adventures on the Moon Cell. I don't expect you to know much about that, though." Emiya replied.

"Umu! Dumb as she may be, Casko is still a rival worthy of my respect. I'm certain we'll all get along if she appears." Nero added.

"That's good. Team synergy is important, after all." Gudako nodded sagely before heading over to the summoning circle to see what had appeared so far.

"Meh, just some crappy Craft Essences..." Gudako frowned as the third summon went ahead. With a flash of light, a golden Craft Essence appeared, revealing itself to be a Kaleidoscope.

"Woah, sweet! I needed more of these." Gudako looked closer and noticed something off about the card.

"Wait, this thing is already limit broken and max leveled. And this thing is autographed?" Gudako squinted her eyes. "It says Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, I think."

Emiya suddenly had a very bad feeling.

"Senpai, look. There's a letter taped to the backside."

Gudako pulled the small piece of paper off the back of the Kaleidoscope and started reading.

Greetings, Gudako-chan. I heard that you were looking to summon the fox miko, Tamamo-no-Mae. I am actually a massive fan of your adventures, and as such, I have enclosed this shiny First Edition, Max Limit Broken Kaleidoscope, complete with my autograph as a sign of my appreciation. However, I felt that you could do better than a simple miko shaman, so I have sent a nine-tailed demon fox your way, he should arrive several seconds after you finish reading this letter. Remember, I'll be watching.

-Kischur Zelrech Schweinorg

Emiya's face visibly paled. At around the same time, the final tenth summon was underway.

Time seemed to slow down as Emiya reached toward the summoning circle and screamed as a black Servant card appeared in a flash of red light. Servant cards were supposed to be bronze, silver, or gold, but never black. Suddenly, a horribly dark oppressive feeling smothered all of Chaldea as the black card crackled to life and blew out the walls of the summoning room. Mashu, Nero, and Emiya instinctively got between Gudako and the summoning circle and quickly pulled her back.

Nearly all of the Servants and Chaldea employees came running as the smoke settled down, revealing a massive nine-tailed demon fox sitting where the summoning room used to be.

"Dear Kami, how did this happen..." Emiya took up a defensive stance with his twin swords while the giant fox looked over everyone with its red, slitted eyes. It looked around as its mind was quickly filled with information about Chaldea.

"I am Kurama, the Kyubii no Kitsune. I don't know how a lowly ningen like you summoned a Beast-class Servant like me, but I guess I'll stick around. After all, you all look very interesting." Kurama introduced himself while all the other Servant remained very tense.

"Wow, cool! Here, eat this." Everyone facepalmed as Gudako pulled out a gigantic pile of EXP crystals and laid it in front of the great Kyubii no Kitsune.

"Huh? What is this."

"Go on, it's good for you." Gudako prodded.

Deciding to humor the little ningen girl, Kurama ate up all of the crunchy EXP laid out in front of him.

"Considering the alternative, I think staying here will prove to be far more pleasant." Kurama conceded, shuddering at the fact that he could have ended up caged into some other human.

Also, all of the strange looking humans here in Chaldea looked far more powerful than the average ninja that he was used to seeing, and far more interesting as well.

At the same time, outside of Konohagakure, in another dimension

The Kyubii, bound by chakra chains, decided to try and impale baby Naruto with his claw in a last ditch attempt to avoid getting sealed. What it didn't expect was for Minato and Kushina to shield Naruto with their bodies.

For a few precious moments, Kushina and Minato cried and spoke their last words to their son, telling him to eat well, make good friends, and to avoid being a pervert like Jiraiya. The two parents prepared some of their own chakra to seal into their child so he could at least speak to them one day. Minato left the key to the Eight Trigrams Seal to a toad named Gerotora.

"Are you ready, Kushina?"

Kushina could only nod as Minato began the sealing.

The Kyubii roared with rage as the Shinigami reached out and prepared to rip out its soul when suddenly the giant demon fox disappeared in a giant cloud of smoke, with a strange girl with fox ears and a tail taking its place.

"Your dependable Fox Shrine Maiden, Caster has- eh?!"

Poor Tamamo, who didn't sign up for any of this nonsense, was suddenly bound by the same chakra chains that were holding down the Kyubii just a moment ago. The unfortunate shrine maiden appeared at the literal last moment before the sealing, and it was already too late to stop the process. She screamed as the Shinigami tried to rip out her soul. Since Tamamo, being a Servant, was already a spiritual entity, the Shinigami simply grabbed her entire body and sealed her into baby Naruto while Minato and Kushina could only watch in horror as something had gone terribly wrong. Whatever they had sealed into their son was definitely not the Kyubii.

Well, shit, was Minato's last thoughts as the Shinigami claimed his soul as payment for the sealing.

Moments later, Sarutobi Hiruzen along with some other ninjas ran over to where Kushina and Minato were. The Sandaime picked up the baby while the other ninjas checked over Minato and Kushina. Unfortunately, Minato was already dead and Kushina was already in her final moments, the only thing keeping her alive was her Uzumaki vitality.

"Sandaime...his name...Naruto...please take... care of him..." Kushina choked out.

"Please don't speak anymore, Kushina. I'll take responsibility for Naruto, and I'll be sure to remember his name as well."

"Kyubii... not..." Kushina spoke her cryptic last words as the light faded from her eyes. Unfortunately, no one alive knew what she meant.

Tamamo suddenly found herself thrown into a sewer. Disoriented and confused, she took a few moments to recover. She looked ahead to see a small blond child laying on the wet floor of the sewer. She gasped and tried to rush forward to the child, but suddenly, large metal bars sprouted from the ground, effectively caging her to into the top half of the sewer. The bars formed into gates and a loud clicking sound could be heard as the seal locked into place.

Angered, she began to blast at the cage with her magecraft. When that didn't work, she started to pound at the gates with her Yata Mirror. Eventually, she ran out of energy and tried to squeeze her body between the bars, but the bars would move closer together to prevent that too.

Exhausted and alone, Tamamo could only collapse to her knees, weakly hitting the metal bars with her bare hands as the cries of the baby continued to echo throughout the sewer.