
Yes, I am well aware the last thing I need to be doing is starting another fanfiction. I don't really expect this to turn into a popular story, but I love writing this type of stuff and I wanted to finally make a solid plot line off a mature content story.

I really hope you all enjoy this idea, and I would love to know if you'd like to read more of this story and this idea.

Also, in this story Marinette and Adrien are not yet Ladybug and Chat Noir. Nor does Adrien go to Collège Françoise Dupon as of yet, so Marinette has no clue who Adrien is yet either, which might seem confusing at first but it will become clear in later chapters. In this story, the character are also aged up to 18.

No Strings Attached


Out of every single way she could expect this night to go, it was never this way. She had calculated every way this could end up, but she had misread the situation. Those green eyes that stared up at her with mock innocence, they were the eyes of the purest temptation to have walked on the earth just beckoning for her to touch.

Not that she was complaining.

No, Marinette wasn't about to complain, but she thought about his proposal that he voiced. The very one she put into his head in the first place. Yet she couldn't help but shiver as he leaned forward with a sly smile on his extremely soft and kissable looking lips.

"Well, Mademoiselle, what is your choice going to be?" Adrien coyly questioned, leaning back in his side of the booth with his arms crossed and a lazy grin on his face. For once he let his green eyes wonder, lingering purposely on Marinette's chest area.

"This stays just between you and me?" Marinette asked, needing to hear him say it out loud.

Adrien nodded. "Between us."

"No strings attached?"

"No strings attached Marinette, cat's honor."

It was then that Adrien saw Marinette's bluebell eyes darken as she glanced down at his lips. He knew his time was limited, and that the moment he got home Natalie would be on his case, but this was his chance to escape and be in control. It only helped that the girl in front of him knew him as just Adrien. Nothing more and nothing less.

He leaned forward then, catching her lips that tasted of mint chapstick on his own, pulling her up from her spot on the bed and pushing her back against the wall. Marinette proceeded to jump up, wrapping her legs around his waist as Adrien pushed against her harder on the wall.

"I don't know what to do," Marinette whispered breathlessly as Adrien kissed her jawline, tilting her head to allow him more access as he trailed down her neck.

"Don't think, just act," Adrien muttered huskily into her ear, tugging her earlobe with his teeth gently, eliciting a soft moan from the bluenette's lips.

Marinette became suddenly aware of Adrien, feeling him press something hard against her clothed core. She didn't think this one time, letting her body move against his as she pulled him closer into a hard kiss, swallowing the grunt that escaped his lips at her movements against his erection.

His hands tugged at her shirt, and not a second later did Marinette pull it over and tossed it to the floor. She didn't even have time to cover her body, which was her first reaction to the cold air nipping at her warm skin, only feeling her cheeks burn red as Adrien cupped her breasts and gave a squeeze, kissing her with his teeth tugging at her bottom lip. By now Marinette was sure she had a pool in between her legs.

Adrien, on the other hand, was excited, not embarrassed about a thing. He was a natural flirt and pervert but never acted out on it since it wouldn't be good publicity for his father. Yet now, confined between these four walls and between Marinette and himself, he could be exactly who he is.

"I can feel the heat pouring out of your core through your jeans, Marinette." Adrien sweltry purred, bucking his hips up against hers and watching Marinette's head roll back with a pleased groan leaving her swollen lips. He smirked. "I can only imagine your face as I enter your tight pussy." He licked his lips, feeling his pants tighten more at that thought.

"I need you in me." Marinette whimpered, the scene he just taunted her with playing over and over again in her head. "Adrien," Marinette demanded.

"You want me to skip the foreplay baby girl?" Adrien chuckled, not used to saying any pet names to a girl but found that he liked it more than saying her name. It set the mood more.

Yet Adrien was taken back at a low growling sound leaving Marinette's lips as she tugged at his shirt, pulling it off his head and wrapping her fingers in his blond locks. "I have this feeling in my stomach, like a knot." She tried so hard to keep her voice even. "I can feel myself throbbing at just the thought of you, so Adrien, yes, I want you to fucking fuck me."

It was Adrien's turn for his cheeks to burn a dark red at her boldness of words. He was having fun taunting her, liking this newfound freedom that existed just with Marinette and her bedroom at the moment. Yet he didn't expect Marinette to be so damn bold. It honestly turned him on.

"Jeans and underwear off," Adrien demanded, letting Marinette put her feet on the ground as he unbuttoned his pants and let them fall to the floor, licking his lips as he watched Marinette with hungry eyes as she slowly undid her jeans.


Yeah so this wasn't the longest piece of work I've done, but an idea of a storyline I would like to do. Please leave me a review for some feedback because that always makes me happy. Feedback helps me so much, so please please please review!