Midori the Girlfriend

Author's Note: It's the final chapter ladies and gentleman! Voting is now closed, and the first chapter of the winning arc will be posted within the next 2 days, maybe sooner if I can manage my free time properly.

Oh also be warned there is graphic content in this chapter so read at your own discretion. You have been warned. Enjoy!

Chapter 15: So long as we're together!

Class 1A all gathered back at the meeting place with their collected items. The groups all chatted and laughed going over their various discoveries and excitement for the upcoming trip. Bakugo and Uraraka sipped sodas both of them looking around trying to find Izumi.

"I wonder where she could have gone off?"

"Probably still picking out flowers..." Bakugo said irritably. Him and Uraraka had spent the better half of the shopping time looking for Izumi. They managed to bump into every other person in their class, but her, and he was beginning to think she'd taken off.

"Hey has anyone seen Midoriya?" Kaminari asked. "She's the only one not here."

"I haven't seen her since we all parted ways," Yaoyorozu tapped her cheek. "Oh dear you don't think she could have gotten lost in here."

"I highly doubt it," Bakugo grunted and tossed his cup away. "Stupid Rabbit probably already left to go meet up with Todoroki." He pulled out his cell phone grunting. "She could have at least called.. Oh." He blinked. "I got a message from her." He opened it and his face went pale.

"Oh hey, so did I…" Kirishima noted when he pulled his own phone out. "She sent a picture it looks like… WHOA! WHAT THE?"

"Hey, who's that guy she's with?" Jiro asked staring at her own phone. "He looks familiar."

"Shigaraki Tomura…" Bakugo shook with anger and he looked around trying to find the area where the picture was taken at. He rushed off panicking as he tried dialing Izumi's number but kept getting her voicemail.

"Did he just say Shigaraki?" Kaminari pointed at Bakugo with a trembling finger. "Isn't that the crazy villain guy from USJ? Why would Izumi be hanging around with him?"

"Idiot," Jiro punched him. "She's not hanging around on purpose. He probably kidnapped her. Someone has to call the school and the police!"

"I'll call the school!" Yaoyorozu was already dialing. "Uraraka call the police, Kirishima, Kaminari go after Bakugo, see if you can't find the place where the photo was taken."

"Iida-kun do you know Midori-chan's house number?" Uraraka asked. "Or the address? Someone should get ahold of her parents."

"I don't… but Todoroki would." He picked up his phone and dialed. It answered on the first ring.

"Iida! What happened? Where's Izumi!?" Shoto's normally calm and collected voice was pitched with panic. The only time Iida had heard him like this was when Izumi had nearly been carried off by the Nomu.

"We don't know, Yaoyorozu and Uraraka are informing the school and police of the situation."

"I'm heading to the mall right now, I'll call you the minute I'm there!" Shoto said as he ran out of the hospital and out onto the street. Deciding it'll be faster he hailed a cab and gave the address for the mall. He looked down at his phone to call his father, and saw Izumi's face on his phone background.

She sat at his table with chopsticks and a bowl of rice, the oversized shirt loose and her hair piled atop her head as she laughed at a story Fuyumi had told her. If anything were to happen to her he'd never forgive himself.

"I'm sorry, Izumi… I should have been there."

~Villain's Hideout~

Izumi screamed as the knife cut into her. The giggling Himeko grinned wide as the sounds coming from Izumi stirred her sick desires.

"She's so cute. I love meeting new friends!"

"I'm growing to like you." Tomura said with a wicked gleam. He drank calmly from a glass and stared down at the floor where Himeko had Izumi pinned. Izumi's quirk was cut off from a specialized pair of cuffs on her hands and left her all but helpless. "Does it hurt, Izumi-chan?" He laughed and took video on his phone. He'd find All Might's number again and mail it to him. See… All Might… You can't save everyone. You can't even save your own student. He watched Izumi struggle, her hands beating the shackles on the ground and Tomura clucked his tongue at her attempts. "Those manacles you're wearing are meant to hold someone much stronger than you, Izumi. Someone we find of great value."

Izumi's wild eyes turned up to Tomura. Someone of great value? Was he talking about All Might? No… they wouldn't capture him, they'd downright kill him.

"Who-AHHHHH!" She struggled and shuddered as Himeko dug the knife into her again, ripping at the skin, watching it bleed.

"So Pretty…" Himeko squealed with delight. "I want to carve my name in you… let's see H...I…" Izumi screamed with every letter Himeko carved into her arm.

"Who?" Tomura spoke up setting his glass aside. "It's a student from your class Izumi. We took an interest in him immediately after USJ… and when we saw him at the Sports Festival well… we knew he had the potential."

Deciding he'd had enough fun watching, Tomura downed the rest of his glass and knelt down. He shoved Himeko aside and took her spot straddling over Izumi. He liked what he saw. The cute picture she'd made was warped now, the braid tugged out, the clothes ripped at the sleeves and stained with blood. He leaned in close tasting her blood and pressed himself onto her loins to loins. He loved the way her eyes just went wild with fear, and he pulled her skirt further up.

"Thank you for helping me clear my head, Izumi-chan. You've been such a great help to me." He let his fingers dance over her, careful not to damage her... yet.

"Tomura-chan are you gonna make her more pretty too? Himeko want to watch… can I?" Her eyes danced with a sickening delight and Tomura shoved her face away.

"You had your fun, Himeko… now it's my turn. Stay by the door, I don't want Kurogiri or that idiot Dabi interrupting this."

"Okey Dokey!" Himeko stood up and skipped to the door.

Izumi struggled and bucked her breathing ragged as his hands lifted the skirt all the way up and he parted her thighs.

"Stop it! Let go of me!"

"No…" he told her and bowed in grabbing her cheeks and squeezing them tightly together and making sure to keep one finger up so as not to disintegrate that lovely frightened face. The kiss he forced on her made Izumi's stomach wretch and she bucked again, her legs kicking at him trying to push him off. "Stop struggling… do you want to die?"

"I'd rather die than be touched like that by you!" She snarled at him and yelped when he smacked her across the face. Her face marred and cracked from the contact. Izumi felt it… a quick touch had cracked her… just a brief contact. Her head spun as she looked up at the cuffs and she narrowed her eyes.

"You'll wish you were dead once I'm done with you."

"Who were these cuffs for? Answer me that, at least. Who do you plan to bring to your side?" She tried to keep her voice calm, but the words shuddered out.

"You really want to know… alright. It's someone you know very well, Izumi. You do know this person don't you?" He reached into his jean pocket and set a picture right next to her head/ His hands then grabbed the edge of her panties and yanked them down. Though she panicked her eyes looked at the picture and the panic turned to cold dread as Bakugo glared back at her.

"Kacchan…" That pissed her off. Izumi's eyes sharpened and she struggled more against him. "Kacchan won't join you! Kacchan won't ever become a villain!"

"Don't be so sure, Izumi-chan?" His grin was sinister, he undid his belt with one hand and braced the other on her breast squeezing it. "We have ways of getting what we want. I'm sure an aspiring hero like him would gladly join us if he thought it would mean trading his loyalty for your safety. He becomes your hero by becoming a villain. How deliciously ironic…" He bent in positioning himself at her entrance.

"Kacchan…" her voice squeaked even as her body shook. "Won't become a villain. He will always choose to be a hero… and I don't need saving!" She reared her head forward smacking him head to head. His hand released her and he snarled in response.

"Bitch!" He thrust his hand out to grab her throat but Izumi prepared for that and thrust her arms out so his hand met the cuffs. The brief full contact of his hands made the metal crack, and Tomura had an instant to think "SHIT" before Izumi powered up and burst it all the way open.

The wind around her body kicked up and tossed him off her sending him careening into a wall. She quickly got up her wounds bleeding and her legs shaking from the near rape but she was too much on an adrenaline high to take notice.

"SMASH!" Izumi punched her fist out. The furniture around the bar was thrown into the walls, splintering, glass from the bar shattered and the door burst wide open knocking Himeko out cold. Izumi rushed out powering up to full power and ran with everything she had.

Tomura cursed and slowly pulled himself up from a pile of broken wood and shattered glass. Kurogiri suddenly appeared beside him and took stock of the situation. "Shigaraki Tomura, are you alright? What happened?"

"After her, Kurogiri! GET AFTER HER!" He pointed at the door. "GET HER BACK!" He scratched at his throat as frustration and anger boiled inside him. "I'm gonna kill her…. I'm gonna rape her, beat her, and kill that fucking bitch!"

~Tatooin Police Station~

"Damn it, I should have been with her. Why wasn't I with her?" Bakugo clenched his teeth and held his head in his hands. "Izumi…"

"Not just you, Bakugo." Shoto tried to stay calm but his knuckles were going white on his pant leg.

"None of us should have left her alone. We were all too busy shopping and thinking of other things. No one could have guess he'd kidnap her in such a public place." Uraraka tried to comfort.

"Izumi, my poor Izumi!" Inko sobbed into her handkerchief. Fuyumi sat beside her, stroking her back.

"Try not to worry Inko. Father, All Might, and the other teachers will find her."

"Some help they are!" Inko accused. "They couldn't stop her from getting hurt at school time and time again. Did you know she still has difficulty using her left arm? All that school has done is put her in danger time and time again! Well I'm not having it! I should never have let her taken that test! I should have never let her gone to UA!"

"Don't say that!" Bakugo shouted and stood up. His hands were sparking, and his temper on a high boil. "Don't you ever say that. Don't make the same stupid mistakes I have! I told her countless times she couldn't be a hero, she couldn't go to the school, she couldn't win, over and over and she proved me wrong every time! She's not weak, she's not a damsel in distress, she's a hero!"

"Bakugo's right!" Shoto stood with him. "Izumi is the strongest woman I've ever known and that includes heroes working now. She saved me even when I didn't want to be saved. She charged a dangerous villain head on to protect All Might who was wounded, and went face to face with the hero killer to save a friend."

The two boys who had always been at odds with each other now stood side by side in full agreement.

"Don't take Izumi's dream away Mrs. Inko." Shoto pleaded.

"Don't underestimate her…because-" Bakugo said at the same time.

"She was born to be a hero!" They shouted together.

The room fell silent in surprise at this. Inko looked at these two boys with wide teary eyes. The sound of sobbing broke the silence, but it wasn't Inko who cried. Izumi, who now stood at the open door, had overheard everything.

"Shoto… Kacchan.."

Both boys whirled around and gawked in shock and relief. "I-Izumi!?"




Her classmates, friends and family all got to their feet. Izumi wiped her wet eyes, her hands and arms bandaged, her hair loose and free in wild tangles. She had a bandage on her cheek, and her ripped and bloody clothes had been replaced by oversize sweats courtesy of the police station.

"I'm sorry for worrying everyone." She started but couldn't get the rest of the words out behind the tears of joy.

"Izumi!" Bakugo and Shoto both moved to hug her but she went to them first. She wrapped her bandaged arms around them and held them to her in a three way hug.

"I'm so happy! You guys are the best!"

"How did you escape?" Shoto pulled back and looked at her wounds, taking a bandaged hand and bringing it to his lips. Bakugo in the meantime was examining her face where the bandage was.

"It wasn't easy." She admitted. "I'm surprised I got away at all, but I guess I caught them off guard. I was expecting to get chased but…"

"Them? How many villains were there?" This from Bakugo.

"Um…" she tried to recall the amount of villains that were in the room when she'd first been captured, before Dabi and Kurogiri had left to finish making some kind of arrangements. "Five altogether I think… there was a voice coming from a TV when I woke up too. Luckily I was able to get away because most of the villains had cleared the room when I was finally able to break free." She laughed a bit. "I am The Lucky Hero, after all."

Bakugo and Shoto looked at each other, then both let out quick breathless laughs. That just figured.

"Izumi…" Her mom walked up teayr eyes and fretful.

"Mom…" Izumi let go of the boys to hold her weeping mother. "I'm alright. Recovery Girl healed the worst of my wounds, and I'm still in one piece."

"I'm so happy you're okay… I'm sorry, I'm sorry I said all those things. That you… even though I said I would support you from now on."

"I know you worry, mom. I know it's not easy but… if this proved anything to me it's that I'm not the same person I was before I joined U.A. I'm more confident, more able, and yeah I'm facing danger and risking more but… mom-" She looked up into her eyes. "It's all of it, the good and the bed, that I love. I love U.A. I love my classes, my teachers, my friends, everything! So please…" she looked at her pleadingly. "Let me stay?"

Inko stared at her daughter's face, then around at the pleading eyes of her classmates and friends. She sighed and smiled tearily.

"Of course you can stay… after all-" she turned her eyes to Shoto and Bakugo. "You were born to be a hero."

~U.A Dormitory 2 days later~

It was decided that all the students would stay in the forms provided by UA to better supervise them and protect the from the emerging evil. Summer camp had been canceled, and they would instead go through their endurance training here on campus during summer break. Izumi stood outside the building with All Might beside her. Most of her wounds had healed but for the scar on her cheek and Himeko's named carved into her wrist. They would never fully go away, but Izumi thought of them as a reminder of her strength in a scary and difficult time. She could still picture the event in her head, crystal clear and it always gave her a sick twist in the guy.

Still the visions and the scars were a reminder that she didn't need someone to rescue her. She was not a damsel in distress, she was not a quirkless little girl. She was an aspiring hero and she would rise to the top one day.

With a grin she stretched out her hand in front of her.

"What are you doing, Little Midori?" All Might asked her, curious about her behavior.

"I'm reaching for my dream…" she closed her fist around the air and pulled it to her. "And I'm not letting go.

"Hahaha, you're a constant surprise to me, Little Midori." All Might smiled. When he'd received the text, all manner of panic and fear had bubbled inside him. Now to see her here, safe and determined as ever brought on a sense of relief. Here was a strong young woman who could not be broken.

"Good, I like surprising people." She giggled in response.

"Oi! Usagi! Hurry up!" Bakugo shouted from his window on the fourth floor. "Everyone else has moved in but you!"

"Leave her alone, Bakugo." Shoto spoke from the floor below him. "She can take all the time she wants. The Dorm isn't going anywhere."

"Butt out, Icyhot! I'm still pissed at you for scoring higher than me on the finals! I swear I'll be number one on the next semester midterms!" Bakugo shouted back.

"Where have I heard that before?"

"At it again…" All Might laughed and shook his head. "They'll never change."

"Oh I don't know about that." Izumi grinned up at them. "They might just surprise you too."

"Are you sure you're okay not choosing? You and young Todoroki get along well, and Bakugo's respect and admiration for you have changed him in the best of ways."

"I'm sure… both of them understand my feelings for them. I love them, but I'm not ready to decide. I got a chance to be the girlfriend to two amazing guys and those memories are gonna stay with me forever… but for right now all three of us have something bigger and better to fight for." She looked up at the boys still arguing and she smiled happily.

"And we'll fight for it together!"


Final votes have been tallied, the winner will be announced in the upcoming segment of the Midori series.

"Midori the Wife"