Bendy yawned softly waking up. he looked over at his best friends bed, only to find him gone.
"must've got up early." Bendy shrugs, getting up. he left their shared room and headed down the hallway. he could hear noise coming from the kitchen. "hey Boris, you in there?" Bendy ask. he didn't get an answer and poked his head in. there was a mini version of Boris trying to climb up onto the counter. "Boris?" Bendy ask curiously. the child turned around.
"hi! I'm Boris! who are you?" Boris ask. Bendy walked over and knelt beside him.
"Boris what happened to you?" Bendy ask. Boris looked confused.
"what do you mean?" Boris ask. Bendy stared at him.
"how old are you?" Bendy ask. Boris looked down at his fingers.
"um... I am... dis many!" Boris grinned holding up four fingers. Bendy groaned.
"great. alright. um... so what are you doing in here?" Bendy ask.
"I'm hungry." Boris replied. "who are you?" Boris ask.
"Bendy and I'm going to take care of you." Bendy said, picking him up. "what do you want to eat?" Bendy ask. Boris looked down at the floor, then grinned.
"waffles!" Boris giggled.
"of course. the one thing in the kitchen I'm too short to reach." Bendy muttered looking up at the waffle iron. he put Boris down on a counter and poked his head around the corner towards Henry's office. "Henry! hey! I need your help!" Bendy shouts. Henry poked his head out of his office.
"with what?" Henry muttered.
"I can't reach the waffle iron." Bendy replied.
"have Boris get it." Henry said. Bendy scratched the back of his neck.
"uh, he kinda, can't reach..." Bendy said. Henry stepped out of his office and walked towards him.
"what do you mean he can't reach? he's seven and a half foot tall, there's nothing in the ktichen he can't reach." Henry said.
"well normally yeah, today he's feeling a little... short." Bendy replied.
"low? what do you- oh." Henry said, seeing the ink child on the counter. "who is that?" Henry ask.
"that is Boris." Bendy said. "told you he was feeling a little short today. about five feet short to be exact. Henry I'm taller then him by two feet!" Bendy shouted. Boris waived at Henry.
"hi! I'm Boris!" Boris grinned. Henry gave a small waive.
"hi. uh, Boris where did you come from?" Henry ask.
"there's a humongous machine dripping icky black stuff I woke up under it." Boris replied.
"of course the Ink Machine." Henry muttered.
"can I have waffles now?" Boris ask. Henry pulled the waffle machine down.
"yeah sure. I'll make you some waffles." Henry said.
"I can do it." Bendy said.
"no you need to keep an eye on Boris. I'll make the waffles. take him and go play with him while I make them." Henry said. Bendy nodded and pulled Boris off the counter.
"okay Boris what do you want to do while you wait for waffles?" Bendy ask.
"hide and seek!" Boris replied.
"right. go hide. I'll count." Bendy smiled. Boris took off and Bendy turned back to Henry. "so how did this happen?" Bendy ask.
"I don't know but I'll bet anything Sammy had something to do with it." Henry replied. Bendy nodded and sighed.
"twenty! ready or not here I come!" Bendy shouted. he turned and headed off in the direction Boris went. after twenty minutes of looking, and not finding Boris he sighed. "Boris! waffles are done!" Bendy shouted. Boris crawled out from under neath the couch in the living room.
"waffles!" Boris grinned.
"found you." Bendy smirked.
"hey. thats not fair." Boris muttered. Bendy chuckled picking him up.
"alright lets get something to eat." Bendy smiled.
*a few hours later*
Bendy was exhausted. how did Boris deal with him every day? little Boris was just like him. he was awful! at breakfast he spilt syrup every where and had to have a bath, after breakfast he took a marker and colored all over Henry's office. at lunch, he spilt his drink and proceeded to play in it, then cry when Bendy cleaned it up. after lunch he screamed when Bendy tried to make him take a nap. once he finally did nap, Bendy left him alone, which was a mistake. Bendy had found him about an hour later painting Joey's office with ink. it'd taken him forever to clean that up. at supper he threw a temper tantrum and threw his soup on the ground so he wouldn't have to eat it. after Bendy had cleaned that up, he put Boris in the corner. when he came back to check on him, Boris had disappeared. Bendy found him about fourty-five minutes later hiding under his bed.
"I offically hate children." Bendy growled, looking over at the ink toddler who was currently passed out in bed. Bendy curled up in his own bed and went to sleep.
*next morning*
Bendy sat up in bed, Boris was gone again.
"fuck." Bendy muttered. he jumped out of bed and raced into the kitchen. there before him, Boris was back to normal.
"hey Bendy! morning! how'd you sleep?" Boris ask. Bendy growled at him.
"don't even talk to me. ever. got it?" Bendy hissed. Boris looked shocked as Bendy stormed off. Henry came in with a cup of coffee.
"hey Boris." Henry smiled, glad he was back to normal.
"Henry, whats wrong with Bendy?" Boris ask.
"you sure got on his nerves yesterday." Henry chuckled.
"what happened yesterday? I don't remember anything." Boris said. Henry quickly explained what happened to him. "wow, I'm awful." Boris said. Henry laughed.
"yeah. just a little." Henry laughed softly.
"guess I should apologuise." Boris said.
"as soon as he forgives you." Henry chuckled walking off.
"doubt that's gonna happen." Boris muttered.