A/N; I wrote this story after being inspired by the song "Little Do You Know" by Alex & Sierra.

I hope you enjoy, my delicate marionettes!


Lucy knew he wouldn't be home for hours yet. She had time to pack her things and have Virgo store them for her in the spirit world until she figured things out.

Tears fell silently down her cheeks as she wrote a letter for him to find. This was the last thing she would say to him for a long time and it needed to word everything in a way that he wouldn't chase after her. That was the last thing she needed, a dragon slayer hunting her down.

She'd tried, Mavis knew Lucy had given it her all by giving him the benefit of the doubt, but it had been hell for the emotionally broken blonde. She couldn't put on the façade any longer. It hurt her entirely too much.

He'd been upfront about the cheating when she had confronted him. That was probably why she had been able to forgive him so easily, the honesty.

If ever he was anything, it was honest. He wouldn't deny the truth and had told her everything when she'd asked him about it. Though, they both knew, it had killed her a little inside to have her worst fears be confirmed.

Lucy touched a hand to her stomach, she had someone other than herself to worry about and she couldn't let herself stay if she would only be dwelling on the past. It had been almost a year since the incident and she just couldn't let it go, no matter how hard she'd tried.

She knew that it would be difficult on her for a while. That's why she'd borrowed some money from the Master and would be taking shelter with Sabertooth. She just needed to get away and let herself decide if staying with him would be the best option.

She brushed a hand across Loke's key as she looked around the home she'd made with the man she loved with all her heart. It was perfect, exactly as she'd dreamed of for so long. Too bad it was hard for her to only see the home when all she saw was that man with one of her best friends over each and every surface.

Her loyal lion spirit emerged and held an out of character grim expression on his face. "Lucy, please make sure this is what you want," Loke said. "I don't want you to regret doing this."

The Stellar Mage shook her head, "Loke, it's not what I want but I need to leave. I can't keep staying in this house knowing what happened here…"

The ginger haired spirit sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I hope that you know what you're doing because you can't just think of what's best for you anymore," He said gruffly.

"I am thinking of more than just myself," Lucy protested, her voice beginning to border on hysterics. How could she not consider all of the consequences of these actions? It's all that had filled her every thought for the past two weeks of planning.

Loke saw the pain in his master's face and knew she was considering the child just as much as herself but he had to make sure. "A child deserves both parents," His voice was low, almost a growl. He hated knowing what she was doing and not being able to change her mind.

"He will be allowed to see the baby no matter what happens," The blonde responded primly. "I'm not a fool, Loke. I would never stop my child from seeing their father."

With a heavy sigh, Loke wiped a hand over his face, "I just need you to try and reconsider. I don't think this is right, leaving without giving him a chance to talk you out of it himself." He'd grown to be friends with the father of his master's child. The man wasn't who he'd have chosen for Lucy, but he was trying to redeem himself from his past transgressions and Loke knew this would hurt the man so much more than the knowledge of what he'd done to hurt her in the first place.

"I can't face him, Loke," Fresh tears welled up in the blonde's eyes. She was tired of this same argument she'd had with the spirit every day since she'd made her decision. Why couldn't Loke just understand how bad she was hurting? How badly she just wanted to be able to forget being cheated on? How badly she just wanted to not picture the man she loved fucking her best friend?

She couldn't do anything else but give herself time away from him. She would be back before the baby was born and then she figured she would make her decision. She would either leave the man and only share a relationship with him as far as their unborn child was concerned, or she would be able to forget everything that had happened and allow her love for him to heal all of the wounds.

Knowing he couldn't talk her out of this, Loke dipped his head in a slight bow, "As you wish, Princess. We are all here for you if you need us." He vanished in a cloud of gold and Lucy was alone once more.

She touched the photographs on her dresser of all the happy times she'd shared with her team. The ones on the walls over her desk of her and the man she loved with everything she had. She knew this was the right decision, it had to be because it was about to happen, whether she would regret it later or not.

Lucy stood and walked out of the room, leaving behind her canary yellow diamond ring on her desk with a letter of goodbye addressed to the love of her life, Laxus Dreyar.