A/N: I couldn't resist. I also couldn't believe that this entire episode didn't have one single line between ouer ladies. Completely deliberate, I'm sure. The fact that Emma didn't say goodbye to Regina was abhorrent as far as the show creators are concerned. Allowing two best friends to say goodbye to one another doesn't make them gay, just FYI! As friends and the mothers of one of the lead characters, this was a real mistake. But my Missed SwanQueen Moments cannot be stopped! This is NSFW.

"Last I checked, I'm fine," Emma offered the worried looking young man.

Henry breathed out a sigh of relief at the sight of his mother in her trademark red jacket standing behind the pirate. He ran to her, arms wrapping tightly around her body as he buried his face in her hair and inhaled her familiar scent. He hadn't realised how much he has missed her until that moment.

"What's going on?" Henry asked when he pulled back. "What isn't Hook telling me? Is something wrong?"

Hook, or the fake Hook, hung back, unsure whether Emma would recognise him for who he really was and reverse the anti-ageing spell at once. But the woman didn't even look at him. Instead, she turned towards the dark forest and held out her hand to the trees.

Henry and Hook both frowned as Regina stepped out from the woodland and made her way towards the little group. Hook hadn't realised Regina had been following him. He wondered whether she too could sense that he was an imposter. But then he realised that Regina too was not interested in him as she walked straight up to Emma and took her outstretched hand.

The blonde smiled softly at the woman who was now stood beside her, fingers interlaced.

"Moms?" Henry said, eyes cast down to take in their clasped hands.

"Henry, there's something we need to tell you," the blonde said.


"Your mother and I are a couple, Henry," Regina said. "We're engaged, actually. We're getting married next month."

Henry's jaw dropped. "But … what about you and Hook?" he asked, turning to the man desperately trying to hide his surprise to the news he had just be told.

As best he could, Hook schooled his features into an expression of nonchalant indifference and shrugged. Emma's eyes narrowed slightly, sensing something was off with the man. Even though they had been separated for years, she knew him well and could tell something was wrong.

"So, how did this happen?" Henry asked, turning back to his mothers. "I mean, you're gay? Both of you?"

"I'm bisexual," Emma said. "Always have been. I dated women when I was younger."

"You never told me," Henry replied.

"You never asked," Emma said simply. "And it never came up."

"And what about you, Ma?" Henry asked, directing this question towards Regina.

"I'd never been with a woman before your mother," the brunette admitted, her arm now looped around Emma's waist. "But over the years the two of us got closer and eventually I realised I felt more than friendship for her. When her marriage to Hook started to fall apart, I suppose we both finally felt it was time to voice how we felt."

"What happened with you and Hook?" Henry asked, turning towards the man who was still loitering silently behind him.

"We, um, we didn't … we couldn't," he stuttered. "I mean, it was like -"

Suddenly, Hook found himself pinned against a tree, Emma's forearm pressed against his throat.

"Mom!" Henry exclaimed.

"Emma!" Regina cried, rushing forwards but unsure exactly how to help. And it seemed Emma had whatever the situation was under control anyway.

"This isn't Hook," Emma hissed, face inches from the pirates. "At least, you're not our Hook. Who are you?"

The man's face reddened. "I could have been your Hook," he said. "If you'd chosen me."

"I think we just established that I didn't choose any Hook in the end," Emma said. "Who are you? And what have you done with our Hook?"

The man sighed, resigned to the fact that not only had his cover been blown but also that Emma Swan wasn't going to be his True Love anyway, even if he could pull off the act. She was clearly in love with another. A woman, in fact.

"He's fine," Hook said. "He's safe. I guess I'll go and get him?"

"I guess you will," Emma said, pulling away and stepping back as the man struggled to draw a deep breath.

With a final, almost longing look at the blonde, Hook disappeared into the forest in the direction of the docks. Emma watched him go for a moment before turning back to Regina and Henry who both looked thoroughly confused.

"What was that about?" Regina asked, crossing the small clearing and giving Emma a brief hug.

"I don't honestly know," Emma said. "But that wasn't our Hook. I guess we'll be reunited with him soon enough, however."

"So you and Hook are still friends?" Henry asked. "Even though you're with Ma now?"

"I wouldn't exactly say friends," Emma said. "But we see each other around town often enough and it has been three years since we got divorced."

Henry's jaw dropped. He had missed so much. While he had been running around the Enchanted Forest trying to find his own story, his mothers had been discovering their own happy ending. And Henry still didn't have his.

"I'm happy for you both," he said suddenly, realising he hadn't said as much. It may have been a surprise for him to find out that his mothers were in a relationship but he could see instantly how happy the two women were and how hopelessly in love with each other they were. As the grandson on Snow White and Prince Charming, he recognised True Love when he saw it. He was just a little disgruntled at not having worked in out for himself.

"Thanks kid," Emma said. "And you'll come to our wedding, right?"

"Of course," Henry said. "I mean, if I can get back to Storybrooke."

"Come with us now," Regina pleaded. "We both miss you so much, Henry."

"I can't come yet, Ma," Henry said. "There's someone here I need to find first."

Emma looked sideways at Regina who raised her eyebrows. "A girl?" Emma asked.

"Yeah," Henry nodded. "Cinderella, in fact."

"Ashley?" Emma frowned.

"No, a different version," Henry said. "And a much more beautiful one, in my opinion."

Emma smirked. "Is someone in love?"

Henry's cheeks reddened at the teasing and Emma and Regina both laughed. Their son had always been easy to wind up about girls. "When's the wedding?" he asked, wanting to change the subject.

"November 18th," Emma said. "But how are you going to keep track of the dates here?"

"I have my ways," Henry said. "Don't worry, I won't miss your big day. Is it ok if I bring a plus one?"

"So cocky," Emma chuckled. "Who's to say she'd even want to come with you?"

Henry glowered. "Fine, I'll come alone."

"No, honey, Emma's just teasing. Of course you can bring a plus one. We'd love to have both you and Cinderella there," Regina said, elbowing Emma lightly in the ribs.

Before Henry could reply, the cracking of twigs reached their ears and seconds later two versions of Hook appeared from between the trees. Emma's eyes widened slightly at the sight. Regina's narrowed. Henry looked nonplussed. Magic had been a part of his life for so long nothing really phased him any more.

"I see you've met my lesser half," the real Hook said as he reached the group.

"Yes," Emma said, a scowl on her features. "Are you ready to go back now?"

"Aye," Hook nodded.

Regina turned to Henry and hugging him hard. "I can't wait to see you in Storybrooke again. It's not the same without you."

"I miss you too, Ma," Henry said, arms squeezing his mother's slight frame as he now towered over her.

Regina wiped her eyes as she released Henry and Emma stepped in for her hug. Hook slapped Henry on the back. While he may have separated from Emma, he had spent many years living as Henry's step-father and loved the boy like his own son. He too missed his presence in Storybrooke.

"We'll see you really soon," Emma said, fingers now interlaced with Regina's. "I love you, kid."

"Love you too, Mom," Henry said. "And you, Ma."

Regina blinked back her tears as she pulled a magic bean from her pocket and turned it over in her fingers. Glancing at Emma, she waited until the blonde nodded before flinging the bean away from them and watching as a portal burst to life. Emma turned to Hook and placed her hand on his arm, Regina's fingers still tangled with her own.

With a final look back at their son, Emma and Regina began to walk towards the portal, the real Hook by their side. Henry and fake Hook watched as the trio entered the swirling vortex which swallowed them whole, leaving the forest eerily dark and silent.

"So," Hook said eventually. "You're looking for a lass, are you?"

"Yeah," Henry said, unsure quite what to make of the man who looked so much like his step-father but was in reality a total stranger.

"Fancy some company on your adventure?" Hook asked. "I'm trying to find love myself. Maybe we could help each other out."

Henry considered the proposition for a moment before nodding. "Sure," he agreed.

Regina, Emma and Hook emerged into the centre of Main Street as the last glimmers of the sunset threw colours across the cloud-scudded sky. Hook didn't hang around and after he wished the women good night, headed of towards the docks where the Jolly Roger was now permanently moored and had become his home.

The two women, hand in hand, returned to the Mayoral mansion where they both now lived. It was a large house for just two people and they both missed their son's presence. It was also strange to think that the trio had never lived together as a family, Emma and Regina only having confessed their love years after Henry had set off to find his own story.

"It'll be nice to have him back here, for the wedding," Regina said as they entered the dark house.

"Yeah," Emma agreed. "Strange, but nice."

"Just like you," Regina teased, kissing Emma's neck before scooting past her fiancée and heading into the kitchen.

"Hey!" Emma exclaimed, following the brunette. "I'm not strange."

"Yeah you are," Regina replied. "But in a good way. I love your strangeness."

"What strangeness?" Emma asked, hopping up onto the counter beside the fridge from which Regina had just pulled two bottles of beer and handed one to the blonde.

"Well, it's pretty strange that you can eat grilled cheese sandwiches every day and not get sick of them nor put on an ounce of weight," Regina pointed out, swigging from her own beer. "It's strange that you're the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming and yet still didn't realise we were True Loves until after you'd married Hook."

"You didn't realise either," Emma shot back. The fact that it had taken both women so long to recognise their feelings for one another had been a constant source of teasing ever since they had become a couple.

"You like apple and peanut butter together," Regina continued.

"Um, yeah, because it's delicious," Emma argued.

"Apples are the most delectable food in the world. Why tarnish by smearing that brown gloop over it?"

"Because it makes them even better," Emma grinned. "But I have to disagree with you on apples being the most delectable food."

"Oh really?" Regina challenged. "And what would you say was more pleasant for your taste buds."

"You," Emma said simply, sliding off the counter and crossing the kitchen to wrap her arms around her fiancée. The kiss was short and passionate before Emma pulled back, searching Regina's face for consent. The brunette wasn't keen on having sex in rooms other than their bedroom but on special occasions, she allowed Emma to indulge one of her fantasies.

Regina squealed as she felt Emma's strong hands cup her ass, easily lifting the brunette onto the counter. Emma moved between the woman's now open thighs and continued their kiss, tongue requesting entrance into the hot mouth. The taste which greeted her was a heady mix of Regina and beer. But that wasn't the flavour Emma loved most in the world.

The brunette moaned lightly as Emma's mouth began to quest down her neck, laving the skin with her tongue as she went, trailing kisses along the delicate collarbone. Her fingers tangled in Emma's hair, pulling the blonde's mouth closer to her skin, delighting in the feel of the woman pressed against her. But Emma soon became impatient and pushed Regina's blazer from her shoulders and began to unbutton the silk shirt. The fabric fluttered to the floor seconds later but Regina didn't have the heart to complain when Emma's mouth had already latched onto a newly exposed nipple, the cup having been yanked down.

She rocked her hips forwards when Emma's teeth grazed her tender flesh, her core aching for the woman's intimate touch. It had only been two days since they last had sex but that was too long as far as she was concerned. Although they had been together for over three years by now, their relationship was still just as passionate as ever. In fact, Regina couldn't imagine a time when she ever wouldn't desire the woman who was now pushing her gently backwards so she lay down on the counter as Emma began to undo her slacks.

It didn't take long for Emma to wrestle off the brunette's pants and underwear. She grabbed the discarded blazer and used it to cushion her knees as she knelt down on the floor, Regina's sex spread open before her. The brunette had propped herself up on her elbows by now, eager to watch as her wife feasted on her core.

"I do like apples," Emma said, her lips pressing softly to the flesh of Regina's inner thigh. "And I like peanut butter too." The lips landed on the other leg. "Together they are amazing." A third kiss, higher up, tantalisingly close to the woman's heated centre. Emma's nostrils were filled with the scent of Regina and the older woman's breath had become ragged and shallow with anticipation. "But my favourite flavour in the world," Emma continued, a kiss now placed to the top of Regina's mound, over the neat patch of dark hairs, "is you."

Regina gasped out as Emma's tongue delved between her folds, parting her flesh and swiping up the length of her sex. She watched as the blonde's head dipped again, tracing the same journey until it reached her clit, around which her tongue circled twice before retreating to her pulsing centre. Hands came up to press Regina's thighs wider, allowing Emma to get even closer, feast even deeper, as her tongue pressed inside.

It really was better than anything else Emma had ever tasted. It was tart and sweet and so uniquely Regina that the blonde knew she would never tire of the flavour now coating her tongue. She thrust deeper, fingers digging softly into Regina's thighs as she felt her fiancée hips rocking eagerly forwards.

As she felt Regina reaching her peak, her insides fluttering, Emma moved her tongue to the brunette's clit, licking furiously as her fingers replaced her tongue deep inside. Regina gasped and moaned her lover's name as she felt herself be filled, Emma's mouth working its magic on her tender nerves until she tumbled over the edge.

Emma licked softly as Regina shuddered through her pleasure, gathering up the delicious wetness until the brunette whimpered, too sensitive for anything else. Getting to her feet, Emma coaxed Regina up so she could kiss the panting woman. Regina mumbled something intelligibly against the blonde's lips.

"What was that?" Emma asked, pulling back and looking into brown lust-filled eyes.

"I am delicious," Regina smirked.

Emma chuckled. "Yes you are," she agreed, leaning back in to share the taste with her lover.

"But you're truly divine," Regina said as she climbed off the counter and turned the pair around so Emma was the one pressed against the worktop.

Grinning broadly, Emma shed herself of her jeans and climbed up, leaning back down as the former Evil Queen knelt before her and buried her face in her True Love's core.

A/N: this is complete, for now. I guess I could write in a scene where Emma turned up into every single episode but I won't. Unless truly inspired.