Author's Note (Monster): Hello, our lovelies. Im probably the worst author ever with the "Im gonna update weekly again" and then I vanished for a month. I haven't had the time to write at all. I've been wanting to write a fuckton, to be online more and stuff but uni is my priority and it's been burying me in deadlines. I can't say I've ever been this busy in my life. I wake up with uni and I go to bed with uni. The only reason I can update right now, is because my paper is loading. I'll try to write more, but I'm drowning so no more promises. Though it won't last forever, that I can promise. Replies to the reviews below, enjoy!

Previously on Make Me Levitate;

The new batch of students finally arrived and George's luck ran out when Danny actually turned out to be one of his Music History students. At first Danny didn't recognise him in such a serious setting but soon he realised it was really George Ragan teaching the class.

He was a little nervous but maybe, just maybe, he could have some fun with it.

Danny's POV

I pulled out a cigarette and lit it up as I entered the balcony. Charlie wasn't a fan of my smoking inside the house so I had to. Luckily my room was on the other side of the house so my balcony didn't watch over the streets. I had made the mistake to smoke out the front door once and all I heard, were cat calls.

Now I could just peacefully watch over the forest behind the house. Charlie made sure this place was built somewhere quiet to give us a rest if we had to get away from customers. He was a thoughtful man. More than he ever got credit for.

A knock on my door made me put out my cigarette quickly. "Who's there?"

"It's me", came the voice of Charlie and I opened the door myself, not bothering to put on clothes as I was standing there in my boxers. Part of the job made me lose my shame to walk around like that. It was exhausting to put on clothes again before a job. If they wanted me to dress up for them, sure, but if they didn't then fuck it.

"Hey, Danny, I know you're supposed to be done for tonight but can I ask you for a favour?" Charlie asked and I could see it coming from afar.

"Another first timer?"

"No", he said. "Anthony's sick. Can you cover for him tonight in the bar?"

I sighed. "You better give me a fat pay check tomorrow, Charlie."

"Don't I always?" Charlie grinned. "So I can count on you tonight?"

"Yeah, yeah", I hushed him. "Anthony's been sick a lot lately."

"I know. I think it's because of his boyfriend. He wants him to quit the brothel but I always told Anthony that if he wanted to quit, he just had to say so."

"Yeah, rule number 1 of the Hit & Quit; you want out? Just say the word."

"Yeah! Exactly. I'd rather have him tell me he wants to quit next month so I can move his shifts and appointments in time than have him turn in sick more and more."

"You should tell him, Charlie. You're the big boss here", I winked and he rolled his eyes. "You know I can't be angry with you people."

"I know", I teased. "Anyway, get out. I gotta get dressed for my shift at the bar."

"Alright, see you in ten", he said and he left, closing the door behind him. I rubbed my face tiredly. Tomorrow would be exhausting as I had an entire day of class to face. Sorry, mr. Busek but I wouldn't be awake for your class this time. Not for Music Composition, sorry!

I looked at the clothes I had in my closet and frowned. What should I wear for tonight? I decided on wearing a plain shirt and jeans but the shirt always made my biceps and abs look nice, plus the jeans made my butt look stun-ning!

Even if I said so myself.

Being on the job for this long, you quickly learn what your best features are.

I appeared downstairs behind the bar as they let a few of the new girls in to put up a show for tonight. The stripper's pole in the bar was always to show people our new goods. Charlie seemed to be getting new personnel quickly.

I smiled at my first customer. "Hi there! What can I get you?"

"Hey, Danny! Just a beer would be fine. How have you been?"

"I've been doing great!" I chimed but it bothered me that I didn't recognize the man since he seemed to know me. "How are you?"

"I'm alright. Is Vanessa on the job tonight?"

I frowned. Was she? I had no idea. I looked over at Charlie as he was turning up the music and dimming the lights when the crowd slowly poured in for the show. "Charlie?"


"Is Vanessa working tonight?"

"I think she's getting off in a few minutes", Charlie yelled back over the sound of the music. The man nodded and Charlie turned towards him. "'s up, Jorel?"

JOREL! That was his name! God, I forgot all about that guy. I felt bad for him. I turned his name down when Charlie asked me if he could make another appointment with me but hey, I had to refuse a few names or I wouldn't get to rest at all.

"Not much, Charlie. How are you doing?"

"Same as always. What you need Vanessa for?"

"George is forcing me to ask her out", he blushed and I smiled to myself. Mr. Ragan told his friend to ask out my colleague? How adorable.

"You're asking her out? Alright but no funny business, Jorel. I don't want you asking her out just to get a few free rounds, alright?" Charlie sternly said but Jorel held up his hands in defeat. "I wouldn't dare hurt her."

"You better not", I grinned. "Or I will hunt you down through George."

"Yeah, about George. He came by a few times for you, didn't he?"

Oh God, Jorel didn't know I was his student. I didn't know how close those two were so either he didn't bump into George today or George was too embarrassed to tell him.

"Yeah, he came by a few times. He called off for tonight though. Said he had too much to prepare for the next class", I told him and Jorel raised his eyebrows. "So that's why I didn't get to see him all day. He's nerding away in his office."

I chuckled. "You seem to know him pretty well."

"Sure do, he's my best friend."

"Are you a teacher at the Laca too?" I asked and Jorel pursed his lips. "He told you about the Laca?"

"You could say he did", I smiled amused.

"Yeah, I'm a professor there too. Philosophy."

"Ew", I reacted in a reflex and Jorel held his hand out to me while looking at Charlie. "The natural reaction to the word 'philosophy'."

"Screw you, Jorel. I just happen to find it an interesting subject", Charlie smirked when Vanessa finally came downstairs, coat on and bag ready to leave when she walked up to us. "Charlie, I'll see you tomorrow, alright?"

"Just a minute, Vanessa. This gentleman would like to ask you a little something", Charlie said, nudging Jorel who glared at him. "Could you be more obvious?"

"What is it?" she asked, eyes pointed at Jorel. "Is there something wrong, Jorel?"

"No, no but… Uh. I was wondering if you… wanted to go out with me sometimes."

"You know my occupation, right?" she asked sceptically but Jorel nodded. "Yeah… but you're such a smart, sweet girl. I couldn't help myself. George forced me to ask you out because he was here when you were talking about a day off this week and he said I should take a shot at asking you out now that you had a day off…" he trailed off and I almost felt bad for him because his nerves were all over the place at that moment. She smiled. "I remember that guy. He asked me about you. It's true. I got a day off on Friday so if you want, you can but you gotta offer me something I can't refuse, Jorel. I already spend my evenings at a bar, fucking people for a living."

Jorel cleared his throat. "Dinner?"

"Sure, I'd love for someone to actually buy me dinner", she cheered, ruffling his hair. "Pick me up at seven."

With that she left and Jorel turned around. "But wait, I don't have your phone number or address!"

She put her hand up. "Charlie!"

Charlie shook his head. "Hold on to her, Jorel, she's really something", he chuckled before scribbling down her phone number from the register.

Please Review, they're our heavy fuel!

OnceInARedMoon: So happy

Rottenmelon: I'm more or less alright. Just very busy and drowning in work but mentally I'm actually okay. How are you?

Ro: It's okay. Yeaah, I was pretty upset when I wrote the notes thingy but you're actually the only one to respond to it... so thanks for that c: