Chapter One


A/N: Theres going to be a few reference going back to the episode but it wont be like a whole written version of The Southern Raiders.

The campfire reflected off of Katara's blue eyes as her and her friends and...Zuko, circled around it. Katara was warmed from the fire but her blood boiled being near the treacherous ex prince. Hearing him speak made Katara's ears ring and her instant reaction was to grit her teeth and bite her tongue. Every now and then her words would escape her mouth and pour down the atmosphere like venom. But Katara didn't care. She has been holding back her anger long enough. Katara wanted Zuko to know that she was disgusted by the very existance of his being.

How could any of her friends trust him and accept him as if he's never hunted them down or caused them any harm? He's from the fire nation! The eldest son of the Fire Lord himself! He could be infiltrating our group to figure out our weaknesses or secretly send a message to Azula of our whereabouts. Either way, Katara was ready.

Everyone laughed at Zuko's joke but Katara scoffed and stood up. Zuko's golden eyes followed her and he stood up as well and followed Katara. He needed to confront her and ask her what her problem was. (Even though he can name a few on the top of his head). Katara sat on a boulder facing the ocean. Zuko stood a few feet behind her.

"What is it with you? I thought we were passed the aggression when we were imprisoned in Ba Sing Se." Zuko looked at Katara as she whipped around and faced him. Her eyes hardened. As if he didn't know what he did to HER, and most importantly what he did to her friends.

"I was the FIRST one to trust you in Ba Sing Se and you betrayed me! You betrayed all of us. And Im not as forgiving as they are. You can save me from falling buildings and from your crazy sister as many times as you want but I will NEVER forgive you." Katara saw Zuko wince at the memory of his decision.

But that was all in the past. Zuko wanted Katara to understand that he's a completely different person as we was back then. He cared about what she thought of him. Zuko can't continue to bear with her passive aggression and icy cold glares any longer.

"What can I do to make it up to you?" Zuko's golden eyes looked into Katara's. She was furious. Zuko knew that she was finally venting all of her anger onto him. But she wasn't just mad. Katara was merciless.

"You really wanna know? You can try to bring my mother back." Katara walked passed him. Warm tears surfacing on her eyes.

Zuko thought to himself about Katara's feelings.

'How can I bring her mother back? What did she say about her mother when we were imprisoned? The fire nation took her away. But I dont know who took her. It could have been any of the invasion fleets my father has scowling around the sea...'

Zuko looked out into the ocean then walked back to camp to talk to Sokka. The only person who knows how to remedy the situation.