All rightee, this is new. Soooo . . . hiya.
Okay, so first thing - I will not be updating (I mean, I haven't been for awhile, but though you oughta know) for the next couple of days, because I'll be on vacation and I'm not bringing my computer. I will be, however . . . WATCHING THE NINJAGO MOVIE! YESSSSSSSSSSS! I'm watching it with some buddies for their birthday, cuz everything's better with friends! :D
All right, now that I've got that out of the way, here's the haps for this story:
In a sentence, it's a scrap and junkyard for old plots and stuffs that I lost interest in or just cringe at. But some of these may turn into stories . . . if I label them a certain way.
Okay, so here's the labeling system: if I label something "junk", it's beyond hope. I'm not going to turn it into a story, no matter how hard you beg me. If it's labeled "scrap", that means I'm most likely going to do something with it in the future. None of these stories are part of my universes, either Alpha, Beta, or Gamma (please check my profile for explanations about my universes).
You're probably asking yourselves "why the heck is she doing this?" Well, I guess . . . uh . . . it's because I've been on here for nearly two years now, and I want to open up a little more. So . . . yeah. For some reason I'm in a bit of a bad mood, so sorry if it shows here.
So, here's the first junked plot: apart from a few spelling mistakes which I have fixed, I have not touched this story since the date I will give:
Title: Alternate Plot
Summary: a what-if scenario regarding the Ninjago episode "The Forgotten Element"
Status: junk: incomplete, and bits and pieces are missing in the beginning
When I Last Worked On It: January 1st, 2016
Notes: when I use the last name "Forthright" when referring to Cole, this was before I adopted the last name "Brookstone" for Cole.
Random Fact: My version of Cole has had many last name changes: first it was "Lodestone" (a magnetic rock), "Royallot" (Sherlock Holmes reference), "Forthright" (just a cool last name), "Whittaker" (Adventures in Odyssey reference), and finally "Brookstone" (one of the fanon last names for Cole)
Kai, Jay, and the remaining Elemental Masters had been eliminated from the Tournament of Elements, and awaiting judgement from Master Chen. They knew that Chen planned to drain their Elemental powers to perform some sort of spell, but of what kind, they didn't know.
The other Elemental Masters looked fearful and depressed. Jay was the only one in a good mood. He was even humming cheerfully as they were led into the Anacondrai temple, hands chained behind their backs. "Why are you humming?" Kai hissed. "You know they're gonna take our powers."
"Because these cursed shackles block our Elemental powers," Jay replied evenly, "I choose to use the power of positive thinking. Lloyd will come save us. You just wait." He was also relieved that Nya, who had spied on and stolen the spell Clouse, Chen's right hand, needed, had escaped, and no doubt was with Lloyd and Sensei Garmadon.
Clouse held a thick spell book under his arm. Chen's daughter, Skylor, was standing with him, avoiding looking to Kai's eyes. She had used his feelings for her to betray him to Master Chen.
"Go ahead and look away," Kai said to Skylor. "But you know as well as I do that after he takes our powers, he'll still need yours."
"You don't understand," Skylor said. "My father gets everything he wants. I had no choice."
"Just one thing," Kai said. "Was it his idea to make me fall for you, or yours? Because it worked."
Skylor gasped, then blushed.
"Lock 'em down," a guard ordered. The prisoners were forced to one knee.
"All rise for Master Chen!" Clouse commanded.
As the Anacondrai worshippers chanted and beat the drums, Master Chen's throne flew in through the ceiling, and the worshippers started cheering. "Look at me! I'm floating!" Chen cheered, hovering around the room. His throne stumbled slightly, but Chen retook control. "I've got it, I've got it, just a little distracted by how awesome this place looks!"
Chen's throne touched down in the center of the temple, Skylor and Clouse standing at either side.
(insert scene where Jay says something about Lloyd coming back to rescue them; I know it's in this episode somewhere)
Master Chen gave him a glance, then whispered something to Clouse. Clouse nodded. "Release the Master of Lightning," he ordered.
Confused, the guards did as they were told. Jay was dragged off to one side, hands still chained behind his back. Jay was even more surprised. So were the other Elemental Masters. "You're letting him go just because he's got a positive attitude?" Griffin Turner, the Master of Speed, complained.
"Oh, no, I'm not letting him go," Master Chen said amiably. "I merely have other plans for him." Then, he raised his staff. The Elemental Masters struggled as their powers were drained into the staff.
Jay averted his eyes, disappointment and worry welling up inside him. He didn't come, he thought.
Skylor had to stifle a gasp of horror as she watched Kai's power disappearing into the crystal on Chen's staff. Then the Masters dropped to the floor, panting hard, powers gone. As they were about to be led away, Skylor straightened. "Wait, Father!"
Chen turned toward Skylor. "Please spare Kai, Father," she pleaded. "I've seen inside his head. He's different. He can help you."
"You like the boy? If it will make you happy," Chen shrugged. "Release the red one." Kai's chains were struck off, and the other Elemental Masters were led away to the noodle factory.
Before Chen strolled off with Kai, he whispered orders into Clouse's ear. Clouse nodded. Then, he turned to Jay. "Master Chen would like a word with you once he's finished with Master Kai," he said. To the guards, he ordered, "Take him to the throne room, and keep him under careful guard. Understand?"
The guards nodded. "Why would a guy like Chen want a word with me?" Jay wondered aloud.
One of the guards shrugged. "Beats me. Now, get moving!"
In the factory, Cole and Zane, in disguise, watched as the new workers were pushed to their work stations. "Good thing Jay, Kai, and Lloyd aren't here," Cole muttered.
"Maybe that's not a good thing," Zane pointed out.
Cole looked worried. He spoke to Neuro, the Master of Mind, as discreetly as he could. Neuro was now working across from him and Zane on the factory line. "Do you know what happened to Jay and Kai?"
Neuro nodded. "Jay was spared for the time being. Chen said he had special plans for him. Kai was stripped of his powers, but Chen released him as well. He sounded like he's got plans for him too."
Cole groaned. "That doesn't sound good. We could use Jay's mechanical know-how right about now."
Jay met with Master Chen in his throne room, where the Tournament all started. "You're probably wondering why I spared you, aren't you?" Chen asked.
Jay shrugged. "I suppose. It might be because you're a really nice guy at heart, and thought you'd show me a little mercy. Or not."
Master Chen burst out laughing. "Ha ha ha! Very funny, Jay! Your optimism and your sense of humor are quite refreshing for me."
"Glad to hear it," Jay replied smoothly. "Now could you get down to the brass snakes and tell me why you spared me?"
"Brass snakes," Chen giggled, "hee hee hee! I like it! Of course I will tell you, because I am a merciful man." He fiddled with the buttons lining his throne armrests. "You see, Jay, I'm very fond of entertainment, as you know, and life can get so monotonous and dull. Even taking the powers from helpless Elemental Masters can get so boring." Chen sighed. "That's where you come in. I've been favoring you since I first saw you, and when I didn't."
"Favoring me in a good sense for both of us?" Jay asked nervously. "In a bad sense for me, in a bad sense for you, or just downright bad?"
"I'll get back to you on that." Chen's eyes were fixed on Jay with a maliciously hungry gaze.
Jay gulped. He wants me as some kind of entertainment for him? he thought worriedly.
"I know of the spy girl's affection for you," Master Chen said. "When I mentioned you were injured to Clouse the other night, she seemed very worried about you."
Jay's cheeks burned bright red with embarrassment. Nya still liked him? "What would you give to be able to see her again?" Chen wheedled.
"I'd give anything!" The words were out before Jay could stop himself. Now his feelings for Nya were out in the open for Chen to see.
"Even your Elemental Power?" Chen's eyes glowed with a dangerous light.
"It was a trap," Jay realized. "You were trying to get me to say I'd give up anything, and then you'd take my power for sure!"
Master Chen shrugged. "More entertainment for me, as you know. And you'll provide more entertainment even your powers are gone."
"What do you mean?" Jay was growing more and more nervous by the minute.
"Aah, I'll explain later." Chen clapped his hands, and the two guards who had been blocking the door came in. "Take him back to the temple," he ordered.
Jay was dragged out of the room, kicking and struggling as he yelled, "You won't get away with this, Chen!"
"Oh, I already have," Chen said, grinning evilly.
As they left, another guard ran into the throne room, the door slamming shut behind him.
Jay and his escort were just out of earshot, and Jay wasn't the Master of Sound. So when the guard reported that Nya and Sensei Garmadon had been captured, Jay wasn't around to hear it.
"Excellent," Master Chen cackled. "Clouse can have Garmadon. Bring the girl Nya to me. My plan is falling into place."
Once Jay and his escort reached the temple, he was held firmly by his arms and shoulders and forced to one knee. Chen's throne lowered down into the room with dramatic fanfare, blending in with the tone of his worshippers chanting and beating the drums. Jay knew they were chanting the Anacondrai code: "Only one can remain", which was also the motto of the Tournament of Elements. He tried to break his escort's grip, but he didn't have Cole's super-strength, or any strength for that matter. He fell to his knees, panting hard.
"Straighten up," a guard ordered, kicking him roughly.
"Take a chill pill, dude," Jay snapped.
"And besides," the other guard reminded the first one, "he's supposed to be kneeling for Master Chen anyway, right?"
"All rise for Master Chen!" Clouse announced.
"Never mind that," the second guard muttered. The first guard smirked as he kicked Jay again.
Jay did a back kick into the first guard's gut before standing up. The second guard stifled a laugh as the first guard clutched his stomach and groaned. Jay smirked back at him. "YOU straighten up."
He stood straight as a pole and stone-faced as Master Chen grinned evilly back at him. "I have a surprise for you, Jay," he giggled in a sing-song voice.
"Boy, I can't wait to see it," Jay muttered under his breath.
"Clousy-Clouse!" Chen sang out.
Clouse bowed, then exited the temple. He returned a few minutes later, pushing a bound and gagged prisoner in front of him. Jay's eyes widened in shock. "NYA!"
"JAY!" Nya cried, shaking her gag off.
"Like my little surprise?" Chen giggled delightedly. "Remember what you said earlier about saying that you'd give up anything to see Nya again?"
"You said that?" Nya blushed bright pink.
Jay's cheeks burned bright red. He stared at his feet to hide his embarrassment. "Yes," he mumbled.
"Now, let's see about that anything." Chen pretended to be in deep thought. Clouse held Nya's shoulders as he stood next to Chen. "I got it!" Chen's eyes gleamed. "Your Elemental power!"
"No, don't!" Nya pleaded.
"Any last words?" Chen asked Jay flippantly.
Jay looked directly at Nya, even though his cheeks felt sunburned with embarrassment. "I love you, Nya," he said quietly. "Even if you like Cole more than me, I'll always love you."
Tears ran down Nya's cheeks. "Oh, Jay!" She managed to break away from Clouse long enough to throw her arms around Jay and kiss him. "I love you, Jay," she whispered in his ear. "No matter what some machine says, I'll always love you. You're my perfect match."
Then Clouse managed to drag Nya back. Jay's cheek was still tingling from her kiss. He smiled at her, truly happy.
Master Chen had covered his eyes. "All right, all right, enough with the romance!" he complained. Jay was forced back down to his knees, and his hands were chained to the floor. Master Chen pointed his staff at Jay. A white wind came streaking out of the staff, and seemed to be sucking out Jay's Elemental essence. Jay cried out in pain as he was pulled almost clean off the floor. Bright blue lightning was forced out of him, the force of the staff draining his Elemental power.
"No!" Nya cried, trying to break free, but Clouse had an iron grip on her shoulders. She was forced to watch as Jay's powers were sucked out of him.
Jay dropped to his knees, power completely drained, breathing hard and coughing. His right leg began to throb; he had injured it when a painting fell on top of him. When he tried to stand up, he cried out again and collapsed as his leg continued to throb painfully. Nya desperately wanted to help him, but she couldn't move.
"You know what to do with them." Chen waved his hand dismissively. "And fix up Jay's leg; he can't dance with a hurt foot."
"What?" Jay was confused. "Aren't I needed in the factory?"
"Remember what I said about you providing entertainment even after I took your powers?" Chen's eyes glinted with a dangerous light.
Jay and Nya realized what Chen had in mind at exactly the same moment. "What?! No!"
"Oh, yes," Chen nodded, a wickedly mischievous smile playing on his face. "I think you will fit in nicely as my newest, and favorite, Kabuki servants."
Jay and Nya were taken to the quarters where the Kabuki, Chen's servants and entertainment, did their costumes and makeup. Clouse handed a Kabuki girl a slip of paper with instructions on dressing Jay and Nya, then left to wait outside the dressing room door.
After studying the paper, the Kabuki clapped her hands. She whispered some instructions to her companions, who then split up into two groups. One took Nya to a separate room, another stayed behind to work on Jay.
Jay was pushed into a chair, and another Kabuki girl advised, "Hold still." Two dancers held his head steady while a third started powdering Jay's face with white Kabuki paint. Jay tried hard not to sneeze as the makeup irritated his face.
Once his face and hands were completely white with Kabuki makeup, Anacondrai markings were painted on his cheeks with red makeup. One of the Kabuki girls brushed stray makeup out of Jay's messy hair. Another made a suggestion to dye Jay's hair black, but the Kabuki girl with the instructions shook her head no. "Master Chen's orders," she explained.
Jay noticed some of the Kabuki men eyeing him with jealousy. With his bright auburn orange hair and red Anacondrai face markings, he would definitely stand out as Master Chen's pet Kabuki. Jay eyed them with anxiety.
He was dressed in ornate blue men's Kabuki robes, embroidered with golden Anacondrai symbols. The thick red and purple sash tied around his waist was tied a little too tightly for Jay's liking. His leg was treated and rebandaged carefully, but it still looked bulky compared to the rest of his outfit. His hair was styled in a fancy man's upsweep not unfamiliar to Jay. Despite his makeover, Jay still stood out among the Kabuki servants. None of them wore blue robes, or had intricate red face markings, or auburn hair.
I look ridiculous, he thought as he checked himself out in one of the room's many mirrors. At least Nya looked fantastic as a Kabuki.
Just then, Nya was escorted back into the room, wearing the same disguise she wore as a spy for the Ninja among the Kabuki. Suddenly Jay wanted to hide in a corner until he looked like his normal self.
Nya didn't really know what to make of Jay in his Kabuki outfit.
With his leg bandaged, his face covered in makeup, wearing long flowing Kabuki robes, and his fancy modern hairstyle, Jay looked very uncomfortable, out of his comfort zone. In different circumstances, Nya might have started laughing, but she knew how he felt, because she didn't feel that comfortable either, and didn't want to make him feel embarrassed than he probably already felt. Though, she had to admit, he did look kinda cute, in a Kabuki sense.
Jay wanted to shrink into a ball, he was so embarrassed. Then, Nya surprised him with a comforting kiss on the cheek. "We'll get out of this," she whispered in his ear. "I know we will."
Jay relaxed into a smile. He was going to reply when an impatient knock came on the door. "Are the new servants ready?" Clouse called.
"Yes, Master Clouse!" a Kabuki girl called. She handed the pair fans, and gave them smiles. "Good luck," she whispered. Then two other Kabuki escorted Jay and Nya out the door, delivering them to Clouse.
Jay and Nya followed Clouse to Chen's throne room, where other Kabuki were dancing and serving Master Chen. "Excellent!" Chen cackled gleefully. He beckoned for Jay and Nya to sit beside him. "That leg must hurt," he remarked sympathetically to Jay. "I'll let you two off easy for today, because you're my favorites, but tomorrow, you'll get right to work. Understand?"
Jay and Nya exchanged an invisible glance. They had to play the part of servants for now. "Yes, Master Chen," they chorused, bowing respectfully. Then they took their seats next to Chen's throne.
Jay massaged his leg gingerly. "How did you hurt yourself?" Nya whispered.
"A painting of your brother fell on top of me," Jay whispered back. "Long story." He managed to tell her everything that had happened since they met up with them at one of Chen's feasts, while not attracting much attention.
Some of the Kabuki girls on the sidelines giggled and blushed when they spotted Jay at Chen's side. "Who is he?" one girl murmured.
"He must be Master Chen's new favorite," another replied.
"He's soooo cute," a third sighed dreamily.
"I need Kabuki to go check on progress in the factory!" Master Chen sighed. "You, and you!" He pointed at two Kabuki girls, who immediately stopped dancing. "Take these two with you to inspect the factory!" He then pointed at Jay and Nya. Jay's leg was feeling slightly better, but he still had to walk with a weak sort of skip step.
Nya helped hold him steady as he walked with a timid step, trying hard not to put too much weight on his injured foot.
As they followed the two Kabuki through the tunnels underneath the palace, Jay and Nya tried to keep track of where they went, but the labyrinth of tunnels and corridors looked so much alike that their heads were beginning to throb trying to tell one passage from another. Jay had snuck down in the tunnels before, with Cole, Kai, and Lloyd, but he was getting so lost that he was starting to grow dizzy.
Suddenly, the two Kabuki stopped, then turned to face Jay and Nya. The had been in a whispered conversation while waiting for them to keep up, Nya hindered because she was helping Jay.
"Listen," one of the Kabuki girls said. Jay recognized her as the one who had escorted him to his quarters at the beginning of the Tournament. "When we reach the factory, we'll tell Zugu that you two were sent to inspect. If he asks why we're here," she gestured to herself and her companion, "We'll tell him you're new and unused to the tunnels."
"But what if he asks about me?" Jay asked. "I don't look like a regular Kabuki."
"He knew of Master Chen's plan for you and the spy girl, Master Jay," the other Kabuki girl said. She seemed older than the first one. "He'll most likely not ask questions about you."
"We'll talk to the guards while you two can pretend to inspect," the younger Kabuki explained, "when you can really help your friends in the factory escape. We know of their plans from multiple visits to the factory."
"But doesn't Master Chen know he's been sending the same two over and over again?" Nya asked. "And why haven't you ratted on the factory workers, anyhow?"
"To answer your first question," the older Kabuki said, "Chen can barely keep track of which Kabuki is which; he's got so many." She sighed. "So, yes, we've been sent to inspect the factory more than once."
"Why are you helping us?" Jay asked cautiously.
"This can answer both of your questions," the younger Kabuki said. "Like you, we were forced into service for Master Chen, unaware it was a trap. We don't have many friends among the Kabuki, as we make it a rule not to trust any one of Chen's staff. You, on the other hand, have friends that have a way out of this factory, and a way to freedom, unlike us." She sighed mournfully. "We're hardly ever let out of Chen's sight. And when we are, we're heavily guarded, just to make sure we don't try any tricks. Once a Kabuki, always a Kabuki. We're not allowed our freedom unless that's in Master Chen's whim."
"Which it never is," the older one added.
"And if he thinks we're up to something, we get more labor, and sometimes become snake food for Clouse's pet," the younger said. A tear rolled down her cheek. The older Kabuki girl put a hand comfortingly on her shoulder.
"Thank you for your help," Nya said gratefully. "You're really brave to risk your life for two strangers."
The Kabuki girls exchanged a glance. Then, the younger one said tentatively, "To be honest, you two aren't complete strangers to us."
"What do you mean?" Jay asked, slightly puzzled.
"You know our brother, so we've heard a lot about you," the older one explained.
"You two are sisters?"
They nodded. "My name is Cadance Forthright," the younger Kabuki said.
"And I'm Natalie Forthright," the older one said.
"Forthright?" Jay's eyes widened. "You mean you're Cole's sisters?"
Cadance nodded. "I'm his younger sister, and Natalie's his twin."
"Cole's mentioned you before, but he thinks you're still at the Marty Oppenheimer School of Performing Arts," Nya said.
"We'll explain everything once you're free," Natalie said. "We should get going."
Cole and Zane were watching the tarp where Karlof was working on the Roto Jet with nervousness. "I can't believe I'm saying this," Cole muttered, "but I wish Jay were here."
Zane's ice-blue eyes suddenly lit up. He frowned. "That's peculiar," he murmured.
"What?" Cole asked, worried.
Before Zane could answer, they heard Zugu open the door to the factory. "What do you want?" he growled.
"Master Chen sent these two to inspect the factory," a Kabuki girl was telling Zugu. There was something about her voice that struck Cole as being familiar.
"Then why are you here?" Zugu demanded.
"They're new and unused to the tunnels, so we were sent to escort them," a second girl explained. Once again, Cole found her voice strangely familiar.
Two more Kabuki bowed respectfully to Zugu. "What happened to your leg?" Zugu asked.
"I, uh, tripped over a table," one of the pair answered.
"That voice sounds like Jay's," Zane muttered.
"You're probably hearing things," Cole replied. But he doubted upgraded Nindroids could "hear things". "Let's just keep working. Keep your head down." The two ninja in disguise kept their heads bent down, Cole's eyes glancing up occasionally. He could see four Kabuki dancers come in, but only from the legs down. The leg of one dancer was bandaged, and he or she was supported by a second dancer.
They moved out of Cole's eyeshot, and Cole bent back down to his work.
"Do you see Cole?" Jay whispered to Natalie.
Natalie shrugged. "The guards think he's escaped, but I've seen him hiding around." She scanned the room, then gestured to a worker in a work hat. "I think that's him. Cadance and I'll distract the guards while you and Nya talk to him."
"Let's sneak around behind him," Nya suggested. "It would be suspicious if we walked right up to him. And keep your voice down."
A hand lightly tapped Cole's shoulder. "Psst! Cole!"
"What?" Cole turned around, and almost burst out laughing. Jay clamped a hand over his mouth.
"Quiet," he hissed. "We're trying to do this secretly."
"What happened to you?" Cole spluttered. Jay groaned. He was wearing blue Kabuki robes trimmed and embroidered in gold and a thick red and purple obi sash around his waist. Jay's face and hands were covered with white Kabuki paint, he had red Anacondrai designs on his cheeks, and his hair was styled in a fancy modern upsweep. He looked ridiculous.
"Master Chen decided he'd give us the 'honor' of 'joining' his Kabuki staff," Jay said sarcastically.
"Us?" Zane's head did a 360 to have a look at Jay. He had to stifle a laugh.
Jay's eyes brightened at the sight of his old friend. "ZANE?! Is that really you? You look amazing!"
"No worse for wear," Zane replied, smiling.
Nya gasped when she saw Zane. "Zane!" She had to restrain herself from throwing her arms around him and not letting go.
"I don't think we have much time," Jay warned. "Master Noodle Snakes would probably prefer as at his side to touring the factory."
He explained everything that had happened since Cole had been stripped of his powers, and Cole let them in on the escape plan. "We're building a Roto Jet and busting our way out of here!"
"A Roto Jet?" Jay and Nya were confused. "But aren't you underground?"
"That's what I've been saying!" Cole exclaimed.
"Is there anything we can do?" Jay asked.
"We could sure use your mechanical know-how with the Roto Jet," Cole said. "I think Karlof's having trouble with the output fuel-thingy."
"I'll see what I can do." Jay gave Nya a quick nod, who immediately understood his intentions. Then he limped over to the tarp where Karlof was working.
"I believe there are a few people who would like to speak to you, Cole," Nya said.
"Who?" Cole asked, confused.
"Be right back."
She returned with two Kabuki girls. Cole eyed them warily. "Yes?"
The younger of the two stepped forward, and removed her Kabuki wig. Long blond hair tumbled down her shoulders. "Don't you recognize me, big brother?" she asked.
Cole's eyes widened with shock, then delight. "Cadance?!" Then he realized who the other dancer had to be. "Natalie?!"
The older dancer, Natalie, grinned. "It's been awhile, brother." Cole had to restrain his desire to throw his arms around his sisters in his joy at seeing them again.
"What are you two doing here?" he asked. "Dad thinks you're still at Marty Oppenheimer!"
"It's a long story, Cole," Cadance said, "but the short version is: we graduated from the school, and attracted the attention of a certain Master Chen."
Cole clenched his fists. "As soon as we bust out of here," he promised, "I'm gonna come back and get you. You shouldn't be here, or working for a guy like Chen. You deserve better."
Natalie smiled. "That's the twin brother I know and love. But, be careful, please?" She kissed her brother on the cheek.
"It'll be my highest priority," Cole replied, smiling back at his sisters. "You probably should go and check on Jay."
"We will," Cadance said. "See you later, big brother." She gave Cole a quick hug, then she, Natalie, and Nya bowed, and walked away.
"I think that's about finished," Jay said with satisfaction.
Karlof nodded. "Thanks for help, Jay. Karlof couldn't have finished that fast without you."
"It was my pleasure," Jay said with a smile. His leg had stopped hurting, and he had taken the bandages off. Working on machines always seemed to make him feel better when he was in emotional or physical pain.
"Jay? We should get going." Nya's voice came from the other side of the tarp covering the Roto Jet.
"Gotta go, Karlof," Jay said. "Good luck on the escape."
He backed out from under the tarp, wrapping the bandages back around his foot. He gave Nya a nod, and she immediately understood: the Roto Jet was finished. Natalie and Cadance told Zugu the inspection was complete, and the foursome exited the factory back into the labyrinth. On the way, Jay tossed his bandages into an empty prison cell, as he could walk perfectly fine.
"Master Chen's probably wondering where we are by now," Natalie said worriedly. "I hope we don't get caught."
"Why would he suspect you two?" Nya asked. "He knows Jay and I might try to escape."
"He'll say we were helping you, which is true," Cadance pointed out. "And we'll have no credible alibi if he does."
"That won't happen," Jay assured her. "Like you said, doesn't Chen have a hard time keeping track of who's who in his Kabuki?"
"I guess," Natalie said reluctantly. "but someone completely innocent might get blamed, and we won't just stand there and let someone else take our punishment. Either way, we might get in trouble."
"And either way, we'll help you in every way we can," Nya said. "It's the least we could do to repay you for helping us."
The two girls smiled weakly. "Thank you both for the support."
The four reached the throne room only to find it empty. Master Chen, yawning boredly, was perched atop his throne, tapping his fingers absently against his control panel. "There you four are!" he exclaimed. "Did you get lost in the tunnels again?"
"Yes, Master Chen," Natalie answered obediently.
"Well, you two are dismissed," he waved his hand dismissively to Cadance and Natalie. After the two girls left, Jay and Nya watched Master Chen nervously. "Ah, I see your foot is better," Chen remarked nonchalantly to Jay. "Good, good."
"Yes, Master Chen," Jay mumbled.