Chapter One

"Kaiba!" Yugi said. "You've gotta help us!"

Seto frowned. "Now what?"

"Bakura's hurt!" he replied. "We have to land now! He needs to see a doctor right away, Kaiba."

"You're asking me to do the impossible," Seto said dismissively. He went into his room from the hallway and sat down. "We can't make an unscheduled stop."

We followed him in.

Yugi leaned over the table. "Don't you understand?" he exclaimed angrily. "Bakura needs help!"

"He's been unconscious since losing his duel!" Tristan put in.

"And if he gets any worse than he is right now, you'll be responsible," Joey said.

"That's a risk," said Seto, "I'm willing to take."

I put my hands together. I may have just met Bakura, but his life was in danger! "Please, Kaiba, this is really important!" I said. "Show some compassion!"

He looked at me.

"Pretty please?" I added. I blushed and put my hands down. Why was he staring at me so intensely?

"How can you say no to that face?" Tristan asked. "Serenity-"

"Serenity's right!" Duke interrupted

"He shouldn't have left the hospital in the first place," Seto replied.

Well, he had a point, but he didn't have to put it so cruelly.

"This is Bakura's own fault," Seto continued.

"Kaiba, please," I pleaded. "Isn't someone's health more important than your silly game?"

"Listen to her, will ya?" Tristan demanded.

"She's got a good point," Duke said. "What's wrong with you?"

I peeked out through my hair. He was still looking at me with those dark blue eyes.

"I've had enough of this attitude, Kaiba," said Joey. "Find a way to land this blimp or get ready to say 'hi' to the business end of my fist!"

Seto slowly got to his feet. "I told you, we're not landing, Wheeler."

"Then let's dance!" my brother said, his fist raised.

Seto Kaiba walked past him.

Joey moved to follow him but was held back by Yugi.

"Hey, come back!" Joey shouted.

"Relax, Joey," Yugi hissed

We all watched as Seto walked over to a large computer on the wall of his room.

"What gives?" asked Tristan.

Seto pushed a button. "Send a medical team to Bakura's room."

"Huh?" we all said.

"Good call, Seto," said Mokuba. All heads turned to the younger Kaiba brother. "Kaiba Corp's onboard medical staff has better training than most hospitals do. Bakura's in good hands here."

As we walked out of Kaiba's room, I said, "I hope Mokuba's right about the doctors on board."

"It was great how you stood up to Kaiba, Serenity," Tristan said once the door closed behind us. "I felt the exact same way you did back there."

Duke swooped in and grabbed my hands.

"And I have never been so moved by a speech in my life," he said. "Serenity, it's like your words came right out of the mouth of an angel!"

"So, do you think Bakura's going to be okay in the hands of Kaiba's quacks or what, Yugi?" Joey asked.

"I hope so," Yugi nodded.

Tristan walked over to them. "Hey, we still have to find Bakura's missing Millenium Ring."

"It shouldn't be that difficult if we split up, right?" said Yugi.

"Don't you guys worry about it," Tristan replied. "Just leave the Millenium Ring to me and Devlin."

"Huh?" Joey and Yugi said.

"You two should stay focused on the next round of the finals," he explained.

"It's okay, Tristan," Yugi objected "Really."

"No, I'm not going to let my friends get distracted before the biggest duel of their lives. Plus, it'll give me and Duke something to do."

Duke, meanwhile, hadn't let go of my hands and was staring into my eyes, making me more than a little uncomfortable.

"Perfect," he said. "Serenity and I will search upstairs."

"Uhh….," I said.

"Forget it," Tristan said. He put his arm around Duke and pulled him away from me. "You're coming with me, Devlin."

Relieved, I put my hand on my chest, over my heart.

"But I was, uh-" Duke started.

"Zip it!" Tristan said, putting a hand over Duke's mouth. "That Millennium Ring's not going to find itself, so you and I have to work together, dude. Come on, we've got work to do!" He dragged Duke to the elevator. I watched with Yugi and my brother as the elevator doors closed.

"It's nice to see them getting along, ya know?" Joey said.

"Yeah, sure," Yugi replied, not so sure. "I just hope they have luck finding Bakura's Millenium Ring."