(So the family dog had puppies, ten blind and deaf little cuties. Also, apparently Hitler supported some animal rights. I also snuck in some memes at the end, if you didn't notice but any ways, I own nothing and I hope you enjoy. Good day and God bless!)

When Allen walked as he usually did into the Black Order headquarters as he usually did, no one questioned his or the noisy little cardboard box he found in a shady alleyway.

Once, a finder did raise a suspicion. He saw the contents of the box and suggested they might be akuma but he was quickly shot down by Yuu Kanda, who looked far more fixated on the box than he would like to admit, saying that dogs were not dumb like people and the wouldn't bring their loved ones back from the dead like that.

When Lenalee saw the box, she melted like a stick of butter in summer.

When Lavi tried to pry the box from Allen's fingers, the boy nearly bit him in defense, saying that they were 'His, his, his.'

Allen's attitude turning a bit too similar to Red's was, but he didn't care because he had become far too fixated on several pairs of little black eyes looking straight at him, whining for food and affection.

What could he say. Allen Walker was, in fact, a dog person.

He half near snapped the man in half when Malcolm C. Lvellie approached his precious box and stared at it for a good solid minute.

Allen he might pull out a gun and shoot the poor creatures but he was immediately shocked and more than a little horrified when Lvellie put his hands under his chin and something akin to a little girl's squeal left his mouth.

Could the worst man in the black order also have been a dog person?

Allen was not entirely sure what happened but the next thing he knew, he had several pounds in his hands and Lvellie was ordering him to go to the market to 'go buy those creatures a proper meal'.

Allen was completely speechless as he did exactly what he was ordered.

What was this? Why did even vile men like Lvellie become weak in the knees? Was this the true power of the contents of his cardboard box?

Of course it was.

He went to the market and ordered three large slabs of different kinds of meat; chicken, fish, and elk; because he wasn't exactly sure what they liked to eat.

It was evening now and the sun was setting. The sky had turned golden and the people were retreating back into their homes.

Allen was on his way back to the black order, meat under own arm, cardboard box in the other, when, seemingly out of nowhere, bumped into someone.

He was about aapoligies as he usually did but the words died in his throat when he saw who he bumped into.

He'd recognize that tall top hat, dark skin and unusually intimidating beauty spot anywhere. Tyki Mikk.

He wanted to activate his innocence but his arms were quite full and Tyki seemed far too preoccupied staring at his box.

He raised an eyebrow and leaned forward to see what was inside only to stand straight up with a weird look on his face, like there were some adult joke about what he was doing.

"Oh, I see." He said with a slight laugh, "Puppies."

Allen really had no clue what was wrong with him till the man removed his wallet and began to search through it.

"Okay, boy. Name your price."

"What?! No!"

"Come on, boy."

"They are not for sale!"

"No one needs twelve puppies and a golem. You're being selfish."

"They're mine! Mine I say!"

"I'm gonna tell the Earl you have adorable lab puppies in the order."

"What are you going to gain from it?"

"Easy. Puppies."

"No you won't! They are mine!"

And Tyki Mikk followed him back to the orders front door all because of the power of puppies.