A/N: Hello everyone! I have brought you another chapter for this story! Woohoo! I am sure you are wondering why but yesterday was the release of the RWBY Volume 7 soundtrack and you all know how good most of the music is in each season. I also have to focus more on one story than others so that it can be finished to provide myself time to complete. So! I'll be primarily focused on this story given RWBY Volume 8 will be out soon (to my assumption around October-November given their usual start of each new season). While my updates are slow no thanks to my two jobs, I try my best to update each story for you all! Now let us get back to the story shall we?




Third Person View



As night poured in Menagerie, the ocean waters served as the ambiance for many near shore. The shattered moon brightening the land, illuminating the night itself. The pair of yellow eyes stare at the vast waters patiently. The cloaked figure could only growl within its mind, knowing any sound could make it be alerted to others. It may be on the other side but it didn't wish to take chances. Most of the land was nothing but a desert while the other half is forest and small mountains.

Luckily, this helped secure a new place. As with no water Grimm approaching it, and it kept any unwanted attention away. Though, it knew when one of it's own Yummy failed even if it could not be seen.

"Failed…" The hooded being said irritably.

The Yummy would have forced many of Faunus to eternal sleep even OOO. However, it was dealt with by another Rider. If the memories of the dead alchemist served right, it was 'Birth' yet it looked to only be a prototype so Proto-Birth being the correct title.

"Another…" The hooded being said, looking for the right material to bring forth another Yummy, one that needs to succeed.

It looked to the waters, seeing one Grimm swimming along by. The being held its hand out before snatching the small Piranha out of the water.

The aquatic Grimm flailed left and right but the red glimmer under the hood forced it to stop and obey its command.

Presenting a Cell Medal, it decided to flick it to Grimm instead of itself. Yes it could have done it to itself but it needed to make sure this doesn't screw up.

A black void spreaded open from its body before a Yummy crawled out. Releasing the Grimm from his hand, the Yummy stared at the master.

"Kill OOO; don't fail me." The hooded being ordered.

The Grimm-Yummy bowed in obedience before heading to the Faunus village. The cloaked one lifted his head, the yellow glow becoming red for a brief moment. Unlike the other Grimm, he controls his urges very well. He desires to kill OOO and be a god in order to be whole.

Remnants of Desires: After the Fall

Chapter 8: Riders, New Greeed, Grudges

Another day, another time to find a way to convince the Faunus to help us. Oh right, we haven't had any ideas how exactly we can do that! I sighed, resting my head on the palm of my hand, looking at the waters of the ocean. I was currently sitting at a table that rested near the docks.

I glanced at a few of the aquatic Faunus either talking or relaxing as it was more shallow waters for them to use, than the deeper sections for their jobs or hobbies.

Sometimes I wonder if the peace in the island was good… or bad. My eyes drifted to the keychain on my belt, reminiscing the previous Yummy incident. With the appearance of that unique Yummy, it was still a mystery of how it showed itself. Uva couldn't since the Insect Greeed was possibly elsewhere in Vale, Kazari… I honestly don't know where that Feline is. Knowing he is in cahoots with Adam and his splinter group, it was complicated to know what that scheming kaijin is up to.

I shook my head, trying to remove those questions from my mind. I need to figure out how to get everyone in Menagerie on our side to stop Adam. This situation was more important right now than it is with the Greeed. Yes, the Greeed were one of the major problems but the people's support to take back the White Fang was more important for the time being.

The sad part - I had no idea how to do this. I wasn't a politician or speaker of the people. I am the only other Human on the island aside from Pyrrha and Gamel'a disguise. How could I even convince them, when some of the Faunus are wary of us? I need to figure this out and fast, we don't have much time.


I grasped the grip of the Medajalibur from my back but saw it was only Sun who raised his hands, a banana seen on the right hand. "Woah, take it easy."

"Damn it, Sun, I swear this is why you gotta quit showing up with your usual entrances." I grumbled. Now I know how Blake felt when I surprised her.

"Sorry man. Didn't mean to."

I released my grip, Sun noticing my wariness. "Still thinking?"

"Just… some matters after what happened a few weeks ago with Ilia. That and how we screwed up on our other task." I replied.

"I don't blame ya." The monkey Faunus sat on a crate, taking a bite of the banana. "We had no luck on anything to provide much support."

"And those Emissaries are just playing bullshit on us. Pardon my french."

"French?" The blonde repeated in curiosity. "What do you mean by that?"

"Oh right, just another phrase where I'm from."

During our time at Beacon, I told Sun and Neptune about my origins after the Greeedification incident. They were gobsmacked after telling them of my world's history and events. Although their reactions when I revealed I was from another world was priceless.

"One of those 'Earth sayings'?" Sun recalled.

"Yeah and that simply meant 'excuse my vulgar language'." I clarified for him.

"You really gotta tell me some of those. I wanna prank my team with those sayings." Sun snickered.

"I rather not…" I denied, deadpanned at what he would pull.

"You're no fun."

"Focus, Sun." I admonished the Monkey Faunus, "How can we convince everyone on this island for help? Practically everyone doesn't want to fight against the White Fang."

"Uh… I doubt a party would suffice?" Sun suggested with a shrug, as he too didn't know how to help. "Got any big ideas?"

"Well, I do recall my history,"

"How is that going to help?" Sun questioned.

"Look, what I am trying to get at is maybe Mr. Belladonna should try and speak to them and give a speech to convince them to help stop the White Fang. From there, maybe Blake can add on what the organization has done in order to provide further explanation to help them open their eyes."

"Maybe. But the bigger question is if anyone is truly willing to listen?" Sun reminded, leaning back. "Seems like almost everyone here just wants to forget about it. Though, I can't blame them for that."

I could only agree at his remark. "Ya think?" I sighed. "Maybe I should try and talk to Mr. Belladonna about this. Hopefully the idea will work."

"Hey! Before you go, think you could grab me some ice cream?" Sun asked, only to flinch at my glare, "N-Never mind."

"That's what I thought." I smirked at him, as the monkey Faunus made his way off.

Looking back at the ocean waters, I took a deep breath before standing up. I hope Mr. Belladonna would agree to the suggestion I had in mind. Knowing what happened a few days ago, there is no doubt we will be confronted with obstacles.

Heading back to the Belladonna Residence, I walked on the grounds of the Faunus Village. So much has happened during our stay here. At first we all thought it was a chance to be away from what happened until we had to deal with a unique Yummy, discovering the O-Calibur, and then the incident with Ilia.

However, it reminded me that being here, some of us had to deal with a part of our inner conflicts. Myself having to move forward for the present and future instead of clinging onto my past and Blake gaining a resolve to take back and restore the White Fang to what it should be.

Regardless, there was a nagging feeling that still bothered me. It wasn't about the White Fang. It was about the Yummy. It was aquatic yet it also had bone plating, pitch black hide, and red eyes like a Grimm. It acted like any Yummy would yet it also had some ferocity as a Grimm.

I shook my head, "No, that's ridiculous. Grimm and Yummy's can't be one kaijin." I mutter to myself.

I decided to hold off some of those thoughts as I reached Belladonna Manor and headed inside. Besides greeting a few guards, I made my way to Mr. Belladonna's study room, knocking on the door.

"Come in." Ghira responded.

I opened the door as I slightly leaned my head in, "Um.. Mr. Belladonna?" I call out to him.

Blake's dad looked up from his paperwork, "Oh, it's you." He responded, "What can I do for you?"

"I was wondering if we can talk about Blake's plan?"

"Take a seat."

I nodded before sitting down, not nervous like the previous time I sat here. This was an important matter than a casual discussion.

"So, what do you have in mind?"

"I was hoping you could gather the locals by tomorrow. Reason being for you to give them a speech." I suggested.

"Hm? What gave you this idea?" He questioned, a brow raised.

I cleared my throat for a moment and said, "You see, back where I am from, there were times when people were afraid but some important figures gave speeches to quell that fear and conflict. Maybe you can do the same and prevent the gnawing fear and gather people to help them realize what the White Fang has done. To take back the organization and place it the way it should have been."

Ghira looked at me with soft, yet inspired eyes. He thought about it for a moment, pondering on the actions as well as the results. And after a few moments, he nodded. "Very well. I'll do my best to try and convince everyone to listen to what I have to say on the matter."

"Alright." At least this was a start for us to convince the Faunus to help take back the White Fang.

Suddenly, we heard the doors to the office burst open and we noticed the guard barging in with an alert look.

"What is it?" Ghira asked the Faunus guard.

"There is a Grimm in the street market!" Saber exclaimed.

"What?!" We shouted in unison. My eyes suddenly gained the familiar violet hue, making me realize what it is. It wasn't a Grimm but a Yummy.

Ghira turned to me, giving me a nod. Looks like I have to deal with trouble again. "I'll take care of it." I assured him.

I raced towards the street market, worried about who'll get hurt by this Yummy. Still, I wonder how another one reached this place so fast again? I pray that Kazari or Uva weren't the ones behind this as this could be more trouble.

I told Pyrrha about the Yummy situation and already we were both set while the others evacuated everyone out of the market. Skidding to a halt, we saw the kaijin we were looking for.

"Another dark Yummy?!" I exclaimed in surprise. It wasn't like the ones the main Greeed summon but it was similar to the one that put me into a deep sleep.

"It's similar to the one before…" Pyrrha noticed.

"Yeah…" It left me with questions but we had to focus on the main priority.

"Ready Pyrrha?" I asked the redhead, holding the three main Core Medals in hand.


Placing the King Combo into my buckle, Pyrrha provided a Cell Medal from her hand and we both said, "Henshin!"





With our respective armors formed, the Tora Claws unfolded while Pyrrha had her javelin and shield ready.

"Let's do this!" I dash towards the Yummy with my teammate following.

Pyrrha used her Semblance to toss and throw anything metal at the Yummy, causing some distortion for the enemy as it held its head from the blows. With it distracted, I used my claws to strike its torso, cell medals spilling from the incisions before it closed.

With a growl, the Crab Yummy used its pincer to grab Pyrrha but she used her shield to protect herself. However when the pincer gripped the edge of the shield. Tugging forcefully towards it, the Yummy struck her armor. She staggered back but didn't give it a chance to deliver the next attack with her Semblance.

The Crab Yummy was soon struck with nearby objects as it swiped at them, trying to gain room to fight us again, but this left it wide open once more.

Brandishing the Upgraded Medajalibur, I struck the kaijin horizontally before I ducked, allowing Pyrrha to hop on my back to take the leap and use her weapon to deliver the vertical attack

"Enrique, now!" She held her shield up.

"Right!" I ran to her and used the Batta Legs to enhance the jump on it, launching me higher in the air. With both of us ready to execute the attack from low and high ground, we respectively activated our finishers.



My left foot was tucked in while the other extended as the three hoops appeared. Pyrrha's Javelin began to charge with Core Energy before we both unleashed our attack. The Yummy tried to block the oncoming attack, but its hide crumbled away before it succumbed to the finisher. With our double attack, the Yummy exploded into clusters of Cell Medals. The said trinkets were absorbed by Pyrrha while we saved the rest for Ankh and Gamel.

"Alright!" I cheered, high-fiving Pyrrha with relief, we finally defeated the Crab Yummy.

"At least that one was handled." She sighed.

"Hey, you actually did pretty good as a Kamen Rider," I praised her.

Despite wearing the Proto armor, she seemed a bit embarrassed as she fidgeted. "Y-You think so?" She asked.

"Of course. You did pretty well using the Birth Driver." I stated. "I know you're still getting used to the armor, but your experience and Semblance makes up for it."

The armored redhead glanced at me before she nodded. I smiled before I froze upon sensing Core Energy. My body grew tense, shuddering at the very familiar essence. I felt a bead of sweat on my head, my pupils dilating.

No… No, that isn't possible…

"Enrique? What's wrong?"

I slowly rotated my head to the source and saw a cloaked figure watching us. It stood between the trees. We watched it lift its head, glowing red eyes seen under the shrouded hood before it shifted into a yellow color.

"OOO." The voice sounded male but the Core Energy was one I recognized greatly. "After two of my Yummys, you have been a true hindrance. You truly are… my desire to kill you."

"Who are you?" Proto-Birth asked cautiously.

Grabbing the cloak, the figure threw it aside and we were greeted with someone that shocked us all.

"I-It can't be…"

Standing before us was Poseidon, his red lance held proudly but his yellow visor flashed red for a brief second before being yellow again.

"I thought I destroyed him…" I felt horror. I defeated Gara, even damaging his damn buckle for god's sake! How is–

"It is time we fight, OOO." The armored fiend announced. "Fight for the last time."

I took a few steps back until I saw Poseidon running towards me with a roar. Acting quick, I raised the Medajalibur, our weapons clashing violently but I buckled at the newfound strength he held. Just how is he stronger than last time?!

"I will avenge him and become the God he desires for me to be complete." I heard Poseidon growl.

"Avenge?" What in the world did he mean by that? Is this the very same Gara I dealt with? Shoving my arm that held the sword, Poseidon used the lance to strike my chest left and right. The hits created sparks that cast off my armor.

I rolled across the dirt in pain but I got up on one knee and fired a few rounds from the Medajalibur.

Poseidon buckled left and right when the bullets hit him. I continuously fired until a click was heard through my sword's rifling mechanism. "Oh great."

The evil Rider growled before hefting his lance and threw it. The pressure of the throw pushed the dirt below him and right towards me.

However the trajectory missed me by a hair as the lance instead impaled a tree and into another. The cause being Pyrrha's extended hand.

"That was close." She panted, standing by me as I got back up.

"You okay?" I noticed she was using up her energy from her Core Medal. That attack must have forced her to exert too much.

"I'll… be okay."

From the corner of my eye, I saw an incoming blast of water, making me shove Pyrrha and myself taking the hit. It felt like I was hit by a cannon as the water pushed me into the air and into the ground below.

"Ow…" I wheezed, getting myself back io albeit painfully. Already I could feel my Aura was near its limit. We both saw Poseidon surrounded with hovering water as he pulled his lance out of the tree. He must be using the power of the belt's Combo to manipulate it.

"Damn this hurts…"

"You will die here OOO!" He grabbed the edge of his buckle but a growing red glow stopped him from doing so. A fireball forced Poseidon to evade, noticing Ankh with his Greeed arm extending with flicker of flames. Beside him was Gamel in his Greeed form, pounding his chest in challenge.

Poseidon glanced at me for a moment then the two Greeed. Slanting the spear on the ground as support, Poseidon leaned forward. "Bird and Beast Greeed… why are two of my kind working with OOO?"

Ankh narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "I suggest you get your ass out of this village. Where I see it, me and big lug here have you outmatched."

Poseidon was silent before picking up his lance. He glared at me, "Know this, OOO. We will fight again. This is never over until I kill you." His body was shrouded in cell medals and wisps of black smoke, retreating into the forests of Menagerie.

Seeing Poseidon gone, I fell onto my back in total relief.

"Ow!" I hissed from the sterilized cotton touching my cheek. With the fight, it took all my Aura and now, I had to get patched up from the aftermath.

"Easy, Enrique. You took a lot of injuries during that fight." Kali admonished.

"I understand…" I murmured. "He is unlike anything I've faced before…" I grimaced at the memories of Gara's torment. Attempting to turn me into a Greeed, even trapping Pyrrha's soul in a Core Medal. "How is it possible…. " My hands clenched in fury and disbelief.

"You fought him before?"

"... Gara was not human but a monster…" I explained to Blake's parents. I focused on the Purple Cores, my Aura manifesting them. "He tried to turn me into a monster with nothing…"

Gara's torment was horrible. He mentally tortured me by experiencing the symptoms of Greeedification.

"Just how is Gara still alive?" asked Blake. "Pyrrha, Ankh, and I watched you defeat him in the Lost Kingdom a year ago!"

"That wasn't Gara." My friends looked at Ankh, his head hanging low, his eyes narrowed slightly while fiddling with his Kujaku Core Medal.

"What do you mean, Ankh? We saw that armor! That is the only explanation!"

"I think Ankh is right." I said, their attention back to me. "I heard that… thing consider me a hindrance. That dark rider even mentioned avenging Gara and becoming a God he desires."

"You don't mean…"

"That armor is being used by a Greeed." Ankh proclaimed. "Whatever happened back at the Lost Kingdom, I sensed the Core Energy of those Black Core Medals."

"You mean those Black Cores created that Greeed?"

"Do the math. Gara hated you, he was enraged for stopping his plan to turn you into that Dino Greeed." Ankh reminded me. "And when he said the Black Cores were made from the essence of Grimm?"

I immediately stood up from the seat as did the others.

"That Greeed is a Grimm?!"

"One with a soul of Core Energy like us Greeed yet lacks it as a Grimm." The Bird Greeed frowned. "The negativity of Gara's anger, the very negativity which creates Grimm, and the emptiness we Greeed hold with a desire to be whole. This is seen as a dark abomination."

"Then it's a powerful monster…" Pyrrha grimaced.

"Aside from those Black Core Medals, the new Poseidon still holds the Poseidon Combo on that belt and whatever medals Gara carried with him. Which means he retains the full abilities like any other complete Greeed." Ankh tapped his claw against his bicep. "And based on the Yummies, they are a combination of fish or arthropods, and Grimm."

"That explains why they took the appearance of either one but held colors and plating of a Grimm…" the redhead placed the pieces together. "Like Gamel - creating a complete Yummy but… still wishes to achieve a desire."

"Based on what the two Yummies previously did, yes," Ankh pondered. "And the new Greeed wants to achieve Gara's goal and his grudge towards you in order to truly feel complete."

"So I am its primary target." I realized.

"To say it bluntly? That Greeed will go after you continuously until you are dead by his hands. Looks like you pissed off more people than you think." Ankh huffed, earning a punch to his shoulder by the Monkey Faunus.

"That's rude, even for you."

"I tell it like it is." Ankh hissed.

"Are you going to be okay?" asked Ghira. "You practically became the target of this monster and he will not stop until you're dead from the looks of it."

I was silent at the question. I wasn't sure what to say knowing there is a new Greeed on the loose. One that was born from Gara's hate and vengeance towards me along with his greed to be a god like the late Multi-King.

I chewed my lip, realizing the situation I found myself in. First Adam, then the person Cinder works for. And now Poseidon who is an abomination Greeed.

With the night being the right time, I made sure Ankh, Sun, and Gamel were still asleep on the bunks before I took the opportunity to move myself from the bed. I was already in my clothes instead of my sleepwear. Making sure they are fully asleep, I place my coat over me. Quietly, I walk out of the room and close the door, my hand resting on it to make sure I didn't make a sound once I release my hold on the knob.

With my belongings with me, I was going to need it knowing what was going on. Not only I pissed off Adam by cutting off his arm, even him threatening my life, I now have Poseidon targeting me. In a sense, Gara's death was paying back the favor by the creation of that… thing.

It was best that I leave before morning. I couldn't risk my friends getting hurt when I have two individuals wanting me dead for reasons: Revenge.

Taking a deep breath, I traverse to the entrance of the residence and grab the door before closing it. Looking at the shattered moon, I reminisced my fight against Gara. After a year of his death and torment, it was finally coming back to haunt me.

"Where are you going?"

I stopped mid step before looking behind me, seeing Blake by the entrance of the residence, her arms crossed.

"I'm… heading out." Blake's cat ears fold slightly, her eyes narrowed with a frown. She knew I was lying so it was pointless to even lie. "Blake… I have to go and-"

"And from there, what? Are you getting yourself hurt again?" My girlfriend questioned as she approached until she stood in front of me.

"Blake, look at what just happened." I argued. "Not only I pissed off Adam for his arm but now I got a Greeed, a damn Greeed who is born from Gara's negativity and grudge towards me, out to kill me! I can't let you guys get in the middle of two people who bear grudges at me."

"Didn't you say that we'll handle it together?"

"But Blake-!"

"Enrique, I know what you've been through." She reminded me. "I will be ready to face the consequences with you to the end. Just like you have for me."

Her hand moved to my own that held my bag before gently prying it from my grasp. "I'm not letting you do this alone, okay?" She then whispered. "Please…"

"I…" I thought hard but I gave in to her pleas. My brows furrowed before I closed my eyes and said, "... Alright…"

For me to go on this alone wouldn't be right. Ever since I became OOO, I made friends who were always there to help out. While that moment with Gamel sent a grimace, the rest was all due to my friends encouraging me and giving me determination. My eyes drift to the keychain on my belt, the reminder of my family; and the promise I made to Blake.

I have to do this. And I won't be alone this time.

After the attack yesterday I was sure as hell that it brought some, okay, a lot of complications since Poseidon was a Greeed who is also a Grimm, an abomination with full power. Fighting it would be dangerous since the new Greeed was using the Poseidon armor to not only protect its Nine Core Medals but power itself further.

Yeah it sounded like it was big trouble. Yet… what was his full ability? Then again, we won't find out until I face the monster again.

Already security was amped up but Ankh once scoffed at the fact it was 'useless' since Poseidon is unlike any monster due to being a Grimm Greeed. I was its target, the monster wanting to kill me as its desire to feel whole while aiming to be a god like Gara tried to do.

I know it would be futile to run, as it would follow me anywhere I go. I could only hope and try my best to plan ahead and make sure nobody gets caught between our fights. Though, with Blake, Ankh, and Pyrrha there by my side? I feel like I don't need to worry about it.

Resting my arms against the railing of the balcony, I stared at the village. Poseidon will fight continuously until one of us falls. And I wasn't going to be the one to die. Not a chance in hell.

The only thing I can do now is be prepared for my next fight.

"I figured you were here."

I glanced over my shoulder, noticing Ghira. "Mr. Belladonna." I noticed, moving myself off the railing.

"Kali wanted me to check on you, making sure you're alright." Ghira responded.

"Sorry about that." I apologized. "Just… some things going on in my mind right now."

Ghira seemed a bit confused, not that I can't blame him. "I'm… not used to talking about these things unlike Blake or Kali… So.. what's wrong?" He asked, trying to at least help in some way.

"It is about that Poseidon. None of us, my friends, expected the outcome of that thing. I mean… to know it was born like Grimm yet acting like a Greeed?" I stated. "It is… difficult to grasp on the situation I… my team is in."

"Well, no one could have expected it, Enrique." Ghira explained. "You all assumed it was all over for this Gara you mentioned."

"But now there is a Greeed wearing the armor he created."

"Hmm.. I'll admit, this can be a lot to take in." Ghira nodded, "But… with what Blake has told me about you? I believe this can be solved and taken care of with you two and your friends. Don't give into your fear, otherwise it'll win against you."

I bit the inside of my cheek, reminded of the recent events before Poseidon showed up on the island. I needed to ask him now. "Mr. Belladonna… can I ask you something?"


"Back when I woke up from my injuries… when you told me I have your full trust…" I nervously look at him. "I am worried." I saw him raise an eyebrow. "I mean with what happened recently. I know I am not alone on this but what concerns me is getting my friends hurt by that Greeed."

"Since that thing holds a grudge against you for what you did to the original owner." Ghira assumed.

"What scares me is the possibility of me actually getting killed by Poseidon…" I admitted. "I don't want to leave her alone…" I grimaced at the thought of Blake's state of mind if that ever happens. She has been through enough over the years. Losing someone close to her would put a lot on her mind.

Blake's dad looked at me intensely before he sighed. "Young man, I can understand your worries." I look at him. "Back when you were unconscious from the incident with the spy, I talked to Blake and learned much more about you throughout that night. I have also overheard what was going on for you last night."

I felt my stomach drop. So he saw the conversation/minor argument Blake and I had last night.

I am so screwed.

"You didn't want others around you to die, holding the burden at a young age. However, my own daughter is willing to lend you her hand to help you share that burden. Sometimes by having a burden, you have to let those who care about you help." His hand was on my shoulder. "The reason why you have earned my full trust is not just from what I saw between you and Blake, but hearing of your endeavors and actions. Pyrrha, Sun, Blake, hearing their sides of what you have done showed more than enough that you have earned that right to have my complete trust."

"Do you...really think so?"

He nodded, "Of course."

I took a moment to let out a breath either from relief or from taking heed of his statement. The fact Ghira and Blake were right about myself not alone in this made me accept it. It was true that I am not alone in this. Ankh, Blake, Pyrrha… the others, they all have faith in me as much as I have faith in them.

"Just remember that with Blake and your friends, you are able to help others."

"Right…" I slowly nodded

The Faunus leaned against the balcony looking at the village. "So, Earth huh?"

Immediately I darted my head to Blake's dad. "Let me guess… Blake mentioned that too when you talked to her?" The man nodded. "Figures…"

"It was almost hard to grasp but your name and how you mentioned a few things that never happened here, it was starting to make sense." Ghira admitted, "Heck, Kali was the most curious about it. So, be warned, she may want to pamper you so she can learn about it. She loves other cultures."


I sighed heavily. I will be hearing a lot of possible questions from Khali.

The sun was setting in Menagerie, Blake spending the rest of her time in the market to take care of the last of errands due to her mother requesting it. Her amber eyes scan the surroundings, seeing her fellow people. Being here was a change of pace but after what happened recently with Ilia and the White Fang, she knew she had to take back the White Fang with help from everyone but… how?

That was the main problem since nearly everyone didn't want to be against or be involved with any matter of the White Fang.

However nothing makes it worse when the sudden appearance of Poseidon. She, Pyrrha, Ankh, and her boyfriend all thought Gara was supposed to be dead but instead a Grimm Greeed was born from the maniacal man's desire to be a god while the negativity of his emotions lead to the birth of… an abomination. It scared her to know it was seeking to be complete as a god by killing the source of its vengeance: the Multi-King.

She didn't want Enrique to fight that thing anymore. But she knew that wouldn't change anything. He has no choice but to fight it. She is worried about him being hurt, but as long as they're together, everything will work out. She just hoped that the same could be said for whenever they reunite with the rest of Team RWBY, and especially Yang.

She was the one Blake was worried about the most. And the Cat Faunus couldn't blame her. She left her side after the attack from Adam. Yang would be in turmoil from that as she wouldn't know what to do or who to trust. It made Blake sad that they would reunite, but Yang wouldn't accept her apology. She could only hope that things will go slowly and smoothly.

Looking back at the days in Beacon, she missed everything. Having people to call friends, the fun being with them, all of it. People saw her for who she is, not what she is.

Besides confessing to Enrique, those were the best days of her life. She hoped it could return, even if Beacon can't be restored. As long as she's with her friends and Enrique? She'll be happy. Of course, once the White Fang is taken down along with Adam, she can be at peace finally.

"Hey Blake!"

The Cat Faunus stopped before noticing Sun.

"Oh hey." Blake greeted her friend.

"You seemed lonely, so I came over with some bananas." Sun smiled, handing her one.

The Faunus narrowed her eyes, her cat ears folded slightly. "Did you steal those?"

"What? No, no way!" Sun denied. "What makes you think I would do that?"

"Remember the apples?"

"T-That was ages ago!"

"That was yesterday, Sun." Blake said, deadpanned.

Sun flinched once more, shaking it off, "Do you want the food or not?" He said, changing the subject.

"No thanks." She declined. "Just… don't do that again."

"Sorry. Force of habit." He apologized, "So, what's on your mind?"

"It's…" Blake took a deep breath. "It's about almost everything here. The White Fang… Ilia… that Greeed…"

Everything that occured here unsettled her. To know one of her former friends spied on them for the White Fang and Poseidon being a Greeed with the powers of a Rider? It brought a lot to her mind. She was worried about the outcome if it continues to worsen.

"Yeah.. this is getting crazy." Sun nodded in agreement. "I swear, if the next thing we're facing is some giant sleeping god, I'm going home and straight to bed."

"Of course you would say something like that."

The Monkey Faunus shrugged, the two walking to the Belladonna Residence. "So! Aside from the bad stuff, any advice to help me to get your dad to not glare at me the whole time?"

"Your choice of words could be one."

"Come on, my words help give me character! Sides, I know I have some charm too." He chuckled, only to smack into a palm tree, due to not looking.

"You were saying?" Blake snorted in amusement. "At least he doesn't see Enrique with reserved judgment anymore."

"Let me guess Enrique messed up?" Sun asked, munching on an apple.

"Actually… they are getting along more often now." Blake admitted. She remembered seeing the two hold conversations here and there throughout the past week shortly before the incident with Ilia.

Sun coughed, hitting his chest to ease the slice of apple he accidentally inhaled. Once it properly went to his stomach, he said, "Seriously?!"

"Yeah…. Guess they are getting along."

"Oh come on! Why is he having that kind of luck, and I'm still getting the death glares?!" Sun cried out comically.

"You did make a bad first impression on my dad. Well, there's Ankh who still gets it from him."

Ankh may be, well, is a jerk but under that is a Greeed watching over them like a hawk. No pun intended. He and her dad don't get along much due to the former's rebellious and somewhat hostile behavior until they can see his true nature under the hostile visage he holds.

"True… Ankh tends to have that effect on most people." Sun nodded.

"He is only a stubborn one." She added.

"That too." Sun sighed, "Hope I get a chance…"

Blake smiled but nonetheless felt some relief. Looking ahead, she noticed they were nearing the residence. Perhaps once everything is over… she can finally have the chance to have peace.


Blazing: Taka (x2), Kujaku (x1), Condor (x1)

Scorching: Lion (x1), Tora (x2), Cheetah (x1)

Strongest: Kuwagata (x1), Kamakiri (x1), Batta (x1)

Legendary: Kobura (x1), Kame (x1), Wani (x1)

Water: Shachi (x1), Tako (x1), Unagi (x1)

Gravity: Sai (x3), Gorilla (x1), Zou (x2)

Invincible: Ptera (x1), Tricera (x1), Tyranno (x1)

Ultimate King: Super Taka (x1), Super Tora (x1), Super Batta (x1)


Ghira paced back and forth, looking at the piece of paper in his hands while we waited for him. The man stopped pacing and took one last look at the speech he had written down, before letting out a sigh as his wife placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.


"Just… some idiotic problems I have to deal with." The Bird Greeed replied bitterly. "Things have been troubling here."

Next Time: Speeches, The Obstacles, Emotions

A/N: Uh oh, looks like things have taken quite a turn as the reveal of Poseidon is a Greeed. If you all think about it, the Greeed holds the sense of emptiness while Grimm harbors no soul, just a driven purpose much like the former with desires. If you are wondering what the Grimm Greeed's power is, I cannot say anything. I don't want to spoil of the upcoming events Poseidon will bring. As for some of my stories, I am still going to continue despite this story being my main priority given Volume 8 is approaching. If you are interested in helping me as a Beta-Reader/editor for some of my stories, feel free to let me know via PM.

Also, I know the new Reiwa Rider has been announced: Kamen Rider Saber. I do like the suit design but I am curious to what it will bring given it will involve fantasy, isekai (I think?), and books. What do you think of the second Reiwa Rider?

With that in the way, I will see you later! Don't forget to favorite, follow, and leave a review to let me know what you think.