So, this is an idea taken from True Rose by YokaiAngel (on FFNet of course). So shout out to them for their ideas being the major part of the first few chapters of the story, before they had no more chapters for ideas and so I branched out on my own. Without further or do, I'll get into it now.
Sometimes she is cruel. Other times sensitive. Most of all, she stands proud and tall. To see her how she was then and there in those woods...that was a true eye opener that something was wrong.
Ruka Souen, proud, graceful, elegant, intelligent. The compliments used as descriptions for her can go on forever, even some insults about her attitude here and there. However, she wasn't focused on that. No. The long haired noble was currently studying in the common room area of the Moon dorms. Their grades don't matter as much as their willingness to cooperate with humans at the school she currently attended, but that didn't mean they didn't want to outdo each other or appear unintelligent. Plus, there was a front they had to keep up to fool the day class, to make sure them being vampires never got out.
The night class were supposed to be extremely intelligent sons and daughters of influential business people, who often have to work at night. To prepare their children for late nights, they are to attend the night class situation. While the day class, though there were a few very dedicated and intelligent people, were quite average as they were humans after all.
Ruka actually liked studying, it kept her busy and distracted from the current princess she often had to babysit. Yuki Kuran. Ah- speak of the devil as she shall come. Ruka closed up her books and began to think as the brunette calmly sauntered over, quite slowly to. She seemed to be in deep thought. Yuki Kuran, once the sweet adoptive daughter of Kaien Cross (Yuki Cross), now a vindictive clingy bitch. She hates letting Kaname out of her sight, and often shoes away his closest friends and advisors. Especially females. She seems to hate the females closest to Kaname the most, seeing as they had known Kaname longer than her. Were closer to him than her. And a few, including the blonde noble herself, harboured romantic affections for the pureblood.
Ruka was quite upset at not being able to even talk to her friend anymore. He may be their leader, and soon ruler, but he was quite affectionate with their group. As if we were all his younger siblings. Something that may have started because he lost a once sweet pureblood Yuki, who became a sweet sealed pureblood, then became a horrible unsealed pureblood. He must have taken solace in their comfort, since they had, and still sometimes did (to her embarrassment), act like children.
The brunette sat down. Ruka continued her thoughts. The whole night class had changed once Yuki transferred, even the day class began to pick up the bad depressed vibes of the night class. The blonde was snapped from her thoughts as Yuki began to speak. "Ruka, what are your thoughts on my elder brother? And do tell the truth." She asked, her voice somewhat reminiscent of her old way of going about life.
"Kuran-Sama is kind, fair, intelligent, and thoughtful. He will serve our race well, his ideas of coexistence and soon a major reform of the Vampire council may just yet help our kind. He is quite handsome to, his charisma and impeccable manners is what draws out the ladies to his side, and his mannerisms and personality, his commanding air that demands respect, yet his gentle demeanor are what gets the men loyal to him. He is, in short, fit to be a perfect leader for our kind." The blonde answered, Yuki didn't like that answer.
For a long time the brunette had known Ruka had liked her brother romantically, had fed her beloved Kaname her impure blood! She wanted this vampire to experience suffering, and ruin her beauty in a way subtle enought, yet clearly enought, to send a message to all the females of their race.
The brunette stormed off, leaving Ruka alone to her thoughts, and hopefully to study in peace. Her hopes, however, were dashed in an instant. Because Yuki came back with a pair of glinting sharp scissors held in her horribly dainty hand, the cruel smile on her face and glint in her eyes promising suffering. "If your hair is gone, you can no longer face my brother right? You will be shamed, your hair is what draws attention to you Ruka! If that is gone, then the others will stay away to! You will be an example to all vampires, their looks can easily be destroyed if I so wish. Get over here!" The Princess spoke slightly crazily.
Ruka dropped her book and went to run to Kaname for help, but Yuki was too quick for her because of her powers and pureblood abilities. She whimpered pitifully as she heard the metal shears chop at her hair, some places getting caught and being tugged away forcefully. Sometimes nicking her neck and making rivulets of blood concealed by Yuki's recent paper cut she used as an alibi for doing this sweep down he pale neck. Yuki didn't let go until she had nothing left to hold on to. Leaving a choppy, horrible mess of Ruka's once beautiful ashy blonde hair.
"Do clean this up, Ruka. Or else you may not be attending Cross Academy for much longer." Yuki left with cold hearted words, the noble vampire sat in shock for moments after.
The shock continued to make the noble move rigidly, alsmot mechanically. She sweeper all of her precious hair into her hands, collecting it and straightening it. Unable to let it go. Once she had cleaned up, leaving no traces of herself, she fled to moon dorms with her hair in her hands.
The noble cried tears, her pain causing her shock to fade as she collapsed against a tree far from the moon dorms, close to the prefect house.
Zero Kiryu, current and only prefect of Cros Academy, knew a vampire was out of the dorms the instant they set foot outside the gates. Annoyed, he prepared to deal with the troublemakers now close to his current residence, and calmly out his contacts back in, letting his hair down and mussing it up. He moodily stalked outside, and quickly found the collapsed blonde vampire.
Annoyed with this, he doesn't look at her, and tells her to return to the dorms. Her heartbreaking sob made him assess the sight before him. He sighed, wondering with slight horror, who had done this? He supported the weeping blonde, taking in her puffy eyes and tear streaked face. The choppy mess her once beautiful hair was, and the gathered bundle held in her palms, clutched tightly. He immediately recognized the long strands as her hair.
He soothed her with gentle words, leading her inside the prefect house. He set her down gently at the kicthen table, not worried about Cross barging in. He was dealing with the depression of Yuki denouncing him, and publicly insukting him. Saying she never loved him, and that the man's dreams were utterly rubbish. Too bad the elder Kuran vampire hadn't heard her, he would have set her straight in an instant. Cross is determined to hide his depression, but during the night when he's alone at his home, he weeps for the lost girl he once held as his own child.
The Rido incident had brought Zero to appreciate Cross more, and brought the two hunters closer. Zero was more open to the elder man, now that Yuki was gone. He was even helping across learn to cook decently. He'd never be five star, but he could make edible, good tasting food now. He noticed the vampire had calmed down in the gentle atmosphere of his plainly decorated home. And prepared some hot water and a kettle. Usually tea and food help the vampires loosen up. Yuki no longer lives in the prefect house with him, so he could decorate the space as he wished. It was not gaudy, but not Spartan either. It was plain and homey, just as the Kiryu House is.
Ruka calmed down once inside, the safe feeling the prefect gave off helping her sobbing subside, her fear no longer present. She observed the surroundings. The last time she had been here the place was gaudy and off putting to her sensitive nose and eyes. Now it was gentle, plain, yet elegant. The wall so were now a gentle pale blue. The decorations no long white, but a warm dark mahogany colour. The furniture was either the same mahogany or a dark brown leather. Shelves full of books, and one of movies, were up against one wall. Like a personal library. Still, much more space was left to be filled in the living room
She noted it must be slightly lonely here now, with just Kiryu here. Simple photos were around, a few art pieces of gorgeous landscaped with a misty mysterious feel to them were tastefully placed upon walls. A few pictures she picked out were of Kiryu and his family when he was young, sat upon the mantel piece. And beside it, a group photo of Kiryu, Cross, Teacher Yagari, and some chestnut haired boy together. Gentle smiles on their faces, it seemed they were in front of the Hunter association building. Kiryu was holding up his training certificate, so the boy was a certified Hunter then? He sure hid his true ability well.
Shesmelt something amazing from the kitchen, and so turned her attention to the silverette who helped her somewhat. She watched him set down some tea and a warm simple pasta in front of her. He to has the same dish, she watches him begin to eat. He was very hungry, she noted, because he ate quickly. Though he kept perfect manners throughout the whole meal. She slowly began to eat her's upon seeing the food was obviously not poisoned. He took a noodle from her plate to prove it at her skeptically look without hesitation, with no care on which piece he took.
She heard water running as she ate. Though she soon hears the water shut off, she doenst catch a glimpse of the silverette for another fifteen minutes. She finsihed off her play just as she was shocked by the teen.
He was wearing a white kimono like robe, the robe stopped just below his knees, leaving his toned calves and thin ankles for anyone to see. His hair was pulled back into a ponytail that reminded her of Kiryu Ichiru's hair, from the glimpse she had caught of him those months ago during the incident.
He was carrying a towel, comb, and pair of scissors for some reason though. That scared her. Then he reached onto the counter and pulled something from a case. Sliding them onto his face he revealed he had good dimmed glasses. Glasses! An impairment, he was showing her a weakness. He wasn't scowling, instead, a gentle calm expression on his face. He kept pity from his eyes, only sympathy shone through.
So Kiryu wore contacts then, to hide this weakness. And that moody persona he put on at all times was just an act, to throw people off. He was really quite gentle and handsome. Though, he was always handsome, for an exhumans, if you looked past his constant scowl and his admittedly terrifying glare.
He began to clean the dishes, his voice oddly soothing sounded through the quiet house. "Souen-sempai, I know you may not trust me. But I suggest taking a shower, I will repair your clothes for you." He suggested, he motioned to my disheveled, dirtied, and slightly torn uniform. It must have tore on some brambles when she was running.
She agreed, and let him lead her to a room painted a gentle purple. The same type of furniture and a soft comfy black rug in the room. Warmth still spread through, and only Kiryu's fresh scent accounted for. Though, an old covered up scent of Yuki Cross was lingering, almost as if a reminder she was once a sweet girl thought human, who was Kiryu's partner prefect.
She undressed when he swiftly left, putting her clothes in the small basket by the door, she heard him collect it once she turned on the water and stepped in when the temperature was appropriate. She ignored him in favour of relaxing under the warm stream of water. Thinking of his surprisng kindness.
On the other side of the bathroom door, Kiryu had already repaired the vampire's clothing, and was currently waiting for it to wash. The silverette set out a beige robe for her to wear once she got out, and put the hair supplies on the bed beside it. He also left a fluffy white towel for her to dry off. He lit a single candle with a subtle rose fragrance most humans can't smell, which would hopefully erase the more prevalent remaining traces of Yuki's scent. And he set some white pyjama pants and a light purple t-shirt for her to wear if she so wished,
While he waited, it was now two in the morning, he made two bento boxes. One for the girl's breakfast, another for her lunch that day. Once finsihed, he waited for her to step from Yuki's old roo. He had placed a second bed inside, making it more of a guest bedroom until other prefects are assigned. This house could fit six prefects, with one guest bedroom. There was one public restroom in the building, but each room had its own en suite bathroom. Each on the small side, but each only made for a single person of course.
Ruka called for him, so he rose from the comfy leather chair he had rested in for a few minutes, and entered the room he situated her in. "Ruka-sempai, I know this must be a sensitive subject for you. But, would you allow me to fix up your hair? Neaten it so it doesn't look as messy anymore. It would allow for a cleane, more even regrowth of your hair. Don't worry, I do my own hair and once did Yuki's and Cross' hair, actually, I still do Cros' hair. Cross would tell you that I'm skilled in this. Yuki would just insult me now." He spoke, saying the last sentence very quietly.
"Yes. Please, it was time for change anyways..." She insisted.
He pulled a chair into the bathroom, laying down a bed sheet on the floor under it. He pulled the long towel over her shoulders, and made sure no hair would get on her clothes. He gentle combed through her hair, snipping it to an even shoulder length. The once choppy mess now neat and tidy, looking as if Ruka had just gotten her hair professionally done. "Do you know how to French braid your hair, Ruka?" He asked her.
She responded with an affirmative. "I'm going to braid your hair." He told her, and began weaving the blonde locks gently into place. He pulled the woven and uncover strands into an elegant bun, and curled her bangs with some steam curlers.
Ruka thanked him, taking in the beautful hair style. He told her to rest, and slipped from the room. He'd clean up in the morning. She took in his lingering scent. Lavenders and roses. The scent was ingrained on the clothes he left her. She slipped into them, and into the comfy bed. Which smelt neutral, like fresh roses really, probably because of the candle and whatever cleaners the prefect used.
She was woken gently by the prefect, he was now dressed in the day class uniform and his hair was down, his contacts were in. She missed the glasses, but knew he'd probably rather keep his glasses for the night only. She moved from bed, dressing in the new looking uniform she knew was hers because of her scent still on the clean clothing. He helped her do up her hair again, and she gratefully took the bento for breakfast. Though he seemed as if he hadn't Atem now, she knew he would later that night after his duties were over. He gave her a fresh box of blood tablets, she remembered dropping her's somewhere in her haste to leave the dorms.
He escorted her to the moon dorms. In a rush of emotion he hugged him tightly, quickly letting go and entering the dorms before he could break out of his reverie. When he did he thoigh on why'd shed hug him, the grumpy prefect. He laughed softly and gleefully when he realized he opened up to her somewhat, and acted like an older brother or even a mother. He had a gentle smile on his face.
Until the day class showed up of course. He hates class changeover.