Chapter One
Apologies for any misspellings!
But me?
I had one word echoing through my head.
_ / • \\ _
Alya looked over at me and poke my arm. "Hey, Mari? You okay?" I was still, and a cold feeling washed over me. "Girl?!" I was startled out of my stupor and flinched at the sound of her voice. "Huh? Oh, uh... It's just, uh, suprising!" I gave her a small awkward laugh. 'I can't let her know...' She furrowed her brow but sighed, sitting back in her chair. "I guess it is pretty astonishing!"
She clearly didn't believe my excuse, but she let it be for now.
~Adrien POV~
I was so stoked! I knew Father was going to the capitol anyway for a business oppurtunity. Which meant, I was going to be able to be there at least during the day. Mrs. Bustier clapped her hands together to get our attention. We shut up almost immediatly. "All accomadations have been accounted for by the royal family. All of you are going. The principal has already talked to your parents or guardians, all have given their permission." She walked around and passed out a 3 page packet.
"This contains the rules you must follow during the trip. Break the rules, and you'll be discluded from the activities of the day. School rules still apply; even more so actually."
The sound of paper folding enveloped the room. "You'll find the schedule for the trip on the second page. we'll be there for 4 days. On the first day, we'll be on the train, then we'll start some touring. The second day, we'll do some more touring. You'll meet some of our important goverment officials and diplomats. Third day, you'll meet the royal family and go to a gala hosted in honour of the princess's birthday. On the fourth day you will have a free day to do what you please. Keep in mind the actual times for all these events may change."
I heard Alya whisper to Marinette "Isn't this so cool?!" Well, at least someone was as excited as I was about this!
"Remember class, that you are meeting royalty. You must be on the best behaviour ever! I believe in you guys, but please. make sure to pack some nice clothes."
The class chorused a 'yes' and turned to their friends to talk. Nino turned back to look at his girlfriend, so I turned to look at Marinette.
"You excited?" I said with a bright smile. Marinette, who had looked rather pale, sudenly went bright red and glanced away, fiddling with her pigtails.
"Ye-yea-yeah... are-are you?" She stuttered.
I nodded, a striking smile still on my lips. "I'm really happy, it's going to be so fun!"
Alya glanced at Marinette and me, with a smirk. She said, "Hey, sunshine. You may want to dim that brilliant smile of yours. You're blinding Mari!"
She chuckled and lightly punched Marinette's arm. I laughed a bit and turned back to the front to look through the packet.
~Marinette POV~
I ran back home after school ended, claiming my parents had asked for my help in the bakery.
"What the heck, Maman." I called out when I got to the apartment. I threw my shoes off and walked over to my mother who was tidying up the living room.
"Whatever do you mean, darling?" She said with fake fake innoncence.
"Oh, you know what I mean! You invited MY ENTIRE CLASS TO MY BIRTHDAY CEREMONY!" I started to yell, "Dear..." Maman started,
"I don't wnat them to know... It's going to ruin everything..." I sat down on the couch, grabbing a pillow and hugging it tight.
"Dear, we thought it was time. It's been 17-years. They deserve to know." She said putting a hand on my cheek. I nodded dumbly, not looking at her.
"I agree with your mom, Marinette. It's time. Alya deserves to know this." It was Nino. he stood in the doorway, his bag hanging over shoulder.
"Nino, dear, could you try to explain?" Maman said gently, "I know it's hard, but I don't think she wants me to explain." Nino nodded and set his bag down on the floor next to the stairs to my room. He walked over sat next to me.
"Mari... I told them that they should do it. So, blame me not them. Get angry at me instead." I looked up at him, "They only wnat what's best for you." I let go of my pillow and gave Nino a hug.
"I coukd never be angry at either of you!" I said, small tears welling at the corner of my eyes. Me and Nino have been friends since we were very little. That's how he knew about this. My parents trusted him and his family enough to tell them about my 'secret identity'. He smiled and let go. "Okay. So... how're you dealing with everything else?"
I folded my hands in my lap and looked down at them. "Not...not so great. I miss Grand-mère." Nino nodded and gave me a side-hug. "i know, I know..." We stayed with our arms around each other, remembering Grand-mère, for a minute or two before we smelt my dad coming up the stairs. Yes, I said 'smelt'.
Papa came up with a fresh batch of macarons and a nervous smile. "Sorry?" He said, extending the macarons out to us. We smiled at each other and got up to grab some of the cookies.(Or biscuits, or whatever you want to call them)
End of Chapter One
A/N: Hello there! Thank you for waiting for this chapter! When I said next week... I lied. Again, I really, really, really appreciate the reviews and favourites! I never thought this story would get 43 followers and 27 favourites! Thank you so much! I hope that this chapter was suitable to your tastes, my friends, thank you for reading!
Stay Miraculous!