Hello everyone. So i am getting very bored when i am writing Astral Legacy. And i am going to write my wings of fire fic instead for a while. I am afraid of losing total interest in Astral Legacy too since the story is like my little baby. The whole thing is that i am getting very bored with Legends of Spyro after have both been reading and writing it for almost 3 years. I want to write different stuff so i am taking a break from the story and Legends of Spyro all together. I will be posting 1 last chapter to Astral Legacy in the next 1 or 2 months before i take the break.
The story will be finished in some way or another with time but i don't feel like writing Spyro for a while. I feel like if i make myself then i might lose interest in writing altogether and i don't want that.
Until next time bye.