Mugenjin of Judgement

" " – human speech

' ' – human thought

" " – spells/attacks

' ' – spells/attacks in thought

The story may alternate between 1st and 3rd person POV so, you have been warned. All names are written in western order (First name-last name).

NOTE: Harry Potter timeline after Grindelwald has been moved UP by 20 years, meaning Harry was born in 2001.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Rurouni Kenshin. I do however own any OCs and head canons I make. Other x-over elements may be present, and I do not own them either.

Read and review! Constructive Criticisms are welcome! BETA NEEDED!

Chapter 2 – Target

Ninenzaka Street, Higashiyama District
Kyoto, Japan

Kyoto. The former imperial capital of Japan until the Meiji period. One of the biggest cities in the country. Filled with temples, shrines, skyscrapers and streets, it is known as the cradle of Japan's heritage, filled with mystery and wonder to the outsider.

But to me, it's been home for 13 years.

I am sitting at one of the sushi booths, eating away some sashimi while looking at the passing people. This is Ninenzaka Street, which is, along with its twin Sannenzaka Street, one of the oldest streets in the city. Shops and booths run along it. Vendors and shopkeepers are cooking and arranging their ware. The locals and tourists walk and pass by the stores, gaping at the sites, munching on rice crackers or talking on their phones.

The view's good too. The cherry blossom trees rise up from behind the buildings, giving the area a more natural feel. Temples and shrines surround the area, with the Kiyomizu-dera standing out above them all, as though radiating a mystical aura.

I snicker inwardly. How close to the truth that is…

Seeing that I have finished my little snack, I get up and grab my bag, pay the bill, and head into the street, moving through the crowds.

Now, one would think that a mummified guy like me would easily draw attention, but I manage to pass by with only the occasional curious glance. Why?

I've become a rather common sight here for the past decade or so, enough for the local shopkeepers to become familiar with me. The passers-by see my familiar interactions with them, and just ignore it.

That or they think I'm a cosplayer. Meh, anyway it suits me fine.

Having walking further down the street, I turn into a dead-end alleyway. Fairly nondescript, with stone walls and blocked ground, it looks like just about any alley you would find here. The only thing that could be called out of place here would be the drawing of a large red torii gate, with green and white swirls filling it on the back wall.

Making sure no-one sees me, I walk up to the gate drawing and run my thumb along the side of the gate. Nothing happened. Trying again, I run my thumb along but this time I add a little push to it.

The corners of my lips lift up a little as I no longer hear the sounds of the bustling market street. The swirls start turning until a small vortex appears. Steeling myself, I step in.

Kyoto is full of mysteries indeed, not just to foreigners, but to its denizens as well…


As I stepped out on the other side of the vortex, I was immediately bombarded by the sights and sounds of Majutsu-shi no Roji (Sorcerer's Alley). Shops and vendors lined either side of the street, with people flitting around between them, buying and going about their days with a purpose. The buildings themselves were brick and had an older Edo-period look to them, giving a very aesthetically pleasing look to the area. Looking closer I saw all kinds of items lining the windows of the shops and crowding the counters of the venders. I could see spell books, cauldrons, varying potion ingredients (some of which made even me question their usage), broomsticks, robes, wands, and random instruments with just as many random uses. Scattered throughout the street are various restaurants, with delicious aromas wafting out of their doors. At every corner there was even more winding alleys with more shops at which to buy a wizard's everyday wares. I occasionally saw fox ears and animalistic features peeking out from the crowd.

I open my bag and put on a cloak that I was carrying for this occasion and turn right. As I walk through the smaller mass of people, I look to the side to see of my favorite stores in here - a calligraphy store. Multicolored suzuri (inkstones) and inkwells lined the display window, fude (brushes) of various sizes and shapes hung from the top and different kinds of paper rested on a perched shelf; washi (mulberry paper), parchment, silk and even stationary. On whatever side of the coin, calligraphy was still a high art.

Moving forward, I turned at a smaller alley. Unlike the main alley, which gave off a welcoming, mystical vibe, this alley was the kind of place you would NOT want to get lost in after dark. Dirty, blackened with grime, wet cobblestones and cold drafts - just what I'm looking for.

I enter and keep walking until I reach a small, dirty-looking izakaya (Japanese pub or sake-shop) with a sign that read "Sumi no Funsui" (The Ink Fountain). I open the door and go in.

I'm greeted by the scent of sake and smoke. The dim lantern lights illuminate the customers, all rough-looking, either wearing armor, business robes, dirty rags or bandages (not to my extent). They're all sitting in little cubicles on futons, talking in hushed tones and occasionally passing things under tables, all the while sipping sake. I go over to the bar and look at the bartender, one Noboru Genkai.

He's a tall, muscular man with a small moustache, not even going past his lips. He's wearing a dirty brown robe with a red apron. His expression is impassive, his one open eye showing signs of calmness, yet there was a hint of awareness to them, as though watching out for a predator. The other eye is covered by a series of bandages, with small burn marks peeking underneath. All the while he is stirring up some sake in a small bottle. I lean over the bar and speak with a gruff tone.

"Genkai-san, it is good to see you again." His eye looks to me for a second, before grunting in acknowledgement and returning to the sake. He doesn't speak that much. Intentionally or not, it makes him intimidating.

"Has the sparrow come to the fountain to drink?" He looks at me again before gesturing with his head to the back. I turn to see that in one of the cubicles, a dark-haired man sat, eating some meat. What is was I wasn't sure. Nodding in thanks, I head to the cubicle.

I sit down and I look over the man. His dark hair was unkempt, his black eyes peeping out of his eyelids as he ate, his eyebrows pointed upwards at each end. He had a broad nose and a calm expression. He wore a black long-sleeved shirt. Overall, he was rather unassuming at first glance. But I knew better. (1)

"How's the meat?" He didn't even glance up from his plate as he replied "Delightful, if a little overcooked. It could use a little mustard."

That was my cue. I open my bag and feel up a small pouch, it making jingling noises as I did so. "I have some right here. Freshly picked. Although I do need some incense."

The man put his chopsticks down and pulled out a folder. From the pouch, I pull out a gold coin and show it to him. He puts the folder on the table. At the same time, I pull out the rest of the pouch and put it on the table. He pushes the folder to me.

"Tomoyasu Higuchi, right-hand man to the Kurokami Clan head. Helps managing the family potion business quite well, but his other activities well…let's just say that the clan head is unaware."

I open the folder and see what he means. In it was a picture of a brown-haired man whose hair reached his neck. His face was angular and his brown eyes small and intimidating. I could already tell that he was scum. (2)

Below the picture were several written reports, but the ones I was looking for were highlighted in red.

Behind the scenes he had connections to the magical underworld including ingredient smuggling, and he was a blackmailer and extortionist. There's a list of the people he had blackmailed from, but the ones circled in blue ink told me all that I wanted to know.

Mundane "clients". Some names had small x's on the sides, probably meant that he killed them. Just as I suspected.

I pull out a page to see a building plan labeled "Kurokami Clan House". Built in the Tokugawa period during the 18th century, it was laid out like a traditional Japanese fortress with a little twist. High walls, stone foundation, guards, etc. But instead of having many floors like a tower, this one was spread out flat across the ground, with a few sections with two floors. There were eight gates, but four of them were larger than the rest, each pointing in the four cardinal directions. The south gate looked like the main entrance. Near the west gate, a large room was circled. Must be the bastard's room.

I nodded to myself. This information was very good, but it lacked something. I placed a couple more gold coins on the table.

"The grounds are layered with anti-apparation and anti-portkey wards, along with magical signature wards that only allow family members, staff and guests to go through. There are tracking wards that can detect the location of anyone within the grounds." I had a feeling he wasn't telling me something else. I pulled out another coin.

"They also installed a new ward in response to the latest…events. Once triggered, the kanshi-sha will immediately be alerted to any trespassing and will be there within seconds. And it's a movement based one." Wow, this was new. I need to prepare accordingly. I give a small nod in thanks, and he nods in return. With my business concluded, I pack the folder and head out the bar.

I exit back out from the way I came in, right into the old street of Ninenzaka. Looking back to make sure no one saw me, I head out into the street and start to walk home.

The trek back is uneventful. The dojo was located about fifty minutes walking distance from the streets. As I walk, I pass by the small river that flows and look at the ducks that swim happily there. The willow and cherry trees are scattered throughout the place, overshadowing side paths that led to the city. I like the city. Full of people, going about their lives in a hurry, full of colors and sounds, from the chattering of people over their phones to the music that is heard through the doors of stores. It's a very different reality than the one from the old district, always growing, always changing.

I walk up the stone stairs that lead up the hill to the dojo. Here, the noises and lights die out. A peaceful quiet hangs in the air, a sense of tranquility. Trees are crowded together, huddling over the path as though embracing me. Only the sounds of birds sometimes call out from the thick grove.

After climbing up the stairs, I'm greeted by the familiar sight of the circular gate that leads to the grounds. Sighing in happiness, I step in.

The dojo stands small yet welcoming. The black-tiled slanted rooftop contrasts with the red-and-brown wood. White windows are placed around the houses wall, with small heads each of the roof's tips. The grounds had a small fountain with some meditation stone strewn about. The ground was dusty, marked by signs of constant training, along with scorched logs and dummies.

I headed into the house and began thinking. Like the rest of my targets, this man preyed on those who he though inferior to him and had to be put down. As I looked over the plans however, the new ward made me hold my thoughts. While I could easily take care of the other wards, this one didn't seem like something I could ignore easily. Which means this time I have to be quick. Get in, find the target, eliminate, and get out. And leave a note of course. The grounds were private too, so I had one shot.

I went into my room and pulled out the rest of the papers. One of them mentioned an evening ball three days from now at the Kurokami household which Higuchi will attend, meaning that he will inevitably retire to his room to rest or to iron out business. That and the wards will have to be pulled down for guests. I smirked to myself; I had a moment of opportunity. And as they say, "he who strikes first wins!"

Having decided on the time to strike, I put the papers down on the floor and headed out to the grounds with my Mugenjin to practice.

I drew my sword, took a stance and started. Down, up, side and charge. Hit strong. Aim for the neck or the heart. No hesitation, give your opponent no time to react. Repeat.

Down, up, side and charge. When you are locked or have room…burn.

I drag my sword against the ground and swing it upwards. A sparking sound was heard and a trail of flames followed. My sword still burns.

Down, up, side and charge. The flames distract them. Do not waste a moment. If you cannot approach…burn.

I drag my sword again, but I lay out more of the blade, not just the tip. In a flash, I swing. The smell of burnt oil reaches my nose. A crescent wave of flames erupts and travels a short distance before dissipating.

I repeat and keep at it for a few more hours, sometime switching to the practice dummies. As I swing my sword, as I see and feel the flames erupt, I keep thinking to myself 'I know that shishou never wanted me to take pleasure in this sort of thing but…' I bring down my burning sword and charge with a punch that breaks the sack. I step back and grin at the damage I have done.

'…this does bring a smile to my face.'


Three days later
Outskirts of Osaka

I stand in the forest, perched on a tree branch. A fair distance away, I see the large castle sprawled on a large clearing in the middle of the forest. I see lights coming from the house itself, as well as the lanterns that hung on the walls and in the inner grounds. I decide to not waste time and I descend the tree.

I'm wearing my kimono like always, but now I'm wearing my black armored gloves and a black hakama (trousers) with multiple pouches, each filled with my "office supplies". My Mugenjin is sheathed and thrust through my obi (belt). Let's see…

Smoke bombs? Check.

Rope? Check.

Knives and hooks? Check.

Incriminating evidence and note? Check.

I dash towards the grounds. Thanks to my "skills", I can slowly hear the sound of chatter and music coming from the mansion. After fifteen or so minutes of running and circumventing, I stop behind a tree just near the wall of the west gate. I take a peek to observe the situation.

The gates are flanked by two armored guards, each of them wearing a small helmet and what seems to be a Shinsengumi outfit. Both of them are armed with a tantō and are holding wands in their hands. I had to wait. So I wait.

Eventually, my patience is rewarded. Just like the folder stated, a change of guards came from inside the castle. The gates are opened and two more similarly dressed guards enter. Seeing my chance, I charge.

With a soundless cry, I swing my sword and slash the first guard in the back. Seeing them temporarily stunned, I take a step and behead the second guard. The two that had just arrived seemed to get a grip on themselves and try to fight back. They fire a few spells at me but they just vanish the moment they touch me. I quickly stab one in the heart and ignite my sword.

'Ichi no Hiken: Homura Dama!'I swing it at the final guard. He doesn't get hurt as much as the other but he tries frantically to put out the flames. I move and stab him through the heart. He falls down and I slash him again for good measure.

I look around and thank my luck that no one saw me or heard me. I throw the burning body in a nearby pond and approach a window that supposedly, according to the map at least, should lead me right into Higuchi's room. I slid open the window and crawled in. After shutting it back, I took a quick look at the room.

It was large and ornate, with portraits of him hanging from the walls. A large western-style bed was parked just across me. A desk and chair with various brushes and scrolls stood to my far left and an opening to a hallway stood to my right, standing in a way that divided the room in two. Not seeing anyone in the room, I decide to close my eyes and wait.

After what seems like an hour (the ball was still going strong), I hear footsteps approaching. I quickly hide in the corner near the window in such a way that whoever enters won't immediately notice me. A few seconds later and a shuffling of feet, the form of Tomoyasu Higuchi entered the room.

Surprisingly, he wore a mundane business suit with black jeans. His face looked just like the one in the photo, but here, in his private room, he looked like even more of a scumbag. He lit up a magic light, sat down at his chair with his back turned against me and began writing something with his brush. Good, he seems to be occupied.

I soundlessly creep towards him and raise my sword high. As I am about to pierce his head, he suddenly turns his head toward me. I must have made a creak. Oh well. Not giving him any time to react, I use my unarmed left hand to grab his neck, strangling him so that he wouldn't speak. Seeing that no-one is coming from the hallway, I raise my sword to the hand that's strangling him, look at him dead in the eye and whisper:

"You should've picked on someone your own size."

I spark my sword against the glove. 'Ni no Hiken: Guren Kaina!' The glove explodes and melts Higuchi's face. I stab him through the head for good measure. I drop his body on the floor and place the note and incriminating evidence beside him. Not sparing a moment more, I open the window and jump out. Luckily, the gates are still open. I dash through them and head into the forest.

By tomorrow, they should discover his corpse and the evidence. I would've normally burnt down the house, but if what my informant said was true, Lord Kurokami was ignorant about his right-hand man's dealings. That and it would take too long.

Half an hour of running later, I arrive at a small road. A black car was parked there. I get in the car and drive back north to Kyoto. Yeah, I can drive. I know I'm not of legal age (yet), but as long as the police don't catch me, I'm fine. It helps that I look older than a teenager. (3)

Too bad I can't teleport.

An hour of driving later, I arrive back at Higashiyama. I park near the dojo's hill and head back up home. I wonder how the wizards will react to this…


Hi guys! Here's my new chapter. This basically shows how Makoto gets all of his targets.

READ: I would be grateful if someone could PM me a good, detailed description of Japan's magic school, Mahoutokoro. The best one will be featured in this story.

Vote on my poll for Harry's alignment in the story!

Check out my other story, a Naruto fanfic called "Obscuro"! I will update that next!


(1) Naruto fans, guess who this is?

(2) Higuchi from Death Note

(3) The Japanese legal driving age is 18.