Hi guys! This is a plot bunny that was sitting in my head for a long time and I needed to get it out. I will still work on Obscuro, not to worry, but I will find time to mediate between things. This is a bit of a self-wish-fulfilment here, so bear with me. Read and review! Constructive criticism is welcome! BETA NEEDED!

I own nothing.

Mugenjin of Judgement

By Darkscythe Drake

A Harry Potter x Rurouni Kenshin Crossover

Prologue – Hell Draws its Blade

" " – human speech

' ' – human thought

" " – spells/attacks

Genbu Murasaki, 7th head of the Kyoto Murasaki clan, sipped his wine in content. He had just finished going over a contract he had signed and was pleased with his results. Now, he could lay back, relax and enjoy the view from his private villa in Kyoto. It was a rather beautiful view, looking down upon both the yamazaru (1) and maho (2) sections of the old city, all allowed by enchanted window of course.

The Murasaki clan of Kyoto Prefecture had its roots stretching to the Sengoku period. It was founded by Doto Murasaki in 1500, a retainer to a lesser wandering clan. Having inherited and learned magic from his father, Doto detached himself from his clan and founded his own in what would be later known as the Kyoto Prefecture. Having suffered from the Ōnin war, Doto took advantage of the disorder and set the base for his newfound clan here.

Unlike most of the lesser clans (including Doto's former clan) that died during the chaos of the Sengoku, the Murasaki clan retained its power even after Tokugawa became shogun. During and after the Sengoku, the clan made connections with other smaller wizarding clans, including one of the bigger ones, which was a magical clan, the Ryuchi clan. When the International Statue of Secrecy came into effect, the Murasakis didn't let go of its connections to the non-magical world. However, after experiencing financial losses due to the disconnect, the clan turned to less-than-legal venues to fill its coffers.

They were good at it to. As the years, shoguns and emperors went by, the Murasaki clan became a name known in the wizarding underworld. Not a big name, but a known one. Establishing connections with the yakuza, the mainland and Europe, the clan gained a nice amount of gold by dealing with gambling, opium and potions ingredients. The 6th head, Bishamon Murasaki, added a new source of revenue: slavery.

After listening to the ongoings in Europe, Bishamon decided to sell slaves, predominantly yamazaru women, to the rich and noble of the European Wizarding World. Genbu extended the service to the non-magical world as well, making for a very nice profit. So what if it was slavery? It was profitable, and besides, most of the slaves were yamazuru. Muggles. Who would care about that?

One thing to understand about the Japanese wizarding world is the tension between the magicals and the mundane. In general, Japanese wizards are still connected to the mundane world. They share similar traditions, businesses branch out into the mundane world, the cultures overlap and even the technology makes its way to the magical world. This however is one of the two main tension points that exist.

The fact that the mundane can create such devices with no magical aid that makes them equal, even superior to wizards leaves some wizards, mostly the older generations and the non-human magicals like yokai, frustrated. Especially the yokai, who are frustrated that they are being ousted by humans who share nothing in common with them and destroy their habitats.

The second tension point is something which is also a result of recent events: The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Both cities had rather large magical communities. When the (mundane) Americans dropped the atomic bombs, they were wiped out in a flash. The shock of losing two large communities, especially when the Nagasaki community possessed rather powerful magical wards – strong enough to withstand carpet-bombings, really hit the Japanese magicals hard. The fact that the land was made uninhabitable and the leylines were weakened by the radiation just added salt to the wound.

Nevertheless, this had been a pretty good day so far for Genbu. First, the sudden investigation from the kanshi-sha (3) was handled perfectly, any embarrassing or suspicious items hidden away, with a few galleons thrown in for extra precaution.

Second, all shipments of opium and ingredients have arrived at their destinations on time and with no interruptions.

Third, the contract he had just signed guaranteed him another in with the European Wizarding World. He had just met with a Bulgarian lord, who was rather impressed with the quality of his merchandise. The contract supplied him with both money and exotic ingredients, especially Graphorn horns. After signing the contract, the two went out to attend a fancy ball in Tokyo for the magical elite.

Finally, a shipment of slaves due to be delivered first thing in the morning. He had covered all the channels, arranged memories, prepared an escort – in short, all was ready.

The only thing that would be considered unpleasant this would be the rumour that's been spreading around the Japanese wizarding community lately.

Apparently, there was a series of killings going on for the past few months in Japan – both mundane and wizarding. Several businessmen and ex-criminals were found in their burning homes, with cauterized slash marks all over their bodies.

The first victim – a wizard – was an ex-criminal who had served time for killing a yamazaru. At first, the JMM (Japanese Ministry for Magic) dispatched a squad of kanshi-sha to investigate, but they turned up cold. Assuming that the killer went into hiding, they were about to close the case when the second murder came up, and shook the wizards up – really bad.

He was the head of a minor noble clan, who owned a series of sake plantations. He was found within his burning vacation house, with his skin burnt, a large cauterized slash mark across his chest and he was impaled on his sword on the mark.

The JMM dispatched more kanshi-sha to deal with the case, but the crime scene baffled them. First off, the wards showed no signs of being broken, both in and out. Second, no foreign magical signature was found anywhere in or near the villa. Finally, a stack of papers was placed nearby, revealing some rather nasty truths about the head.

As it turned out, the head was revealed to have drugged mundane folk, kill them, rape them if they were women or experiment on them using magic.

The killings continued with all of the victims found in similar states of combustion, and the kanshi-sha managed to discern one thing: the killer only went after those who harmed/killed mundane folk.

When Genbu heard this, he was naturally concerned, but quickly shook his head and reminded himself that his...trade was untraceable. He has been suspected before in the past, but he had always managed to hide the evidence. If trained kanshi-sha, both foreign and Japanese couldn't figure it out, how could some samurai-wizard do so?

Reminding himself that he has to go and check on his private guards, he headed out his door and into the hallway. Arriving at the living room, he waved his wand and opened a secret entrance that led to his guards' barracks. Going up the passage, he started to notice something.

(Play Rurouni Kenshin: Kyoto Inferno OST – Meikai no Kodou)

There was stench coming from the direction of the barracks, and it was getting stronger every second. Along with the stench, traces of smoke came from the end of the passage. He was about to reach the exit when his eyes gazed upon the fallen visage of one of his guards.

Reaching down and lifting the guard's face, he tried to cast a healing spell on the rather large wound across his hip. But to his astonishment, the wound refused to close.

"D-demon." Genbu looked at the guard's tear-filled expression. "H-he's a m-m-monster. H-he took out all of us out a-a-at o-o-once!" Genbu tried to say something when the guard's eyes finally rolled back as he whispered. "D-demon…"

Processing the guard's words, he rushed to the exit where the barracks lay. He was climbing up the stairs to the main hallway entrance when he saw that the smoke and stench intensified. Then, something clicked in his mind. 'Blood. The stench is blood.' He went inside the entrance, and stopped short at what he saw.


The entire hallway was set aflame. The walls and the floor were crawling with flames that even reached the ceiling. Splotches of wet and dried blood were scattered in every direction, along with the charred and hacked bodies of the guards.

In the center of the hallway, where the flames didn't reach, with his back turned, stood a man.

At least, Genbu assumed he was a man. The flames made it hazy to look at him, but a number of features stood out. What was prominent was the fact that his entire body was covered in bandages. The ones around his head stuck out to the sides, looking like a cloth helmet, with tufts of black hair sticking out from them. An indigo kimono was worn around his shoulder that covered his lower regions and the left half of his chest. Both his hands had large, black gloves on them. His left waist held a sheath. The uncovered right hand held a black, bloodied katana that gleamed in the flames. Standing there, he truly looked like what the guard had described him as. A demon.

Genbu just stood there, open-mouthed at the carnage before him. He was about to make a move when the man (now undoubtedly a man) spoke, in a chilling, rasping voice.

"Do you believe in hell?"

At this the man turned to him. If the man's looks didn't terrify him, his voice and eyes sure did. For his shadowed eyes seemed to flicker red, was from the flame or not he couldn't tell.

"Surely, a world like this, where sinners like you roam free…deserves the name hell."

The man seemed to stare him up and down. "Are you Genbu Murasaki, head of the Kyoto Murasaki clan?" Genbu then noticed two things: attempting to lie to the man seemed pointless, what with him standing there, and that while the voice was chilling, it also had a tinge of…youth to it.

Attempting to steel himself, Genbu narrowed his eyes. "What if I am?" The man's lips twitched slightly. "Then I have to thank you for coming here. It will make this whole mess easier."

Gritting his teeth, Genbu asked "Are you the one who has been killings wizards lately?" "What if I am?" Pointing his finger at him, Genbu snarled "You know damn well why! I know about your targets, and you have nothing to blame on me!"

Tilting his head, the man asked "You mean the shipment of slaves that was meant to leave tomorrow?"

Genbu simply gaped. "True, you did do an excellent job of covering up your tracks, but you forgot one thing: what a human will do to live. Namely, your payed escorts."

Widening his eyes at that last revelation, he moved to ask "How? All of the escorts were under – ""Binding oaths to secrecy? I have my ways…"

Genbu snarled "The same ways you got in here and into the other houses?" The man let out a hum of amusement. "The wards? As though they weren't there."

Mentally checking them, he noticed that the wards showed no signs of being breached or broken at all. Everything was still in place – mundane-repellent, anti-apparation/portkey, signature tracing – and unbroken. Even as a shiver went up his spine, Genbu exclaimed "I can still call the kanshi-sha to arrest you!"

Nodding in acceptance, the man replied "True, you could…if you had enough time and were still living. But before you do anything, tell me this: do you sense any magic on me?"

Surprised for a second at the man's knowledge that he possessed such an ability, he focused. But after a few seconds of concentrating, he felt nothing. "Nothing, right? You know what that means."

Now gazing at the man in total shock, Genbu stammered "T-that m-means you're a-a-a-a…" The man smirked "That's right." And with that he advanced towards the frozen Murasaki head.

Snapping out of his stupor, Genbu whipped his wand out and cried "Stupefy!" The man simply raised his sword and blocked the spell.

"Reducto!" The man swung his sword at the shot and deflected it to the side. Stepping back, with fear overriding his logic for a moment, he cried "Ignis Maledictus!" (4)

A burst of blazing Fiendfyre erupted from his wand and crashed into the man, engulfing him. Seeing that nothing came out of the hellish flames for a few seconds, he went to move to call the kanshi-sha and to formulate a good reason for his use of Fiendfyre (it was nearly impossible to remove the signature) went a voice called out from the flames, echoing into his very soul: "That wasn't nice…"

Turning to the roaring flames, Genbu froze in sheer horror as the man simply walked out of the flames without a single scratch on him.

His body not listening to his brain, he stood there as the man stopped right in front of him, eyes seemingly glowing red as he said "Genbu Murasaki, you and your family have enslaved those who you deem to be inferior to you for money and self-justification of your 'superiority'. I shall carry out your judgement."

He froze as the man touched his katana to the ground and said "Ichi no Hiken…"

In a flash, blood and flames filled his vision as he felt his body erupt in pain. "Homura Dama!"

At that moment, Genbu Murasaki knew no more.


Looking down at the dismembered, burning corpse in front of him, the man recalled his expression of horror as he survived the hellish flames. The same look was plastered on the face of every guard here as they attacked him. Arrogant fools.

Gripping his now-burning sword, the man headed to the exit of the barracks. "Those who inflict sin…"

Slashing his sword onto the support pillars, he stepped outside as the barracks exploded in a dance of red and ash. "…a world that allows this is hell."


So, what do you think? As you can see, this is not your typical HP x-over fanfic. Keep an open mind as this story is different from what you might have read before. Any clichés you might think will be here might and might not appear. A hint: this story won't be very Harry-centric.

Note: non-rude (namely non-pureblood) Japanese magicals will call muggles "mundane".

Read and Review. Review. REEEVVIEEEEEEEEWWW!

(1) Rude way of saying muggle (literally means "boor")

(2) Magic/magical

(3) Japanese aurors (literally means "guardians")

(4) Incantation for Fiendfyre by reddit user ScottPress