Credit to GILDARTStheACE for the name and hair color

ReaperStride for the inspiration for the magic


two months later Alvarez

Two months have passed since Natsu's friends departed to fairy tail except for happy and over those two months Natsu set out immediately to open up a fairy tail branch in the capital, the thought projection spell was a life saver for Natsu.

It was around this time everyone noticed a change in Dimaria.

She would go through crazy mood swing and eat unusual amounts of food.

She even threatened to castrate a castle guard who said to slow down on the food.

Okay, that last one wasn't too big of a surprise as that pissed off a lot of female servants as they felt the man was implying she was getting fat.

NEVER say that to a woman…... if you want to live long especially since it's Dimaria and she has god by her side.

in the beginning, it was easy but got harder and harder to hide the facts that Dimaria is pregnant especially when she would be sick for no apparent reason.

Many servants speculated what was wrong with her; It was at this time they decided to come out with her pregnancy.

Castle throne room

All castle servant, guard, wizards even the remaining shield of spriggan were gathered now standing in the throne room wondering why they were called here.

Suddenly the doors open revealing Natsu with Dimaria by his side with Happy sitting comfortably on his shoulder, Natsu could feel their gazes as he made his way to his throne.

To no one's surprise, Dimaria sat on his lap as shortly after his return from the northern tip of the empire it was made clear that him a Dimaria are Mates much to their confusion but didn't question it.

Natsu not wanting this to get out of hand he Activates mute runes around the room before looking at his subjects and with a sigh.

"Many of you no doubt are wondering why I called you here, it has something to do with Dimaria change in behavior over the last couple of months, Dimaria you want to finish," Natsu said

"I'm pregnant," Dimaria said blankly.

In true anime fashion, everyone in the room floored themselves, and it was several minutes before everyone processed what they just heard as they picked themselves up.

The only person in the room who didn't keel over from the announcement was Toma who had a Smug look on his face.

"That explains the bizarre behavior, mood swing, and appetite," The castle chef said as he remembers her hunger rivaled Natsu one time.

"Toma you seem strangely calm," Natsu said with a hint of unease.

"I knew from that day you were overjoyed about something when came in for your lesson," Toma said with smug grin everyone in the room eyes land on him.

"Guess I can't get anything past you," Natsu said with a sheepish grin.

"And how did you deduce that from the dragon slayer," Nazire said baffled at this revelation

"When you been around as long as I have you learn to read people like a book, Natsu had the same look in his eyes when I found out my wife was pregnant with Hisui," Toma said still retaining his smug grin.

Natsu notices half of all the female servant and Wizards had weird looks in their eyes; it took him a moment before he realized they were staring at Dimaria and they were struggling not smother her with questions just like Mira did.

From the look in Dimaria's eyes, she did not want to go through that again as her pregnancy can be very draining at times.

Seeing the look in her friend's eyes and Natsu, Before looking around the room. Brandish decided to be the good friend and bail them out.

"So how do you feel since you found out your pregnant Dimaria" Brandish said

"Exhausted as it's very draining At times like now," Dimaria said in an exhausted tone.

Brandish looked around the room once more and fortunately most of the servant that wanted Details were quick to drop it and went back to their usual demeanor.

"Is there anything else?" Natsu said,

One of the servant's hand shot straight up, Natsu pointed toward the servant indicating they can ask their question.

"When are you planning on telling the rest of the empire," The servant said

"We haven't decided but a minimum of two months as that when I'm hoping to open the fairy tail branch here in the capital," Natsu said

Two months later Alvarez.

It has been four months since Natsu parted ways with his Fairy tail friends and over these last four month, his lesson in politics is finally over, shortly after Toma took his leave back to Fiore.

He's been spending most of his time dealing with all the paperwork of setting up a fairy tail branch in the Capital.

Something else that happens in the last two months is Dimaria's belly has as many servants with families of their own have said finally popped so now everyone know she pregnant just by looking at her.

He mood swings have gotten even crazy; there are times she's lovey-dovey with Natsu and other times where she threatened to kill him for making her go through this.

Every now and again her appetite surpasses Natsu, and recently her hunger is on par with him.

Unfortunately, his responsibility as an emperor was putting unnecessary stress on their relationship.

However, one of the benefits of being an emperor is making sure he get to spend time with Dimaria as much as possible.

It took time, but he manages to learn how to force everyone to work off his schedule which was weekdays as weekends was his time alone with Dimaria.

Right now he is sitting in his room getting ready to send his thought projection to Magnolia to see which member will be moving to Alvarez.

"Don't belong?" Dimaria said

"Like I'm going to let this get in the way with this" Natsu said as he put his hand on Dimaria expanded stomach.

"I know, but I like hearing you say that," Dimaria said with a smile.

Natsu like the first time laid down in his bed building up his magic before sending his thought Projection to Fiore.

(Scene Change)


Natsu landed just outside the fairy tail guild hall not having to worry about getting found out like last time he didn't bother with a disguise.

He made is through projection solid as to open the door like a regular person.

And much to his displeasure, the guild was in another of its brawls.

He decided then and there to start one with the Alvarez branch on opening day.

They were so distracted with there fight he manages to make his way to the bar like last time and like before Mira greets him.

"Well hello Natsu I assume you're using a thought projection like last time," Mira said

"Yeah my duty's take up most of my time, so where's gramps," Natsu said curiously.

"Doing paperwork like always?" Mira said

"That's what I was afraid of," Natsu said.

"Got someplace to be," Mira said

"Something like that" Natsu said It was around this time the everyone notice Natsu was here.

"Natsu your back" Erza said as grabbed him and smack him against her breastplate.

Strangely enough, he didn't cry out in pain like all the times beforehand; then it dawned on them this is a thought projection.

"What not man enough to come here in person," Elfman said

"Sorry I've been swamped with the paperwork of setting up the branch in Alvarez that also why I'm here," Natsu said

"So it is true, you are emperor of Alvarez," Gildart said telegraphing his presence.

"Yep I assume you know why I'm here," Natsu said

"Something about a branch of fairy tail opening up in Alvarez," Gildarts said.

"Yep," Natsu said

This conversation would have continued, but master office door was opened up revealing Makarov make his way down the stairs to the stage.

Knowing where this is going Natsu made his way to the stage as well, all eyes in the room landed on the duo.

"As many of you know Natsu is the current ruler of the Alvarez empire and thus cannot be here in person," Makarov said

"So what master said is True," Kinana said

"Yes I can't come back here in person as my duty as emperor comes first," Natsu said as he hung his head in shame.

"And that your opening a branch of the guild in Alvarez" jet said

"Yes," Natsu said

"Man this stinks," Romeo said

"We now I would love to come back here to do jobs and go on new adventures with you but I can't," Natsu said

"So who's going to help man the guild In Alvarez beside you," Laxus said

"I have one in mind if it's no problem, " Natsu said

"And who would that be," Laxus said

"Wendy you feel like moving after all Happy a little sad Carla isn't there," Natsu said with a grin.

"I would love to, and Carla do you want to come," Wendy said to her partner

"Fine" Carla said

"I'm going to after all it takes a real man to keep a guild Going," Elfman said proudly.

"Well that makes three of you count Carla Anyone else wants to go," Natsu said

"I'll go," Laxus said getting all eyes in the room to land on his with looks of disbelief.

"If he is going we are too," The thunder legion said in unison.

"That brings it up to seven anyone else," Natsu said

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt to go back as I enjoyed myself," Mira said getting more significant looks of disbelief.

"You sure Mira," Natsu said still surprised by this development.

"Yes," Mira said as she winked at Laxus when no one was looking getting a blush out of the man.

"Ok I think we're good don't want to take to many powerful wizards from the main guild," Natsu said

"Look like we got everything settled, what time do you want them to leave," Makarov said

"Soon as possible, that reminds me, be a good idea to have blue pegasus give them a ride to Alvarez since Laxus and Wendy are coming," Natsu said

"I'll call them right away," Makarov said

Realizing both her sibling are leaving her Lisanna made her way to say her goodbye before going to lucy.

"Hey Lucy since Elfman and Mira are going to Alvarez mind if I stay with you for the time being as I don't want to live in my house by myself," Lisanna said

"Better why don't you move in as my landlord is considering increasing my rent as many people are moving to Magnolia to join fairy tail," Lucy said

"That works but what am I going to do with my house in the meantime," Lisanna said

"Maybe sell it to Gray and Juvia as they have gotten pretty close over the past few months, they might need the extra room soon," Lucy said with a smile.

"Good Idea," Lisanna said with a smile.

the two had a good idea why Gray has been overly affectionate with Juvia over the last couple of months.

"If there's anything else I'll take my leave," Natsu said tiredly.

"What about our living arrangement when we get there," Mira said

"Well since you and Wendy have already been there I assume you would stay in the castle till you find a place of your own" Natsu said

"Ok," Mira said

"Anything else," Natsu said.

"Yeah, how are the Ladies over their" Bickslow said only to get smack across the head by evergreen.

"You'll have to find out your self," Natsu said with smirk only to be glared at by the man.

"Is there anything else?" Natsu said looking around the room, he got no response and left in a flash of rainbow light.

(Scene Change)


Natsu sat up to see Dimaria sitting on a chair waiting for him to finish his business.

"So how'd it go," Dimaria said

"Good you'll never guess who coming," Natsu said

"Hmm definitely Wendy based on how Happy misses Carla as for the rest I imagine at least one maybe two S-class wizards are on their way," Dimaria said

"Yes and then some" Natsu said

"I'll bite who else is coming besides Wendy and Carla," Dimaria said

Natsu proceeds to fill her in on what happened when he went to fairy tail and how they have not including Wendy and Carla, Laxus, freed, Evergreen, Bickslow, Elfman, and Mira.

"Mira cooking is pretty good," Dimaria said offhand.

Natsu was about to say something when Dimaria's stomach beat him to the punch resulting in blush from the woman and smirk out of Natsu.

"When will they be here," Dimaria said fighting off her blush.

"Probably a week at most," Natsu said

Dimaria silently swore at this as it's no secret her hunger is on par with Natsu especially now that she can eat fire like him too.

"It's not as good as Mira's, but the castle chef has improved since they left," Natsu said as he held out his hand.

Dimaria graciously took it, and the two made their way to their dining hall and yet again proved how she rival Natsu in appetite and hunger.

One week later

Wendy is standing on the deck of the Christina with the wind blowing through her hair her eyes sit on the horizon never wavering in the slightest.

she stood there for another hour before something caught her attention, upon closer inspection it was the capital of Alvarez and where her big brother lives.

"I see someone's excited," Mira said resulting an eep from the poor girl.

"W-what gave you that idea," Wendy said with a blush.

"Hmm, maybe that fact you ran out the door when we reach the shores of the Alaktasia continent," Mira said, not long Carla joined to the duo and found her spot on Wendy's shoulder.

"I just got word from Hibiki that we will be at the capital within the hour," Carla said

"Yay," Wendy said with glee.

"Have you informed the tri-men to avoid hitting on a blond-haired Woman with armored-up right arm and jacket tied around her waist?" Mira said

"Yes I did but I doubt they'll remember when they meet her," Wendy said

"I'll get the camera ready," Mira said with a giggle.

As the hour passed, the Christina landed outside the castle, with the ramp down the fairy tail and blue pegasus mages made there way inside.

Mira made sure the camera was ready as Erza, and the other girl at the guild would love to see this.

As the group entered the room, they were met with the sight of Dimaria standing before them.

But something was different like weird different, she wasn't wearing any of her armor or had a sword on her that they know of no it wasn't a change in cloth, that stayed the same.

It was, in fact, the noticeable bulge in her stomach and from what Mira and Wendy remember from last time her breast seems to have gotten bigger.

"the future I saw right after all," Carla said getting everyone's attention.

"from when we came four months ago," Wendy said

"yes," Carla said

"Hello, Natsu will be here shortly he has some business to attend to," Dimaria said in a gentle voice that was very unlike her.

Then suddenly she throws a dagger that was narrowly missing eve except for a hairline cut across his cheek.

"care to say that again," Dimaria said in cold tone, a stark contrast to her persona a moment ago.

All eyes fell on eve telling him he's not getting out this one, from the look in his eyes he was hesitant to repeat his comment but ultimately caved in.

" I said some needs to hit the gym and lose a few pounds"Eva struggled to say.

"kinda hard when you have a living person growing inside of you," Dimaria said in a cold tone.

As you expect all wizards jaws hit the floor as their suspicions were confirmed, Mira, Wendy, and Evergreen were stereotypically overjoyed at this.

Dimaria couldn't help but take a step back at this only for Mira and Evergreen to step forward.

"What's going on here," Natsu said making his presence known.

Dimaria was quick to hide behind Natsu as a shield only for her to point at the two female mages with The look in their eyes.

An audible gulp could be heard from the couple, not phased by this Wendy casually walked up to Natsu and hug him he hugged back.

"Long time no see Wendy," Natsu said with a smile.

"Same for you too," Wendy said

"Um Natsu I hate to break the sentiment but," Dimaria said pointing to the forms of Mira and evergreen slowly making there way to them.

"I know you don't want to, but we better get this out of the way now rather than later" Natsu said getting a nod out of Dimaria.

Natsu sat down on his throne, and Dimaria sat on his lap, that was one of the few things she can still enjoy after finding out she's pregnant.

"Fire at will," Natsu said blankly.

In an instant, Mira and Evergreen were in their faces asking your standard question.

"Who would have thought Natsu would be a father," Laxus said casually.

"I must admit even I wouldn't have seen this coming" Freed said

"Yeah Natsu's a real man," Elfman said only to be repeatedly hit by evergreen for taking it the wrong way before going back to Natsu and Dimaria.

"phew glad that's over," Natsu said as Mira and Evergreen finally let off on them.

Dimaria was about to say something when her stomach spoke for her as it let out a deep gargle resulting in a deep blush from the age seal mage.

"Need me to cook something for the three of you," Mira said smirk resulting In Dimaria's blush deepening and getting a blush out of Natsu.

"Yes that would be Nice" Dimaria manage to say

Dining hall

The tri-men and fairy tail mages were astonished at the amount of food Dimaria were consuming as yet again she was on par with Natsu with food consumption and that fact that she was eating fire….fire something only Natsu can do.

"Natsu mind explain how she can eat fire Like you," Laxus said

"Not sure if you no this but after we ...a... sealed the deal she gradually started taking on some of the traits of a dragon, enhanced sense and being able to eat fire like me," Natsu said.

"Oh ok then," Laxus said

"I heard about this from Bisca when she went through her pregnancy with Asuka, but I thought she was exaggerating," Mira said in a surprised tone.

"To a normal woman yes but this is Natsu were talking about here, and he's a dragon slayer," Laxus said

"True," Mira said

"So Natsu what about our living arrangements," Wendy said

"Well, for now, you can stay here in the castle till you find a place of your own" Natsu said

"What if we want to stay here forever," Wendy said in a hopeful tone.

"Fine by me,"Natsu said

Wendy was astatic at this as she is close to her big brother when the time came and based on Dimaria stomach that won't be much longer.

Five months later

A loud scream could be heard throughout the castle as Dimaria had another contraction, the only reason someone wasn't dead was that Natsu was by her side to help take her mind off the pain.

As for Fairy Tail, the member that went to Alvarez acting guards to keep someone from trying to help but would only make things worse.

The screams lasted for another hour before they finally died down, wasn't long before a Nurse came out letting everyone no the baby was successfully delivered and to give the parent some time to themselves.

With Natsu and Dimaria

Dimaria with the help of Natsu manages to make it to their bedroom for her to lay down after the exhausting process of bringing a life into this world.

She lay down with her back against the headboard with the blanket cover up to her waist and in her arms wrapped in a warm pink blanket is their Daughter, all you could see is her cute little face.

Dimaria couldn't help but shed tears joy whether it was from the pregnancy hormones or her time with Natsu she didn't know, one thing is for certain for the first time Dimaria felt like she did some good in the world.

Natsu very carefully as to not awaken or hurt their daughter manage to slip into bed having Dimaria's back lay against his chest as to look over Dimaria's shoulder with the warmest smile possible to the lovely sight of their daughter.

"Welcome to the world and our home Lily Tempus Dragneel," Natsu said softly.

"Feels so good to meet you, your dad and Me have been waiting so long," Dimaria said in an equally soft voice.

The new family of three chose to stay there for an unknown amount of time before very carefully as to not wake their daughter to let the empire know the future heir is safe and sound.

Over the last five months, a lot has happened for one the new fairy tail branch was doing fantastic getting job after job done with flying color, and the central branch member made sure they know what it means to be a fairy tail mage.

Also, a smaller throne was installed next to Natsu's for the day their daughter is born, so Dimaria doesn't have to sit on Natsu's lap and risk harm to Lily.

One more thing shortly after Mira, Laxus, Wendy, etc. found out Dimaria was pregnant they promised Not to say a word to anyone back home cause if they did Dimaria would do to them what she did To Erza.

It wasn't until two weeks before Lily's birth That Natsu and Dimaria let the rest of the world know, as for the Main branch of fairy tails reaction to the news was as you would expect... all over the place.

All guest were waiting patiently in the throne room, the only part of the place that wasn't packed was the open path from the hallway to the two chair in the room meant for the emperor and his empress.

Just like with the birth Laxus, Mira and the thunder legion were holding back the crowd while Elfman worked as the filter of who can enter the castle.

Wendy, Carla, and Happy we're making patrolling the area making sure no does any funny business.

All the guest were starting to get impatient before footstep could be heard as time moved on it was clear it was two sets of footsteps before revealing Natsu and Dimaria walked into the room making their way to there seats.

"Our daughter is sleeping so be very quiet when asking questions, Ask away and again quietly, or I'll throw you out, but naked don't believe me ask her," Natsu said is a quiet but demanding tone as Dimaria gave them all a sinister smirk backing up Natsu's claim.

One month later

With the sun down Natsu and Dimaria lay in bed but this time with special guest, they lay on their side facing each other with daughter sleeping soundly in between them neither taking their eyes off her.

"Thank you Natsu," Dimaria said, this became a semi-regular thing.

"No thank you for giving us her" Natsu said back getting chuckle out of the woman.

(Scene Change)

Year X800

In a large room that is clearly a girls, room sleeps two girls, one has long dark Blue hair with a body precisely like her edolas Counterpart when they met for the first time her name is Wendy.

And across the room lay a five-year-old little girl with shoulder-length strawberry blonde hair with a streak of pink hair that rests in between her eyes.

Above them set two what can only be described as bird cages in one rest Carla sleeping soundly over Wendy and across the room rest happy hanging over Lily.

Wasn't long before Wendy Woke up and crawled out of bed to her dresser to get ready for the day.

After she was done, she woke up Carla and Happy waiting for them she decided to wake up the girl who sees her as an aunt and therefore she sees her as a niece.

"Time to wake up Lily," Wendy said

"No, wanna stay in bed today," Lily said tiredly.

"You always say that, and you always get up," Wendy said in a smug tone

"I mean it this time," Lily said as she buried herself under the covers.

"Ok buts its Sunday and you know what that means," Wendy said

"Aunt Mira's cooking," Lily said in a giddy voice.

She ran straight to her dresser and got a random dress before bolting out the bedroom door like a bolt of lightning.

"She Natsu's daughter," Carla said as found a seat on Wendy's shoulder and Happy found a place on her other shoulder.

By the time Wendy made it to the dining hall Lily had found her spot right next to her parents and like Natsu, she has quite an appetite with the same look as her father when it's Mira's turn to cook for the day.

Next to Lily is her best friend and daughter of Laxus and Mira Jaime who looks like her mother but has Laxus blond hair.

Wendy found her spot on the opposite side of Natsu right next to Dimaria waiting patiently for Mira cooking she's famous for.

They didn't have to wait long before grand buffet came out of the Castle kitchen and like father like daughter Natsu and Lily practically jumped out of their seats at this before being pulled back by Dimaria.

Later that day Wendy took Lily back to their room to get ready for the day, Wendy was getting prepared to go to the guild and Lily was delighted to go with her.

Wendy's standing outside her room waiting on Dimaria to finish dressing her daughter, Lily insisted on dressing herself, she manages to do it that half the time, but this was not one of those times.

The door open to reveal Lily wearing a green dress with white stocking and black dress slippers.

As Wendy inspected her further, she is reminded again that she is defiantly Natsu's daughter as she has his tan skin, onyx black pupils with emerald iris with the rest of her face being the spitting image of Dimaria.

"Ready to go to the guild Lily "Happy said as he landed on Lily's shoulder.

"Yes happy," Lily said

"Will let's go make sure to stay by my side on the way their" Wendy said as she held out her hand to the little girl.

"Be careful Honey" Dimaria said

"I will mommy," Lily said before taking off with happy Wendy and Carla.

The fairy tail guild of Alvarez open up down the street from the castle, it for better or worse had the same rep as the Fiore branch.

The branches success was so good other guilds in Fiore Started opening branch there as well.

The four of them stand outside the fairy tail guild both floating in the air thanks to the exceeds.

"Ready Lily" Wendy said

"Aye sir," Lily said mimicking Happy's line perfectly with a grin just like her father.

With the help of Wendy's sky magic the doors bust wide open allowing them to fly right in giving them a grand entrance as happy flew straight in carrying Lily as they made their round around the room getting a smile out of everyone.

"Princess Lily has arrived," a random guild member said

Happy landed them in the kid's section for all the younger member only to see her arch-rival Jasmine, daughter of Elfman and Evergreen and Jaime's cousin.

She continually brags how she the strongest of the three of them and how her a Jaime can't hope to beat her.

However thanks to her parents she ready to prove her wrong as she being taught an extremely rare and powerful magic but can't let anyone know yet.

But she couldn't take jasmine attitude anymore and is going teach her a lesson, but Jaime beat her to it."

"Jasmine your family and I love you, but someone gotta teach you some manners," Jaime said as she got into a maker stance.

"Fine don't say I didn't warn you," Jasmine said as she got into a stance of her own

"Lightning make Lance" Jaime shouts as magic circle form in front of her before three lances made of lightning charged straight at Jasmine.

"Fairy machine gun," Jasmine said as a storm of light bullets shot towards the lighting lances destroyed them like they were nothing.

It depressed Jaime how her spell was defeated so quickly to make matters worse Jasmine was laughing at her expense.

This was the last straw for Lily, as her best friend was being put down by her own family, there is only one thing left for her to do even though she will be breaking a rule it needed to be done.

"Jasmine," Lily barked.

"What," Jasmine said in a smug tone.

"ICE GOD BELLOWS" Lily shouts as pitch black ice shot out of her mouth only to hit Jasmine sending her into a nearby wall and cementing her in place leaving her with a dazed look in her eyes.

Seeing her work done Lily went over to help Jaime up and making sure she is ok and has no scratches.

"Um, lily what just happen," Jamie said as she points to the black ice.

It was then Lily realized what she did and blushed like a ripened tomato, struggling to find the words to say what made it worse, she turned to see the whole guild eyes land on her.

"All her training paid off that's what happened," Natsu said telegraphing his presence.

"Your majesty I mean master is here" a random guild member yelled getting everyone attention.

Everyone was quick to get out of Natsu way as made his way to his daughter' side.

"Um daddy I didn't mean to do it Jamie was in trouble I couldn't just stand there and do nothing," Lily said in pleading voice fearful of whatever punishment Natsu would give her.

What she wasn't expecting was for Natsu to greet her with the biggest smile she has ever seen it soothed her.

"Why would I be mad you stood up for your friend," Natsu said still maintaining his smile.

"But you and mom told me not to let anyone know about it," Lily said in a fearful tone.

"Between you and me there was a bet between your mom and me on how long you could keep it a secret and I won so thank you" Natsu whispered into her.

"Hmhmhm Your welcome daddy" Lily said before hugging by the neck.

"Looks like I'm going to have to free Jasmine as ice god ice is tough stuff," Natsu said, and with the flick of his wrist, the black ice restaining Jasmine was shattered freeing the poor girl.

Jasmine managed to pull herself together before feeling eyes weight down on her only to turn and be met with Natsu.

"Now Jasmine I hope you take this as a lesson to not make fun of people who aren't as... gifted as you," Natsu said in scolding tone.

"Got it sir," Jasmine said in a tone full of guilt, unable to look him in the eyes.

Later that day

"Mom Dad Can I sleep with you guys tonight," Lily said with hope in her voice.

"Sure thing honey," Natsu said as he held the door open for her.

Natsu quickly slipped under the cover keeping some pajama bottom on, Lily found her spot in the middle, and Dimaria followed suit.

"Mom how much longer till I get to see my baby brother," Lily said as she poked Dimaria expanded stomach.

"Your little brother will be here in three months now go to sleep," Dimaria said

"Got it, mommy," Lily said before drifting off to sleep.

"I won the bet, so I get to name him" Natsu whisper to Dimaria with a smug grin resulting in a Glare from the woman.


ok if you don't know there is a schedule change happening now that this story is complete I will still do this month Chapter of Second Chance

if you guys like this story check out my others

as always make sure to fav follow and leave a chapter review