Hello DBZ-ers! This is officially my first DBZ fic! I'm so excited! Anyway, I've got soooooooo many ideas, but I think I'm going to start off with this short fic; it should only be two chapters. It's a slightly more romantic view of Goku and ChiChi's get together, with Goku knowing just what he's getting into.

Dream a little dream

By Nitte iz

The child fell on the ground with a flop and yawned, white incisors flashing in the moonlight. It had been a long day for him, retrieving the Ox King's dragon ball, his daughter, and Master Roshi. He winced remembering the girl tugging on his tail. Still, she was nice enough, especially considering she was the first he had met that had been able to sit on the Nimbus. A lazy smile drifted unto his face. It had been nice riding with someone else and… she smelled, good. He couldn't put his finger on exactly what that meant, or what had made it so, no more than he could define why he had found her cute. He yawned again, his eyelids drifting down. His attempted Kamehameha had really tired him out. He'd have to practice it more. Within a few moments Goku was asleep, thankfully not snoring much to Bulma and Oolong's relief.


He blinked. Everything was pitch dark. Straining his ears, he couldn't hear a thing.

Where am I? He wondered.

Finally after an indeterminable amount of time, the area before him lightened and a bed appeared. A plain white-sheeted bed it was unadorned except for the beam of light highlighting it…and the woman upon it. He stared at her.

Even though twelve, his hormones had a while before they really kicked in, due to his Saiyan heritage. He stared, not because of her beauty (though she was very beautiful, black hair falling loosely over her modest nightgown covered shoulders), but rather because of some unrecognizable instinct that told him she was important.

The woman lay on the bed, elbows supporting her raised torso, and a secret smile on her face. She seemed frozen though, unmoving with her eyes fixed on some distant point beyond Goku.

He cocked his head and checked behind his shoulder just in case. Nothing. He returned his gaze to her.

She was beautiful. He blinked at the sudden thought. Even though Bulma had ranted about her looks for hours around him and how gorgeous she was, he still hadn't quite understood the concept. But now…

"She's beautiful," he whispered, unconsciously making the declaration aloud.

"She's even more beautiful when she's angry."

Goku jumped and instinctually slid into a fighting crouch, eyes flitting around in the darkness to identify the speaker. He saw no one.

A laugh echoed in the stillness.

"I haven't come to challenge you young one."

Goku weighed the words for a second, then relaxed. If the voice had meant to fight him, he probably wouldn't have given warning. Besides, he couldn't see whoever the speaker was, so there was no way to attack anyway.

He looked back at the woman on the bed. What had the voice said? She was more beautiful when angry? Sounded like Bulma. He hadn't told Bulma, but she did seem prettier when upset. If only she didn't yell at the same time.

"Who is she?" he questioned hesitantly, wondering if the voice would answer. It seemed to know the woman and for some reason, he wanted to know who she was.

"She's mine…forever." There was a pause. "But one day, she will be yours."

The question tumbled off his lips before he could think. "Mine?" He frowned at the oddness of the statement. Besides why would he want a woman? As if hearing his thoughts, the voice went on.

"One day young one, you will hunger for her more than any food…or any fight."

He blinked. What? Hunger for her? More than food or battle? The thought was incomprehensible.

Before he could ask another question though, a man materialized. He stared in shock as the man winked at him, then approached the woman from behind. As soon he touched her, the woman came to life. She smiled widely as his arms wrapped around her and when his face neared, gave the man a passionate kiss. He eased himself unto the bed and after they came up for air, she laid her head on his chest. He cradled her, and his eyes locked unto the young Goku's.

"One day," the voice echoed, issuing from the older version of Goku. "One day."


So what do you think? I'm not crazy about reviews, so if only one person writes in and says they liked it, I'll be fine. The next chapter will be out within the week: another dream and Goku and ChiChi will meet again (the tournament)!

*Sigh* I just love G/CC!


Nitte iz