"Lucy?" Natsu said in a hushed voice, his breath rustling Lucy's hair as he spoke, and her back flush against the side of his abdomen.

"Yes?" Lucy asked without looking up from the book that she was reading; it was a fairly interesting romance novel that Levy had turned her onto, and while it took Lucy a while to actually get into it, she was enjoying the story.

"I love you." Natsu stated simply and Lucy could hear the smile in his voice. She didn't need to look at him to know that, the small smile he was sporting, reached his dark green eyes. Lucy snorted softly, plucked her bookmark up from the bed beside her, and closed the book on it, saving her page.

"I love you too, Natsu." Lucy swiveled her body to meet his gaze. "You're my favorite husband."

"Your favorite?" Natsu mocked a hurt expression, gasping slightly for effect. "Who's your second favorite then?"

"Gray." Lucy replied, pressing her lips together to keep herself from laughing as his feigned angered look to a look of horror.

"Gray?!" Natsu gasped for real and Lucy burst into a fit of quiet giggles. "That bastard…"

"You take things so seriously!" Lucy teased. "You know you're the only one for me."

"I hope so." Natsu growled pulling her into a bear hug and pressing his lips to her forehead. "You're mine." Lucy giggled into his neck and hugged him back, his warm body making her skin tingle in delight.

"Well, if I'm yours," Lucy pulled back giving her best sultry look at Natsu, though he seemed so easily effected by her glances. "Then you must be mine." She purred and a slight smirk pushed its way on Natsu's lips. Something like a growl escaped the back of his throat as he grabbed Lucy's shoulders, making her yelp in surprise, and pressed his lips firmly against her own. Lucy fell quickly into the kiss, his kisses always making her head spin, his warm lips plumping her own. She let out a hum of approval before Natsu quickly pulled away leaving Lucy with surprise.

"Wha-?" Lucy began to question and Natsu hushed her. He quickly pulled their comforter up over his pants giving Lucy a sheepish grin, a light blush on his cheeks. Just as Lucy was going to ask what was wrong, their door flung open and two sets of little feet pattered in.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Stella and Ryu called, their pink hair flopping around their faces. Natsu must have heard them coming and made the conscious, albeit unfortunate, decision to stop their activities.

"You two little munchkins are supposed to be in bed." Lucy lightly scolded though she couldn't keep the smile off her face.

"Ah! I'm sorry! I tried to stop them!" Happy's tired voice sounded from down the hall as he quickly flew in. "I'm sorry."

"It ain't your fault, buddy!" Natsu smiled widely at the little blue Exceed who had quickly become like an uncle to the twins. "Who's idea was it to get out of bed?" Natsu playfully growled at the pair who's brown eyes went wide.


"Hers!" They said in unison and Lucy stifled a giggle.

"Alright kids, it really is time for bed." Lucy got up from her spot and ushered the two into the hall. "We have to be at the guild bright and early tomorrow so you guys can be with Mira, and Mommy and Daddy can go on a job!" Lucy spoke to them quietly, Stella yawning and Ryu stretching his arms over his head.

"Yeah, and for now you two need to get going so Mommy and Daddy can continue kissing each other!" Happy stated, floating alongside them, giggling madly.

"Happy!" Natsu growled from their room and Lucy swatted at him as he flew quickly ahead of them.

"Ah! An angry monster is after me!"