::Dun dun dun:: Last chapter, peeps! Already, I know... It's so sad to see fics end... But it's a necessary evil, I'm afraid. This chapter is the longest one yet... I'm going out with a bang, I tell ya! I was opting for both humor and cuteness in this chapter, so hopefully I pulled it off. Well, I'll let you judge for yourself. Read on and enjoy!
Chapter 7: Never Let Go
Groaning, Draco's eyes fluttered open slowly. He blinked, trying to focus the
blurring objects that swam in his field of vision. Damn sleep was still in his eyes.
He had slept! This woke Draco up, snapping him out of his grogginess. It was an
amazing feeling, to be awakened from the sleep that he had not known for so long...
Speaking of which, what woke him up? Where was that snoring coming from if he was
For his second shock in thirty seconds, Draco pulled himself into a full sitting
position to find that he was not alone. Not only was he not alone, but he was with
Harry Potter! Then he remembered what had happened earlier. He had kissed Harry!
No, Harry had kissed *him*. Funny thing was, Draco didn't mind, not in the least.
He had known for a while that his hatred for Harry had disappeared, but he never
realized his growing attraction to the Boy Wonder. Draco chuckled because he hadn't
noticed this sooner.
He vaguely remembered back in their fifth year. Harry had really given Draco
something to tease him about when the Gryffindor finally realized that he was indeed a
wizard and could magically repair his own vision. So Harry did so and finally rid himself
of those glasses that always seemed to get in the way, revealing to the world the most
unnaturally mesmerizing shamrock-hued eyes. Studying the sleeping figure beside
him, Draco longed to see those eyes.
As if the gods themselves heard, there was a stir from the sleeping boy. His
slouched over form slowly straightened as hands stretched high above his head.
Sleepy, unfocused eyes turned Draco's way before widening just slightly, just for a
minute. He smiled. "Morning. Sleep well?"
Draco could feel the corners of his mouth tugging upward. "Yes. Did you?" he
asked meaningfully, placing a hand on Harry's shoulder.
"Oh, I slept wonderfully," Harry answered as he stifled a yawn with the back of his
hand. "Maybe it was because I had such a soft pillow." Last night he had fallen asleep
against Draco, the blonde's strong, steady heartbeat lulling him into blissful slumber.
"Maybe." Draco's hand traveled lazily down Harry's arm until he reached his wrist.
He leaned over and glanced at Harry's watch. "We have two hours until Potions, which
means another hour before anyone starts to wake up."
"I guess we should get going so people don't get suspicious." Harry could hear the
reluctance in his own voice as he stood, stretching his legs.
Following suit, Draco led the way out of the room and into the dust-covered
hallway. They walked close together, every once in a while hands brushing or
shoulders bumping against one another's. It was intentional on both parts, of course.
Harry kept stealing furtive glances at Draco, studying the pale blonde who seemed
lost in thought. Less than twenty-four hours ago the two had been rivals, enemies of
the worst kind, unable to stand each other's company. But now, now they were... what?
What exactly were they? Harry didn't know. Having been in exactly no
relationships in all of his sixteen years, he had no clue where to go from here.
What if last night was just a one-time thing? What if everything would go back to
the way it was, with the separation of Houses and exchanges of cutting remarks?
What happened to the time they spent together?
At that moment, Draco turned to Harry and smiled, his first true smile at the other
boy. With that one gesture, all of Harry's fears began to melt away.
When they reached the bottom of the stairs, they faced each other nervously.
Draco wrung his hands in front of him, looking everywhere but at Harry's face. Why
was he so nervous? Maybe it had something to do with the fact that he had never been
in this situation before. Despite his reputation around the school, Draco had only gone
so far as a few heavy snogging sessions, and never with anyone that he had any real
feelings for. He made no effort to know them or they him, and he didn't care. But now,
he cared. He wanted to know Harry, and he wanted Harry to care, too.
Looking Harry straight in the eye, Draco asked, "Do you want to go down to my
common room? To talk," he added hastily to avoid any implications.
With a slight nod, Harry took Draco's outstretched hand and allowed himself to be
led down to the dungeons until they were standing in front of the serpent painting. If
snakes could glare, Harry knew one would be aimed at him.
Draco said the password. As the painting slowly creaked open, the snake hissed,
"Damned boy, letting unworthy people in Slytherin House."
Oh, Harry loved when someone didn't know who he was or about his abilities.
Leaning in close to the painting, he hissed back to the snake, "I'm unworthy? Who's
the one hanging just outside the door?" He almost laughed as the serpent slithered off
in a huff.
Turning back, Draco asked, "Change your mind?"
"Never." Harry followed Draco into the Slytherin common room. It looked exactly
the same, except now it felt almost... inviting. Maybe that was because he had
actually been invited in.
"I'm going to run upstairs to make sure everyone is still asleep. They might be a
bit... surprised to come downstairs and see Harry Potter in the heart of Slytherin
territory," Draco explained as he started up the stairs. "Make yourself comfortable."
"Don't be long," Harry called out as he took the offered seat on the plush forest
green couch.
Draco shot him a grin over his shoulder before disappearing into the dorms.
Relaxing into the couch, Harry sighed. He never thought he'd live to see the day
when he would be invited into the Slytherin common room. Hopefully this wouldn't be
the last time he would be in the room. If he had anything to do with it, it wouldn't be.
Closing his eyes, Harry rested his feet on the coffee table.
Because his eyes were closed and the other person had entered so quietly, Harry
didn't know anything was amiss until the table was kicked out from under his feet.
"Potter!" Snape growled as the boy quickly stumbled to his feet. He had 'guilt'
written all over his face. No doubt he could be expelled for breaking into another
House's dorms. Oh, he was going to have so much fun watching the boy scrape for
excuses and beg him for mercy on his pathetic soul. "How did you get into Slytherin
House? Who did you steal the password from?"
"No one, Professor. I was invited in," Harry answered coolly, not breaking eye contact.
"Rubbish!" Snape snapped, growing more irate with Harry's calm attitude. "I know
for a fact that Slytherins do not invite other House... dwellers into their common room!"
Insolent boy; he was going to try and get out of trouble by lying directly to a professor's
face? Now he would definitely be expelled!
Draco came clambering down the stairs. "Everyone is still--oh, no," he finished as
his eyes landed on his House leader. Snape had this hungry look in his eyes, like he
was about to be serving roasted Gryffindor on a stick. "Professor, what are you doing here?"
"Looking for you, actually," Snape answered matter-of-factly. "When you
disappeared before dinner last night, some of your Housemates were concerned, so I
was checking into your whereabouts, to which I was unsuccessful. But here you are.
And just in time, too." He rubbed his hands together wickedly. "It seems Mr. Potter
here has invaded our common room, and I was just about to inform him about this
being grounds for expulsion."
"Professor Snape, wait--" Draco started but was cut off.
"Don't worry. I'll make sure Potter gets what he deserves." Snape grabbed Harry's
arm and started to pull him towards the door.
"Professor, wait! I invited him here!"
Snape froze in midstep at these words, giving Harry the opportunity to yank his
arm out of Snape's grasp and step back several feet until he was next to Draco.
At the befuddled expression on Snape's face, Harry had a difficult time keeping
from laughing. He could only imagine the thoughts running through the Potions
professor's head.
"Mr. Malfoy, I wasn't aware that you were starting a hopeless Gryffindor outreach
program," Snape replied slowly, turning his piercing eyes to Draco, silently demanding
an explanation for such ludicrousy.
Daring a quick glance at Harry, Draco was met with determined green eyes. He
turned back to their professor, taking a deep breath. "Professor Snape, I invited Harry
down here because... we're in a relationship."
He never thought it would be possible to shock Snape, but apparently he was
wrong. Snape's eyes widened as he bellowed, "Three hundred points from Slytherin!"
He promptly collapsed on the floor in a dead faint.
Both boys stared down at Snape in shock and amusement. While worried, they
couldn't help but chuckle at his reaction to their news.
"I wasn't expecting that," Draco said, wide-eyed.
"Me neither," Harry agreed, equally stupored.
"What do you suppose we should do with him?"
"Take him to Madam Pomfrey. But first..." Harry pulled the blonde over to him and
kissed him deeply, their mouths fusing together perfectly. Just as quickly, Harry pulled
away, only to face a pouting Draco.
"What was that for?" Draco panted, already missing the warmth from the other
boy's lips.
"For losing points, even if it wasn't justified. For telling Snape. And, you called me
Harry." He grinned, one arm wrapping snugly around Draco's waist. "I guess it's off to
Madam Pomfrey's, then?"
"Looks like it." Taking out his wand, Draco cast a levitating charm on Snape.
Then he and Harry left the room hand in hand, with the unconscious body of Snape
floating absently behind them.
Clutching the back of his head with a low moan, Snape made his way slowly to his
Potions classroom. He had been rudely awoken by Poppy's incessant fretting over
him. Apparently he had passed out for some unknown reason and was brought to the
infirmary by Draco. At least, that was the story Snape had received from Poppy. He
had the strangest feeling that he was missing something.
While lying unconscious in the infirmary, he had had the weirdest hallucination.
Potter had been in the Slytherin common room, sitting all smug and proper. But before
Snape could have the pleasure of getting him expelled, Draco had burst in and
announced that he and Potter were in a relationship, of all things!
Shuddering, he made his way into the classroom, for the first time in all of his
years of teaching arriving a couple of minutes early. The sixth-year Gryffindor and
Slytherin students didn't know what to think of this, so they all started whispering
amongst themselves furiously.
Ignoring them, Snape sat down at his desk, gingerly bringing a hand to the back of
his head. Damn, he had a pounding headache. Just how hard did he smack his head,
Oh well, no time to linger on the growing waves of dizziness that were beginning to
wash over him. He had a class to teach. And terrify.
Standing on wobbly legs, he used the desk as support to move his wavering form
to the board. Before he could even address the class however, two students strolled in
late. Or, right on time.
Eyes widening to an impossibly large size, Snape's expression turned to
horrorstruck before he screamed, "It wasn't a nightmare!" and fainted once again.
Draco looked over at Harry, squeezing his hand lightly. "Does this mean Potions
is canceled?" he asked with a wicked grin.
There was utter chaos after that. Professor Dumbledore had been fetched, and he
instructed Ron and Hermione to take Snape to Madam Pomfrey. Then he canceled
their Potions lesson, giving everyone a free period.
As everyone shuffled out of the classroom, Dumbledore pulled Harry aside. When
all of the other students were gone, he asked Harry pleasantly, "So, Harry, how are you
"Fine, Professor Dumbledore," Harry answered slowly, a bit confused by the simple
question. Was he supposed to be traumatized because Snape had screamed like a
little girl before fainting for the second time in two hours? No, Dumbledore knew of
Harry's dislike for the Potions master. He looked curiously at the headmaster, whose
eyes were twinkling in that way that meant he was about to reveal something.
"And young Mr. Malfoy? How is he doing?"
Oh. Oh! He knew! Harry mentally smacked himself. Of course Dumbledore
would know about their relationship. He knew bloody everything... including the
problems that had brought the two together in the first place. But if that were the case,
why didn't he help either of them?
Seeing the unasked question on Harry's face, Dumbledore spoke up. "There was
nothing I could do." He sighed, the twinkle dimming in his eyes. "I know you had a
difficult time these past few months, years even. But there was nothing I could have
said or done to make you feel better, to convince you that what happened was not your
fault. The best way to prove that was to hear it from someone who was unbiased."
And Harry understood perfectly. If Dumbledore had told him the same things Draco
had just told him earlier, Harry wouldn't have believed him. But to be told those things
from someone who had not been with him the entire time and still knew what was
happening, that had a major impact.
The tiniest of smiles graced Harry's lips. Nodding slightly, he said, "I'm happy
things worked out this way."
"As am I. Now, I suggest you find Mr. Malfoy before your friends get back from the
infirmary." There it was again, that twinkle in his eyes.
Nodding, Harry left the classroom in search of Draco. He didn't have to search
long; Draco was waiting for him just outside the classroom, as were the other sixth
-year Slytherins and Gryffindors.
"It seems we have an audience," Draco drawled, waving his hand dismissively at
the crowd of students who were watching the two closely.
"You would think they never saw us act civilly towards one another," Harry
mocked, his eyes roaming over the incredulous faces. Turning to Draco, he
admonished, "So I guess we're really going to tell them?"
"Of course we are!" Draco said indignantly, scowling. "Unless you're too ashamed?"
The crowd, while not being able to hear the conversation, did see Draco's face
contort in his irritation. Both Houses didn't know what to do, so they just watched.
Harry's eyes flashed. "Oh, I'm not ashamed." He grabbed Draco and roughly
pulled the blonde against him. An inaudible gasp fell from parted lips before it was cut
off with the fiercest of kisses.
As they slowly parted, Draco grinned slyly. "I think we told them nicely, don't
you?" At Harry's disbelieving gaze, he only chuckled, shrugging. "It was easier than words."
Groaning, Harry leaned forward to briefly rest his forehead on Draco's shoulder. For
some reason, he felt this headache coming on. "Yes, Hermione?" he asked patiently.
Hermione exchanged glances with Ron before turning back to Harry. "It's about
time!" she exclaimed, beaming at them.
"Huh?" both Harry and Draco stared at her stupidly.
"We could see it for the past two years, mate," Ron piped up, keeping a
surprisingly straight face. "We knew it would only be a matter of time, but we didn't
know it'd be *this* much time. Otherwise we would have taken matters into our own
hands." He snickered.
"What do you mean?"
"He means, we've seen the way you two have been looking at each other for the
past couple of years," Pansy explained, throwing an arm around each of their
shoulders. "You wanted him, he wanted you; it seems you two were the only ones that
didn't know. Well, except for the Hufflepuffs, but that's no surprise." She made a face.
"So you're all right with this?" Draco asked, addressing the entire group.
"Are you kidding? The two hottest guys in school dating each other?" Seamus
rubbed his hands together eagerly. "Just the thought of--"
"Yes, we're all right with this," Hermione interrupted loudly before Seamus could
finish his thoughts. "We're very happy for you two."
At those words, Harry smiled softly at her, pulling her into a tight embrace.
"Thanks, Hermione," he whispered into her hair.
She stepped back, smiling widely.
"Ron," Harry said, holding a hand out.
Staring at the offered hand for a moment, Ron grinned. "Come here, you git!" He
jumped into Harry's arms, causing Harry to stumble backwards as he tried to support
Ron's lanky frame.
Both Houses laughed, with the exception of Draco, who was scowling. But
everyone could see that his lips were twitching as he tried to keep from grinning. "Hey,
Weasley, give him back," he called to the redhead.
Hopping down from Harry's arms, Ron pulled him back towards the blonde. "Good
as new," he stated matter-of-factly. To the group, he said, "Come on, show's over.
Let's give them some time alone." With Hermione's help, they ushered everyone out of
the hallway, then took their exit.
Taking a step closer to Draco, Harry said nonchalantly, " Well, we have an hour
before next class."
"Whatever shall we do to pass the time?" Draco inquired, snaking an arm around
Harry's waist and holding the teen tightly against his side.
"Oh, I think I have a few suggestions," Harry grinned wickedly.
Gasping loudly, Harry sat up. He was in his own bed, breathing rapidly. It must
have been midmorning, judging by the light streaming through his window. Had his
friends let him oversleep?
No, wait, class was canceled. Right after Snape fainted. Then he and Draco...
Harry's eyes immediately looked to his right, where the blonde had been, but there was
no one there. Harry was confused. "It wasn't a dream, was it?" he asked, his heart sinking.
"No, Harry, now go back to sleep," Draco said as he walked out of the bathroom.
He flopped down unceremoniously on the bed, pulling Harry with him. Curling up
against the Gryffindor, Draco lay his head on Harry's chest, entwining their hands
together. When Harry had suggested they take a quick nap before class, Draco was
all for the idea, now that he could sleep again. Even better than that, he got to sleep next to Harry.
Sighing contentedly, Harry closed his eyes, sinking deeper into the comfort of the
soft body next to him. Oh, life was definitely good at the moment.
"Harry?" Draco's voice broke the silence.
"Were you planning on spending the summer with your awful Muggle relatives?"
Harry made a face. If there was one thing he hated most, it would be staying in the
same house as the Dursleys. "Well, I don't have much choice, Draco."
Draco paused, momentarily forgetting what he was about to say. He was still
reveling in the sound of his name falling from Harry's lips. Knowing that there would be
plenty more opportunities like this, he pressed on. "Do you want to spend the summer
with me?"
With the pads of his fingers, Harry gently raised Draco's chin so that their eyes
met. "Do you mean it?" he asked softly.
"Well, the manor would be quiet because it'd be just me, and I'm not exactly
looking forward to being there by myself."
"I'd love to." Leaning over, Harry covered Draco's now smiling lips with his own,
melting in the warmth of the other boy.
Arms and legs entwining, both boys latched onto each other as if their lives
depended on it. Feverish kisses swept across hot, pulsing skin as long, determined
fingers tightened around loose clothing. Neither of them were going to let go first, not
now, not ever.
The end! I swear, this fic pretty much wrote itself... I've never had a fic that flowed so easily.. And it was so much fun to write, too! I want to say thank you to everyone who read and reviewed any/all of my chapters... It means the world to me, it really does.
You may be happy to know that I'm currently working on another H/D fic... It's a one-shot, and it's really nothing like this fic at all, but it should be pretty interesting. Anyway, if you want to know when I post this new one up (which should be this weekend), just leave me your e-mail addy and I'll be sure to let you know!
Chapter 7: Never Let Go
Groaning, Draco's eyes fluttered open slowly. He blinked, trying to focus the
blurring objects that swam in his field of vision. Damn sleep was still in his eyes.
He had slept! This woke Draco up, snapping him out of his grogginess. It was an
amazing feeling, to be awakened from the sleep that he had not known for so long...
Speaking of which, what woke him up? Where was that snoring coming from if he was
For his second shock in thirty seconds, Draco pulled himself into a full sitting
position to find that he was not alone. Not only was he not alone, but he was with
Harry Potter! Then he remembered what had happened earlier. He had kissed Harry!
No, Harry had kissed *him*. Funny thing was, Draco didn't mind, not in the least.
He had known for a while that his hatred for Harry had disappeared, but he never
realized his growing attraction to the Boy Wonder. Draco chuckled because he hadn't
noticed this sooner.
He vaguely remembered back in their fifth year. Harry had really given Draco
something to tease him about when the Gryffindor finally realized that he was indeed a
wizard and could magically repair his own vision. So Harry did so and finally rid himself
of those glasses that always seemed to get in the way, revealing to the world the most
unnaturally mesmerizing shamrock-hued eyes. Studying the sleeping figure beside
him, Draco longed to see those eyes.
As if the gods themselves heard, there was a stir from the sleeping boy. His
slouched over form slowly straightened as hands stretched high above his head.
Sleepy, unfocused eyes turned Draco's way before widening just slightly, just for a
minute. He smiled. "Morning. Sleep well?"
Draco could feel the corners of his mouth tugging upward. "Yes. Did you?" he
asked meaningfully, placing a hand on Harry's shoulder.
"Oh, I slept wonderfully," Harry answered as he stifled a yawn with the back of his
hand. "Maybe it was because I had such a soft pillow." Last night he had fallen asleep
against Draco, the blonde's strong, steady heartbeat lulling him into blissful slumber.
"Maybe." Draco's hand traveled lazily down Harry's arm until he reached his wrist.
He leaned over and glanced at Harry's watch. "We have two hours until Potions, which
means another hour before anyone starts to wake up."
"I guess we should get going so people don't get suspicious." Harry could hear the
reluctance in his own voice as he stood, stretching his legs.
Following suit, Draco led the way out of the room and into the dust-covered
hallway. They walked close together, every once in a while hands brushing or
shoulders bumping against one another's. It was intentional on both parts, of course.
Harry kept stealing furtive glances at Draco, studying the pale blonde who seemed
lost in thought. Less than twenty-four hours ago the two had been rivals, enemies of
the worst kind, unable to stand each other's company. But now, now they were... what?
What exactly were they? Harry didn't know. Having been in exactly no
relationships in all of his sixteen years, he had no clue where to go from here.
What if last night was just a one-time thing? What if everything would go back to
the way it was, with the separation of Houses and exchanges of cutting remarks?
What happened to the time they spent together?
At that moment, Draco turned to Harry and smiled, his first true smile at the other
boy. With that one gesture, all of Harry's fears began to melt away.
When they reached the bottom of the stairs, they faced each other nervously.
Draco wrung his hands in front of him, looking everywhere but at Harry's face. Why
was he so nervous? Maybe it had something to do with the fact that he had never been
in this situation before. Despite his reputation around the school, Draco had only gone
so far as a few heavy snogging sessions, and never with anyone that he had any real
feelings for. He made no effort to know them or they him, and he didn't care. But now,
he cared. He wanted to know Harry, and he wanted Harry to care, too.
Looking Harry straight in the eye, Draco asked, "Do you want to go down to my
common room? To talk," he added hastily to avoid any implications.
With a slight nod, Harry took Draco's outstretched hand and allowed himself to be
led down to the dungeons until they were standing in front of the serpent painting. If
snakes could glare, Harry knew one would be aimed at him.
Draco said the password. As the painting slowly creaked open, the snake hissed,
"Damned boy, letting unworthy people in Slytherin House."
Oh, Harry loved when someone didn't know who he was or about his abilities.
Leaning in close to the painting, he hissed back to the snake, "I'm unworthy? Who's
the one hanging just outside the door?" He almost laughed as the serpent slithered off
in a huff.
Turning back, Draco asked, "Change your mind?"
"Never." Harry followed Draco into the Slytherin common room. It looked exactly
the same, except now it felt almost... inviting. Maybe that was because he had
actually been invited in.
"I'm going to run upstairs to make sure everyone is still asleep. They might be a
bit... surprised to come downstairs and see Harry Potter in the heart of Slytherin
territory," Draco explained as he started up the stairs. "Make yourself comfortable."
"Don't be long," Harry called out as he took the offered seat on the plush forest
green couch.
Draco shot him a grin over his shoulder before disappearing into the dorms.
Relaxing into the couch, Harry sighed. He never thought he'd live to see the day
when he would be invited into the Slytherin common room. Hopefully this wouldn't be
the last time he would be in the room. If he had anything to do with it, it wouldn't be.
Closing his eyes, Harry rested his feet on the coffee table.
Because his eyes were closed and the other person had entered so quietly, Harry
didn't know anything was amiss until the table was kicked out from under his feet.
"Potter!" Snape growled as the boy quickly stumbled to his feet. He had 'guilt'
written all over his face. No doubt he could be expelled for breaking into another
House's dorms. Oh, he was going to have so much fun watching the boy scrape for
excuses and beg him for mercy on his pathetic soul. "How did you get into Slytherin
House? Who did you steal the password from?"
"No one, Professor. I was invited in," Harry answered coolly, not breaking eye contact.
"Rubbish!" Snape snapped, growing more irate with Harry's calm attitude. "I know
for a fact that Slytherins do not invite other House... dwellers into their common room!"
Insolent boy; he was going to try and get out of trouble by lying directly to a professor's
face? Now he would definitely be expelled!
Draco came clambering down the stairs. "Everyone is still--oh, no," he finished as
his eyes landed on his House leader. Snape had this hungry look in his eyes, like he
was about to be serving roasted Gryffindor on a stick. "Professor, what are you doing here?"
"Looking for you, actually," Snape answered matter-of-factly. "When you
disappeared before dinner last night, some of your Housemates were concerned, so I
was checking into your whereabouts, to which I was unsuccessful. But here you are.
And just in time, too." He rubbed his hands together wickedly. "It seems Mr. Potter
here has invaded our common room, and I was just about to inform him about this
being grounds for expulsion."
"Professor Snape, wait--" Draco started but was cut off.
"Don't worry. I'll make sure Potter gets what he deserves." Snape grabbed Harry's
arm and started to pull him towards the door.
"Professor, wait! I invited him here!"
Snape froze in midstep at these words, giving Harry the opportunity to yank his
arm out of Snape's grasp and step back several feet until he was next to Draco.
At the befuddled expression on Snape's face, Harry had a difficult time keeping
from laughing. He could only imagine the thoughts running through the Potions
professor's head.
"Mr. Malfoy, I wasn't aware that you were starting a hopeless Gryffindor outreach
program," Snape replied slowly, turning his piercing eyes to Draco, silently demanding
an explanation for such ludicrousy.
Daring a quick glance at Harry, Draco was met with determined green eyes. He
turned back to their professor, taking a deep breath. "Professor Snape, I invited Harry
down here because... we're in a relationship."
He never thought it would be possible to shock Snape, but apparently he was
wrong. Snape's eyes widened as he bellowed, "Three hundred points from Slytherin!"
He promptly collapsed on the floor in a dead faint.
Both boys stared down at Snape in shock and amusement. While worried, they
couldn't help but chuckle at his reaction to their news.
"I wasn't expecting that," Draco said, wide-eyed.
"Me neither," Harry agreed, equally stupored.
"What do you suppose we should do with him?"
"Take him to Madam Pomfrey. But first..." Harry pulled the blonde over to him and
kissed him deeply, their mouths fusing together perfectly. Just as quickly, Harry pulled
away, only to face a pouting Draco.
"What was that for?" Draco panted, already missing the warmth from the other
boy's lips.
"For losing points, even if it wasn't justified. For telling Snape. And, you called me
Harry." He grinned, one arm wrapping snugly around Draco's waist. "I guess it's off to
Madam Pomfrey's, then?"
"Looks like it." Taking out his wand, Draco cast a levitating charm on Snape.
Then he and Harry left the room hand in hand, with the unconscious body of Snape
floating absently behind them.
Clutching the back of his head with a low moan, Snape made his way slowly to his
Potions classroom. He had been rudely awoken by Poppy's incessant fretting over
him. Apparently he had passed out for some unknown reason and was brought to the
infirmary by Draco. At least, that was the story Snape had received from Poppy. He
had the strangest feeling that he was missing something.
While lying unconscious in the infirmary, he had had the weirdest hallucination.
Potter had been in the Slytherin common room, sitting all smug and proper. But before
Snape could have the pleasure of getting him expelled, Draco had burst in and
announced that he and Potter were in a relationship, of all things!
Shuddering, he made his way into the classroom, for the first time in all of his
years of teaching arriving a couple of minutes early. The sixth-year Gryffindor and
Slytherin students didn't know what to think of this, so they all started whispering
amongst themselves furiously.
Ignoring them, Snape sat down at his desk, gingerly bringing a hand to the back of
his head. Damn, he had a pounding headache. Just how hard did he smack his head,
Oh well, no time to linger on the growing waves of dizziness that were beginning to
wash over him. He had a class to teach. And terrify.
Standing on wobbly legs, he used the desk as support to move his wavering form
to the board. Before he could even address the class however, two students strolled in
late. Or, right on time.
Eyes widening to an impossibly large size, Snape's expression turned to
horrorstruck before he screamed, "It wasn't a nightmare!" and fainted once again.
Draco looked over at Harry, squeezing his hand lightly. "Does this mean Potions
is canceled?" he asked with a wicked grin.
There was utter chaos after that. Professor Dumbledore had been fetched, and he
instructed Ron and Hermione to take Snape to Madam Pomfrey. Then he canceled
their Potions lesson, giving everyone a free period.
As everyone shuffled out of the classroom, Dumbledore pulled Harry aside. When
all of the other students were gone, he asked Harry pleasantly, "So, Harry, how are you
"Fine, Professor Dumbledore," Harry answered slowly, a bit confused by the simple
question. Was he supposed to be traumatized because Snape had screamed like a
little girl before fainting for the second time in two hours? No, Dumbledore knew of
Harry's dislike for the Potions master. He looked curiously at the headmaster, whose
eyes were twinkling in that way that meant he was about to reveal something.
"And young Mr. Malfoy? How is he doing?"
Oh. Oh! He knew! Harry mentally smacked himself. Of course Dumbledore
would know about their relationship. He knew bloody everything... including the
problems that had brought the two together in the first place. But if that were the case,
why didn't he help either of them?
Seeing the unasked question on Harry's face, Dumbledore spoke up. "There was
nothing I could do." He sighed, the twinkle dimming in his eyes. "I know you had a
difficult time these past few months, years even. But there was nothing I could have
said or done to make you feel better, to convince you that what happened was not your
fault. The best way to prove that was to hear it from someone who was unbiased."
And Harry understood perfectly. If Dumbledore had told him the same things Draco
had just told him earlier, Harry wouldn't have believed him. But to be told those things
from someone who had not been with him the entire time and still knew what was
happening, that had a major impact.
The tiniest of smiles graced Harry's lips. Nodding slightly, he said, "I'm happy
things worked out this way."
"As am I. Now, I suggest you find Mr. Malfoy before your friends get back from the
infirmary." There it was again, that twinkle in his eyes.
Nodding, Harry left the classroom in search of Draco. He didn't have to search
long; Draco was waiting for him just outside the classroom, as were the other sixth
-year Slytherins and Gryffindors.
"It seems we have an audience," Draco drawled, waving his hand dismissively at
the crowd of students who were watching the two closely.
"You would think they never saw us act civilly towards one another," Harry
mocked, his eyes roaming over the incredulous faces. Turning to Draco, he
admonished, "So I guess we're really going to tell them?"
"Of course we are!" Draco said indignantly, scowling. "Unless you're too ashamed?"
The crowd, while not being able to hear the conversation, did see Draco's face
contort in his irritation. Both Houses didn't know what to do, so they just watched.
Harry's eyes flashed. "Oh, I'm not ashamed." He grabbed Draco and roughly
pulled the blonde against him. An inaudible gasp fell from parted lips before it was cut
off with the fiercest of kisses.
As they slowly parted, Draco grinned slyly. "I think we told them nicely, don't
you?" At Harry's disbelieving gaze, he only chuckled, shrugging. "It was easier than words."
Groaning, Harry leaned forward to briefly rest his forehead on Draco's shoulder. For
some reason, he felt this headache coming on. "Yes, Hermione?" he asked patiently.
Hermione exchanged glances with Ron before turning back to Harry. "It's about
time!" she exclaimed, beaming at them.
"Huh?" both Harry and Draco stared at her stupidly.
"We could see it for the past two years, mate," Ron piped up, keeping a
surprisingly straight face. "We knew it would only be a matter of time, but we didn't
know it'd be *this* much time. Otherwise we would have taken matters into our own
hands." He snickered.
"What do you mean?"
"He means, we've seen the way you two have been looking at each other for the
past couple of years," Pansy explained, throwing an arm around each of their
shoulders. "You wanted him, he wanted you; it seems you two were the only ones that
didn't know. Well, except for the Hufflepuffs, but that's no surprise." She made a face.
"So you're all right with this?" Draco asked, addressing the entire group.
"Are you kidding? The two hottest guys in school dating each other?" Seamus
rubbed his hands together eagerly. "Just the thought of--"
"Yes, we're all right with this," Hermione interrupted loudly before Seamus could
finish his thoughts. "We're very happy for you two."
At those words, Harry smiled softly at her, pulling her into a tight embrace.
"Thanks, Hermione," he whispered into her hair.
She stepped back, smiling widely.
"Ron," Harry said, holding a hand out.
Staring at the offered hand for a moment, Ron grinned. "Come here, you git!" He
jumped into Harry's arms, causing Harry to stumble backwards as he tried to support
Ron's lanky frame.
Both Houses laughed, with the exception of Draco, who was scowling. But
everyone could see that his lips were twitching as he tried to keep from grinning. "Hey,
Weasley, give him back," he called to the redhead.
Hopping down from Harry's arms, Ron pulled him back towards the blonde. "Good
as new," he stated matter-of-factly. To the group, he said, "Come on, show's over.
Let's give them some time alone." With Hermione's help, they ushered everyone out of
the hallway, then took their exit.
Taking a step closer to Draco, Harry said nonchalantly, " Well, we have an hour
before next class."
"Whatever shall we do to pass the time?" Draco inquired, snaking an arm around
Harry's waist and holding the teen tightly against his side.
"Oh, I think I have a few suggestions," Harry grinned wickedly.
Gasping loudly, Harry sat up. He was in his own bed, breathing rapidly. It must
have been midmorning, judging by the light streaming through his window. Had his
friends let him oversleep?
No, wait, class was canceled. Right after Snape fainted. Then he and Draco...
Harry's eyes immediately looked to his right, where the blonde had been, but there was
no one there. Harry was confused. "It wasn't a dream, was it?" he asked, his heart sinking.
"No, Harry, now go back to sleep," Draco said as he walked out of the bathroom.
He flopped down unceremoniously on the bed, pulling Harry with him. Curling up
against the Gryffindor, Draco lay his head on Harry's chest, entwining their hands
together. When Harry had suggested they take a quick nap before class, Draco was
all for the idea, now that he could sleep again. Even better than that, he got to sleep next to Harry.
Sighing contentedly, Harry closed his eyes, sinking deeper into the comfort of the
soft body next to him. Oh, life was definitely good at the moment.
"Harry?" Draco's voice broke the silence.
"Were you planning on spending the summer with your awful Muggle relatives?"
Harry made a face. If there was one thing he hated most, it would be staying in the
same house as the Dursleys. "Well, I don't have much choice, Draco."
Draco paused, momentarily forgetting what he was about to say. He was still
reveling in the sound of his name falling from Harry's lips. Knowing that there would be
plenty more opportunities like this, he pressed on. "Do you want to spend the summer
with me?"
With the pads of his fingers, Harry gently raised Draco's chin so that their eyes
met. "Do you mean it?" he asked softly.
"Well, the manor would be quiet because it'd be just me, and I'm not exactly
looking forward to being there by myself."
"I'd love to." Leaning over, Harry covered Draco's now smiling lips with his own,
melting in the warmth of the other boy.
Arms and legs entwining, both boys latched onto each other as if their lives
depended on it. Feverish kisses swept across hot, pulsing skin as long, determined
fingers tightened around loose clothing. Neither of them were going to let go first, not
now, not ever.
The end! I swear, this fic pretty much wrote itself... I've never had a fic that flowed so easily.. And it was so much fun to write, too! I want to say thank you to everyone who read and reviewed any/all of my chapters... It means the world to me, it really does.
You may be happy to know that I'm currently working on another H/D fic... It's a one-shot, and it's really nothing like this fic at all, but it should be pretty interesting. Anyway, if you want to know when I post this new one up (which should be this weekend), just leave me your e-mail addy and I'll be sure to let you know!